Casual Temple Episode 1 - From Seeker to Teacher of Psychic, Remote Viewing, Tarot, and Liminal States with guest Emma Devan


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Welcome to Episode #01 of Casual Temple! 🌟 In this very special episode, we are delighted to introduce our inaugural guest, Emma Devan. Emma is a psychic and energy healing practitioner and instructor right here in the heart of Seattle, Washington.

Emma's wealth of knowledge and expertise in these areas offers a fascinating insight into the spiritual and mystical dimensions of life. If you're curious about energy healing, remote viewing, tarot, or exploring the enigmatic states of consciousness, this episode is a must-watch.

🔮 Topics We Explore:

• The world of energy healing and its transformative potential.

• A deep dive into the mysteries of remote viewing and how it can expand our consciousness.

• Insights into the wisdom of tarot and its role in guiding us through life's journey.

• Liminal states – those in-between moments where the magic often happens.

• Tips on experiencing the intriguing sleep hypnopompic and hypnogogic states.

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to Casual Temple for more captivating conversations with inspiring guests. Stay tuned for future episodes and updates!


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00:00:07 Merrily

This is the Casual Temple podcast.

00:00:08 Merrily

And you are listening to episode #1 and I'm your host. Merrily Duffy. My mission with the Casual Temple podcast is to introduce the world to different ways of developing a relationship with spirit. We will hear from everyday.

00:00:20 Merrily

People about their magical practices, psychic phenomena, energy healing as well as hear about the amazing, mystical and paranormal experiences this week. My guest is Emma Devan, who joins the podcast to talk about her spiritual journey as well as her experience as a psychic and healing instructor here in Seattle.

00:00:37 Merrily

We also get into discussing remote viewing and limited states.

00:00:42 Merrily

Thank you all for joining us here at Casual Temple. Today's guest is Emma Devan. Emma is a psychic and healing instructor here in Seattle, WA. Emma, thank you for being my first guest and willing to talk about your relationship with Spirit.

00:00:57 Emma

Well, thank you for having me. I'm.

00:00:58 Emma

Happy to be here.

00:01:00 Merrily

OK. Thank you. So I guess just to kind of get the ball rolling and and you know, I know a little bit about sort of what your spiritual path has looked like and I know you've been interested in a lot of different things and have tried a lot of different things.

00:01:16 Merrily

And but what was sort of like either your first?

00:01:21 Merrily

Spiritual event.

00:01:23 Merrily

Or modality that you learned wherever.

00:01:26 Merrily

You want to start.

00:01:28 Emma

We have a great question. You know, when you're asked that question, there is one thing that often pops into my mind when I first.

00:01:36 Emma

Think I felt some connection to something greater and I knew some.

00:01:41 Emma

Thing that the average child wouldn't know, and I was about 8 years old, and that's a guess. Somewhere around then. And I remember being at home and just understanding that the earth was just this little tiny Organism inside of something much larger and that there are these.

00:01:59 Emma

Much larger beings. I didn't know what they were. It's just a child. But I could. I could feel it. I knew it was true.

00:02:07 Emma

They're these much larger beings that sort of peer down at the Earth the way a han might like, look into a through a microscope at microscopic organisms. And I knew that. And I've always just known and felt things in various ways in various degrees throughout.

00:02:27 Emma

All of my life up until the present, but.

00:02:29 Emma

When you ask the question.

00:02:30 Emma

You know what did I first hit with or?

00:02:31 Emma

What did I first?

00:02:32 Emma

Ping with when I was probably around 14 years old, I stbled upon the writings of Edgar Casey.



00:02:40 Emma

And that was really what got the ball rolling for me, and I didn't know what it was that clicked with me, but I could feel that he was on to something. And from there the the rest is history. I just kept going and finding and and and discovering more and more and what ultimately really pinged.

00:03:00 Emma

I mean, was the Seth material by Jane Roberts?

00:03:04 Merrily

Yeah. So some channeling and the sleeping profit, those are two good, good places to start.

00:03:12 Merrily


00:03:15 Merrily

So what would you say was your?

00:03:19 Merrily

Your own sort of, from kicking off from Edgar Casey and the Seth material. Like, how did you go about this like?

00:03:28 Merrily

Exploring for yourself so I know that you're very much into actually doing the practice or doing practices.

00:03:33 Emma


00:03:35 Emma

Yeah, yeah, that's a really great question because in a way, I would think that I'm somewhat of a late bloomer to the actual practice. I was always heavily concentrated on the theory early in my life, early through my 20s and my 30s living life, doing what you're supposed to do out in the world.

00:03:52 Emma

But about 1213 years ago, I realized that I.

00:03:59 Emma

For all of the theoretical study and all of the efforts in that way, I really wasn't making it work for me, and that's when I got really busy and said, OK, I need to go outside of what I've already learned and I stbled upon Sonia Choquette, who's a well known. Yeah, well known. And it was her work that was more the practical.

00:04:19 Emma

Application side and once I got started with that she used to travel and teach and once I got started with her program of really.

00:04:28 Emma

Accessing in a practical, effective way, the inner knowledge that you had to make it work for you. Then it blew wide open.

00:04:36 Emma

And then it was just sorting through and doing a lot of the the the self work and and self exploration and the expansion of understanding and ability. Once the ball got rolling it just exponentially kicked off.

00:04:54 Merrily

Would you say that because I'm sort of familiar with Sonia Choquette as well, would you say that the actual practicality of you like focusing on something and it showing up? Was that where you were like?

00:05:08 Emma

Oh, that's the start.

00:05:08 Merrily

Yeah, it was actually.

00:05:09 Emma

More about answering questions and coming to the understanding.

00:05:14 Emma

Of what was creating things to.

00:05:16 Emma

Be the way they were.

00:05:17 Emma

So it was less about oh.

00:05:20 Emma

Trying to create new experiences in my life, but to actually really understand what was going on underneath and to be able to.

