Casual Temple Episode 12 - Energy EXPLORER: The UNCONVENTIONAL Spiritual JOURNEY of a SLIPSTREAM Shaman with  guest Todd Wilcox


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🌟 Welcome to Episode 12 of Casual Temple Podcast! 🎙️ This week, we're thrilled to have Todd Wilcox, known as the Slipstream Shaman, joining us. Todd's journey as a creative energy healer has been dedicated to his life's purpose: helping those around him.

📘 Slipstream Shaman, his debut book, narrates Todd's personal experiences with quantum healing energy, both on himself and his clients to recover from emotional trauma, abuse and assist with healing medical issues. His insights are enlightening!

🎤 Besides his energy healing endeavors, Todd was the host of 'My Side of the Universe,' a paranormal activity podcast that began in 2016 and recently wrapped up its final episode.

🌟 Todd's spirit guides are an incredible array, including the unexpected—like a Big Foot spirit guide! His creative approach extends to 'The Glimmer Tree Kids,' a project offering support to children coping with illnesses. Get ready to explore this fantastic initiative!

Stay tuned as Todd shares his transformative journey and insights into his unique and diverse spirit guides and novel approach to energy healing for yourself, your community and beyond!


(Transcript is auto-generated; errors are unintentional.)

00:00:01 Merrily

Welcome to the Casual Temple podcast, and you're listening to episode #12, and I'm your host, Merilee Duffy. Here at the casual temple, we delve into uncharted territories, exploring our profound connection to the spirit world, which empowers us to discover our true selves. If you enjoy our mystical and magical content like follow and review on your preferred podcast.

00:00:20 Merrily

Platform our guest today is Todd Wilcox, whose journey began as a paranormal investigator. He soon realized he was investigating something far beyond the paranormal energy.

00:00:29 Merrily

Itself his book.

00:00:31 Merrily

Slipstream Shaman and folds his innovative approach to energy work. I admire Todd's creative approach, embracing guides from Beagle pups to aliens. Even Bigfoot. Yes, you heard that right. Bigfoot. As a spirit guide, stick around to hear Todd's incredible tales.

00:00:46 Merrily

Welcome to the casual temple. This week. My guest is Todd Wilcox, otherwise known as the Slipstream Shaman, who also happened slipstream. Shaman also happens to be the title of his first book, about his own personal experience working with.

00:01:00 Merrily

Content healing energy on himself and his client.

00:01:04 Merrily

Todd also hosted A Paranormal activity podcast called My Side of The Universe, which started in 2016 and recently completed its final episode. Todd, I'm so thrilled to have you here and welcome to the casual temple.

00:01:18 Todd

Thank you, marilee. I'm excited to be here. I love your preparation. I love how you reached out to me. By far the most prepared host that I've ever been around.

00:01:29 Merrily

This is really wonderful compliment.

00:01:32 Merrily

Thank you. Ohh, you're like stroking my Virgo moon with all.


Of that. So that's wonderful.

00:01:39 Merrily

Oh, OK. So we're just going to jump in. You're such a great conversationalist. So we're just going to start at the beginning. So what can you tell me about your earliest memory of a paranormal experience?

00:01:51 Todd

So as as a little boy, I would always see things out of the corner of my eye and and I would tell.

00:01:59 Todd

My parents about it, and I'll. I'll tell you what they ended up being here in a minute, but I would see these things and I'd tell my parents and they would, you know, either laugh at me or play it off, or look a little concerned, or if it was in the holiday season, like around now, they would tell me that that was one of Santa's elves.

00:02:19 Todd

Watching me to make sure that I was being good so.

00:02:22 Todd

That I'd get presents from Santa.

00:02:24 Todd

And and so I was just, I just didn't know what it was, but I kept seeing this, these things out of the corner of my eye. What they ended up being, which I, which I learned later in life, were these things that I.

00:02:36 Todd

Call watching men.

00:02:37 Todd

And what that is is something that's about 6 feet tall. Pretty big built looks like it's wearing a helmet or a hat.

00:02:46 Todd

Long Cape or a A duster style.

00:02:48 Todd

Coat something like that. You know it.


They have.

00:02:51 Todd

Has a face, but you can't see any detail.

00:02:54 Todd

And they tend to just watch some people talk about seeing glowing eyes. I never have, and I've I've interviewed hundreds of people, you know, in regard to this phenomenon. And only three have ever seen eyes that I've talked to.

00:03:08 Todd

And they were all retired police officer. So I don't know if there was some kind.

00:03:11 Todd

Of connection there or what?

00:03:13 Todd

But and funny retired retired police officers and people that are in the strongly in the paranormal community. So I don't know what the connection is there. These things don't scare me, and they've never.

00:03:28 Todd

Scared me as I look back in my life all the different times I've seen them. I when I was telling my parents about these things, it wasn't because I was afraid. It was just because it was odd and I was curious what it was.

00:03:43 Todd

About the same age, I can remember being down in my basement.

00:03:46 Todd

And I had this little rocking horse thing. It wasn't a rocking horse. It was a. It was a plastic horse on springs on. There was a spring. Two springs in the front, two springs in the back and it looked like you were riding a horse. And I I loved Westerns and I loved sci-fi as a kid. So I was down there, you know, riding my horse, chasing the bad guys running from the sheriff. Whatever. You know, it's having a great time on the.

00:04:08 Todd

Course and I would have these things standing around me watching.

00:04:12 Todd

As many as 12 watching, and so my earliest thing were those and then later when I was more interested in in doing investigations. I've I've done a lot of recordings. EVP's had some unusual pictures, had some scratches, those kind of things had them interacting with me.

00:04:33 Todd

So I've had a a pretty fun paranormal life.

00:04:37 Merrily

Yeah, for sure. There's a yeah, a lot going on there. I'm like, yeah, like things out.

00:04:40 Merrily

Of the corner.

00:04:41 Merrily

Of your eye and the watch. Oh my gosh. Like I'm sure I've been reading paranormal stuff since I was like a preteen. So I'm very familiar with all of the things you just said. It's just.

00:04:51 Merrily

So cool that you've experienced quite.

00:04:52 Merrily

A bit. A bit of it.

00:04:55 Todd

And there's there's so many people that have experienced the watching man. My guess would be close to 20%, maybe a little above.

00:05:03 Todd

8% it's it's amazing how many times I'll bring that up in a group and and hands start to race. So they're it's one of those things that's a lot of people have have seen.

00:05:13 Merrily

Mm-hmm. I'll just.

00:05:14 Merrily

Share actually very recently in a dream I it was a very strange dream, but in the dream it was my husband and I basically on a on a bus. But we knew like the bus was going to drop into the river like fall off of a.

00:05:32 Merrily

Edge and fall.

00:05:33 Merrily

And it kept repeating over and over again, but every time we would buckle ourselves in, we would be so excited. And I was like observing this like, why are we excited that we're going to die? That's like, really strange. And then I looked. And then finally, like my observation looked at the front of the bus, and there were two men in, like, long, black coats.

00:05:52 Merrily

Like writing stuff down and I was like.

00:05:55 Merrily

What the hell?

00:05:56 Merrily

Is this?

00:05:57 Merrily

Is that but pretty much in your book. And then like thinking about the watchers and stuff like that, they kind of show up in strange places. So it was very.

00:06:07 Merrily

3 fascinating.

00:06:09 Todd

Yes, and and it's not uncommon people, many people have said yes in my dream I see them and that that's typically not the case for me. It's usually, you know, like right now I might see one we're sitting and watching TV. But when I'm when I'm meditating, when I'm going to that.

00:06:27 Todd

Quantum realm to do healing in that place of energy and spirit. Many times they come to watch what I'm doing. Wow, it's not at all uncommon for them to come see what I'm doing and.

00:06:37 Todd

As I'm working with people.

00:06:40 Merrily

Yeah. So how would you say that these experiences when you're very young, how did they change the way you saw the world or did?

00:06:48 Merrily

It not change at all.

00:06:51 Todd

I I think it really fired my curiosity. I I always love the unusual, even as a little boy, I'm like four or five.

00:06:59 Todd

I can remember sneaking out of bed on Saturday nights, turning on the creature feature at at midnight while my parents were asleep and watching a scary movie as a little little kid, and anything science fiction Star Trek lost since.

00:07:15 Todd

Base any of the other things that were on when I was little back in the 60s, I would watch and I just loved it. So I I think it really put me on a path where where those things stood out.

00:07:26 Todd

To me, you.

00:07:26 Todd

Know you, you get an excitement about something and you notice it. Maybe my 10 friends wouldn't have seen the things I did or have the same interest in the sci-fi or the.

00:07:36 Todd

Or monsters, or in alternative healing I I was always fascinated by the witch doctors and the voodoo and the medicine man and those things in in movies and how they could just help somebody.

00:07:51 Todd

And as I'm as I'm looking at that, I'm I'm thinking you know.

00:07:56 Todd

I would rather go to this guy that that, like, throws chicken bones down and and waves something in front of me than the doctor with.

00:08:02 Todd

This big, sharp needle and yeah.

00:08:06 Todd

That might have been where it all started, but that looked like a much better process than what.

00:08:11 Todd

I was used to.

00:08:12 Merrily

Oh yeah, for sure, especially as a.

00:08:14 Merrily

Little kid. Uh, those needles are.

00:08:15 Todd

Absolutely, yeah. I was terrified of the shots.

00:08:18 Todd

And I didn't.

00:08:18 Merrily


00:08:18 Todd

Want it? I would fight. It was time to fight.

00:08:21 Todd

When when the needles came out?

00:08:23 Merrily

Yeah. Oh, my gosh. I remember when I.

00:08:27 Merrily

3-5 years old and my dad was in the military, so it's.

00:08:31 Merrily

A military hospital.

00:08:32 Merrily

And I was getting a shot and.

00:08:34 Merrily

I had. I was.

00:08:35 Merrily

Screaming so much that I broke the needle.

