Casual Temple Episode 20 From Atheism to Druidry: A Unique Spiritual ODYSSEY to Composing the ORPHIC HYMNS with guest KIMBERLY STEELE


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🌟 Welcome to Episode 20 of Casual Temple! Join us as we unravel the mystical journey of composer and songwriter Kimberly Steele, known as Queenie, from the suburbs of Chicago. 🎶

Explore her evolution from a casual Christian to a Druid, with insights into her Gothic ethereal music and unique Orphic hymns. 🍃 Discover the transformative impact of discursive meditation, her experiences with past lives, night terrors, and astral traveling. 🌌

Embrace the wisdom of influential figure John Michael Greer and dive into recommended spiritual reads. Join Kimberly in rituals, tree connections, and everyday practices, including banishing rituals and tarot readings. Gain insights into her reflections on aging, openness to being wrong, and a glimpse into the intriguing concept of toxic astral pyramids. 💫 Don't miss this extraordinary episode exploring different planes and Kimberly's distinctive spiritual odyssey! 🚀


(Transcript is auto-generated; errors are unintentional.)

00:00:02 Merrily

Welcome to Casual Temple podcast. You're listening to episode #20, and I'm your host, Merrily Duffy. Here at Casual Temple, we explore our profound connection to the unseen world of spirit and how that empowers us to know our true selves. Can you do me a favor? Be sure to hit the like and follow buttons on your favorite podcast platform as it really helps us.

00:00:20 Merrily

Today we are diving into the mystical and spiritual realms with our extraordinary guest composer and songwriter Kimberly Steele, Kimberly hails from the suburbs of Chicago and enchants us with her unique and wonderful interpretations of the Orphic hen.

00:00:33 Merrily

Join us as Kimberly unfolds her spiritual journey from the early days of Chicago Christian to the exploration of Wicca, a phase of atheism, and ultimately embracing the practice of drudgery. We learned how to practice of discursive meditation as foundational in Kimberley's life and about her intriguing concept of passional pyramids. Stay tuned as this fascinating conversation.

00:00:56 Merrily

Welcome to the casual temple. This week we welcome composer and songwriter Kimberly Steele. Kimberly is located in the suburbs of Chicago, where she lives with her husband and cats. Kimberly creates Gothic ethereal music and also composed her own version of the Orphic Hymns, which you can listen to on YouTube and band Camp. They're very, very cool. I highly recommend them.

00:01:16 Merrily

So do you check them out?

00:01:18 Merrily

But yeah, welcome, Kimberly. So excited to have you.

00:01:22 Kimberly

Thank you, marilee. Thank you. I am delighted to be here on this on this night. Very, very nice to to see you again. Yes, yes.



00:01:35 Kimberly

Yes, I'm a composer, songwriter, cat owner.

00:01:39 Kimberly

Right. Very true, very important.

00:01:43 Kimberly

Not. Not necessarily in that order. I'm also a music. I'm a music teacher. That's my day job. Yeah, and I. Oh, and I I go under the name Queenie. But yeah, that's me. It's just Kimberly Steel.

00:01:57 Merrily

Yeah, that's right. You're Queenie and also Kimberly.

00:01:59 Merrily

Yeah, yeah. Either way, I don't care. Yeah.

00:02:04 Kimberly

Well, OK, see, I'll let you ask.

00:02:08 Kimberly

The questions for sure.

00:02:09 Merrily

Oh, no, no worries. No worries. Yeah, we did chat before and it was very entertaining. You have a lot of really cool things in your life. One of the from the very get go right. Your spiritual path is very interesting because you've kind of been a lot of things that are really interesting. So let's just kind of.

00:02:29 Merrily

Ivan, where you whatever you want to start.

00:02:32 Kimberly

Sure. Nowadays I would consider myself a druid. I wouldn't say that there are any two druids that are alike, though. Druids are a pretty motley crew, and for me, what druidry means.

00:02:48 Kimberly

Is that I spend a lot of time in wild and semi wild spaces. I talked to trees and I.

00:02:58 Kimberly

Do three of the Druid rituals everyday everyday sorts of stuff that and that I think we'll talk about a little bit later, but yeah, Druids are very, very disparate. They're very it's not a dogmatic religion.

00:03:19 Kimberly

It's I would call it Aquarian, and I would consider it more of a set of faiths than one. And yeah, I feel I feel that it's a a faith that.

00:03:32 Kimberly

Is its nature worship?

00:03:36 Kimberly

And nature being not just these, the wild and semi wild spaces, but nature being natural law essentially. So yeah, can you see the top?

00:03:48 Kimberly

Of my head, yeah.

00:03:51 Merrily

You're shiny.

00:03:52 Kimberly

It matters not that matters. I don't want to just feel like out of the frame.

00:03:55 Merrily

Ohh no, you're all good.

00:03:56 Kimberly

Yeah, but anyway, but yeah, cause I, but I'll have to. I I can adjust it if if I'm looking funny. But yeah, I was. OK. So you were asking about my background. I was raised a casual question and that what that meant was that.

00:04:14 Kimberly

When I was a kid, my parents took me to church and she was just a very close by church.

00:04:20 Kimberly

And then by the time I was in my early teens, they didn't even go anymore and I was confirmed in that church. It was a Protestant church.

00:04:31 Kimberly

But I found that my own interest died away as I entered my mid and late teens because I used to have these night terrors and Christianity offered no.

00:04:44 Kimberly

Explanation. No help, no, there was nobody I could talk to.

00:04:50 Kimberly

And so I that was one of the reasons there. There were certainly other reasons too, but that.

00:04:57 Kimberly

Was the main one meaning that.

00:04:59 Kimberly

I have found that in at least in the type of casual Protestant Christianity I was a part of, that it was more of a social club than anything meaningful, and I I just, I have a lot of disagreement with monotheism. I have. I don't have anything against it. You know, I'm I'm very much a.

00:05:19 Kimberly

Let you know you do you sort of person and I'm, I'm.

00:05:23 Kimberly

Always happy to let.

00:05:24 Kimberly

People kind of do their own thing.

00:05:27 Kimberly

Well, my issues with Christianity kind of drove me away from it. It just seemed rather empty to me and that I drove me to become a Wiccan for a while. I don't know if I mentioned that drove me, you know, towards a lot of things. And then I became an atheist for a long time.

00:05:47 Kimberly

I would say about I don't know, 20 years, alright, and I was definitely more of the Hitchens quoting type rationalist atheist, materialist. I would I would definitely.

00:06:01 Kimberly

OK. And I was, you know, just.

00:06:07 Kimberly

I was OK. As an atheist, I think atheism really did help me. I do. I mean, I think I had to walk. I think a lot of of Christian, you know, former Christians have to walk away from.

00:06:20 Kimberly

You know, just faith in general for a while, like I I did. I had to in order to kind of come back at it from a completely different perspective. And that's what I did about eight years ago.

00:06:32 Kimberly

I would say around, yeah, 2016 maybe 2015, I I took up the practices of drudgery.

00:06:40 Kimberly

And for me, that was that was a. It was interesting because it was about.

00:06:49 Kimberly

Finding a new type of astral pyramid.

00:06:53 Kimberly

I I talked about this concept of astral pyramids on my blog and.

00:06:59 Kimberly

We can certainly talk about those later, but it might. It might take like a breakdown of talking about the subtle planes and everything else, but it's just so there's so many rabbit.

00:07:10 Merrily

Holes. Oh yeah.

00:07:12 Kimberly

But yeah, I mean what what I was also thinking of I think that.

00:07:17 Kimberly

One of the things that got me into Druidry was the believe the the allowance of the belief of past lives. OK.

00:07:27 Kimberly

So it's I feel that my life took a turn out of atheism when I started to truly entertain the thought that this wasn't the first time I've been around.

00:07:39 Kimberly

And through years of Druid practices, mainly discursive meditation, but also the spear protection banishing ritual and divination.

00:07:50 Kimberly

I was able to understand a lot more about my past lives and just I would have. I would have flashes of them. I didn't realize I was having flashes of my past lives when I was 15.

00:08:06 Kimberly

But I didn't.

00:08:06 Kimberly

Know who was? I mean, I had these.

00:08:09 Kimberly

These flights of fancy, for lack of a better term, where I would just kind of see this person and talk to them in my head and see where they were and just be able to have this entire conversation as if they were standing in front of me like scrying, basically. But I didn't really think of it as such. I was like Ohh imagination because I had a vivid imagination. Of course, I'm just like, oh, is this some?