00:05:29 Emma

Dialogue and access. You know the inner self, inner consciousness or greater consciousness and get some really useful answers. So it was like, well, this can't just be just theoretical study.

00:05:42 Emma

Which I can quote, you know no end of tomorrow. But what do. What do you actually do with all that knowledge? And that was really, really what got that started for me. And having real world meaningful practical situations really is what helped grow.

00:06:02 Merrily

But I guess for you, so if you had Sonia and then let's see. OK, so you're three teachers at this point that I've heard is like Sonya and then Edgar Casey and the Seth material. So from there, with all the stuff that you've discovered in your.

00:06:22 Merrily

In your past.

00:06:24 Merrily

Like what drove you to kind of more into sort of the healing space that you're kind of in now? Because I know you've talked a little bit about that before.

00:06:34 Emma

Yeah, it was actually a sudden downturn in my own health. And and I had a period for about two or three years where my own health just imploded, that I began to develop all kinds of difficulties and showed symptoms that.

00:06:50 Emma

Of various ailments, some of which run in the family, and because I was so well established and so took to heart the principles and the self material of you, create your own reality. It's not you know that that there's there's something about this that you do have command over. I really took that to heart and I really dug.

00:07:10 Emma

Very deep.

00:07:11 Emma

And discovered what was really, truly going on that was causing a variety of issues and ailments. Did the belief work? Did the emotional sorting did actually develop a new way of or a new way to me, at least, of actually healing the body and and coming to well?

00:07:31 Emma

Being and solving things.

00:07:33 Emma

And because I did that one, it affirm that yes.

00:07:37 Emma

You can do it.

00:07:39 Emma

Two it did did.

00:07:40 Emma

Reveal just how much your beliefs and your emotions and and all of the inner psyche and the inner consciousness really do inform the body and affect the body. And from there it became.

00:07:56 Emma

About two and a half, three years of just pulling myself out of what was a real serious decline in health, very serious decline. I was losing my eyesight, arthritis systems, I was showing symptoms of significant deterioration. And because I was successful with that.

00:08:16 Emma

I eventually hold that process to myself and a friend of mine came to me, and this was some years ago and she was having some jaw.

00:08:27 Emma

Pain and her doctor had recommended to her that she go get surgery. I said wait, time out now she's not.

00:08:37 Emma

She's not informed like some of your listeners might be. She's more in the average camp of deal with things in.

00:08:43 Emma

A different way and I.

00:08:45 Emma

Said, well, stop here before you do it. Let's try something. Doesn't cost anything. Let's try something. And I taught her some of the techniques that I had figured out for myself.

00:08:55 Emma

And she was good, you know. Good, good friends. She went along. Maybe she just hored me, but she did it. She really took a look at the beliefs and the emotions and the and the things that were going on.

00:09:05 Emma

For her, for.

00:09:05 Emma

Her life and was able to make a connection with the pain that she was.

00:09:09 Emma

Experiencing in her.

00:09:10 Emma

Jaw and it took about two or three months for her to.

00:09:14 Emma

Work through it.

00:09:15 Emma

But she was able to.

00:09:16 Emma

To not have the surgery and to clear up the issue and she was successful with it. And that taught me that that is to.

00:09:24 Emma

It it it is teachable and that's really where my focus and my preferences now in doing healing work with individuals is to not make it a passive receiving experience only for them.

00:09:37 Emma

But to make it also educational.

00:09:39 Emma

To give them the.

00:09:40 Emma

Tools so that they can go home and do their own self work for their own well-being.

00:09:48 Merrily

Hmm. Yeah, I definitely think that you're definitely ahead of a lot of people because I I think that's where the direction is going generally now. Yeah because like.

00:10:00 Merrily

Because like you're right, I believe too, that people.

00:10:04 Merrily

They're like the best, the best person to really handle their own issues like they can be taught the methods. But yeah, I agree with that.

00:10:11 Emma

Yeah. Let's see.

00:10:16 Merrily

Gosh, I had a question.

00:10:18 Merrily

Regarding the.

00:10:22 Merrily

I guess I already sort of answered it but anyways so.

00:10:27 Merrily

With these healing modalities that you've sort of learned, oh, here's my question. So your healing modalities, what do you think about? Because I I this is something I've been.

00:10:41 Merrily

Sort of thinking about on my own but.

00:10:45 Merrily

So the the material world medicine of like going to a doctor and then sort of the energetic piece that we're kind of talking about sort of the underlying thing, how do you think those work together if they do?

00:11:00 Merrily

Or how do you think?

00:11:03 Merrily

That goes together.

00:11:04 Emma

Yeah, yeah, it's. I do think that that is in in fluctuation and will only become more.

00:11:11 Emma

Fluid, inflexible as different trends take over different values and different preferences take over, and as those who are knowledgeable and skilled and effective in approaching health and well-being and promoting well-being through other methods than the allopathic system.

00:11:31 Emma

Or Western medicine using that term very broadly.

00:11:34 Emma

That they may or may.

00:11:35 Emma

Not work together. I I find tremendous respect for allopathic medicine when it comes to piercing back together broken.

00:11:42 Emma

Bodies. So if you break a.


For heaven's.

00:11:45 Emma

Sakes, go get it fixed. But you can still work with yourself at an energetic level or the, you know, the inner energetic flow of the body to promote that healing quite a bit faster. Where I find that there is a more probable divergences between allopathic and what we'll just call energy.

00:12:04 Emma

Media Center energy healing has more to do with long standing, repeating patterns and issues of difficulty and from the camp that I come from that those are pretty much universally rooted in.

00:12:19 Emma

Ideas, attitudes, emotions of the individual, and in some cases in misusage. So if there's a constant strain on a part of the body, then.

00:12:32 Emma

There can be.

00:12:33 Emma

Overuse or misuse or coordination issues, and in that case things like physical therapy.

00:12:39 Emma

I think can work very.

00:12:40 Emma

Beautifully, but I've seen it happen many times and I've experienced person this personally myself, where once you.