00:08:37 Merrily

Out of the of.

00:08:38 Merrily

The thing and then I was trying to remind my mom of it. I was like, remember when that happened? She's like that never happened. I was like.

00:08:44 Merrily

Wow, you must have been more traumatized than me because.


She blocked it. Yeah, she's like.

00:08:50 Merrily

New that was a horrific experience.

00:08:54 Todd

Which service was your dad?

00:08:55 Merrily

In Air Force, yeah.

00:08:57 Todd

Air Force. Very good. My father-in-law was in the Air Force. I was in the Marine Corps and I was in the army. So yeah, we're kind of a military family. Yeah. Get gets gets around.

00:09:01 Merrily

Ohh nice yeah.

00:09:06 Merrily

Oh yeah, for sure.

00:09:13 Merrily

I know that from reading your book and listening to a lot of your interviews, that kind of what kicked off the slipstream shaman part of your life was paranormal investigations. So what? My question is, where did you get or how did you even get started?

00:09:30 Merrily

Participating in those.

00:09:33 Todd

Yeah, great question. So I I always.

00:09:38 Todd

Even as a little.

00:09:39 Todd

Kid, I I was. I was in the woods looking for Bigfoot. I was staring out my window looking.

00:09:45 Todd

For UFO's.

00:09:46 Todd

I was peeking in a haunted house, trying to.

00:09:48 Todd

Catch a ghost.

00:09:49 Todd

You know, so those, they, I I guess my paranormal adventure started you know when.

00:09:54 Todd

I was little.

00:09:55 Todd

Little the actually using equipment and and doing those type of things probably started.

00:10:06 Todd

Around I want to say around 2000, maybe a little earlier and I was.

00:10:12 Todd

I was looking.

00:10:13 Todd

In in Utah, we have an online service.

00:10:17 Todd

That one of the TV stations sets up and I was looking through that probably for some wood or something. It's where people get together and sell things and barter and.

00:10:26 Todd

Different things and and there was an advertisement for people to join a paranormal group. Holy crap, I want to do this. I I need to be a part of a A.

00:10:35 Todd

Structured event and so I I sent an e-mail to the person doing that and a few weeks later I I met with him and another lady for dinner and we talked about it.

00:10:46 Todd

And he ended up offering me a position on the team.

00:10:51 Todd

And about the same time.

00:10:54 Todd

He he brought on a couple of other people and the team and at that point was probably like 8 people.

00:11:00 Todd

But he would only take two of them for each investigation, so there'd be three people going to an investigation and the other five or six, you know, weren't involved. And so I only went on a couple investigations with him and and on one of them, I met a a lady named Karen and. And we just hit it off and had a blast. And she.

00:11:19 Todd

It was like.

00:11:20 Todd

Both of our first or second times with this group and and we just decided you know what, we're not doing enough with this group. Let's start.

00:11:27 Todd

Her own. And so we did. And. And she was the the technical side. She liked to buy equipment and and mess with the equipment. And I like to. Well, didn't necessarily like to, but I would. I'd be the one that would approach the people about visiting their.

00:11:42 Todd

Their house or.

00:11:43 Todd

Establishment, as we were getting, getting set up for.

00:11:46 Todd

This and so.

00:11:49 Todd

Being an immature.

00:11:51 Todd

You know, 40 year old I as we were trying to figure out names for this thing my I lived in Utah Karen lived in Idaho and and so I'm trying to you know trying to come up with a.

00:12:04 Todd

Name and so like you.

00:12:06 Todd

You taught and Idaho paranormal. And then my brain says.

00:12:11 Todd

Ohh, the initials are you and IP and so as as somebody that only you know matured to 13 I thought that's gotta be the name. And so that's that was our name and and we put it on our shirts and everything.

00:12:23 Todd

And and we ended up doing about.

00:12:24 Todd

Well over 300 investigations. So we were we were quite active for a long time and and then as as we got different jobs and weren't able to do it as much we we didn't go on as many investigations and we rarely do that anymore. We're both doing different things. I had the radio show and and would do investigations with other groups and she would do stuff with other groups still great.

00:12:47 Todd

Friends still talk every once in a while, but we've kind of.

00:12:51 Todd

That team has disbanded, but it was a really fun way, you know, both. I had my kids would were a part of the group, her sister and her nieces were part of the group, so it was a real family thing. It was a blast, we.

00:13:05 Todd

We really had a good time.

00:13:07 Merrily

Oh, cool. It sounds so fun and I kind of like that. It's kind of easier in a way that it's just the two of you, you know, and kind of running the show.

00:13:16 Todd

Yes. Yeah, as closely that the other one was kind of a cluster and and one thing I I wanted to say is she lives in Preston ID and for the cool people listening, you know that that's where Napoleon Dynamite lived. And so believe it or not.

00:13:35 Todd

The house is around Pedro's house. We've we've been in about 10 of them doing investigations. That place where Pedro's house was haunted like crazy. So that that part was pretty neat. The nerd in me was very excited. Every time I was going to do a an investigation by Pedro's House, I'd always get a picture of me there.

00:13:55 Merrily

Yeah, that's some good movie trivia movie getting correlation. Oh, yeah. So I know this goes very much into sort of, you know, the slipstream shaman, which. Oh my gosh, that's such a.

00:14:11 Merrily

Great name, by the way.

00:14:13 Merrily

So how how did you discover this whole technique that you've?

00:14:17 Merrily

Developed, which is pretty great MSA.

00:14:19 Todd

Yeah. Thank you. So what happened was as we when you do paranormal investigations, are you on a paranormal team or have you been a?

00:14:27 Todd

Part of that no, no.

00:14:29 Todd

What happens is you a lot of times you end up at the same.

00:14:32 Todd

Place with other groups and so you might end up at A at a cemetery or a or a a ghost town or something. You get to know these other groups or you might lead tours and haunted places to help to help keep the old buildings running. They'll do haunted tours and they bring in paranormal teams. And so you get.

00:14:52 Todd

To know other teams.

00:14:53 Todd

And I got a call from another team. I I became friends.

00:14:56 Todd

With the lady.

00:14:57 Todd

And and she called me up and said, hey, we're putting together a group.

00:15:00 Todd

That's going to go out and help people that nobody else can help and what we want to do is get a really diverse group in there, have have one or two people from various groups and and just kind of have a super group. I said, well, that that sounds like fun. I I want to help people. My question is how are we going to help?

00:15:19 Todd

What's different? Because maybe we're going to a a haunting or or helping somebody that your team couldn't help or that my team couldn't help, or that this other guy's team couldn't help. What? What's gonna make us?

00:15:30 Todd

Different and we got talking about how we would learn some things. And you know, it's kind of the obvious lame things they. Well, let's learn demonology and. OK, yeah, go ahead. Study. Demonology. But one of them suggested what if we got?

00:15:44 Todd

With the shaman.

00:15:45 Todd

And and work with them on energy and and how that could help us? That's a great idea.

00:15:50 Todd

And so we bring in a shaman.

00:15:52 Todd

And she's teaching us how to find our energy. And in the book, you know, I.

00:15:56 Todd

I teach you.

00:15:57 Todd

That that you start doing a movement like this and you've got some shockers in your palms and you'll feel.

00:16:04 Todd

And when she was doing this, she says you're gonna. You're gonna see a red light in there. It's gonna be a red glow. Well, mine was light blue.

00:16:12 Todd

And so I'm thinking, OK, well, that's weird. Maybe I'm doing it wrong and we keep doing it and she says and.

00:16:17 Todd

It's gonna feel warm.

00:16:19 Todd

And I'm thinking, no, mine's cold. This I'm doing something really wrong, and so I just as I'm listening her experience and my experience were very.

00:16:30 Todd

And so my personality on a thing like that is.

00:16:35 Todd

Not to interrupt them.

00:16:36 Todd

Now you you put me in a meeting at work. That's nonsense. I will interrupt that. But you, in a situation like that, she's there to help us. She's there to teach. I'm not going to ruin it for other people that might be getting something out of it.

00:16:50 Todd

So I I just I just was quiet and leaned back and paid attention to what?

00:16:53 Todd

She was doing when?

00:16:55 Todd

I got home, I started working on it my own, without the interference of her, describing something completely different and making me think that I was.

00:17:02 Todd

Doing it wrong and so you know, as I started working on that, I found my energy and I thought this is great. I can feel the energy.

00:17:10 Todd

And I thought well, and again, going back to my science fiction background, and I thought, well, I'm going to cover myself in it like a suit and then and just have this extra energy, like a force field. And then I remembered a book I read where a guy.



00:17:23 Todd

Put out some cubes.

00:17:25 Todd

Science fiction book put out these cubes that created like a little energy Dome over him.

00:17:30 Todd

While he slept the picture, a small tent made of energy to protect him from bugs and animals and different things on this other.

00:17:37 Todd

But that that makes sense. I can make this energy force field thing around me and my friends and and keep us protected.

00:17:44 Todd

And then that evolved into. I started making it bigger and bigger and bigger to where it would move outside of a house. So if I was in a house and there was problems, I could expand the energy out and push anything out of the house. It shouldn't be there. Kind of like sage. When you sage your house and things leave. My energy was doing the same kind of thing and then I would put.

00:18:04 Todd

This force field around the house to keep.

00:18:06 Todd

It from coming back.

00:18:07 Todd

And that and that was really where it started. And as I was messing with this and and practicing and and getting better at using it and manipulating the energy.

00:18:18 Todd

One day I'm working on it and all of a sudden, instead of just being where I can see my energy and and knowing I'm in my front room, I was in a different place and it.

00:18:26 Todd

Was just.

00:18:28 Todd

Clouds just Gray, billowing, misty clouds all around us, all around, all around me, and I was thinking, what is this? This is. This is pretty neat.

00:18:40 Todd

The more I.

00:18:42 Todd

The more I meditated, the more I.

00:18:43 Todd

Worked with my energy, the easier it got.