00:08:31 Kimberly

I didn't realize until I and now now I profoundly believe that that was me talking to one of my past life existences, and I had a couple of those when I was like, 14 and 15. Yeah. So that changed me. It really.

00:08:47 Kimberly

It really altered me and and discursive meditation which if I can just really quickly say what that is, it's something that is is part of. I feel like my life's work to to tell people about it.

00:08:55 Merrily

Yeah, I guess, yeah.

00:09:02 Kimberly

It's the it's kind of OK, it's not.

00:09:06 Kimberly

Eastern meditation. It's very much not the same.

00:09:10 Kimberly

Discursive meditation is from the tradition of Catholicism, actually, and we we kind of trace it back to Benedict of Mercia.

00:09:21 Kimberly

You know in the Middle Ages where he.

00:09:25 Kimberly

Would have his monks and his, you know, his people.

00:09:30 Kimberly

Sit down. Think about and they they called it contemplation. OK. And they would sit down with one topic. One one topic, one phrase, usually a phrase of the Bible. OK, one a picture. You know, one aspect of one picture. And they would.

00:09:49 Kimberly

They would unpack that thing like a zip file that's discursive meditation. The eastern meditation I feel, can be it's when it's taken out of its context.

00:10:00 Kimberly

Which it usually is, you know, Transcendental Meditation and so forth.

00:10:06 Kimberly

It's toxic. I think. I really think it's very, especially if you're a Western mind, you know, born in the West. I feel that emptying your mind is the is a great way of of rolling out the red carpet for whatever influence you want that you do not want to come in there. It's like basically saying hi, wandering demon.

00:10:26 Kimberly

High, you know, advertiser. Come on in. OK. And that's my issue with with.

00:10:30 Merrily


00:10:34 Kimberly

Eastern meditation, when it's divorced from its other traditions like yoga, would be great example, right? Meaning that there's not just the physical part, but there's a strenuous program and there's like, you're you're going to.

00:10:47 Kimberly

Have to look at what?

00:10:48 Kimberly

You're eating and you're going to have to contemplate a bunch of.

00:10:54 Kimberly

Scrolls and you are going to have to have this list of things. You do all the time and that's how you do it.



00:11:00 Kimberly

But with and then that's when you can do that particular meditation under a.

00:11:06 Kimberly

Under the guidance of someone you know, usually the master right. If and then that's fine. But when we take it in the West and we divorce it and say, oh, just empty your mind, think of think of this stick and think of nothing else, then it's it's effectively an invitation. It's like doing a seance and and taking roofies and bending over.

00:11:26 Kimberly

At a party.

00:11:27 Kimberly

Yeah, sometimes I can be really ********. I'm sorry. I've got Pluto really, really prominent in my chart, right? Yeah. So my apologies for my like, she's ********.

00:11:42 Kimberly

Yeah, but yeah, but yeah, we'll.

00:11:44 Kimberly

Discuss some of the station.

00:11:45 Kimberly

So you're every day.

00:11:47 Kimberly

You you sit in a chair much like this hard one that I'm sitting in right now, OK. And all you do is you sit here, feed on the ground, and no ohm, no nothing, sit there and just take that one topic, whatever that is. And then sit there for five to 10 minutes.

00:12:04 Kimberly

Every day and just only that topic. That's the only thing you can you you're able to explore. But The thing is about it. Let's say we do.

00:12:12 Kimberly

This you know this.

00:12:15 Kimberly

You have that mug or let's say we do a pencil. OK, this is a pen, but let's say.

00:12:21 Kimberly

It was pencil.

00:12:23 Kimberly

I have a pencil right here. Of course. OK, so a pencil it comes from.

00:12:28 Kimberly

It it means.

00:12:29 Kimberly

Little tail, right. And it was invented, I believe in like the Napoleonic era.

00:12:37 Kimberly

Meaning that you know, I think the idea of a piece of wood and with like a with, you know, lead in it or.

00:12:43 Kimberly

Whatever it used.

00:12:45 Kimberly

To there used to be lead inside pencils. It's not lead anymore, so it's effectively we think of that we can while we think of the pencil, we can think about writing. We can think about writing how how it relates to us. You know what are we writing.

00:12:56 Kimberly

If anything, we can think of the wood that that made this pencil, so we can think of the graphite that you know it used to be LED in these things, but now it's graphite. Ohh we can think of where that comes from, where that's mined. We can think of.

00:13:14 Kimberly

We can think of that this is made.

00:13:16 Kimberly

In China, most likely.

00:13:18 Kimberly

And we can go into, you know, thinking of other things that are made in China. So you see how I'm saying that this one pencil is a whole world of meditation.

00:13:28 Kimberly

It really is and that's why it's really effective to to meditate on the tarot.

00:13:34 Kimberly

In fact, I find terror to be so.

00:13:36 Kimberly

Like, because I feel, yeah.

00:13:38 Kimberly

And you couldn't you just spent and you can spend an entire lifetime just on one card.

00:13:46 Kimberly

Right. Yeah. I mean just in the in the exact process that I just explained 5 minutes, we're talking five hours on one card and then you might get through one symbol.

00:13:58 Kimberly

What I don't suggest.

00:14:00 Kimberly

Discursive meditation for that long. A day, I mean. I started with it like 5 minutes a day.

00:14:05 Kimberly

That was fine and and then it it changed my life 5 minutes a day and then it it I worked up to. I usually meditate for about I was about 1/2 an hour of of just sitting there and I like to when I do discuss some meditation. I do like to write down in my notebook like things that like pop into my head just so that way I can look at it later.

00:14:27 Kimberly

And that's where I come up.

00:14:27 Kimberly

With a lot of my essays, actually.

00:14:30 Kimberly

So so highly recommended as well with your writer. But to anybody, I feel that it's it's a lost tradition in the West. And I would I would like to see it revived. I I would, I think it would help.

00:14:40 Merrily

A lot of.

00:14:40 Kimberly

People, it's cheaper than psychotherapy, yeah.

00:14:46 Kimberly

Yeah, but yeah, it's it's definitely. It's definitely transformed my life. I just when I have me.

00:14:54 Kimberly

Your problem so like this weekend was a little bit dramatic, just some, just some nonsense with just an old business colleague who's not. He's not right in the head, but I did a lot of this for some meditation on him and and his his particular.

00:15:14 Kimberly

Situation and it helped me to not, you know, to not be angry at him. Umm. And for someone who used to have such. I used to have such anger. Problems like anger was one of the hardest things for me to do.

00:15:28 Kimberly

With it comes from, I think, being adopted. It comes from a lot of my anger.

00:15:33 Kimberly

Came from my past lives.

00:15:36 Kimberly

You know, especially my most recent one.

00:15:39 Kimberly

Where I was kind of an entitled rich lady in my in my most recent life, my past life. I I believe I I know.

00:15:50 Kimberly

A lot about her.

00:15:51 Kimberly

She was a she was born in.

00:15:56 Kimberly

I think like basically the late 1800s. So she's basically a Victorian lady. Her life went, I believe she died in 1968.

00:16:05 Kimberly

It's not a lot of time between incarnations, and I think that the the less time you have in between the incarnations, the harder it is to to when you do reincarnate.

00:16:08 Merrily

It is.

00:16:20 Kimberly

But umm, but do you remember anything about your most recent past life or?

00:16:25 Merrily

That's a great question I.

00:16:28 Merrily

You know, I've that's a great question. The most recent one I've sort of felt into was kind of in a similar.

00:16:36 Merrily

Situation is you, yeah.

00:16:37 Kimberly

Fascinating fascinate. You know, if you're I was an I was an American. I I believe I.

00:16:42 Kimberly

Was born on the East Coast. I specifically believe I was born in Vermont and yeah, and her life was spent mostly in the East Coast, she.


Oh wow.

00:16:55 Kimberly

Was I've always been in a lot of my incarnations. I've I've been very pitied.

00:17:01 Kimberly

She was, I think she was even more petite than I am now, which is really saying something because I'm 411. Yeah. So Shorty, Shorty pants, she was very petite and she was very, you know, very pretty. But, you know, she had, she was very entitled.

00:17:18 Kimberly

You know, she was she definitely had.

00:17:22 Kimberly

Issues with.

00:17:24 Kimberly

With men.

00:17:27 Kimberly

She married twice and I believe she was. I believe she was widowed twice. This is what I believe about her and she her one of the things that made her so angry was that she had two sons.

00:17:41 Kimberly

And when they grew up, or not even quite grown up, they went off and fought in World War One, and they never came back.