00:12:47 Emma

Find the actual core issue. Literally the physical expression and the physical expression of the issue evaporates within days, and I'm talking about things you.

00:12:57 Emma

May have had for years.

00:12:59 Emma

And it sounds miraculous, but it's happened to me, and I know that it's happened to others.

00:13:03 Emma

So it is possible it's just about.

00:13:06 Emma

Continuing to learn because it is a new.

00:13:09 Emma

I think a developing field it's an emerging field, so we're all still learning and improving and just think of where it will be in 50 or 100 years.

00:13:21 Merrily

So something I was thinking about because I've also, as you have, we've worked with people. What do you think about having either the person not believing or having the belief that whatever you're working with them on will work or not work?

00:13:42 Emma

Yeah. So that's.

00:13:44 Emma

A great question because that I would say, applies to any modality. So if you look at allopathic medicine and what they're or or any, whether I, I'm a firm believer in traditional Chinese medicine, for example, I I can recommend that without reservations. And there are other.

00:14:02 Emma

Ayurvedic medicine. There's naturopathy. There's so many different ways to approach some.

00:14:07 Emma

Thing ultimately.

00:14:09 Emma

It's the willingness of the of.

00:14:12 Emma

The patient to create that change in themselves that will make that work or not work, but also does it last. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Does it last? And so that's where again, I do think that allopathic medicine is very successful when it comes to mending broken bones and repairing damage and.

00:14:28 Emma

Things like that.

00:14:29 Emma

Because most people don't want to maintain that.

00:14:32 Emma

Most people don't.

00:14:33 Emma

Want to maintain a broken?

00:14:34 Emma

Bone and they want it to heal, but in surprising cases, if you look, and I'm sure you've probably experienced this in your own practice as well, if you look really closely at what's bothering someone.

00:14:45 Emma

Sometimes they don't.

00:14:46 Emma

Want to face it right? They may not be ready to do that and in which case, then.

00:14:52 Emma

My personal choice then in working with an individual is to not attempt to solve the physical problem, but to pivot over to. Let's solve why you don't want to face this. So it's always about finding what I call that pivot point of what they're ready to do, and it might be I'm just ready to get over my reluctance to deal with this.

00:15:12 Emma

And then you just find.

00:15:14 Emma

That opening that window of opportunity.

00:15:16 Emma

And that's your route in.

00:15:20 Merrily

Thank you. That was very eloquently explained. That was very helpful for me to hear that. Let's see. So I know that you have looked at a lot of different modalities and a lot of different spaces.

00:15:35 Merrily

, what are more of the more, what are some of the more surprising moments that kind of shaped how you your current practices?

00:15:48 Emma

Yeah. So the thing about this because there's sometimes it, what what would surprise one person would not another person would just well, that's just that's just how it works, right. But one of my kind of mind blowing boom moments was has to do with the relationship between.

00:16:08 Emma

Physical experience and inner dream life. So I do teach purposeful dreaming and interpretation, which is pretty well substantiated, at least if there's a lot of theory.

00:16:18 Emma

In the Seth material.

00:16:19 Emma

About the nature of dreams and the purpose of dreams and.

00:16:24 Emma

I did connect the dots between information that I received directly from within and my own experience is it doesn't suddenly just blew my mind. One day when I realized that my life is essentially the dream of my inner consciousness, and as you know, I'm sure many of your listeners know or realize this as well.

00:16:43 Emma

The your dreams are often symbolic. They have meaning to them. They represent something. They're not just in a fictional story, they have significance to them.

00:16:53 Emma

And so then I traced that.

00:16:54 Emma

Backwards and realized well my life is something like a symbolic dream to my inner consciousness. Therefore, I can interpret my life as if it were a dream.

00:17:07 Emma

And now ohh my.

00:17:08 Emma

Goodness, I see things so completely different. I see things so completely differently.

00:17:13 Emma

Because I realized that, well, if this.

00:17:15 Emma

Were a dream.

00:17:17 Emma

I would be looking at.

00:17:18 Emma

This event that I'm experiencing and interpreting it as I see the connection, I see the connection. Yeah, I see.

00:17:27 Emma

Why it is that I stbled upon broken glass one day, realized that something had been shattered. Now I'm thinking, well, OK, if this wasn't a dream, I would look at this and say what?

00:17:39 Emma

Was shattered.

00:17:40 Emma

That was broken that.

00:17:41 Emma

This is this is a symbol of, but I can do the same thing if I go out into the world and it's like, why is there all this broken glass here? Stop and think about it. It's.

00:17:50 Emma

Like I'm having a living.

00:17:52 Emma

Dream. So it's almost like.

00:17:56 Emma

The opposite end of.

00:17:57 Emma

The spectr of a lucid dream, right? Yeah.

00:18:01 Merrily

Yeah, that's interesting because.

00:18:05 Merrily

I think that is always a struggle, either for. I think it's a struggle for just people who may be haven't had any sort of spiritual experiences, aren't or aren't paying attention to them. Because I would say that if you look for any sort of dream like meaning or symbols just in your regular life, like you'll find them.

00:18:28 Merrily

An example would be.

00:18:30 Merrily

My sister and I, when we were in the Philippines, we kept seeing, I think on three different occasions these Atlas Moths, which are just enormous.

00:18:38 Merrily

And and she was like, Oh my gosh, there's another one. And I was like, that's significant. We shouldn't. We should log that. So that's interesting that you called that out and I think you even sort of mentioned like, what is the significance to you? Like your talk about the shattered glass? Like, what is shattered?

00:18:58 Merrily

You know and.

00:18:59 Merrily

Kind of like reflect us.

00:19:00 Emma

Right. What is shattered? Yeah, absolutely. So. So that is part of the continuing expansion or unfolding of my own understanding is coming to see like the continuous flaw of all of the worlds that we exist in. So we have our physical reality.

00:19:21 Emma

We have the.

00:19:21 Emma

Dream world that we have, and sometimes you remember, and sometimes you become awake in the dream and then it's somewhat different. You can do things and it's all this kind of interconnected flow with each other and I've.