00:18:45 Todd

For me to get to that room.

00:18:48 Todd

And I started and I don't know what sparked it, but I started inviting things to come see me there. Since we were helping people that were having haunting problems and and things in the and the people that were having trained were were having us manifest things to help us.

00:19:08 Todd

Like go to war so you know some people would want Jesus with them. Some would want Archangel Angel Michael and and different things to come. Help us fight these.

00:19:16 Todd

Things. And so I thought maybe I need a warrior team. And when I said I need a warrior team to miss. Cleared a little bit and this little Beagle comes out. It was it was my dog, Desi, who had passed away several years before she was there. And I thought, man, if ever you need a first draft choice for a warrior team, it's desi's prettiest little dog you ever saw.

00:19:37 Todd

Ferocious, she was afraid of nothing. She was super loving to people and to dogs. Once she accepted them, but other than.

00:19:45 Todd

That stay away, man. If you were a, if you were a snake and you're in her yard, you're done. If you were a a rat, you're done. If you were another dog that wasn't invited, you're done. And she was tough. And she had this crazy nose. And so we, as I'm building this team, it started off with a bunch of dogs then.

00:20:05 Todd

It was an uncle.

00:20:07 Todd

That had been through.

00:20:09 Todd

World War 2 and also Korea. And he was a marine.

00:20:12 Todd

And and then we had, you know, other things would come in. And when I say we, it's because all these other things are helping.

00:20:18 Todd

Me at this point. Mm-hmm. And.

00:20:20 Todd

Yeah, and that that's how that whole thing started and developed that quantum room has since evolved.

00:20:28 Todd

Two for a while it it had a a hole in it so I could walk out into a a a Meadow. This this beautiful Meadow and just.

00:20:37 Todd

Sit down and.

00:20:37 Todd

Enjoy the sun a little bit of a breeze or a tree and and do the work there and now I'm out in space. I'm just in deep space. I can feel the energy of the universe.

00:20:47 Todd

Coming to me, my my energy has changed from this light blue ball.

00:20:55 Todd

Just and this is really weird. See the energy that I'm that the things holding on the book.

00:21:01 Todd

Right here. Yeah. That's what my energy looks like. Wow. And the artist that made this book, she didn't know. I didn't tell her about it, but she makes this thing that has my energy on it. It was it was crazy.

00:21:14 Todd

And so that's what my my energy looks like now. I don't know if that means that it's better or worse or just because I'm older or or just it evolved or who knows what, but doesn't matter what color your energy is, doesn't matter what temperature it is.

00:21:29 Todd

It's yours. It's like a fingerprint or a snowflake. Every every one of them's different and. And, you know, just go with it. It's it's a lot.

00:21:36 Todd

Of fun.

00:21:39 Merrily

Yeah, I like the thing that I was really enjoying with your process of reading the book and listening when you've described it. It's just so creative and so, like, very personal and in the book, you're very.

00:21:53 Merrily

Very, very sensitive about other people having their own way, and I think that's such a great attitude to have. And yeah, I really was just, I don't know, it was just really great and wonderful. And I yeah, such an inviting.

00:22:08 Merrily

Way about you and then about your the method that you.

00:22:11 Merrily

Do so very great.

00:22:12 Todd

Thank you. And I, I just want people to know that it is a unique experience and however it goes is right for them. You know, the people that we work with, their energy, all looks different the way they they, their quantum rooms or anything you can imagine. One guy that's his favorite car that he had in high school, another ladies at a pond, another one.

00:22:32 Todd

On a hillside, some are in space, one's on the moon. I love that one. I would love to visit the moon. Yeah, so, yeah, everybody's. Everybody's quantum room is different. And it's, you know.

00:22:45 Todd

Like with mine, it just happened so I didn't have any frame of reference or anything. They are actually thinking about many times. What do I want my quantum room?

00:22:53 Todd

To look like so.

00:22:55 Todd

They might be manifesting theirs. I don't know. But it doesn't matter because you know, whatever they have is what they have, and it's exciting and it's fun. It's it's a joy for me to hear about what their quantum room looks like and what their energy looks like and how it feels and.

00:23:08 Todd

Yeah, it's very, very unique for each person. And and I love that they're able to put that together.

00:23:16 Merrily

Yeah. So how would you? This is something I was thinking about too. Like, what is the process? And everybody has a different process of just, like, discernment of energy. So what is sort of your process when you have so much, not so much, but you have like really cool, like, creative things coming into your quantum space and your quantum room?

00:23:36 Merrily

Do you ever feel like you need to discern if this is?

00:23:39 Merrily

Like a helpful energy.

00:23:40 Merrily

Or not or how? How do you?

00:23:42 Merrily

Go about that.

00:23:43 Todd

That's a really good question and I I guess I just took it for granted that it would be a positive. You know my intention, my plan, everything was that this would be positive and helpful. And so I I think that's what's come to me each time and that's that. That is something that I talked to people about is making sure you set a a positive intent.

00:24:04 Todd

And the first shaman I ever talked to was years before.

00:24:08 Todd

This this other lady.

00:24:10 Todd

And I asked, you know what, what is it you do and and how do you heal these people?

00:24:16 Todd

And he says the whole process starts and really ends with their intent. He helps them set an intent.

00:24:25 Todd

To to get a result and and you can call it intent. You can call it quantum healing. You can call it prayer. It's it's when you get to that place of energy and spirit where you're manipulating that to to get where you want to be and.

00:24:45 Todd

And yeah, there's probably people that that don't use it in a in a positive way. Honestly, it didn't cross my mind. It was just I just assumed everybody would want to do this things positive and help and so.

00:24:58 Todd

Yeah, it it wasn't something I ever even thought about until I, you know, I a couple of couple interviews people have brought that up and and so I I do spend a little more time now thinking about what my intention is the positive outcome, the positive energy. And I've when I when I do the work and and maybe this will help.

00:25:18 Todd

That's right.

00:25:19 Todd

So I bring in the warrior.

00:25:21 Todd

I've got a warrior team and I've.

00:25:22 Todd

Got a love team to?

00:25:23 Todd

Balance things out and the Warrior team will find things on people. So if somebody asks me for a healing and and they and I and invite them into the quantum room, so it's not their physical body, it's it's their, it's their energy that comes into the quantum room.

00:25:39 Todd

It looks like them, but it's just their energy. It's my energy there.

00:25:44 Todd

And and we will start doing the work and.

00:25:47 Todd

The Warrior team will find things on them that I call a companion, so there might be a rag wrap wrapped around their heart and the and Desi will pull it out.

00:25:57 Todd

And we will, we will take that RAG and and we're going to, we're going to heal it. We're going to give it some cleansing and.

00:26:04 Todd

Energy to get it ready for healing, and then we send it love energy for the full healing and it'll change from that nasty rag that we pulled off somebody's heart to maybe some flowers. Or maybe like, like the first time that I pulled something like that from a person. Actually, that Desi pulled it from that person. It turned into this beautiful little boy.

00:26:24 Todd

With Curly kind of golden hair that just looked up at her with a big smile and then walked away.

00:26:30 Todd

And what these things are companions, these things started out as something positive for us that over the years we grew out of.

00:26:39 Todd

So if you can imagine, say you're a little boy and you're playing around and you hurt your arm and and you see on TV the football players and the wrestlers they have, they have a band wrapped around their arm, you know, so you think, well, maybe that'll help.

00:26:51 Todd

Arm. So you tie the band around. Sure enough, that pressure makes it feel better. What happens if you leave that on for a?

00:26:58 Todd

It might not be helping.

00:27:00 Todd

You anymore, certainly. If you leave that on for a month or a year, it's no longer helping you. And if you leave it on multiple.

00:27:00 Merrily


00:27:06 Todd

Years. It's really hurting you. So something that started out positive has grown into something that's holding you back and hurting you and that's what I call a companion and that's what most of.

00:27:15 Todd

These things are.

00:27:16 Todd

That we remove from people or companions.

00:27:18 Todd

1995% of what we encounter are these things, and So what we're doing is removing them, filling that person with healing energy, then love energy so nothing can go back in because nature, Moores, a vacuum.

00:27:31 Todd

Healing that companion and.

00:27:33 Todd

Releasing its energy back out to the universe.

00:27:36 Todd

To do what it's meant to do and what?

00:27:37 Todd

It loves to do and so.

00:27:39 Todd

It everybody wins on that.

00:27:41 Todd

The next thing.

00:27:42 Todd

That we run into is is a parasite.

00:27:45 Todd

And this is something that didn't start.

00:27:47 Todd

With a positive intent.

00:27:49 Todd

And this is where I get.

00:27:50 Todd

On my road rage soapbox.

00:27:52 Todd

So when we're driving and we're getting crazy.

00:27:55 Todd

Like I do.

00:27:56 Todd

And I'm much better now.

00:27:57 Todd

But we're sending out such.

00:27:58 Todd

Evil, nasty rotten thoughts, right?

00:28:02 Todd

I think some of these things attached to people and become a parasite and and suck their energy and cause problems, and that's about.

00:28:10 Todd

4 1/2% of what we encounter are these parasites.

00:28:14 Todd

And they're they didn't start off with a good intent. And when we when we remove these things and we heal them and give them love so they can really heal, sometimes they change their energy to something good that can go out and be helpful in the universe. Sometimes they just disappear. They're they're not able to change to something positive and they just disappear.

00:28:35 Todd

And then finally, there's there's another thing that you know, you can call it an alien. You can call it a demon. There's some kind of other thing that I don't think ever started off good. I don't know if it, if it even is of this world, but these things are a problem. And in the book you read, Ron.

00:28:55 Todd

That triangle headed alien? That was that was attacking him. That's one of those things I have since run into this thing that I don't even know really how to describe it. But maybe if you took a Peach and.

00:29:06 Todd

Made it 20 times the size of a sun.

00:29:10 Todd

And then had.