00:17:52 Kimberly

And that broke her. That made her very depressed. Very angry.

00:17:54 Merrily


00:17:59 Kimberly

And she never, you know, she.

00:18:01 Kimberly

Did live a good life but.

00:18:03 Kimberly

She never got over that.

00:18:06 Kimberly

She never did like she went to her grave in 1968. You know, very, very angry about that. And just, you know, because, you know, you have two children. You you follow all the rules, you do everything you everything that everyone ever wants. You're the perfect wife, perfect, mom, everything. And then.

00:18:25 Kimberly

And their sons even.

00:18:26 Kimberly

Go off to war like good little soldiers, yeah.


You there?

00:18:30 Kimberly

Devastating. You know, she just? Yeah, it invoked them. It it broke the marriage. But I think I from what I recall, I I think that that either she's widowed right after that or or maybe she gets divorced. Even though that would have been scandalous or something happened. So you know it it it just I'm not clear about that.

00:18:49 Kimberly

The second husband that comes in.

00:18:52 Kimberly

And and then she's just widowed. I think she ends up widowed, widowed from him. And yeah, it's it's just very odd. And I believe that.

00:19:00 Kimberly

I saw the main flash of her.

00:19:03 Kimberly

I was like.

00:19:04 Kimberly

1514 something like that. No, I might have even been. I might have even been like more pubescent, like, like 12 or 13. There's a a lot of magical activity that tends to happen around that age. I mean, if you noticed. Yeah.

00:19:17 Merrily

Yes. Oh.

00:19:20 Kimberly

Yeah. Meaning like even if you don't, I didn't even believe in it at that time, right? I mean, I always thought of myself. What's so funny is when I was a kid, I thought of myself as.

00:19:29 Kimberly

Completely, just oblivious all that crap and I because I was expecting Harry Potter. I didn't realize that the stuff that was happening to me was actually that stuff. Trying to get my attention.

00:19:41 Kimberly

Trying to say, hey, stupid, you know, this is it's us. You know, we're this is your ecosystem talking. I didn't realize that.

00:19:52 Kimberly

I didn't realize I was able to talk to dead people so easily, and and there's always people. Oh, you know, how do you know? Well, OK. It's like, I believe I've been talk. I have been talking to dead people since I.

00:20:03 Kimberly

Was my gosh like 11.

00:20:06 Kimberly

I think 11 is like the first one. I really remember was a kid who had committed suicide in my junior high.

00:20:13 Kimberly

And I talked to him.

00:20:15 Kimberly

And then I would just, I would just talk to all these things and I wouldn't really know what they were, but I knew it was him that the kid who killed himself because he basically said, but I didn't because I didn't literally see it because I didn't actually see him materialize. The specter in front of me. I was like, oh, no, no, I'm. I'm insensitive. I don't even. I don't, you know.

00:20:36 Kimberly

I just basically dismissed it.

00:20:38 Kimberly

You know, even though he was pretty.

00:20:39 Kimberly

Clear about what was going on.

00:20:42 Kimberly

You know, so.

00:20:45 Kimberly

Uh, talk to my grandma. Grandma, one of my grandmas after she died.

00:20:54 Kimberly

Didn't believe, still didn't believe. I mean it's.

00:20:56 Kimberly

Just like how how?

00:20:57 Kimberly

Much has that happened? It's a fun to a person before you're like, oh good, alright. But it it took a really long time. I mean the during my whole atheist period, of course I was. I went on antidepressant drugs for.

00:21:16 Kimberly

Four years, I would say, which, well, maybe five years between the ages of like 17.

00:21:21 Kimberly

And like 22.

00:21:23 Kimberly

Until just because I was suicidal, so I was.

00:21:25 Kimberly

Just like well, either I.

00:21:28 Kimberly

You know, slash my wrists and go jogging or.

00:21:31 Kimberly

I I go see.

00:21:32 Kimberly

A head shrinker.

00:21:33 Kimberly

And I, which was the ladder and with the.

00:21:38 Kimberly

Yeah, with with those drugs. Unfortunately, they didn't even slow down the night terrors. In fact, I would say they amplified them. They just made them. Like, I wouldn't say they made them worse.


Oh no.

00:21:50 Kimberly

They just made them more clear.

00:21:53 Kimberly

Interesting like I had them almost. I I would say I had them like three times as much though I was like it. It started down that road. I'm.

00:22:00 Kimberly

Like I'm gonna kill.

00:22:00 Kimberly

Myself because it sucks so bad. And then.

00:22:04 Kimberly

And then finally, you know, and I'm just like during that whole five year period, I've I've never had such intense out of, I don't know what you call Astral traveling, but dreaming is astral traveling. So I mean, it's like there's there's. But believe me, these these night terrors were different.

00:22:21 Kimberly

If you've ever.

00:22:21 Kimberly

Heard. Oh gosh, there's a a documentary slash.

00:22:25 Kimberly

Movie on Netflix where Ohh man I should remember what this thing was called, but it it's about night terrors and they basically interview a bunch of people who have them and.

00:22:37 Kimberly

These, and I'm like, Yep, I'm we're going down like the the checklist. We're going down the feeling of pressure all around you. You open your eyes and it's everything is kind of red tinged, OK, you hear pounding and or mumbling the mumbling is the scariest part because that's the.

00:22:56 Kimberly

That's the entities that are trained to get at you, OK, because those are the things that are attracted to your.

00:23:03 Kimberly

Effectively, they're attracted to you on the etheric plane, and so they're trying to they're trying to zoom in and nobody has a a Wilder etheric plane than a teenager. It's just like, you know that whole, you know, it's their.

00:23:15 Kimberly

Energy is crazy, yeah.

00:23:18 Kimberly

And mine was just especially nuts. And you know, so we had that.

00:23:23 Kimberly

And then we had the them threatening to harm you, threatening to make yourself harm you. They will threaten you with self harm. This happens all the time during these astral traveling episodes and the the impersonators. Here's another one. These beings that what happens is they're.

00:23:42 Kimberly

Who knows who these things are? Are they demons? Are they just? I think they're just random critters, honestly, but they will impersonate your relatives, your friends. They'll even impersonate you, but they'll usually just try to impersonate like somebody you're close to. So you think that someone's come to wake you up? But no, it's an impersonator.

00:24:02 Kimberly

And they they they do not mean you any anything good. They they definitely just want to suck your energy. They definitely want to.

00:24:12 Kimberly

You know, get you into a fight. This is basically on the when I was spending all that time on the lower astral plane during these antidepressant episodes of like, half Sleep essentially.

00:24:27 Kimberly

This this was like open season on my poor teenage, you know, body mind. It was just season and the drugs made it worse. I would say I would say and.

00:24:40 Kimberly

Finally, five years of this, I'm out of college. I'm like, you know, get. I got the, my, my music degree by the hair of my chinny chin chin, and I'm like.

00:24:50 Kimberly

I've got to start paying for my.

00:24:51 Kimberly

Own insurance and.

00:24:53 Kimberly

And guess what's a pre-existing condition depression.

00:24:57 Kimberly

And major depression is a pre-existing condition. So I'm just like, screw that. I'm I am no longer depressed and I I my shrink at the time, you know, she was all about the money. So she was like, oh, no, you're going to be depressed forever going to be taking that medication forever. And I'm just like the hell I will and I.

00:25:17 Kimberly

I weaned myself off of them. I fired her.

00:25:20 Kimberly

And I would say I was still depressed, but I definitely got a lot happier after that. And I think atheism helps me to at least arrive at a point where I didn't hear what anyone thought of me, and then that that helped me to, to finally.

00:25:40 Kimberly

Uh, discover the the path of.

00:25:44 Kimberly

Of spiritual this have the spirituality I had been looking for all along.

00:25:50 Kimberly

Oh yeah, as far as one thing I one person I wanted to mention is who helped me a great deal to find my current path is the author Blogger Slash I guess Major. I guess you would call John Michael.

00:26:10 Merrily

Here. Oh yeah.

00:26:12 Kimberly

Did you know about him?

00:26:14 Merrily

Oh yeah, yeah.


You see.

00:26:15 Merrily

He's great. Yeah. Did you find out about him? Oh, so I'll just say that I actually heard him on a podcast years and years and years ago, and they brought him on as an astrologer. And I was like, who is this guy? And at the time, he was living here in Washington, I believe. Yeah.

00:26:31 Merrily

Cuz I was like wow.

00:26:32 Merrily

He's like in Washington, but I.

00:26:34 Merrily

Guess he doesn't live here anymore. He lives on the.