00:19:34 Emma

Come to really understand and really believe that they're not that discrete faith.

00:19:40 Emma

Bleed into each other.

00:19:42 Emma

All the time, sort of like you might get a message someone might.

00:19:46 Emma

Call or text you from there. Way over on another part of the world, but their communication intersects, it comes into and makes itself known.

00:19:55 Emma

And where you are.

00:19:56 Emma

Same thing happens with all of these different kind of levels of our own experience from the dreaming world out.

00:20:03 Emma

To the physical.

00:20:05 Merrily

Cool I like.

00:20:06 Merrily

That explanation. Thank you.

00:20:10 Merrily

, so kind of pivoting a little bit, but not too much. So in your spiritual journey, would you say there were some pitfalls or any sort of?

00:20:23 Merrily

Either in han form, meaning there was like a the way I'm thinking of this is like there was a teacher. You were kind of interested in and then you were like no. Or if it was like a circstance like you were in a, like, a particular, let's say, like a meditation.

00:20:41 Merrily

Class but that didn't work out either, yeah.

00:20:44 Merrily

And any sort of advice?

00:20:47 Merrily

About any of those situations that you may have.

00:20:50 Emma

I do. It's a. It's a wonderful thing to bring this up because it's it really is worth understanding.

00:20:57 Emma

That in the.

00:20:59 Emma

Global culture that we have.

00:21:02 Emma

Today that this is all a churning pot of various influences in terms of understanding the inner realities or or the spiritual world, or your own, your own psycho spiritual physical being. It's still a work in progress. And right now my observation is.

00:21:23 Emma

Is that there's a lot.

00:21:26 Emma

Tributaries from all of these different cultures that are kind of getting mishmashed together. And so it's a real hodgepodge, at least in in I think in the United States of a mixture where you might get this and you might get that and you might get something else and you don't know.

00:21:42 Emma

What you're going to?

00:21:43 Emma

Get so a pitfall and I think it's a really important.

00:21:46 Emma

To bring up is that when it comes to seeking learning and education or training experience with a teacher, it's can.

00:21:56 Emma

Be hitting this, frankly.


It can be.

00:21:58 Emma

Really hit and miss and to recommend that take.

00:22:02 Emma

Everything with a.

00:22:03 Emma

Grain of salt, but really look around if you're wanting to develop.

00:22:07 Emma

Certain skills, abilities, or practice things with a cohort with colleague.

00:22:14 Emma

Always be aware that what you're sharing is not necessarily the whole story, and that there can be another way. And if a student or a learner comes into a program, whether it's a class or workshop, a a very long, intensive, a week long retreat or whatever, always trust yourself.

00:22:34 Emma

To know when it doesn't feel right for you, you know this doesn't feel right for me. I I don't click with this. It doesn't resonate with me and be willing to just set that aside and trust your own inner self to say, is there another way that I can do this? So I do find that the educational side of it is actually very hit and miss.

00:22:54 Emma

And then when it comes to actually going deep with the work and I consider psychic learning.

00:23:02 Emma

Really just to be the cultivation of our own native abilities and we all.

00:23:07 Emma

Have that.

00:23:07 Emma

But we're all at very different stages of it. Some people are just getting started. Some people haven't started some people.

00:23:13 Emma

Are you know?

00:23:14 Emma

World class medis who can do amazing things to really change the world by what they.

00:23:21 Emma

What they can do?

00:23:23 Emma

But I have found that.

00:23:27 Emma

There's no distinction between, you know, the effects of doing psychic development on what it means to you as a spiritual being and.

00:23:38 Emma

What it means to?

00:23:39 Emma

As emotional being and what it means to you as a physical being and what it means to you.

00:23:42 Emma

In a more material sense.

00:23:44 Emma

So when you.

00:23:45 Emma

Change one thing.

00:23:47 Emma

It can disrupt.

00:23:48 Emma

And change a whole lot else too and.

00:23:52 Emma

Just be aware.

00:23:53 Emma

Of that and and prepared for that, that the discoveries that you might make a person might make in one area can have a domino effect, that it can affect them in in many new ways and pitfall.

00:24:07 Emma

This is also that if you do not have a really good understanding about some of the things that you might experience.


People can feel very.

00:24:18 Emma

Insecure with it.



00:24:20 Emma

Yeah, I had a I had a international student from Chile who had to reach out to me because she was feeling very distressed and very discouraged and didn't understand what was happening to her. She was getting all of this information and having all of these experiences, and because she didn't have already a good foundation, whether it was in theory or practice.

00:24:41 Emma

Her guidance? She was, but she found it very strange and she just didn't know what.

00:24:45 Emma

To do didn't trust.

00:24:46 Emma

It. And so she reached out, fortunately, and and and was able to chat with people who feel were more experienced.

00:24:54 Emma

But that that framework of reference to understand what's happening to you and to know that that's OK if you start to receive more information really important and not everyone has that.

00:25:08 Merrily

How would you? Yeah, I do agree with that for sure. How would you say? Because what was coming up when you were talking was OK. So I need to trust my own guidance. Like, say, if I'm working with a teacher or a particular class or or whatnot.

00:25:22 Merrily

And take the things I need and.

00:25:24 Merrily

You know, throw everything else out so.

00:25:26 Merrily

But what if?

00:25:27 Merrily

You don't have that really good connection with yourself and you just are like, I don't know what to think and you get confused. Like what? How would you?

00:25:36 Merrily

Sort through that.

00:25:37 Emma

Yeah, tough call because tough question because ultimately I do think that there is a a degree of readiness that a person may or may not have.

00:25:47 Emma

And also that psychic expansion or psychic development of inner, I think in some cases this student maybe is rushed a little bit into doing work with other people or practice work or mediship when they don't have themselves figured out first and so.

00:26:08 Emma

For any student who goes into and feels like this isn't right for me, I.

00:26:12 Emma

Don't know. I don't trust.