00:29:11 Todd

Billions or trillions of tentacles coming off of it to suck energy from people? That's something that I've just recently found and I have no idea how I'm going to deal with this thing other than separating the tentacles from people and trying to seal them so they can't get back. I don't know what this thing is, but that you know those those are Whoppers.

00:29:31 Todd

And I'm hoping that as the slipstream community grows, that, you know, maybe 5/10/20 of us will get together and figure out what to do with this thing. So that's that's another reason that I want to teach people how to do this process.

00:29:46 Todd

And and how to be a part of this community. And then, if I may, I just ramble on a little bit more. The slipstream part came because of, you know, you're in a place of quantum energy, so the slipstream makes sense there. And also the speed and the ease that takes place in the slipstream. So.

00:30:06 Todd

I want people to think about they're they're driving on the freeway and a semi passes them and you feel you feel your car got pushed off to the side and then it gets by you and you get sucked back over where you were. You can actually feel it as it goes by. You can feel that that jet stream.

00:30:23 Todd

If you get behind that semi and stay with it, say you're going 65. It passes you at 70, you can get behind it in that slipstream use less gas, use less energy and be going faster than you were because you're drafting in that slip in that slipstream, and so that's what the slipstream is all about is.

00:30:44 Todd

Finding a way.

00:30:44 Todd

To do it.

00:30:45 Todd

Easy and fast without using a lot of your energy.

00:30:50 Merrily

Very cool. Yeah, it's such a cool. Like, it works so well because it has this modern twist to it. And then you always explain it very well of, like, what that feels like. And it's all about.

00:31:00 Merrily

The energy and movement and.


That's very cool.

00:31:02 Todd

Yes. Yeah. And when and when people heal, they they actually feel it moving back into their past and then slingshotting into the future.

00:31:10 Todd

And really feel the difference in their life. So it's, yeah, it it works in a lot of different ways. And as I was trying to think of what I was going to call this as soon as those two words, you know, I knew something, shaman. And as soon as I, I thought slipstream it was over. It was that's who we were.

00:31:28 Merrily

Ohh, so cool. Yeah, thank you.

00:31:32 Merrily

I did want to ask or because I love when you talked about the companions, because I've never heard somebody describe it the way you have and it's so it makes so much sense about something that was helpful that.

00:31:48 Merrily

It's no longer serving you anymore, kind of, you know, new age you.

00:31:51 Merrily

Talk. I I wanted to. I didn't know. I don't know if you've read the book feeding your demons by soul trim. Eliani. I don't know if you've read that one.

00:31:59 Todd

I I have not. It sounds familiar but I.

00:32:01 Todd

Have not read that.

00:32:02 Merrily

Yeah. So I'll just quickly synopsis it is that it's.

00:32:08 Merrily

Basically, I think it's Tibetan tradition. You kind of you as a person or you have a practitioner will find like your own personal demons, right? Or it's basically like something that is.

00:32:22 Merrily

Like taking your energy and taking your focus and not doing you any harm but you person, you personify it. It like takes a form and then you communicate and say what do you need.

00:32:30 Merrily

And so I I think it's interesting in the book, she doesn't talk about it being something that was positive, but it makes sense that in some cases that could very well have.

00:32:40 Merrily

Been what was happening.

00:32:43 Todd

Yeah, as as you're talking about that it, it sounds like her and I are describing.

00:32:52 Todd

The same phenomenon.

00:32:53 Merrily


00:32:54 Todd

So in our own words, obviously, but yeah, it's it sounds like she's talking about the same thing. I'm going to and it's called feeding your demons.

00:33:02 Merrily

Feeding your demons very.

00:33:03 Todd

OK, I will have to investigate.

00:33:05 Merrily

Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. I just wanted to drop that one in because it's it was I was seeing so many parallels when I was reading your book that.


Very cool.


Yeah, for sure.

00:33:15 Merrily

So I know you talked about a little you kind of mentioned some a little of the things that have happened when you do healings for your clients or other people. Is there like a a particular success story that you would like to share?

00:33:30 Todd

Yes, and and let me let me just say something. When I do these, when I do these this work, I have a very limited time to make notes or I forget the whole thing. It's taking place in that place of spirit and energy and our brains just don't work there the way they do here.

00:33:50 Todd

And so I don't have a long time to remember things I have to make notes. The stories that I tell when I'm on these shows, I'm able to tell because I've I've written them down. I've read them. I've I've said them so many times that now I I can kind of get back into that place and see it, but but usually if I if I do work with somebody, honestly.

00:34:10 Todd

But you know, I I'll, I'll.

00:34:12 Todd

Talk to somebody and.

00:34:13 Todd

And do the work. Couple weeks later, we'll talk about something I'll say, remember.

00:34:16 Todd

When you told me this, no.

00:34:19 Todd

I truly don't, and it's not because I.

00:34:21 Todd

Don't want to.

00:34:22 Todd

It's just, it's not. It's not compatible with our brain, but the the one that I'm the most excited about that makes me the happiest. And it's going to lead into something that I'm just starting up to, if that's OK.

00:34:37 Todd

Is I get the the wonderful opportunity to work with some nurses that that are involved in organ transplants.

00:34:49 Todd

They they do just magical work. They they're they're part part of the process where they're getting the donation organ and also getting it to the the person that.

00:34:57 Todd

Needs it and.

00:35:00 Todd

11 evening I get a call from one of these nurses and.

00:35:03 Todd

They said, hey, we've we've got.

00:35:04 Todd

A A. A young man. That's it's going South. He got 2 organs.

00:35:10 Todd

And it's just not holding. He's he's in trouble. Can you see if you can help? We're we're going.

00:35:16 Todd

To lose it.

00:35:17 Todd

And so I immediately went into the quantum room, found this person, and it's it's fairly easy for me to find somebody through someone else's energy. So I was able to go to this nurses energy and then shoot over to this young man.

00:35:30 Todd

That had had the surge.

00:35:32 Todd

When I would when I get emails asking for for healing work it it's sometimes hard and I sometimes have to call the people to get some kind of connection.

00:35:41 Todd

Usually in emails enough.

00:35:43 Todd

But not always. But anyway I was able to get a very.

00:35:45 Todd

Good connection with.

00:35:46 Todd

This young man and, and he looked rough and I didn't use the warrior team I just surrounded him.

00:35:52 Todd

The love team that actually the Warrior team helped too, they surrounded him and we just fed this young man healing love energy just filled him, filled him, filled him.

00:36:01 Todd

Until he was absolutely, you could just see him standing straight or his color change. You're just happy he was glowing. Some energy was coming off of him. And so we were getting done with him and another little boy.

00:36:13 Todd

Walked into the room.

00:36:15 Todd

And this one.

00:36:15 Todd

Was pale and and hard to see and just sad and tired and.

00:36:21 Todd

So we did the same thing. We surrounded this little boy.

00:36:24 Todd

And just started filling him up with with this lot of energy and and you could almost see, you know, like when when the telethons would be on and there'd be a thermometer and it would their their goal was 30,000 and and they kept putting in the the red until it burst out the top.

00:36:40 Todd

But it would almost.

00:36:41 Todd

Looked like that with him, as as.

00:36:43 Todd

We were sending this love.

00:36:44 Todd

Energy. To him, you could just see it building from his, from his feet all the way up through his.

00:36:49 Todd

Body and then.

00:36:49 Todd

When it came out, the top of his.

00:36:51 Todd

I had there was six different streamers, either six or eight. I can't remember for sure now that were coming out of him and I felt like that those streamers of of this healing love energy was going.

00:37:02 Todd

To his family.

00:37:03 Todd

And this was the donor. This was the little boy that that had.

00:37:07 Todd

Given the organs up.

00:37:09 Todd

And and he's smiling, he's happy and he's he's got his energy back. And I I don't know why, but I said, hey, can you tell me your name?

00:37:19 Todd

And I'm not going to tell you the the real thing, he said. I'm going to, I'm changing it for confidentiality, but he, he says, see.

00:37:29 Todd

And I said so, see the letter. See, Charlie's going CC. Cedric, you know I'm going through all these C names trying to figure out what his name is, and he just he laughs at me.

00:37:40 Todd

And he leaves, and the next day I called the nurse. How's everything? Well, the boy who had received the organs is doing great. He's up. He's walking.

00:37:49 Todd

He's getting healthy. He he got out two days later, so everything turned around for.

00:37:55 Todd

And I'm not saying that that I replace the doctor. What I think happens with the work I do is that I'm the straw that breaks the camel's.

00:38:04 Todd

Back. I'm that last piece that's needed for the energy to line up, for everything to work. But you know you needed the the the medicine you needed the doctors. You needed all that other stuff.

00:38:15 Todd

But I'm doing that last little piece where his energy is lining.

00:38:18 Todd

Up and and he's healing.

00:38:19 Todd

Now and that's where I see myself fitting in. I'm. I don't want anybody to think. Don't go to the doctors. Don't you know what I'm saying? Is this a complementary to to what we have available? We have wonderful things available to.

00:38:32 Todd

To us, and it's a very nice compliment to that. And sometimes it's just that final straw that.

00:38:39 Todd

Tips everything over and makes it work.

00:38:41 Todd

And that's what I.

00:38:41 Todd

Think and so I get the great news. The the little boy that got the organs. He's doing great. He gets out of the hospital a couple days later and I said, I know, I know. We're not supposed to talk about this.

00:38:53 Todd

But I couldn't help myself.

00:38:55 Todd

I asked that the donor came to see me and I asked.

00:38:59 Todd

What is his name?

00:39:01 Todd

And he kept telling me CC. And so I said, is it Charlie? Is it said, you know, I start naming off all these same things again and the.

00:39:07 Todd

Nurse just busts out laughing and she says, Todd, you need to.

00:39:11 Todd

Pay attention, I said. What do you mean? And she said he told you his name. It's CC.


Oh my God.

00:39:19 Merrily

I'm so funny.