00:26:36 Merrily

Coast. So that's the first time I got to know John Michael Greer. But then, like, now, of course, in, like, your magical crack, you can't escape him. He's just so prolific and amazing.

00:26:44 Kimberly

Because he's he's. He's written 100 bucks, right? Yeah, I know. It's like, 90. If it's not 100, I I consider him the JS back of modern occultism.

00:26:55 Merrily

Yes, that's an APT title.

00:27:00 Kimberly

Yeah, I mean, I I really I like how.

00:27:02 Kimberly

Relatable he is.

00:27:04 Kimberly

And he is brilliant, but at least I feel he's very down to Earth.

00:27:08 Kimberly

The yeah, I mean I I I would. I would love to know his his chart because that that must be a fascinating read, you know, and and not that I understand a lot about astrology I don't. But I do I I know.

00:27:23 Kimberly

To not mistake my **** for a hole in the ground.

00:27:26 Merrily

Right, exactly. Exactly.

00:27:30 Kimberly

Ohh but yeah, no, absolutely. He really did help.

00:27:33 Kimberly

Me so much he did because I was just in this place where.

00:27:38 Kimberly

I didn't. You know, I'm just like, I'm obviously looking for something. I just don't know.

00:27:43 Kimberly

What it is?

00:27:44 Kimberly

And he helped me to open my.

00:27:46 Kimberly

Mind, especially as a.

00:27:48 Kimberly

As a former atheist and also you know, the fact he was, he's a druid. That's I. I think that's why I chose that particular path because he has a book on it, literally. He's like, this is how you be a druid or sort of anyway, right? You know, he doesn't say, oh, OK. No, you got to be this way. It's not like that. But yeah, he does have, you know, a lot of guidance where he says.

00:28:08 Kimberly

OK. Well, if you're a Droid, you might try to do that. You know those.

00:28:11 Kimberly

Three things I was talking about the discursive meditation.

00:28:15 Kimberly

The vanishing and also the divination and my particular I ended up doing a lot of OEM divination ohm is this there are these tree letters?

00:28:28 Kimberly

They're kind of like runs. They're real similar because isn't run a tree letter essentially just like each letter is like very special.

00:28:33 Merrily

Yeah, I think so.

00:28:37 Kimberly

And So what I did is.

00:28:38 Kimberly

I meditated all the way through the.

00:28:40 Kimberly

25 of.

00:28:41 Kimberly

Them twice and that that resulted in a website.

00:28:46 Kimberly

That I'll recommend of mine that I you I even use it myself. It's called Druid Ohm and Ohm is called OG HAM.

00:28:57 Kimberly

At WordPress, it's just one of those.

00:28:59 Kimberly

Free sites but.

00:29:01 Kimberly

I try.

00:29:03 Kimberly

I I I I definitely I I definitely use it myself. I I read only for people every week.

00:29:10 Kimberly

As a way of for free.

00:29:12 Kimberly

As a way of trying to improve my own my own writing skills.

00:29:17 Kimberly

Yeah, I think they get a few takers.

00:29:20 Kimberly

Every week.

00:29:22 Kimberly

Yeah, sorry I'm having my breath issues. I'm.

00:29:26 Kimberly

I think I'm stuffy.

00:29:27 Merrily

Ohh yeah, but yeah.

00:29:30 Kimberly

I know.

00:29:31 Kimberly

I think it's it's warm in this room.

00:29:35 Kimberly

Oh yes, that it is. But it's forming here. Hot flash. Oh my gosh.

00:29:41 Kimberly

Open the light.

00:29:42 Kimberly

Yeah, but yeah, I I definitely owe that guy a lot. And I actually discovered him through Jim Kunstler, so that's how I found him. I found him through constellar.com, I think. And and counselor is like he used to blog about peak oil, but he's just a devastating.

00:30:02 Kimberly

Right. He's so funny. I.

00:30:03 Kimberly

Just I love reading him.

00:30:07 Kimberly

I think you were asking me about books, right?

00:30:10 Merrily

Oh yeah, if there's any books along your path that you would point somebody to if they were.

00:30:17 Kimberly

Also looking you know FYI I.

00:30:20 Kimberly

Actually, loan books to anybody in the continental United States.

00:30:24 Kimberly

I actually have on my on my blog.

00:30:27 Kimberly

I have a little like A blog entry and I have my whole collection of well, it's no, it's actually only A1 chunk of my collection. I've got a lot of books and I will send those.

00:30:36 Kimberly

To you for.

00:30:37 Kimberly

Free. I'll just look through the little list. It's on my dreamwidth blog.

00:30:42 Kimberly

But yeah, you're it's because I can't just.

00:30:44 Kimberly

Pick one. I right? Yeah.

00:30:46 Merrily

I know.

00:30:46 Kimberly

Right. Yeah, I can't help myself.

00:30:48 Kimberly

I wish I loved books more.

00:30:50 Kimberly

Maybe I would.

00:30:51 Kimberly

Have more books? You know I've actually. I I don't think I mentioned this. I actually I I wrote. I used well, I haven't been writing it lately, but I used to write fiction and I wrote this series of.

00:31:02 Kimberly

The vampire novel is called Forever 50.

00:31:04 Kimberly

I mean, I don't think I mentioned that. Yeah, I don't know. I just, I I I don't know where the whole writing bug came from, but it's like I would consider forever 15 like The Dirty twilight. Basically, it's available on Amazon. Umm.

00:31:19 Kimberly

There's like basically.

00:31:20 Kimberly

Three of them, there's the the first one.

00:31:22 Kimberly

And there's two sequels there.

00:31:24 Kimberly

So it used to be available as a free audio book.

00:31:28 Kimberly

But I I haven't like, I don't know where that audio is. I think I could maybe resurrect it. It's just like a lot of audio because it was like a 70.

00:31:36 Kimberly

5000 word.

00:31:37 Kimberly

Book. Yeah. And I read the whole thing like when I was, when after I read it, when I think I wrote it when I was.

00:31:43 Kimberly

Like 30 but anyway, but it was it's.

00:31:45 Kimberly

Interesting. It's it's. It's like it has.

00:31:48 Kimberly

Twilight, sort of. But I didn't. I had never. I've never actually read the entire twilight series. I don't like twilight that much.

00:31:55 Kimberly

Oh, something wrong with it? It's just I I find it kind of boring, but it's. Yeah, it it it has, like definitely like similarities in plot, but it's it's the girl who's the vampire. Yeah, but, you know. Gotcha. Yeah. And I've written, like, a parody novel that is called Shady Light.

00:32:15 Kimberly

And shady light is a parity of it's of a parity of 50 Shades of grey. It's also like also kind of a parody of the True Blood series.

00:32:27 Kimberly

Like the sookies dot.

00:32:30 Kimberly

And it's a little bit parody of of twilight. So she, like, got it. So it kind of combines parodies of like those genres. And it's. It's funny. Yeah, it's it's it's.

00:32:44 Kimberly

Weird that book and it's of course I made it under a pen name JKLMNOP.

00:32:52 Kimberly

No one got sat right until I say it. JK Elemental P, right?

00:32:58 Kimberly

Yeah, and it's absolutely terrible from beginning to.

00:33:02 Kimberly

End so if you're.

00:33:03 Kimberly

In the mood for something really disturbing? I certainly go for it, it said on Amazon as well.

00:33:09 Kimberly

But as far as.

00:33:11 Kimberly

My my favorite books, the Cosmic doctrine I would part with changing my life.

00:33:17 Kimberly

And also another one by Dion Fortune through the.

00:33:20 Kimberly

Gates of death.

00:33:22 Kimberly

That absolutely altered my life. She she had a good way of see the cosmic doctrine is a super confusing book, and for a while there was a discussion of it at Eco Sophia. Without that discussion, I don't think I would have had a snowballs chance in hell of know of, like, really internalizing any of it.

00:33:40 Kimberly

You know.

00:33:41 Kimberly

It is a very dense book. It is, it's like every single line you have to put into discursive meditation and if you don't, if you're not already meditating, good luck to you. Though. John Michael Greer has a has a book discussing that and I have it in my collection and I'm certainly willing to lend it, but it's basically.

00:34:01 Kimberly

It's like a reedition of the cosmic doctrine with the discussion and I.

00:34:04 Kimberly

Highly recommend that book.

00:34:05 Kimberly

Oh, nice. Yeah. And then as far as other books it I know it sounds like a boring title, but the laws of Christian Cosmo conception by Max Heindel.