00:26:13 Emma

This something feels really off. There aren't.

00:26:16 Emma

Too many choices. I think the person has other than to say I'm going to leave step back.

00:26:22 Emma

And maybe search for something.

00:26:24 Emma

Print I do personally recommend for anyone who's truly a novice who's really never learned either theory or technique to get a good foundation in some kind of.

00:26:37 Emma

Theory get a.

00:26:38 Emma

Good foundation, whether you want to study shamanic practice or.

00:26:44 Emma

I'm all about the Seth material, or if you want to study the.

00:26:49 Emma

Kabbalah. Or maybe you like.

00:26:51 Emma

Some of the eastern traditions or what?

00:26:54 Emma

Have you get some kind of?

00:26:55 Emma

Grounding or some sort of foundation and understanding what you're doing and then.

00:27:04 Emma

Do more of the development practice work after you feel like you're comfortable with the theoretical system upon which it's based? So some people love shamanic practice and it's absolutely the right thing for them to do, but it's based on a very particular kind of set of ideas, you know.

00:27:24 Emma

Your nature and guides and and all of these other things, but not every not every system uses that. There are others. So find the find the system that feels right for you and then just go with it as far as you can or what far.

00:27:39 Emma

As what you.

00:27:39 Emma

Feels right. OK.

00:27:42 Merrily

Read answer.

00:27:44 Merrily

So I guess.

00:27:47 Merrily

For yourself, this is, I know we talked about sort of your energy healing and modalities and your teaching, so.

00:27:55 Merrily

And how do you consider or how did you understand that you had psychic abilities or psychic powers? Or do you even consider that you have those things or have developed them?

00:28:11 Emma

Well, because they've been at this for such a teenager, I've never considered to be anything other than this is what's natural and that everyone does this. But.

00:28:20 Emma

The way I teach.

00:28:21 Emma

Psychic development or teach anything in the general field is that psychic development is ultimately learning to do consciously with intent.

00:28:31 Emma

Which you are already doing subconsciously.

00:28:34 Emma

Which are already doing instinctively. So for example, everyone astral projects at night, whether they remember it or not, but there's a smaller percentage of people who have learned to do that consciously with intent, and everybody picks up information from each other all the time. But it's another level.

00:28:54 Emma

To learn to do that with conscious intent that you can.

00:28:57 Emma

Meet a stranger.

00:28:59 Emma

Sit there for a moment and say, well, I can see that you're you're you're contemplating changing your career and you're wanting to move to another city and they're like, whoa, yeah, how?

00:29:09 Emma

Did you?

00:29:10 Emma

Know that.

00:29:12 Emma

There's a technique to that. There's a skill to do that, so ultimately learning to do with intent consciously.

00:29:19 Emma

What we're already doing subconsciously is really what we're talking about. In my opinion, that is that that's how that is.

00:29:25 Emma

And then for me.

00:29:29 Emma

Once I got to the point where I started to get affirmation of things that I knew that.

00:29:37 Emma

You couldn't theoretically know.

00:29:39 Emma

You know where I received information of.

00:29:42 Emma

Well, that's going to happen.

00:29:44 Emma

Well, like you.

00:29:45 Emma

Know that's predicting the future, but I got the.

00:29:48 Emma

Heads up information about that first.

00:29:51 Emma

And then when?

00:29:52 Emma

I actually started really getting effective change and results.

00:29:57 Emma

And then.

00:30:00 Emma

Realizing that after I got to the level of what I think is reasonable competence, I won't say mastery. I'll never say mastery because I don't think that there's ever a point where you have nothing further to learn but talking tents and being able to do the things for myself. Then the next logical step is, well, how do I direct that towards another?

00:30:21 Emma

Where this isn't just me, you know, reading myself in my own future and solving my own health issues. But now I'm directing those abilities to work with another person.

00:30:32 Emma

And it was just that one moment of.

00:30:35 Merrily

I got it.


You know.

00:30:37 Emma

Like, well, I don't know.

00:30:39 Emma

You know very, Gee, I don't know. Well, she I'm gonna like. Well, I think I picked up the, you know, your used to, you know.

00:30:49 Emma

Work on a sailboat and just like.


Well, yes I did.

00:30:53 Merrily

Wow it.

00:30:54 Emma

Works. You know, it was that it was that it was that kind of a thing. So there was a real transition there. And I think when it comes to talking about psychic development or psychic work, it's usually that tipping point when a person is working with another person, they do not know that you call yourself a psychic. But I would say that everyone is actually.

00:31:14 Emma

Already doing that to at least some degree, yeah.

00:31:20 Merrily

Yeah, I do think that that's where it's more surprising is when there's somebody that you have don't know anything about their life and then you're picking up stuff.

00:31:27 Emma

Total stranger never seen this person before. You sit down. You do.

00:31:31 Emma

Particular process and they're wide eyed.

00:31:37 Emma

Or various things happen right, which I know.

00:31:40 Merrily

And yeah.

00:31:40 Emma

You know.

00:31:43 Merrily

But it's always it always shocks me every time. It's just like, wow. OK, I guess it's real.

00:31:45 Emma

Yeah, yeah.

00:31:49 Merrily


00:31:51 Merrily

So I guess.

00:31:52 Merrily

Gosh, there was some. There's a couple of things that you had said, but one of the things was you had talked about like having people to kind of around you that are sort of doing like like a cohort or just people around that are sort of doing the same practice because I'll just say for.

00:32:08 Merrily

My own situation, like I was going.

00:32:11 Merrily

Where I am still in involved in doing sort of the Western ceremonial magic. A lot of that it's very I. I like that it's very solitary. However, the thing I kept running into cause I was like I did have like a little, I still do have a little community of other practitioners.

00:32:28 Merrily

But man, I was just having all these like, weird, mystical things happening like during meditation or whatever. And I'm like, hey, this is happening. Anybody else, you know, and either it wasn't happening or they felt weird about sharing it. And so, yeah. So I was like, OK.