00:39:19 Todd

One thing is just.

00:39:20 Todd

Giving me an initial to make you know, make me work for him. But his name? CC. OK, great. So I was able to make that kind of contact. Which which people would call associative.

00:39:38 Todd

Remote viewing. So there was there was a lot going on there. We did the quantum healing and we did some remote viewing that night and that was by far my favorite thing that I've ever worked on. I get goosebumps. I've got goosebumps right now thinking about it. I get goosebumps every time I talk about it, and I'm so happy that I was a part of of helping.

00:40:00 Todd

Not only the young men who got the organs to heal and and go home, but to help the the family of the donor get better, because that's what he was doing as soon as he was filled out. He was he was sending out healing love to his family to help them feel better, to get them through the loss of of him and.

00:40:19 Todd

It was beautiful and it was. It was the best one. I've been a.

00:40:23 Merrily

Part of Oh yeah, that's such a good one here. It kind of, uh for me too. This is such a great story, my whole heart.


I was like ohh.

00:40:32 Merrily

Yeah. Thank you. That's so beautiful. C It's so funny that you those messages sometimes you're like your brain gets in the way and it's like it's gotta be.

00:40:39 Merrily

More hard than that.

00:40:41 Todd

Yes, and that's why I try not to interpret anything people say. What do you mean? There was lag around my heart. What does that mean? I said I don't know, and I don't care. It was. It's just how it showed itself. Yeah, it doesn't matter. Well, why is it a little boy?

00:40:54 Todd

I don't have a.

00:40:55 Todd

You know, I don't know. It's just.

00:40:58 Todd

The way the energy showed itself, it might be a rose. It might be a water you know.

00:41:03 Todd

The waterfall might be a fish.

00:41:05 Todd

It's it's been all kinds of things that they've changed into and it's all it's been all kinds of things that it started as you know, maybe a rock or a walnut. And and it changes.

00:41:13 Todd

Into a star or a.

00:41:14 Todd

Or a, you know, a metal, you know, and you you don't know. And and I don't try to interpret because my interpretation is probably not going to line up. Right. I I had a medium.

00:41:26 Todd

Come on to my show. My my side of the universe and I had a lady on and and this medium was nail.

00:41:34 Todd

What? What? The message was right.

00:41:37 Todd

And destroying the interpretation and would not listen to the person that he was reading and she was saying no, that's not what it means. I understand why I'm I'm being told this, you know, about the he's telling her? Well, there's there's turquoise. I'm getting turquoise.

00:41:53 Todd

And he says, and that's because it's this month thing and then he's going on and on. He says no, it's because he wore a bolo tie that had turquoise on it. And I can see it as you're describing it. His interpretation was taking her out of the whole thing. And that really drove home to me, don't interpret. He had the information, right. He he talked about the stuff, this lady.

00:42:13 Todd

Like he talked about the stuff that.

00:42:15 Todd

The person was.

00:42:16 Todd

Passing on he was he was.

00:42:18 Todd

Getting everything right, but his interpretation was way off and so I don't interpret that that's that's for the the other person to to decide on it. I just, I can't.

00:42:31 Todd

So if I may, I yeah, I hate to just keep rambling, but I'm.

00:42:38 Todd

I I used to on these shows, I'd say if you need a healing, let me.

00:42:42 Todd

Know I'll do.

00:42:43 Todd

It for free. I I am so far behind. I can't make that offer anymore.

00:42:49 Todd

In in the winter of 2022, normally when I would do a show like this, I'd get one to maybe 15 people wanting a healing.

00:42:59 Todd

I got thousands. Oh.

00:43:01 Todd

My God, last November and December, and it continued into January and February. I'm literally like five years behind on on these people and ask for healing. So like I don't, I don't make that offer anymore. I and and it's not because now you have to pay. I don't I never charge for these. I never have and it's.

00:43:09 Merrily

Oh no.

00:43:19 Todd

I'm afraid that I won't be able to do it anymore if I charge and so it's never been a thing about charging people, but I I can only physically do so.

00:43:26 Todd

Many in a.

00:43:27 Todd

Day and I'm so far behind, I may never.

00:43:27 Merrily



Got it.

00:43:30 Todd

But what I'm doing? I'm starting a new thing and and it's the. I mean it's still in the in the infancy, but I wanted to let your viewers know about this. It's called Glimmer Tree kids a glimmer.

00:43:44 Todd

Is something that you that that we all should train ourselves to look for? It's something positive that you see. So you see something that makes you happy that makes you laugh. Think about that instead of a trigger which sets you off on something bad, look for these glimmers. You might see a, A, A rose, AA, yellow rose in the middle of a red rose. And it just makes you feel good.

00:44:05 Todd

You know or or.

00:44:06 Todd

You see a little kid.

00:44:08 Todd

And jumping over a fence and laughing, who knows what these glimmers are? But they're very positive, very happy things. And and I, I, I want people to start looking for these instead of responding to triggers.

00:44:22 Todd

I think we can really be much happier if we, if we find more glimmers, so this is called Glimmer Tree kids. And the reason the tree is involved is I make rattles, rattles, help us focus our energy, and when I first started doing this, I needed to use a rattle to access the the Warrior team and to access the love team.

00:44:42 Todd

I I grew to where I didn't and I.

00:44:44 Todd

Teach people how.

00:44:45 Todd

You know to do it without using the.

00:44:47 Todd

Now, but I'm putting together a program where I'm gonna send rattles to children who are sick that need.

00:44:55 Todd

Need some help and I'm getting that put together so if there's anybody that knows somebody that needs it, by all means let me know. I'm hoping by the first part of 2024 I'll be able to send out these rattles. It's going to be free of charge. We'll send the rattles out. I want the kids to collect their own rocks or whatever they want to put in the rattle.

00:45:15 Todd

There'll be the wood that's already bored out and.

00:45:18 Todd

There'll be a.

00:45:18 Todd

A A dowel in to put in.

00:45:20 Todd

There. So they.

00:45:20 Todd

Can they can have a rattle and?

00:45:22 Todd

Focus their energy and and where this came from was I worked with a young man.

00:45:27 Todd

And he he came in just.

00:45:29 Todd

In tears one day.

00:45:31 Todd

And he came up and he's.

00:45:33 Todd

Crying, he's giving me a hug and.

00:45:34 Todd

He couldn't.

00:45:35 Todd

Speak of, you know, it took him a few minutes to tell me that he had mouth cancer and he had something bugging him in his mouth. Had the dentist look at it. It's cancer. Second bout of cancer and he's going to have to have a big chunk of his mouth taken out.

00:45:49 Todd

And he's freaking.

00:45:50 Todd

Out and.

00:45:52 Todd

His and and so he's going to miss work. It's going to be painful. He's afraid he's going to die and we we put together like a care package for him. He loved wrestling. So we had some wrestling magazines. We, you know, we had some treats that he liked that he could have before the surgery and we put just put together a care package for him and I.

00:46:11 Todd

Also made him a rattle.

00:46:13 Todd

And I knew that he was going to be missing part of his mouth, so I wanted him to focus on the end result. I wanted him to focus on walking out of the hospital healthy and so on on this rattle that I made for him, I I wanted to.

00:46:27 Todd

Have like an outline of of what a mouth would look like biting something and I'm not much of an artist. So to visualize how I'm going to put this on the rattle, I bit my arm.

00:46:37 Todd

And I had teeth marks on my arm. And so I I was holding the rattle, drawing the teeth marks what it looked like onto.

00:46:43 Todd

The rattle and then.

00:46:43 Todd

I burned it and and gave him this rattle and I told him I said. When you're feeling down when you're hurting, when you really need it, I want you to hold this rattle and shake it. And I want you to think about the day you're walking out of this hospital with the cancer gone.

00:46:57 Todd

And you're feeling great.

00:46:59 Todd

That's what you think about. You forget about the pain, you forget about.

00:47:02 Todd

The the other stuff going on and just think about the end result, will you do that for me? Yes, I will.

00:47:08 Todd

Few months later, I see him. He runs up, gives me a giant hug, then he runs off. He's hugging everybody else and his mom comes over and gives me a giant hug.

00:47:17 Todd

And said that there were times where she just sat there and watched him and cried because he was in so much pain, but he was so focused on being done, he had that rattling, was shaking it, and he was looking at the teeth and he was shaking it. And he was doing that and and she is convinced that.

00:47:32 Todd

He got out of there.

00:47:34 Todd

Almost completely whole, almost completely untranslated, because he was so focused on the right end result. Yeah, and that's what I want to do for kids. I want to get him a rattle. I'm going to put together a couple of videos to teach them how to bring their rattle to life. Start working the energy, bringing their own energy into it.

00:47:54 Todd

And and and come out of this strong. And so it's called Glenmore tree kids if you if you go to my website and just send me an e-mail tell me somebody that you want me to reach out to I will if you go to YouTube.

00:48:10 Todd

Slipstream shaman. There'll be videos for that there. It's for everybody. It's free. There's no charge for this, but I will be sending those kids rattles to make their own rattle and and build that energy with their family. So them and their family are focused on the right thing. That good end result getting out of their healthy and strong.

00:48:28 Merrily

Mm-hmm. Wow.

00:48:29 Merrily

That's such that is so cool that you put the.

00:48:32 Merrily

Put that together.

00:48:33 Merrily

And you give somebody, it's kind of like you're like you give.

00:48:36 Merrily

Them a plan. You give them a focus. It's.

00:48:37 Merrily

Very simple, you know.

00:48:40 Merrily

I love that I can't but help but think how like in your either your past lives or if you believe in that or whatever like you must have just have done this and that's why.


And it.

00:48:48 Merrily

It comes to you so naturally.

00:48:50 Todd

I I hope so or I.

00:48:53 Todd

Was just such an awful turd that now.


I have to.

00:48:57 Todd

For doing this one.

00:48:59 Todd

One of those two things.

00:49:01 Todd

I'm hoping I was a good guy to help people, and that's where I'm channeling this, but you never know.