00:34:18 Kimberly

That is a very good book. Rosicrucianism is very interesting. There are Christians, but they believe in reincarnation.

00:34:27 Kimberly

They they're definitely like Christian occultists and and Dion Fortune was a Christian occultist.

00:34:34 Kimberly

Uh, she was Anglican, I guess.

00:34:36 Kimberly

And actually, as far as Rosicrucian Cosmo conception and that's where I got the idea for one of my essays, I wrote an essay about Pollyanna and this idea of the glad game.

00:34:48 Kimberly

Which where where I'm talking about.

00:34:51 Kimberly

Pollyannaism as being the true occultism, meaning being able to to look on the bright side as much as this sounds very hokey and I realize that.

00:35:02 Kimberly

That, you know, I just sound like a total cheese Lord. Most of the time that looking in the bright side, trying to see the good in something is actually the most occulted aspect because it's so easy to see. The bad we're we are evolutionary, evolutionarily wired to not only.

00:35:23 Kimberly

To see it be bad, see bad things.

00:35:26 Kimberly

But also to remember them and and when.

00:35:29 Kimberly

We think about.

00:35:30 Kimberly

It of course we are right because.

00:35:34 Kimberly

You have to. You have to recognize threats. You know, if you're running across the Savannah being chased by, it's always a lion.

00:35:41 Kimberly

Right, right, you know.

00:35:43 Kimberly

As a mammoth, right. Wait, did.

00:35:45 Kimberly

Humans coexist with those.

00:35:46 Kimberly

I don't. I I'm sorry, I don't.

00:35:47 Kimberly

Know my.

00:35:49 Kimberly

I don't know my prehistory.

00:35:51 Kimberly

You know. So no. Yeah, that's right. Because Human City used to hunt those. So OK. So human is being chased by somebody.

00:35:58 Kimberly

You got to remember what that felt like, so you avoid it in the future, right? You have to remember what it was like to.

00:36:06 Kimberly

You know, accidentally burned yourself with the the fire that you had just invented 5 minutes ago.

00:36:13 Kimberly

In Caveman at all.

00:36:14 Kimberly

You have to remember what it was like to burn yourself, otherwise you.

00:36:17 Kimberly

Are just gonna.

00:36:18 Kimberly

Just burn yourself up. That's it. And then the human race all gone, you know, story over. Right. But the problem comes when you spend a mostly sedentary lifestyle here. And well, house. And then your mind just starts eating itself, right. This is when.

00:36:35 Kimberly

We turn to Western discursive meditation. Right? This is exactly 1 but.

00:36:41 Kimberly

Seeing the seeing the bright side is very, very, very difficult, especially when you're kind of in a mollycoddled situation like me, you know where I have it cushy and soft, I'm going to take a hot bath tonight after I work out my little machine that my my bike that goes nowhere. It's a metaphor for life.

00:37:01 Kimberly

It it's a bike, you pedal really go faster. Nothing happens. It's it's. Yeah, it's very apt. Metaphor, right. Definitely something to meditate about. But anyway. But you know, I that is a very cushy existence. Like, I'm probably gonna eat some chocolate.

00:37:17 Kimberly

Chocolate comes from really far away. It comes I I think that.

00:37:21 Kimberly

This was like.

00:37:22 Kimberly

What these chocolates were, you know, I think they're European and then, you know, I'm going to assume that the the, the chocolate itself came from Africa, you know, probably or, you know, somewhere else I can just eat these things. I can go to the grocery store and just buy these things. Oman emperors could not.

00:37:41 Kimberly

Go buy that.

00:37:42 Kimberly

They did it. They did it didn't they didn't have grocery stores. They would have liked.

00:37:47 Kimberly

Them I'm sure.

00:37:47 Kimberly

But they didn't have that. They didn't have chocolate.

00:37:50 Kimberly

Because it hadn't.

00:37:50 Kimberly

Been discovered yet? You know, it had been kind of like borrowed appropriate.

00:37:56 Kimberly

They didn't. They they certainly didn't have. You know, that kind of refined sugar, they didn't have airplanes like bringing it over in ships they didn't have. So I can either see, you know, I can either. It's funny with the negative I.

00:38:09 Kimberly

Can either look.

00:38:10 Kimberly

At that chocolate, after I ate it and feel all crappy for eating it and like.

00:38:14 Kimberly

Oh my God, my diet it and.

00:38:16 Kimberly

And like ohh no, I'm gonna gain like 5 lbs and my butts gonna be bigger than it is and ohhh my gosh, you can either go into a whirlwind, right, negativity over the one chocolate or like.

00:38:30 Kimberly

Let's let's face it, half a box.



00:38:35 Kimberly

Let's face it, you know.

00:38:37 Kimberly

You either go into this like tizzy fit over that where.

00:38:40 Kimberly

You can actually just just say.

00:38:42 Kimberly

To the gods. Thank you. That was so nice. And yeah, overdid it a little. But whatever wasn't, you know, wasn't meant to be that size anyway.

00:38:52 Kimberly

You know, I mean just.

00:38:53 Kimberly

Yeah. And I you know, and I also have a I have a saying.

00:38:58 Kimberly

There are I I would like to say to all the young young women out there. Oh, honey.

00:39:02 Kimberly

If you don't.

00:39:03 Kimberly

Let go of pretty by the time you're 40, it is going to eat you alive. And actually I could say that to a lot.

00:39:10 Kimberly

Of young men too, yeah.

00:39:13 Kimberly

Oh, honey. Yeah. I mean just.

00:39:18 Kimberly

I feel like.

00:39:20 Kimberly

Especially Instagram. Well Instagram, Old hat now.

00:39:25 Kimberly

It's just so not worth it and I see there's so much with with people.

00:39:31 Kimberly

Surgically altering themselves and like, no, no, no, no, no. And they're pretty to begin with. And like you look fine, no.

00:39:36 Merrily

I know it's sad, I know.

00:39:41 Merrily

Leave it leave.

00:39:42 Kimberly

It clean I would.

00:39:43 Kimberly

Say you look like with wrinkles. You look so awesome.

00:39:45 Kimberly

With wrinkles. Just.

00:39:46 Kimberly

Let it happen. Oh, honey, let it let it happen. I'm. I'm going to let it happen.

00:39:51 Kimberly

Personally, yeah, I yeah.

00:39:54 Kimberly

I'm just no, it's not worth it.

00:39:55 Kimberly

It's like I I I.

00:39:58 Kimberly

I don't like pain.

00:40:00 Kimberly

Yeah, I mean, and the pain that they have to go through, you know, and I'm not just talking deprivation. I'm talking about actual pain, meaning, like, people who have, uh, you know, just thing this thing is shot into their faces and Oh my gosh. And it's just like that unless you've got some giant carbuncle or some just.

00:40:19 Merrily


00:40:20 Kimberly

No, I'm just like, no, just leave it alone. You're it's fine. You look beauty is so in the eye of the.

00:40:26 Merrily

Beholder. Yes, for sure.

00:40:28 Kimberly

It is like as far as like the with the current trends of like the way ohh you should have.

00:40:34 Kimberly

A small straight nose and a pointed chin and this that all goes in and out of fashion so fast. And then and then they get the weird sucked in cheeks and the and whatever they're doing, you know with the the eyes being so like this or whatever you know you and me we're both half Asian. We're like yeah we're already there.

00:40:54 Merrily

Yeah, exactly.

00:40:56 Kimberly

I don't believe people get eye that eyelid surgery. Oh, my gosh, you and they both have little eyes. It's not that great people. It's not that great. Leave it alone. You want that? Believe me. You want that extra? It looks cute. Stop. You look nice. It's in the eye of the beholder. So yeah, just let it go.

00:40:59 Merrily

I don't know.

00:41:15 Kimberly

It's like I see older people. I'm just blessed to live in a in a neighborhood where older people just let it happen. Yeah, women, men, we, they all have.

00:41:25 Kimberly

And their faces are wonderful.

00:41:29 Kimberly

I can't say that they're like sexy.

00:41:32 Kimberly

I don't want 65 year olds to be sexy personally, OK, but they're they're not. You know, they're not necessarily sexy people, OK? They're not like they're not going to.

00:41:41 Kimberly

Make the cover of.

00:41:43 Kimberly

A magazine anytime soon, but.

00:41:46 Kimberly

They have character, they have. They're think of like old trees have character, right? And the old trees are wrinkled and they're gnarly, and they're definitely they're. They're not the sexy trees.



00:42:01 Kimberly

Right. They just, but they're beautiful and I want to sit under the not so sexy tree man.