00:32:46 Merrily

Well I need.

00:32:48 Merrily

To figure this out with a different group of people because they're not willing to talk about it or whatever, I don't know exactly what's going on, but I will say when I do find or have found other people that are, you know, either exploring that the psychic thing or the mystical side, it has been.

00:33:06 Merrily

So we're leaving so I can just validate what you were kind of talking about in that.

00:33:10 Emma

Yeah. And, you know, I will.

00:33:12 Emma

Say I find that to be one of.

00:33:13 Emma

The surprising joys that.

00:33:15 Emma

Has come out for me working in the and the teaching and the organizing and more the leadership.

00:33:20 Emma

Capacity in this.

00:33:21 Emma

Field where I have a group of individuals who come together and I give them.

00:33:26 Emma

Exercises that give them meaningful things to.

00:33:28 Emma

Do and then say.

00:33:30 Emma

Well, what did you find? What did you find and every time?

00:33:35 Emma

They come back with these things that it shows the diverse array of results that an individual can get from doing the same exercise.

00:33:44 Emma

With the same intention.

00:33:46 Emma

And it really has been revelatory to have people do exactly what.

00:33:51 Emma

You're talking about to share.

00:33:52 Emma

Because it does show that.

00:33:55 Emma

People do have very different experiences even when they attempt the same practice, and so it's not.

00:34:01 Emma

About having a particular experience in my opinion, but rather the authentic experience that is to you, and it'd be quite marvelous and quite astonishing what people experience on a particular type of exercise or practice but delightful.

00:34:18 Merrily

Yeah. Is there one that an experience that somebody either share one of your students shared with you that you feel led to share?

00:34:29 Merrily

Or like that.

00:34:29 Emma

Yeah, absolutely. So I had a a group going and I give them basically what would be almost like a low level channeling exercises.

00:34:37 Emma

To do where?

00:34:38 Emma

I I have them set aside anything that they think that they.

00:34:41 Emma

Know and do what they call.

00:34:43 Emma

An original inquiry, which it's essentially essentially, it's basically going directly into kind of the.

00:34:50 Emma

Collective knowledge of.

00:34:51 Emma

All and bringing back information about something that you would not necessarily have any preconceived notion that that it would, that would happen and.

00:35:05 Emma

I I sent a couple of times, a couple of things come to mind. One and where I.

00:35:08 Emma

Sent the group off and said get.

00:35:10 Emma

A preview of what?

00:35:11 Emma

What comes?

00:35:12 Emma

Next, once you're done with your life on Earth.

00:35:16 Emma

And you move on to whatever it.

00:35:17 Emma

Is that we?

00:35:17 Emma

Move on to, which is very debatable as to what that is.

00:35:21 Emma

I don't think.

00:35:21 Emma

There's any one answer? I think there's many.

00:35:23 Emma

Different things go take a peek.

00:35:25 Emma

Go see what you.

00:35:26 Emma

Find and it was fascinating what people came.

00:35:29 Emma

Back with you.

00:35:30 Emma

Know we had one person who who came.

00:35:33 Emma

Back with like, well, it's like.

00:35:34 Emma

Living in two dimensions at the same time.

00:35:38 Emma

Like he's getting.

00:35:38 Emma

This information, and he's having this, this sensory experience. It's a sort of like an intro level to like a projection of consciousness.

00:35:47 Emma

You send a bit of your mind off and.

00:35:50 Emma

He and he goes over and it's like, well this it's literally like you're you're aware of being in two different things at in the same.

00:35:56 Emma

Same level he is that that was one thing that he had there and others have gone and come back with, you know, like changes in and revisiting the earth and and seeing it like in a transparent way. It's like you.

00:36:13 Emma

You don't see.

00:36:14 Emma

The earth when you move on as like this.

00:36:16 Emma

This physical realm, it's almost like it's.

00:36:19 Emma

Part of like.

00:36:20 Emma

A flow of action.

00:36:22 Emma

And they were coming back with stuff that I'd never had heard of or never thought of, you know, and that was what was.

00:36:28 Emma

Fun about it.

00:36:29 Emma

And and realized well, there's probably some truth to.

00:36:32 Emma

There and is there a little?

00:36:34 Emma

Bit of creativity and invention.

00:36:35 Emma

There's probably a little.

00:36:36 Emma

Bit of that there too, but it's fascinating that what people can come back with.

00:36:42 Emma

When they are, you know, really willing to just listen. Just have that question, have that intention and just listen or sense what comes to you without trying to make anything up. Amazing, amazing results.

00:37:00 Merrily

So quick question on that, because I know the whole because you mentioned about making it up and then something coming to you, how?

00:37:09 Merrily

Do you?

00:37:10 Merrily

How do you?

00:37:11 Merrily

Know which is which.

00:37:13 Emma

I guess also very great question and and I I think that to some extent there's a bit of a convolution here because once you imagine something I.

00:37:23 Emma

Think it becomes real?

00:37:25 Emma

A lot of this in the way I approach it is to be very clear on what the intent is.

00:37:32 Emma

And to recognize that whatever the information is, it is translated back into an identic vocabulary that allows us to understand it, and so pure information exists beyond language. And so when we use what most people call the clairs.

00:37:50 Emma

What most people call the inner senses like they see something with their inner vision or they feel something.

00:37:55 Emma

Physically, is to recognize that it's not the pure original information that's an attempt to translate it into something that you would understand.

00:38:05 Emma

And in doing so, there is some creative effort.

00:38:10 Emma

There, but if you.

00:38:12 Emma

Can feel behind that to what the pure meaning is. Then you can actually understand that and or attempt to understand what's really being communicated. Is not the image, it's the meaning behind the image. The other thing is I did truly recommend that people really learn and study.

00:38:32 Emma

And master if they can, or at least gain competence on getting information from the inner inner abilities inner senses.

00:38:43 Emma

In a way that you can then affirm.