00:49:08 Todd

Yeah, definitely hope so.

00:49:11 Merrily

Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you. Were you going?

00:49:13 Merrily

To say something.

00:49:13 Todd

No, no, I I was done. I I yeah, I I wish I could. I could say. Yeah, that's that's why. But I'm afraid. I'm afraid it might be the other.

00:49:23 Merrily

Oh, I mean, there is that too. But it's all great for us though.


And I'm doing some fun with it.

00:49:28 Todd

Yeah. Yeah, it's great right now.

00:49:29 Todd

And I'll take that and I'll take.

00:49:31 Merrily

Ohh awesome.

00:49:33 Merrily

So I guess not to.

00:49:35 Merrily

I feel like now my this question is going to bring it down, but but I did think this was.

00:49:41 Merrily

Interesting, because I actually really liked that in your book that you mentioned, when you when things didn't go right and and you were very honest about that and.

00:49:53 Merrily

Yeah, I just why I I'm sure I know why you wanted to share that, but like why what happened and you?

00:49:59 Merrily

Know why did you share it?

00:50:00 Merrily

In your foot.

00:50:02 Todd

So are you talking about with Ron? When I when I had to smash?

00:50:05 Todd

That alien and.

00:50:06 Merrily

Yeah, I think it was.

00:50:07 Merrily

Either Ron or there was like the.

00:50:09 Merrily

First, I don't.

00:50:10 Merrily

Know if Ron was the first time you encountered something that you were.

00:50:12 Merrily

Like I don't know what to do here but there.

00:50:14 Merrily

Was. Yeah, it was.

00:50:15 Todd

It was wrong. Yeah, it was wrong.

00:50:16 Merrily

On OK.

00:50:17 Todd

Yeah. So what, what had happened was my friend Ron.

00:50:21 Todd

And that that's the only real name you'll.

00:50:22 Todd

See in the.

00:50:23 Todd

Book is Ron and and he he wants. He wants it known. Ron Ron has been an alien abductee. He has seen Bigfoot. He goes ghost hunting. He's he.

00:50:35 Todd

Lives a life.

00:50:37 Todd

And he's this big, tough guy, right? He's like 6-4, one of those lanky guys that.

00:50:44 Todd

You you know.

00:50:44 Todd

That that this isn't the guy to mess with. He's a very nice guy, but he has that big appearance and all of a sudden he's sick and his heart's going bad and he's weak. And it it's just so off.

00:50:56 Todd

For this guy and. And he's just such a wonderful guy. And he's telling me about his heart and and how the the operation of his heart just keeps going down and.

00:51:07 Todd

And so I I start doing the work with him and it stops it. It doesn't get any worse, but it only lasts for a month or two, and then it starts going down again. So we do it again and we do it again and and nothing's working. And I don't understand why. And, you know, sometimes think well, maybe you just can't help everybody with everything. You know, I'm I'm going through all these thought.

00:51:28 Todd

But he's getting worse and worse, and his heart, his heart has been running at 13% for about 6.

00:51:35 Todd

Years now, he was he was supposed to have passed, you know, well over six years ago. And he just keeps and. And he he gets stronger. His heart doesn't get any better, but he's stronger. He's out walking a little bit now and driving and going out and doing the stuff he loves taking pictures, doing.

00:51:55 Todd

Paranormal investigator.

00:51:57 Todd

But so I'm doing the work with him. I'm. I'm helping somewhat and I don't know why I'm not not making this better, completely. And and I'm doing like the 4th or 5th session with him and he's in the quantum room with me and all of a sudden the chunk of the quantum room opens up the the mist goes away. And here's this.

00:52:17 Todd

Alien looking at me. It's got this big triangle head and when we look at each other, we're both shocked and it sends this.

00:52:25 Todd

Energy. I guess at me that just knocks me out, knocks me out cold and I'm.

00:52:32 Todd

I'm in my basement. I have this. I have this wonderful room for the nerds out there listening. I go through a TARDIS door so I've got a Doctor Who TARDIS that I.

00:52:40 Todd

Walked through.

00:52:42 Todd

And then I sit in my Captain Kirk chair to.

00:52:44 Todd

Do this work?

00:52:47 Todd

So yeah, I I've got it all and.

00:52:51 Todd

And I wake up in.

00:52:53 Todd

This chair and what just?

00:52:54 Todd

Happened and I'm mad, right? I'm a marine. I you don't. You don't knock me out. I'm gonna get you. And so I go back in. Bam knocks me out again.

00:53:05 Todd

And I I call Ron the next day. And I said, Ron, I don't know what happened, man. I'm so sorry. I don't know if you're feeling any better. I don't know if I can help you. Here's what happened. I tell him about the triangle.

00:53:15 Todd

Headed Alien, he says. Todd.

00:53:17 Todd

You're serious? It was a triangle head ailing, yes.

00:53:20 Todd

He says a a few years ago I was doing a regression with a hypothesis.

00:53:26 Todd

And during that, he had what's called an AB reaction. So he's he's in hypnosis. They're doing the work and all of a sudden he just freaks out. He's still in hypnosis, but he's losing it. He's screaming and yelling. He's trying to move away and he's yelling that there's a triangle, head shaped alien, an alien with a triangle shaped head trying to kill him.

00:53:46 Todd

It just keeps.

00:53:47 Todd

Going on and on about this sailing and it took him a while to to get him back and that happens every once in a while in in hypnosis.

00:53:55 Todd

You get a, you get a.

00:53:56 Todd

Weird response like that.

00:53:58 Todd

And so he tells me about it. And of course, my blood runs cold and I'm thinking.

00:54:01 Todd

OK, so there he he, he.

00:54:04 Todd

Knew that this thing was trying to get him and it had had a it had a tube hook to run in his back and I think it was feeding energy off his heart and ruining his heart. And and I removed it. I did remove it.

00:54:18 Todd

Each of those times, but it it still knocked me out.

00:54:21 Todd

Well, I I tried three times where it knocked me out and then I'm talking to a friend and that's why I love the collaboration. When people are doing energy work, talk to other energy workers, see what they're doing, share, get ideas. And and this one worker tells me, OK, here's what we're going to do. You've got a love team, right?

00:54:41 Todd

Said yeah, and she says.

00:54:43 Todd

What happens every time you go in like a marine and get knocked out? She says. OK, we're not doing.

00:54:48 Todd

That anymore? You're going. You're.

00:54:50 Todd

Going to take your love team and work on this thing and so that makes sense. So I I go to the, I go into my, I get my energy, I go to my quantum room, bring in Ron, we're doing the work.

00:55:03 Todd

And I surround myself with the love team and we're just building, building, building, building, building all this love energy. And then I I make that window open up so I can see that thing again. It sees me and I just blast it with love.

00:55:17 Todd

And this energy is just blasting into this thing, and it hates it. It's screaming, it hurts it. It doesn't want any part of this. And and and that goes on for, you know, what might be 30 seconds? I don't know. It's hard to tell time.

00:55:30 Todd

Doesn't really work there.

00:55:32 Todd

Sometimes I'm my physical body. It's 1/2 hour, but in the quantum room 5 minutes.

00:55:38 Todd

Or the opposite, my physical body 5 minutes and the quantum move an hour or two hours.

00:55:43 Todd

I never, you know, time is completely different.

00:55:46 Todd

And and when I'm when I'm writing the book and I'm telling these stories, my editor is like, OK, you've gotta pick a tense.

00:55:54 Todd

You can't, you know, because every sentence has all the tents in it. And the reason is they're the right words. They're the they're the correct word to describe what was happening. But frame it understands English. They're the wrong words. You have to pick a tense so.

00:56:08 Todd

I would have to pick a tense change all the words it didn't read right to me, but it read right to.

00:56:13 Todd

People that weren't in there.

00:56:14 Todd


00:56:16 Todd

So anyway, I blast this thing, it closes off. It leaves run alone for about 6 months. This time leaves him alone, and then he starts getting sick again.

00:56:26 Todd

And I'm like, OK, I don't know what to do going in the way I've been going in didn't work. The love helped, but it wasn't enough. What do I do? So I go to the quantum room and I ask my highest level guides to come to me and my my highest level guides and I teach you how to find your guides.

00:56:44 Todd

They're all aliens. Most people have human or religious guides. Mine are aliens that I don't even know how to describe them. One I can't even see because it's in a different dimension and it and it's like flickering. I can't even see what it looks like, but I've I've got 4 now high level guides.

00:57:05 Todd

And they surrounded me and they told me sit. And so I'm sitting.

00:57:10 Todd

And as I'm sitting there, they're talking they're they're just talking, and I don't remember what they're telling me.

00:57:15 Todd

But as they're.

00:57:16 Todd

They're talking to me. I can feel myself getting.

00:57:18 Todd

Really, really strong.

00:57:20 Todd

And I'm looking at my arm and my arms just getting gigantic, and my fists are getting big and all these muscles are just coming out and like, like when the guy turns into the Hulk, right like that.

00:57:30 Todd

And I'm I'm just sitting there and I'm. I'm gigantic. And and the power I had, it was insane.

00:57:36 Todd

And then they just they got real basic with me, they said. And it was something to the.

00:57:40 Todd

Effect of rip.

00:57:43 Todd

Grab Drive, drive, drive.

00:57:46 Todd

Throw up smash down squash. You know, something like that. So. And as soon as they said that last word, there he was. I I flew at him at that alien through the mist.

00:57:59 Todd

His ship was there. I tore open the ship, grabbed him and just ran him across the room like I was tackling him like a linebacker and smashed him into the wall, slammed him up high like they were saying, threw him down on the ground, started wadding him up into a ball, then once, once he was incapacitated and couldn't hurt me or Ron.

00:58:18 Todd

I sent his ship into the sun and watched him and the ship incinerate.

00:58:26 Todd

As I'm writing the book, I'm like do.

00:58:27 Todd

I share this.