00:42:07 Kimberly

I do. Ohh.

00:42:08 Kimberly

Which brings me to talk about.

00:42:10 Kimberly

The druid tree ritual.

00:42:12 Merrily

Oh yeah.

00:42:13 Kimberly

Yeah, this is.

00:42:14 Kimberly

A really good thing to do, especially again, I'm hoping that we're reaching the the young people.

00:42:20 Kimberly

OK, this is all you do.

00:42:23 Kimberly

Oh oh, and young people. I have a TikTok channel. It's called White Witch of the Prairie.

00:42:28 Kimberly

Yes, I I really don't like TikTok, so I post rather infrequently, but.

00:42:36 Kimberly

Yeah, but yeah, it it exists. Which of the per? So UM, you go out to a tree if if nothing in you says.

00:42:48 Kimberly

No, I mean, if you don't, if you don't have an instant feeling of get away from here.

00:42:54 Kimberly

The tree is saying yes, essentially OK. It's going to take you a while to be able to actually have the like. The conversations I have with trees, but you're going to feel something.

00:43:03 Kimberly

And So what you're going to do is you're going to go up to the tree. Say, hey, tree, I'm going to sit down, do my thing, and then you sit down with your back to the tree. You can either lean with your back to the tree or sit down on the ground with the **** on the ground. In either way, you're going to feel, I believe this is what you're going to feel. You're.

00:43:21 Kimberly

Going to feel.

00:43:21 Kimberly

A rush that.

00:43:23 Kimberly

I feel a rush that goes downward into the.

00:43:27 Kimberly

It's very intense. It feels like I'm, for lack of a better word, I'm a computer and I'm downloading into the ground and then what it after a couple, I don't know, 30 seconds to a minute or two. I feel the trees. Essence rush into me.

00:43:45 Kimberly

Usually happens a little bit slower than my than my essence. When it goes, I feel humans we move faster than trees.

00:43:53 Kimberly

You know we're smaller usually. You know, we we definitely have a more frenetic pace and trees will fill us with their slower energy and this is very, very beneficial. It's beneficial for the tree because the tree gets that rush of we're like.

00:44:10 Kimberly

I wouldn't say we're cocaine. I would say we're more like caffeine for trees, right? Yeah. Our energy is more like, oh, well, pick me up. That's that's. That's some good stuff. Like, it's like nice. We'll pick me up and whereas with their energy, it's tree energy. And it's much more calming. It's much more what's more sedentary.

00:44:32 Kimberly

It's it's definitely a different perspective and that and that is a sort of perspective I think is very, very beneficial. It's one you cannot get unless you make that physical contact with the tree.

00:44:44 Kimberly

So I'm going to highly recommend that, and once a day is is not too much. I I've done it like if I go to the Forest Reserve, I'll usually do it like twice.

00:44:51 Kimberly

Two different trees.

00:44:54 Kimberly

Yeah, definitely. Give it a shot is definitely worth it. I definitely do it and mostly more, more fair weather.

00:45:00 Kimberly

But I'll do in.

00:45:01 Kimberly

All weather it just depends on how you know how how I'm feeling.

00:45:07 Kimberly

But as far as my everyday practices like that, I would say I do that that tree ritual every day. But I do do some things every day.

00:45:16 Kimberly

I do the spear protection every day. It is a banishing ritual. I have a video on it. It's at my White witch of the Prairie YouTube and at my TikTok.

00:45:28 Kimberly

I usually do that in the morning after feeding my cats, and then I do discursive meditation for about 10 to 30 minutes.

00:45:35 Kimberly

And then after that I you know, unless I'm really, really pressed for time, I do a three card. Oh, I'm reading for myself.

00:45:43 Kimberly

And that's about it every single day with with.

00:45:47 Kimberly

Extreme regularity. Yeah, I am. If anyone could tell I am autistic.

00:45:57 Kimberly

I I'm I've never been diagnosed as such. I think I was an autistic long before it was cool, but my particular kind of autism used to involve going into catatonic trances, which were not terrifying for me, but were terrifying for people around me. It didn't happen very often, but it happened to two or three times and.

00:46:18 Kimberly

That was just my form of what happens was I went so deep in thought that basically took a search party all right.

00:46:32 Kimberly

Yeah, yeah, I've always had that ability to to.

00:46:37 Kimberly

See in my mind's eye, that's why. That's why I think I took it so, so much for granted when I was having these weird visions of my past. You know, past lives.

00:46:48 Kimberly

When I was 14 and 15, one of the other one that I the other vision of the past life I had at more like I was 15, maybe like going on 16.

00:47:00 Kimberly

Was of my past life as a court jester. Wow.

00:47:06 Kimberly

Yeah, a singing court jester. He could fart on command.

00:47:12 Merrily

Wow, that is a talent, yeah.

00:47:16 Kimberly

I guess it was the thing back then. You know, you just had to have more than one.

00:47:24 Kimberly

He wasn't a juggler. This is clear. I mean, he was more of a comedian guy and, you know, he sang. Music was part.

00:47:32 Kimberly

Of his his comedy.

00:47:34 Kimberly

Yeah. So it was interesting, but yeah.

00:47:37 Kimberly

The the juggler or no, he wasn't. No, he didn't. He didn't do that. No, but just just comedian. Median. Yeah. Namely he his life ended. It's so funny how I remember more when a past life ended violently and he being hung in the public square because he's up with the wrong person's daughter.

00:47:44 Merrily

This comedian.

00:47:58 Kimberly

Yeah. Whoops.

00:48:00 Merrily

Yeah, whippy.

00:48:02 Kimberly

Yeah, but yeah. And of course I could be wrong. I mean, the one thing the reason why I'm no longer atheist is because.

00:48:02 Merrily

Those are those times.

00:48:08 Kimberly

I always said I.

00:48:09 Kimberly

Could be wrong I.

00:48:11 Kimberly

Don't need to be right, you know.

00:48:12 Kimberly

Maybe I'm going to.

00:48:13 Kimberly

Find a Christian Howell for believing in.

00:48:17 Kimberly

You know, spirits and.

00:48:18 Kimberly

Ecosystems are talking to the dead and all this. But. Mm-hmm. I again, if I'm wrong, I don't want to be right. I really.

00:48:24 Kimberly

Don't I? And I'm willing to.

00:48:26 Kimberly

Accept I could be wrong at.

00:48:28 Kimberly

At any point, and I think that.

00:48:30 Kimberly

If if these monotheists were willing to accept the same thing, then maybe we would.

00:48:35 Kimberly

Have more of a conversation with them.

00:48:38 Kimberly

I feel like they're not willing to even go there, and that's called intellectual honesty. You know, I mean, I I have my doubts. Of course. It's just that that is not going to be. I'm not going to allow those doubts to be used to be recruited into someones toxic Astro Pyramid. Right, right. And.

00:48:57 Kimberly

And that I think you were, you would ask me about that and OK, so.

00:49:07 Kimberly

I have a couple of.

00:49:08 Kimberly

Essays and and Tik toks about the different planes and do you have any of your other guests who've talked about like subtle plane stuff?

00:49:20 Merrily

Not necessarily. Maybe to the extent where I've read your blog entries and they're very great not to the extent that you explained it into the detail.


Thank you.

00:49:29 Merrily

And so I'm really excited for you to talk about that.

00:49:32 Kimberly

Sure. Well, OK. So first of all is that we exist on all the planes at once. We are right now we are on all the planes.

00:49:39 Kimberly

We are in the material plane, obviously.

00:49:42 Kimberly

We are on the etheric as the next level up. That's the plane of energy and electricity.

00:49:47 Kimberly

We and then we are also on the astral plane. That's the plane of images. So if I say to you imagine a brown elephant sitting in the room.

00:49:59 Kimberly

You will have a hard time not imagining that elephant there. I mean, try not to imagine that right now.

00:50:05 Kimberly

The brown elephant is a figment of your imagination, but it exists on the astral plane because you put it.

00:50:11 Kimberly

There. So you just successfully.

00:50:12 Kimberly

Conjured a brown, the spirit of a brown elephant, because it's there in your mind.

00:50:18 Kimberly

It can. You know, we can banish.

00:50:19 Kimberly

It but it's.

00:50:20 Kimberly

There. So that's the astral plane. It's the plane of words. Images. Now when you go one level up.

00:50:27 Kimberly

That is the mental plane. The mental plane is the plane of concepts. It's where math actually, you know, that's where math comes from. Meaning 5 fingers plus five fingers equals 10 fingers. That is, that whole concept creates.