00:38:45 Emma

So remote viewing is a fantastic one because if you have to find someplace that you don't know what it is that you're even looking for and you're able to bring an accurate information, then you learn your own vocabulary. You learn how to distinguish between kind of good information that's coming in versus.

00:39:04 Emma

Is I'm just making this up because I'm desperate to get something and I don't want to come up empty handed, which some of that, frankly, is a matter of training. You know, if you're if you're not reminded as a student that it's not about being right and it's not even about getting anything at all. It's about listening. So if you can train on something where you can have.

00:39:26 Emma

Someone affirm.

00:39:29 Emma

Even if it's learning to do eventually readings where you're describing information about.

00:39:35 Emma

Someone that you do not.

00:39:36 Emma

Know they can then.

00:39:37 Emma

Affirm back to you that yes, that is accurate.


Thank you.

00:39:41 Emma

And then you.

00:39:42 Emma

It's, I think a bit easier to make that distinction between the good, the accurate information.

00:39:47 Emma

Came to me this way.

00:39:50 Emma

And then I had that after it first as I can tell when I'm kind of making it that that kind of the thing. Yeah, because I I think there is a distinction. Yeah. Yeah.

00:40:02 Merrily

So I know that you had described sort of related I have I have where I want this to go. But you had described sort of seeing the code of the universe in sort of like I think you said it was in a morning time sort of like was it at.

00:40:21 Merrily

It's not hypnogogic, it's the other one. There's, like, hypnogogic is when you're falling asleep hypnopompic.

00:40:26 Emma

Most of the yeah, like the standard terminology is like in your, I call it the liminal state. So when I, I do dream interpretation and a little bit differently than what's typically out there.

00:40:38 Emma

But there's that liminal state, both when you're falling asleep and coming out of a sleep, where you're.

00:40:44 Emma

Not really in either.

00:40:46 Emma

You're not fully focused out there in the world, but you're not really completely asleep either. You're.

00:40:50 Emma

Sort of. In this middle zone.

00:40:52 Emma

And as you're falling asleep, the Hypnos hypnogogic is. Is that as you're coming awake.

00:40:58 Emma

They call it hypnopompic, but it's a fairly common occurrence for me as I'm falling asleep to to transit through a liminal state and to maybe go lucid. Or maybe not. It can go either way, but as I'm falling asleep sometimes, what I'll see is abstract.

00:41:16 Emma

Like sheets that like went like flowing sheets, like scrolling up of of like old binary code like green screen 01010001 and it just it's like it's flowing sheet and sometimes it can go into abstract color, shape symbols. But one of the things that is very common.

00:41:37 Emma

And my experience is that is it either scrolls like like on an old computer screen or it changes really fast. It's kind of like pulsing very quickly and my understanding of that is that as we are falling asleep.

00:41:54 Emma

Our consciousness is beginning.

00:41:56 Emma

To travel.

00:41:58 Emma

Away from outer focus and travel inward, and as we pass through the layers of our own consciousness, we transit through what I'll just call the structural underpinnings of physical reality. And so we're having this experience where we're literally kind of moving through.

00:42:18 Emma

A middle zone here and whatever you experience or see in a dreamlike state that seems physical is just a rendering or a translation of what's actually happening. And so sheet flowing scrolling sheets of green.

00:42:39 Emma

Screen binary code is something that can only have happened in the twenty 20th century or later, so it's really in my minds translation of what I will call very rudimentary substructures. Very rudimentary.

00:42:58 Emma

Forms, patterns, information.

00:43:03 Emma

And because I don't need to really process all of that, I see it in its sort of symbolic rudimentary form like you would see binary code or just abstract shapes, and then it can go into deeper layers of sleep where you start to have more of what we think of as like the narrative dreams or the dream events.


This is.

00:43:23 Emma

And I do remember because you had shared with me that you saw something similar, but it was more when you were waking up. Yeah. Yeah. And so that that suggests it's possible. I I don't claim to know everything about about this. But as you were transiting back into physical focus into physical reality.

00:43:42 Emma

You're once again passing through those layers.

00:43:46 Emma

These kind of structural underpinnings and they are like these rudimentary sub structures really like the the the, the source code of our own physical.

00:43:57 Emma

Reality, if I often.

00:43:59 Emma

Use in my classes the metaphor of.

00:44:01 Emma

A web page.

00:44:02 Emma

And the life that you're having is like one web page.

00:44:05 Emma

But you have to render it by pulling open your device right? But the web page is not really the source thing that creates it, it's that source code behind it that travels to your particular.

00:44:19 Emma

Physical body, yeah.

00:44:22 Merrily

Very cool. I like the idea of it sort of being a transition sort of place, so I'll just share. So the the thing I saw very similar, but it it was on like it initially appeared like it was on a scroll.

00:44:39 Merrily

In old school, so to me it was looking different.

00:44:42 Merrily

But then it had like the different codes and they were switching kind of like I call it like the matrix.

00:44:47 Merrily

Code. It's like doing that.

00:44:50 Merrily

But I think because I was in that in between state and I didn't really, it felt like I was awake, but I wasn't. But I could tell it.

00:44:57 Merrily

To do things.

00:44:58 Merrily

So I was like telling it to rotate and then I could see like layers and I called them.

00:45:02 Merrily

Photoshop layers because I've used Photoshop. It's just like layers and it went down into Infinity, yeah.

00:45:05 Emma

Yeah, layers, layers of consciousness, absolutely.

00:45:10 Emma

That's so beautiful because that tells me that your way of symbolic land.

00:45:14 Emma

Which I think of like rudimentary source code as being old green screen binary code. But you went back even further. You went back to the ancient.

00:45:23 Emma

Dead Sea Scrolls.

00:45:24 Merrily

I guess so. I was like, OK.

00:45:26 Emma

And what I love about this, as you pointed out, something that the liminal state is one of my favorite people make such.

00:45:32 Emma

A big deal about the lucid state.

00:45:34 Emma

And and what have you, but the liminal state is one of the most powerful, because that's where you can suggest things to yourself and actually generate dream.