00:58:29 Todd

This is really, really awful. This is violent. This is awful. This is negative do.

00:58:35 Todd

I share this.

00:58:37 Todd

And I decided, yeah, I have to share this because it's the truth. It's it's my truth. And and while I would much prefer to just.

00:58:47 Todd

Give somebody healing energy.

00:58:49 Todd

Fill them with love. TRA La La. Off they go.

00:58:52 Todd

This thing wasn't.

00:58:53 Todd

Going to have.

00:58:53 Todd

It right, I don't think.

00:58:55 Todd

That Peach thing I told you about with all the tentacles is gonna have it. There's gonna be.

00:58:59 Todd

A fight, I think.

00:59:02 Todd

So yeah, that was.

00:59:03 Todd

The only thing I could do to stop this thing from hurting Ron and who knows who else it was hurting as well. And so I I hated that I did it. I hated that I had to do it. And I'm I'm. I'm trying to be a shaman and heal things. And I do that.



00:59:19 Todd

And I didn't know how it mixed, but I felt like I just had to be honest and tell people here's what happened.

00:59:26 Todd

I'm sorry, I would do it again if I had to, but yeah, that's it. Yeah. And it was ugly and violent. And I wish I didn't have to do that. But that's what I had to do. And and Ron, still with us and I. And I think I'm a big part of that. He he went into Hospice over six years ago. And then.

00:59:47 Todd

Came out of it and.

00:59:48 Todd

Well, who comes out of? Yeah. No, you don't. It's it's, you know, it's your last thing. So again, I think I was that straw that broke the camel's back. I was able to break that energy, let him heal himself.

01:00:01 Todd

Enough to stay with us.

01:00:06 Merrily

Amazing. Yeah. Yeah. I had to think again. Shaman. Such a wonderful word. Because you.

01:00:12 Merrily

Know they would.

01:00:13 Merrily

Do that stuff for people. They would go and like battle those weird energies in the weird realms and take care of it for people. So I don't, you know. So what you're describing is, is what?

01:00:24 Merrily

You know, they have done historically really.

01:00:27 Todd

Yeah, man, I I truly wanted to be a.

01:00:29 Todd

More positive thing and more, you know, but.

01:00:30 Merrily

Of course.

01:00:32 Todd

When you have to, you have to. And yeah, so I want to and I did and I I.

01:00:36 Merrily

Will again. Yeah, yeah. I mean Ron's here.

01:00:39 Merrily

So it it's well worth it.

01:00:41 Todd

Yes, my buddy's still with us, yes.

01:00:43 Merrily

Yeah, that's great.

01:00:47 Merrily

Oh, OK. So we're kind of wrapping up, but I do circle back around because we we started off talking about the watching men. And I'm just curious what, what do you currently think that they are if you even had know at all, wait what your opinion is?

01:01:03 Todd

That's a wonderful question. Yeah and.

01:01:05 Todd

I think there's there's a lot of different things.

01:01:11 Todd

Most people I talk to think they're ghosts. I don't think they're ghosts.

01:01:16 Todd

Many people that I talk to think that there.

01:01:18 Todd

Are time travelers some kind?

01:01:20 Todd

Which makes some sense.

01:01:24 Todd

Many people think that that they are seeing themselves in their life review.

01:01:30 Todd

And so you die. You go through that life review and you're standing there watching all this stuff happen. They're thinking that that watching men that they're seeing is them in their life of you seeing that instant in time.

01:01:43 Todd

Could be.

01:01:45 Todd

I and and then.

01:01:47 Todd

People think that it's that it that.

01:01:49 Todd

It is us and.

01:01:50 Todd

And one of the things that leads me to.

01:01:51 Todd

Believe that there's some aspect.

01:01:53 Todd

Of us in it is is one of the people I interviewed was.

01:01:58 Todd

Laying in bed.

01:02:00 Todd

And he sees one on the end of his bed and and you tend to see these, these things at the end of your bed or in the doorway. And that's that's where he saw this thing was at the the foot of his bed looking at.

01:02:12 Todd

And as he.

01:02:12 Todd

Was looking at this thing he had sleep routes.

01:02:15 Todd

As he couldn't.

01:02:15 Todd

Move. But he just started walking towards him, so it's walking through the bed, up through his body and through the bed till it's behind him.

01:02:24 Todd

And as soon.

01:02:25 Todd

As he got.

01:02:25 Todd

Behind him. So I guess it would technically have.

01:02:28 Todd

Been kind of.

01:02:29 Todd

In the wall.

01:02:31 Todd

But behind him is he's laying down, he said. His perspective changed from looking up at that to looking down at him, looking down at himself. He was looking at himself through that.

01:02:41 Todd

Things eyes.

01:02:43 Todd

And he heard it say I am you.

01:02:49 Todd

And so he he is convinced that that is him, his spirit, his avatar. You know, whatever you want to call it. He he thinks it is a part of him. And and over the governing spirit that's over him or something but.

01:03:05 Todd

So it's it's really.

01:03:06 Todd

Hard to know what it is I.

01:03:09 Todd

I tend to fall into the.

01:03:12 Todd

Like a dimensional time traveler? That's that's a historian or something. I I don't know. But you know why? I had 12 of them watching me ride a horse. I don't know. Maybe. Maybe. I was just having so much fun. They enjoyed it. I, you know I don't.

01:03:26 Todd

Know what it is but.

01:03:28 Todd

I I don't think it's a ghost. I don't think they're evil. I don't think they're harmful.

01:03:34 Todd

All I've ever felt from them is curiosity.

01:03:37 Todd

And I've literally seen them hundreds of times, and I've only ever felt curiosity. Now some people feel absolute terror, but most people just feel like they're being watched, like, like, like, like their dogs watching them from across the.

01:03:52 Todd

Room kind of thing.

01:03:53 Todd

It's, you know, they.

01:03:54 Todd

Know something's watching them, but they.

01:03:55 Todd

Just don't know what it is.

01:03:57 Merrily

Fascinating. Yeah. Thank you for sharing that and now opens up my, what, what maybe it is.

01:04:03 Merrily

So that's cool.

01:04:04 Todd

Exactly it's it's that's one of the fun things about what we do is we don't know. You know why? Why is every culture?

01:04:15 Todd

Across the world have Bigfoot stories, but we've never had a body. You know what? Where are these things coming from? I've I've got to believe that. There's there's a reason that they're that we've seen them, we've interacted with them. But how are they? How are they doing? What?

01:04:30 Todd

They're doing.

01:04:31 Todd

You know, and my my thought and it's the same thing with the watching men is Bigfoot.

01:04:36 Todd

The transdimensional being that can, that can phase out of out of our reality when I when I was with another shaman training to get my spirit guides, my spirit animals.

01:04:49 Todd

The the first one that came to me was the elk and we're we're we're walking around this fire and my body's changing. This is ice. We're in ice. It's slippery. It's treacherous. And then we've got a fire and I'm walking around, I'm slipping and sliding and all of a sudden I've got great footing. I'm walking different. My chest is puffed out. I'm walking like an elkwood.

01:05:09 Todd

Like a bull elk. And I was no longer sliding. And I'm watching the other people and and I see how their bodies are changing as as their spirit animals come to them.

01:05:17 Todd

And we're walking and walking, and then I lose my, my my elk is gone and.

01:05:21 Todd

I'm. I'm freaking out. Everybody still got theirs, and I'm I'm upset. I'm why did mine leave and and then all of a sudden I'm walking different. And now instead of having my chest puffed out, I'm standing taller and my arms are starting to swing and I'm taking these gigantic strides. And again.

01:05:37 Todd

I'm not.

01:05:39 Todd

Well, this time and so I had a bull out come to me in the first I had a female Sasquatch spirit energy come to me for the 2nd.

01:05:47 Todd

And as I was interacting with her walking and I and I was no longer slipping, I can remember looking down this Ridge of mountains, thinking I could be at the very end of what I can see in a.

01:05:58 Todd

2nd, if I wanted to.

01:06:01 Todd

And I think they just walk through, you know, maybe like what you would call a Mobius door and come out another one, you know, hundreds of miles away. So I I think there's some, some things that we don't understand about dimensions with all this, with with ghosts and everything. Sometimes I wonder if the things that we're recording the EVP's, the electronic voice.

01:06:23 Todd

Phenomenon. Yeah. If we're just not hearing some.

01:06:25 Todd

Be in another dimension, right?

01:06:27 Todd

Next to us and and the veil is fairly.

01:06:29 Todd

Thin so that.

01:06:31 Todd

Sound can come back and forth. I I I always have this picture of me on a ghost hunt saying, hey, are you a ghost? Talk to me and somebody on the other side. Well, I think I hear a ghost. It wants to talk to me.

01:06:43 Todd

And they're doing the same thing. There's two paranormal groups on different dimensions, trying to talk to.

01:06:47 Todd

Each other.

01:06:48 Todd

So I wonder if something like that's going on.

01:06:53 Todd

And one one other funny story. I'd I'd love to tell you is I'm on a on a ghost hunt and we're in it on Elks Lodge of All Things, you know, and Elks Lodge. And it has a bar and it has a restaurant. And it has this big dance floor. And there was a lot of hunting stuff going on there. And we're we're going through it. They weren't open at the time. It was in the afternoon.

01:07:14 Todd

And I'm on the middle of the dance floor, and I'm talking. I'm asking questions, and I've got my recorder going.

01:07:20 Todd

Well, the the next day, as I'm listening to this, I hear this weird sound and it's a voice. And and it's saying a word. But I can't. Sometimes you hear stuff and you just can't quite pick up what it says.

01:07:32 Todd

And so I send it to my team. I said what? What are you guys hearing? What is this? I even flipped it. Sometimes I'll turn them and run them in reverse and then I can understand them.

01:07:43 Todd

But I sent it to everybody and most of them didn't know anything about it. And and one says.

01:07:49 Todd

You're being asked to dance in Italian.