00:50:44 Kimberly

Numbers. OK, we express numbers in our primitive way, but that all exists on the mental plane. The mental plane is also the plane of mastery. Let's take my existence as a musician.

00:50:58 Kimberly

I was born with something close to perfect pitch.

00:51:02 Kimberly

I was adopted to non musical parents. I was.

00:51:06 Kimberly

Obsessed with music from a very early age.

00:51:09 Kimberly

Extremely obsessed with it. I my first song I made-up when I was like 4.

00:51:16 Kimberly

That, I believe, was a mental plain skill built up over many, many lifetimes because the meat, the meat world skill is stuff like playing the piano and and playing the guitar and like physically getting the bot to sing or whatever. That's meat will still.

00:51:35 Kimberly

The etheric plain skill that tends to be more more in performing when you can make people excited by your performance when you they.

00:51:44 Kimberly

So you're you're fun to watch or whatever, that's etheric. OK, music is very much an etheric phenomenon because it's it's energy essentially, and it sound is just energy. And so that that's why it's what makes music exciting. But what actually, you know, as far as the the images of music.

00:52:04 Kimberly

Where that where that's concerned? Well, those tend to be how music congeals into certain forms. You know, it's going to take the form of.

00:52:16 Kimberly

You know a bunch of this is percussion.

00:52:18 Kimberly

Right. And then you?

00:52:19 Kimberly

Know if I.

00:52:21 Kimberly

You know, if I string some notes.

00:52:22 Kimberly

Together it's like a.

00:52:23 Kimberly

The beginning of a tune or whatever that's on the astral plane where we're trying to organize the stimuli essentially.

00:52:31 Kimberly

One plane above that, we have the mental plane and that is where.

00:52:36 Kimberly

The music originates right? That is the often this composer I talk about this continuum and as a musician, all musicians that who train have access to a continuum that I believe exist separately from us.

00:52:51 Kimberly

When I when I write, when I write songs.

00:52:55 Kimberly

Yes, part of it comes from me. I mean, part of it is original to me, but there is part of it where it is. I'm accessing this band. Well, it's like a radio channel. And I swear like, I'll have to try to do a podcast or a live stream of this someday. Where?

00:53:13 Kimberly

If you give me like 5 notes, I'll just make a tune for you. And when I when you do that and if I had my guitar, I would do it right now. Maybe maybe we can do a future podcast or something.

00:53:23 Kimberly

You know, I'll just, like, make up.

00:53:24 Kimberly

Songs or whatever.

00:53:25 Kimberly

Yeah, sure. But at any rate, I can pull it like you say, you give me 5 random notes and I will just.

00:53:33 Kimberly

Make up a song.

00:53:34 Kimberly

For you. OK. And it's not even hard.

00:53:36 Kimberly

But it's it's only after.

00:53:37 Kimberly

A lot of practice I'm able to do that a lot of messing around.

00:53:40 Kimberly

Jazz jazz musicians can just.

00:53:42 Kimberly

You know, like that they can do it easier than I can JS Bach, he would write.

00:53:48 Kimberly

Few four part inventions. OK, four part counterpoint.

00:53:52 Kimberly

He didn't even need you to tell him five notes.

00:53:56 Kimberly

You know, he, he he would just, you know, he'd take the five, you know, 5 letters of a name. Whatever. We got a few.

00:54:02 Kimberly

Because it exists on this continuum and the skill is the way you when you build enough skill that is you being able to get a basically you're buying.

00:54:11 Kimberly

Yourself a radio.

00:54:14 Kimberly

In order to get to the get to the continuum, so you can't get it without the radio and you can't.

00:54:18 Kimberly

Get the radio without.

00:54:19 Kimberly

Skill and that's kind of how I see it and that is the mental plane that, that band. It's not spiritual necessarily. It's more mental. It's one level up is the spirit.

00:54:31 Kimberly

And that I don't truly, I can't understand it, because I'm just. I'm not that, you know, I don't think any human can. But that's like where gods are. That's where angels are. And so another way I like to explain it is the I've got two different analogies and one is a is either of the everlasting gobstopper or or, you know, those bumper stickers.

00:54:53 Kimberly

Where it's like the picture of the people, the stick people.

00:54:57 Kimberly

Yeah, right. OK, physical meet world.

00:55:00 Kimberly

Clean is that bumper sticker and it's like this crude depiction of like people, right? And it goes on the back. It's like a cling film. And it goes on the back of the mom van. Right. So there's that. That's meat world. That is its meat world existence. And that's the first plane. The second plane exists on is the etheric the fact it is sticky and that's it's.

00:55:20 Kimberly

Energy, that is its etheric properties, right. OK. The third, the third thing about it, let's say that it has these stick people.

00:55:31 Kimberly

Now think of everyone that is going to going to like be, you know, stopped in back of that in their in every, every human that sees it, who can actually understand it, because animals, they don't know what that means, right?

00:55:44 Kimberly

But people who look at it images will form in their brain. They're like, Oh yeah, that guy or that guy has a wife, two kids, a dog and a bird. OK, because that's what is crudely depicted. And so they're going to see the image of these, like, people, whether it's real or not, you know, you know, that person could be lying. Maybe that's not even a mom.

00:56:05 Kimberly

Yeah, you know, I don't.

00:56:07 Kimberly

Could be a serial killer. Trust no one anyway, but you know so that people, people are going to see that they're.

00:56:14 Kimberly

Going to have emotional reactions too.

00:56:16 Kimberly

Some are gonna be like that is stupid.

00:56:18 Kimberly

And ugly, I hate it.

00:56:21 Kimberly

The another person.

00:56:22 Kimberly

Oh, my God, that's so.

00:56:22 Kimberly

Cute, right? Even a picture of their bird is, is this person right? There's just gonna be all these reactions to it. That's all. Astral plane stuff. OK, the Ant and any animal looking at it.

00:56:26 Merrily


00:56:35 Kimberly

Doesn't care. OK, they they will not astrally react to it. OK, only the people will. Then on the next plane.

00:56:43 Kimberly

Is the mental plane and that is the concept that created.

00:56:49 Kimberly

The car.

00:56:51 Kimberly

That's driving around. You know, the idea of transporting yourself in a motorized vehicle. That is the concept that created the idea of stickers, the the concepts behind family, all of the concepts are are on that plane, the mental plane of mastery. And so bring it back to musicianship. I believe that my first.

00:57:11 Kimberly

Foray as you if if you will into music in general was as what they would call nowadays if I was ********.

00:57:21 Kimberly

I know we're not allowed to say that.

00:57:23 Kimberly

Word. Well, I'm bringing it back.

00:57:26 Kimberly

When I was, this is just in one of my past lives hundreds of years ago.

00:57:32 Kimberly

I I was disabled, you know, developmentally disabled. And I had a very patient father and he taught me how to recognize musical intervals. Note by excruciating note. Think like Helen Keller sort of stuff. OK. Meaning just a child who was very willful.

00:57:53 Kimberly

Just didn't. Didn't really have anything else that could be developed really, you know, cause this child was. This is in the days where.

00:57:57 Merrily


00:58:00 Kimberly

They would just put you outside.

00:58:02 Kimberly

And let you die as a baby and his patience.

00:58:06 Kimberly

His patience, I think, was that's the reason why I'm relaunching the orbit cams. Why I have those abilities as that is why little did he know.

00:58:18 Kimberly

That one day that the the child that was reborn and reborn and reborn would eventually, after a very long time and a lot of different lifetimes including being executed and dying as a singing sailor.

00:58:35 Kimberly

And did I tell you about that one?

00:58:38 Kimberly

Ah, Oh yes. OK, I.

00:58:40 Kimberly

Was the singing sailor. I was from Portugal. I was a.

00:58:43 Kimberly

Short little guy had no prospects. I.

00:58:44 Kimberly

Went off to see, went off to see.

00:58:47 Kimberly

As believing in in the Christian God and I died.

00:58:49 Kimberly

At sea as an atheist.

00:58:54 Kimberly

But all along I I, I sang, I sang a lot. I believe that the orbic him from the Orphic him to Poseidon is actually one of my old songs from him.

00:59:03 Merrily

Wow, cool.

00:59:05 Kimberly

Yeah. So.

00:59:08 Kimberly

It just it it it was like a little.

00:59:11 Kimberly

Bit of a sea.

00:59:12 Kimberly

Sea song I guess, right? Yeah.

