Casual Temple Episode 11 - My METAPHYSICAL Life: WALK-IN Souls, Floating Cities & JAGUAR Protectors with guest Ishtar Howell


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🌟 Welcome to Episode 11 of Casual Temple! This week, we embark on a transformative journey through all levels of existence with our extraordinary guest, Ishtar Howell. Ishtar, a spiritual seeker, intuitive astrologer, meditation teacher of the "Ishaya's Ascension" method, world traveler, and writer, graciously shares his metaphysical tapestry of life.

🌌 Ishtar, a spiritual seeker, intuitive astrologer, and meditation teacher of the "Ishaya's Ascension" method, shares his metaphysical tapestry of life. From a childhood connected to the world of spirit to Samadhi experiences and a Near Death Experience (NDE) at 13, Ishtar's journey led him to become a teenage monk. At 18, he discovered "Ishayas' Ascension," leading him to join an ashram and eventually become a talented intuitive astrologer and meditation teacher, sharing his wisdom globally.

💫Prepare to be captivated as we delve into the mystical realms with stories of Ishtar's spiritual teacher, Austin—a "walk-in" soul with unique adventures who has a knack for finding teenager dental retainers, to Ishtar's experience teaching metaphysical subjects in floating cities, and encountering etheric jaguar spirit protectors.

Don't miss these enchanting tales and profound insights that Ishtar brings to this interview. Stay tuned for a magical experience on Casual Temple! ✨🔮


(Transcript is auto-generated; errors are unintentional.)

Click this link to read the full transcript for Episode 11.

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#spirituallife #meditation #ashayameditation #ascensionmeditation
#ishtarhowell #spiritguides #ascetic #monk #ghosts #MetaphysicalJourney