01:07:52 Todd

And so I'm on a dance floor and something is speaking Italian to me, asking me to dance. So I wish I would have had a there. There are some microphones and and recorders now where you can get real time. You can hear the EVP's real time. And so if that would have happened and and I would have known Italian, I would have.

01:08:13 Todd

I would have certainly said yes. I can't dance, but yeah.

01:08:16 Todd

Let's we'll we'll do a slow circle thing.



01:08:21 Todd

But yeah, that was that was a fun one. Finding out that something was asking me to dance while I was on a dance floor, I thought.


Yeah, that's so good.

01:08:27 Todd

That was neat and.

01:08:30 Todd

Most of the shows talk about.

01:08:32 Todd

All these you.

01:08:32 Todd

Get out. I'm gonna kill you all.

01:08:34 Todd

These things that they record.

01:08:36 Todd

By far the word that we've recorded the most is love.

01:08:40 Todd

Ah, Bible. Like hundreds of recordings of the word love. And so I think there is a lot of good out there. My excuse me, my team sometimes get mad because.

01:08:52 Todd

It would. The recording would be we love Todd.

01:08:55 Todd

And Todd, just Todd.

01:08:59 Todd

But that was that was a lot of fun. The word love is is recorded a lot in our EVP's, and so you'll pass that on. Let's let's make sure that words used a lot more.

01:09:09 Merrily

I love it.

01:09:11 Merrily


01:09:14 Merrily

Ohh wow, so many great stories and you're so you know, no wonder you had a podcast for so long. You're great at telling your stories and so great. So what are? I'm happy that you shared about the garage for you or the glimmer tree kids rattles. That's so cool. So.

01:09:25 Todd

Thank you.

01:09:33 Merrily

And so impactful, so simple. I love it. So creative. So what are some other projects that you're working on? I think I heard in a recent interview that you might have some books coming out.

01:09:45 Merrily

As well, so let's.

01:09:47 Todd

Yeah, I I put the book on hold for.

01:09:49 Todd

Now there is a.

01:09:50 Merrily


01:09:50 Todd

Part 2 coming.

01:09:51 Todd

Up what? What I decided to do instead was create an online course.

01:09:51 Merrily


01:09:57 Todd

So I do have an online.

01:09:58 Todd

Course and you can.

01:09:59 Todd

Find that at my slipstream. Shaman.com. For some reason I'm not able to link my other website to this yet. Something weird is going on. Forced me in electronics. I should have known it was going to happen, but yeah, if you go to myslipstreamshellman.com, there's a a page that will take you through. What? The online training is. And there's gonna be a series of online courses.

01:10:20 Todd

I, as I'm talking to people with the book, they they like the book. They like reading about it, but they really like the interaction. They like this where they watch me talking and and talking about it and they they asked me to do it online. So we did that and it's the next step. The first step is kind of getting everybody.

01:10:40 Todd

Up to speed on what a slipstream shaman is, how to do the base.

01:10:45 Todd

Here's here's what we're doing. The next one is going to go after different traumas, PTSD for first responders, for medical people, for, you know, for really everybody. Trauma. I was just talking to the lady today. Trauma is trauma. And and there's a lot of trauma out there. And so it'll be a a way to release that trauma will be the.

01:11:05 Todd

The second courses.

01:11:07 Todd

And I hope to have that in the next couple of months and and there'll be a whole series of of those. And then eventually I think we'll do another book, but.

01:11:16 Todd

Overwhelmingly, people wanted to see videos and and see this kind of thing instead of read about it as much as they like. Having the book to read, they felt like they would get more of it more out of it.

01:11:28 Todd

Doing it through the online well.

01:11:30 Merrily

Cool. I'm glad that they said that because I agree, I think.

01:11:33 Merrily

That's a great.

01:11:33 Merrily

Step for you and that's.

01:11:36 Todd

And again, you know my my purpose.

01:11:39 Todd

One of the things that.

01:11:41 Todd

This will do as you do your meditation and you find your quantum room and your and your healing is look for your purpose. What is your life purpose? What I found and I wanted to find my purpose for years and I've talked to so many people on the radio show and and they've wanted to find their purpose. People are always asking you know how do you find your purpose.

01:12:00 Todd

And I found my purpose and it was just two words to help.

01:12:07 Todd

I didn't realize it at the time, but if you look back at my life, everything is about to help. You know, I went in the Marines to help. I did this to help. I learned hypnosis to help. I learned neurolinguistic programming to hurt to help. I went into paranormal investigation to help. It was all about the help. I just didn't make the connection that that was what my purpose was.

01:12:28 Todd

And so these things are all geared towards me finding a way to help the most people possible and and doing the individual healings isn't that, but teaching. If I can teach 1000 people.

01:12:43 Todd

How to do?

01:12:43 Todd

Those healings, we're way better off than just me doing healings for people and that's that's what I'm looking at is the.


Oh yeah.

01:12:49 Todd

Build a, build this into a full arm of shamanism and to to do things faster and and and.

01:12:57 Todd

Believe me, one of.

01:12:58 Todd

The things that that I love, I'm I'm a retail manager right now and have been, you know, pretty much my whole life but.

01:13:05 Todd

I absolutely get goosebumps when I when I give an assignment to people and I know how I would do it.

01:13:12 Todd

But I I give them a big picture. You know, I trust them. I give them a big picture. Tell them what we need done, what the end result needs to look at, look like and then watch what they do. And they do it different than what I would have done. And almost every time it's better.


They come up with a.

01:13:29 Todd

Better plan and get a better result and I'm just so proud of them and.

01:13:33 Todd

Happy. And and that's what I'm looking forward to.

01:13:36 Todd

This is as we get people training in this, but they're going to run past me and I'm going to be learning what they.

01:13:42 Todd

Do and. We're, and we're going to build this this community out and really, really do nice things for the world. I I want to. I want to raise our frequency and and get things better.

01:13:52 Merrily

Yeah, very cool. Yeah, I'm very excited about the the, like, the teaching aspect. It's absolutely perfect, you know, because you're you're behind by five years on your own clients, so that trains.

01:14:08 Merrily

Some new folks.



01:14:10 Todd

I need some help.

01:14:11 Todd

Yeah. So we'll be doing some, I'll.

01:14:13 Todd

Be reaching out to those people and and if any of you watching this right now, send me an e-mail and I haven't responded, it's not because I forgot about you. I just haven't got to yet. And I'm so.

01:14:23 Todd

Sorry, but I'll.

01:14:24 Todd

I will be sending out what I'm going to do is try to do like 20 people at a time and we're going to do.

01:14:29 Todd

A Polly medela mini.

01:14:31 Todd

Ceiling and we'll do it all on a zoom call together and they're going to, they're going to work on their their stuff and and and get their energy. Right. And we're going to do it together. So that'll be a lot of fun. And and that way we can start chipping this down and really getting everybody that asks for help some.

01:14:48 Merrily

Awesome, I love it. I love how proactive and you have a plan and it's just like, oh, so good. Yeah. Thank you so much. I've I've read a lot of books in just many different spaces. I love reading books. I just feel like you just naturally, you know, just you just naturally.

01:15:08 Merrily

Like have this system that has already existed elsewhere, but for the way you explain it and the way you practice it, it's just so.

01:15:16 Merrily

Like you, anybody can do it and help themselves and other people so.

01:15:21 Merrily

Thank you so much.

01:15:22 Todd

And that's the thing anybody can and that's that's what I'm gonna get across the people. Anybody can do this. And I I would love to have more people doing it. I'm not. I'm not holding it. You know, I'm gonna, you know, I I want people to do this. This is about making everything better. So and and if we could.

01:15:40 Todd

I just, you know, it's this is the holiday season and maybe some people watch this in June or something. But when we're when we're doing our conversation now it's the holidays and everybody's stressed out and kind of mean not not everybody, but there's some, yeah. What I would like people to remember is when you're at a restaurant and you're in a retail place and you're getting frustrated because you're waiting.

01:16:01 Todd

Because somebody's not getting something done fast or there's too many people.


In front of you don't.

01:16:05 Todd

Get mad at the person that came to work.

01:16:08 Todd

The reason they're behind is because somebody else didn't. So you're getting mad at the wrong person. You're getting mad at the one that came and is.

01:16:15 Todd

Truly trying to.

01:16:16 Todd

Make things right for you, so maybe give them a little little break, a little bit of love, a little bit of happiness and and, you know, have a nice, nice holiday season. Just just give them a break. And remember, they were the ones that came to work.

01:16:29 Merrily

Oh, perfect. Well, you already again. You already knew what I was going to ask before I asked it, because I was going to ask, what are some words of wisdom that you would like to leave the audience. But that's perfect.

01:16:41 Todd

That's, you know, when we have a great conversation, those things happen. Then you get into the flow and the universe takes.

01:16:46 Todd

Over and.

01:16:49 Merrily

Well, wonderful. Yeah. Thanks again. I'm so happy. I'm so grateful that you wanted to chat with me. And we can have this conversation. And yeah, you're just a great person to chat with and you have great ideas and.

01:17:02 Merrily

I love it.

01:17:03 Todd

Thank you. You're a.

01:17:04 Todd

Wonderful host the.

01:17:05 Todd

Most prepared host I've ever been around. Thank you. And I would you know if if ever you should want me on.

01:17:10 Todd

Again, I would I would.

01:17:11 Todd

Be super happy to be back.

01:17:13 Merrily

Absolutely. Thank you so much.

01:17:16 Merrily

A big, big thank you to our wonderful guest, Todd Wilcox. The slipstream shaman For more information about Todd. His book Slipstream shaman. His energy work and the glimmer Tree kids project. Please check out the show notes. Your support means the world to us. If you found this podcast enjoyable, take a moment to, like, comment and share it with those who will enjoy this content. We are truly grateful for each and every one of you.

01:17:37 Merrily

Thank you for being a huge part of the casual temple community.

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