00:45:46 Emma

That give you information while you're in that liminal state, if you can.

00:45:50 Emma

Learn to hold it open.

00:45:52 Emma

And so yes, you can actually give instructions to your dreaming consciousness to make things happen, and it's it's pretty fascinating what you can do.

00:46:02 Merrily

Well, I guess.

00:46:03 Merrily

2:00 so it will be sort of the my last thing on that. But so for me, I'm always like what the heck, I'm always just in this state of like say hey, am I looking at like, I'm just like shocked and always very amused. So is there a way for me to like?

00:46:20 Merrily

I guess consciously now I can try to remember to, you know, do some my own programming in that state if it happens again, I'm sure it will happen again. But.

00:46:30 Merrily

Like, do you have a technique for that like you know?

00:46:34 Emma

We're kind of riding the liminal state.

00:46:36 Merrily

Yeah. Or like when to know that you're in it and then go. Ohh, yeah. Now I need to do that thing where I need to program.

00:46:42 Emma

Yeah, it's, it's it's, it's.

00:46:44 Emma

Almost as tricky as holding a lucid state, which I actually find a little bit trickier, but I like.

00:46:48 Emma

The liminal state better. So I I have.

00:46:51 Emma

To stay more of that.

00:46:52 Emma

So my my tip that I would give individuals is 1, don't try to.

00:46:57 Emma

Come out of it. In fact, don't try to think with your logical mind or observe. So one of the things that snaps consciousness out of experience is instead of experiencing, it tries to separate itself and observe. So maybe you or your listeners have had this experience, or you do.

00:47:18 Emma

Meditation. You're visualizing something, and sometimes you're first person and sometimes you're third person. Right? OK. So there's a really powerful difference between the first person and the third person.

00:47:29 Emma

And as you are in first person, you're actually creating that experience and and having it when you snap into the observer role, then you're actually attempting to separate yourself from that activity and that action and and that actually can pull you out of it.

00:47:49 Emma

Because now you're watching rather than doing so one is to not attempt to. It's very delicate. It's a. It's a finite little balance here, but do not attempt to observe what's happening or logically process it. Just tell yourself.

00:48:06 Emma

I want this. I'm doing that.

00:48:08 Emma

And then just.

00:48:09 Emma

Let it happen without trying to logically examine it.

00:48:13 Merrily

OK, cool. I'll try to remember to do.

00:48:16 Merrily

That for sure, because I'm always.

00:48:18 Merrily

Just like laughing at it. Like, what the heck? This is hilarious.

00:48:21 Emma

Yeah, it's it's a neat state to ride. I can't. Well, maybe we'll have another podcast episode, and you can update everyone on on your Liminal adventures.

00:48:33 Merrily

Yeah, I like that too cause.

00:48:35 Merrily

I I found I found when I was a kid I was very much into lucid dreaming. I could do it very easily, but as an adult I really can't. But liminal states, like, at least in the recent.

00:48:44 Merrily

Years are like all the time. So.

00:48:47 Emma

Yeah, that's good. Well, then that's just the.

00:48:49 Emma

Right thing for you to to go.

00:48:51 Merrily

Go with that. Yeah. So we're kind of wrapping up here. Do you have? m, so if you would like to leave our listeners with either a mantra or a motto that you can that serves you very well that you'd like to share.

00:49:08 Emma

Yeah, I I I do have one that I've I've had for a while. I wouldn't call it a mantra, but I would call it a principle that I remind myself of. It's just work through it. There's always a way. Yeah, whatever difficulty problem.

00:49:25 Emma

Thing that doesn't seem like it's going to work out.

00:49:30 Emma

Just work through it.

00:49:32 Emma

And know that there's always a way.

00:49:34 Merrily

Cool. I like that very direct and and easy to remember. I like that.

00:49:41 Merrily

So I know, gosh, I know that you do so so much, but what is your current area of focus that you'd like to share?

00:49:50 Emma

Yeah, absolutely. So I am teaching. So I teach remote viewing. Taro got that tomorrow. And let's see, I do teach belief work. I have some classes and workshops I teach on belief work and absolutely purposeful dreaming and interpretation. So I do some free monthly drop in discussion.

00:50:10 Emma

Oops. And I also am offering one-on-one sessions in healing and those are very instructional format where I really look to give that person tools that they can take away and work at home and and be effective.

00:50:30 Emma

On on promoting their own well-being, even without.

00:50:35 Emma

You know the expert.

00:50:38 Emma

Administrations of of healers such as yourself, so yeah.

00:50:45 Merrily

Thank you for that. Do you have some contact information that you would?

00:50:51 Merrily

Like to share with them?


Yeah, you can look.

00:50:52 Emma

At a lot of my offerings in the Seattle area, the expanded mine group at meetup.com, so you can just go on a meetup.com and look for.

00:51:02 Emma

Or Seattle area Dream dream classes, dream events or terror or.

00:51:08 Emma

What have you?

00:51:09 Emma

Also, my website is just my name emmadevan.com so you can find some links to my offerings there as well.

00:51:15 Merrily

Well, well, thank you so much, Emma, for being my guest and sharing all the wonderful information that you.

00:51:22 Merrily

Have and take care.

00:51:23 Emma

Thank you. Thank you for having me it.

00:51:24 Emma

Was a pleasure.

00:51:27 Merrily

Interview with Emma Devan, where we discussed her spiritual journey and expert teaching experience with remote viewing and working with trans states. Visit emmadevan.com to learn more about her and her practice, and if you are in the Seattle area, you can check out her meetup.com Expanded Mind Group to learn more about the Casual Temple podcast, please visit our website, casual.

00:51:46 Merrily

Temple.com there's a casual temple YouTube channel and you can follow me on Instagram with username at Merrily Duffy or at Casual Temple. Please be sure to leave a review and share this episode with the people in your life who would enjoy this content. Do check out the other episodes of the Casual Temple podcast on Your Preferred podcast app and thank you so much for.

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