00:59:17 Kimberly

So with Astro, OK, we were talking about astral Pyramids, OK, the astral being, the plane of imagination, and the plane of.

00:59:26 Kimberly

Of images. OK, we all everyone's got an imagination. It's like.

00:59:31 Kimberly

Everyone has an opinion. Everyone has an imagination.

00:59:37 Kimberly

And with our imaginations, we create these things that are sometimes called aggregators, right? We call those agores.

00:59:46 Kimberly

Platforms platforms is another way of saying it. It just means a bunch of combined imaginations create something that can affect the material plane. Sometimes it just stays in the realm of imagination, doesn't do any.

00:59:59 Kimberly

But sometimes it can have profound effects on the on it, causing us to do things or recruiting us to do things right. Any. Yeah. Any given structure is like any corporation that is an astral pyramid. Any church, astral pyramid. There's always one. Usually one person at the top who has a vision.

01:00:20 Kimberly

And they do something about the vision, and they draw recruits for the bottom of their pyramid. Any so the families are Astro pyramids because the whole concept behind them is to create like a a a unit with the kids being the bottom.

01:00:40 Kimberly

And the, you know, the husband and wife, usually one is more dominant at the top.

01:00:47 Kimberly

There are definitely.

01:00:50 Kimberly

Astral Pyramids, just like my blog, is an astral pyramid. Beware, even a casual temple. That's the concept of one person. There's lots of listeners to the bottom of the pyramid. I mean, they're not inherently positive or negative, not at all. In fact, we wouldn't have.

01:01:05 Merrily


01:01:08 Kimberly

Any motivation to kind of do anything without astral pyramids? We've always got to be building them because they're one of the primary shapes of the of the astral plane. Mm-hmm. You know, it's just like, try to do something without using a circle in nature. You know, good luck to you. Right. Right. It's just a shape that that works, you know, right. We're going. We're just going to use what we're saying.

01:01:28 Kimberly

The book I'm working on that I've just recently completed the first draft of sacred homemaking talks a little bit about the Astro Pyramids, but mostly sacred hope making is about creating shapes on the etheric.

01:01:42 Kimberly

And the astral, with the help of the divine, which create a a protective structure that obviously unseen there's not just, you know, meat world is.

01:01:53 Kimberly

Only the beginning.

01:01:54 Merrily


01:01:55 Kimberly

Eat world is just an illusion.

01:01:58 Kimberly

It's not real if it seems so heavy and so real, and believe me, I feel it. I do. Especially 50 so.

01:02:04 Merrily


01:02:07 Kimberly

Ohh my gosh. Yeah. Uh, but.

01:02:09 Kimberly

I I I, especially since I'm such.

01:02:11 Kimberly

An idiot and.

01:02:12 Kimberly

I like walked six miles.

01:02:14 Kimberly

Two days ago or three.

01:02:16 Kimberly

Days ago. Oh my gosh, I.

01:02:17 Kimberly

Cannot do that.

01:02:21 Merrily

Right, that's a.

01:02:21 Kimberly

Lot like my back. I was like luckily I had one of those like corsets that for like sucking your gut. OK and I put it on and it was really a good back brace I was like.

01:02:34 Kimberly

I'm so glad I.

01:02:34 Merrily

Have this keep me upright.


It was like.

01:02:37 Kimberly

A thought for fashion, but then used it for.

01:02:41 Kimberly

Support but it worked. It was like OK, cinch it. But as far as yeah, you were asking me about etheric hygiene and synchrony. Home Making is a part of etheric hygiene, essentially.

01:02:58 Kimberly

The etheric plane, being the the Feng shui plane, it's that's the same thing that Feng shui is. And that's what Chinese medicine treats and it's what.

01:03:06 Kimberly

Our Aveda treats.

01:03:09 Kimberly

Some you know, some of this elect this electrical plane is perceivable by us again, music. That's etheric and it's etheric phenomenon. It's sound sound is definitely etheric.

01:03:21 Kimberly

So that that is very obvious, right? We hear sounds there we go and we see light light is etheric electricity also etheric but also the vibe when you enter a room and you feel like oh this.

01:03:34 Kimberly

Is a good.

01:03:35 Kimberly

Vibe room this.

01:03:36 Kimberly

Is a bad vibe room that is etheric.

01:03:38 Kimberly

Right. That is the energy plane. And when you talk to your surroundings, you're, you know, and when you're crazy like I am.

01:03:47 Kimberly

You're kind of.

01:03:48 Kimberly

Crazy. Yeah. Because when you stank everything when you.

01:03:51 Kimberly

When you begin to.

01:03:53 Kimberly

Appreciate everything around you. It's gonna talk back. And I don't mean to freak anyone out here, but is going to talk back to you because if you're ready to listen.

01:04:03 Kimberly

You were going to hear it. I mean, not going to hear it literally. I mean, actually, are you your audience?

01:04:06 Merrily


01:04:08 Merrily

Yeah, but it's more like in the mind, clear audience.

01:04:11 Kimberly

It's like sometimes it's half, sometimes.

01:04:13 Kimberly

I hurt like mud.

01:04:14 Kimberly

Music. When I was a kid, I used to hear like this spectral music and I was like, whoa, you know, trippy dude, you know.

01:04:23 Kimberly

Yeah. And I've.

01:04:24 Kimberly

Heard it sometimes when I when I was an adult and then.

01:04:27 Kimberly

Every now and then I'll get a little bit, but I mean, for the most part, the life of occultis is very stayed very boring. At least this one says I've only seen a full body apparition once, and then finally when I did, when I was finally ready to see it. Essentially it was like a nothing burger.


I was like.

01:04:46 Kimberly

Ohh they'll look like a guy walking in the forest and then I looked and the guy disappeared. Oh.

01:04:51 Kimberly

You know, it's like.

01:04:52 Kimberly

My former edge lordism about it like I had it be proved to me and I was like prove it spirits that you exist, like all that just went, went the way of the dodo. Just it just exists. It's here.

01:05:05 Kimberly

It's it's not a big deal. It's. Yeah, I was blind to it. Just because I'm blind to it doesn't.

01:05:10 Kimberly

Mean it's not there.

01:05:13 Kimberly

It's just, you know, gravity.

01:05:15 Kimberly

I don't understand it completely, but it's definitely there.

01:05:18 Merrily

But who you can.

01:05:19 Kimberly

Prove gravity. I can't prove gravity on Mars.

01:05:24 Kimberly

I'm not going there. I can't prove it exists there. What if it's different there? I don't know. You know, I. I mean, I've we can't even. We can't prove natural law anywhere else. I just know, you know, my immediate experience. Plus it's meat world is an illusion. So there's that. But on either hygiene, what I suggest there's three different practices and I will suggest these.

01:05:43 Kimberly

In my book.

01:05:45 Kimberly

This this will be part of sacred homemaking.

01:05:48 Kimberly

Number one is go ahead and do this thing called the the three house walk. So if you think that, oh, I've been sensitive, I can't feel anything about the third plane, I'll never get it.

01:06:01 Kimberly

I'm just going to like, scuff across the carpeting and ZAP you. You just experienced this theory plane.

01:06:06 Kimberly

There it was.

01:06:08 Kimberly

And or I'll play a song and there you.

01:06:09 Kimberly

Go if you're playing for you. But.

01:06:11 Kimberly

So you walk in your neighborhood.

01:06:15 Kimberly

And you have to.

01:06:16 Kimberly

Do this outside. You cannot just do this virtually on Google Maps or whatever you go out in the world and then you in a neighborhood that you like, and then you you find 3 houses, OK? Like as you're walking.

01:06:29 Kimberly

You don't have to go knock on the door. Don't do that. That's creepy. But just as you walk by, observe one of the houses that you're going to choose is going to be one. You would move into point blank tomorrow if someone just like gifted it to you. You're like, no, I'm there. I'm going. I'm living there.

01:06:46 Kimberly

OK. That's the one that has like the best five. OK, then there's there's going to be one that's like, sketchy. You do not want to live there, OK? You just do not. It's just gives you the heebie jeebies. And then there's going to be one that's in the middle. OK. And then when you get home, you write in a little journal about those three houses. And you write what your impressions were.

01:07:08 Kimberly

Why you had this impressions? Why you think you know? Maybe you had those impressions because of memories of of older houses. Maybe you have lived in houses like that, you know, maybe.

01:07:19 Kimberly

Maybe there's none of the above. I don't know you. You know, I don't know business, but you're.

01:07:23 Kimberly

Gonna write about.

01:07:23 Kimberly

Those houses you're gonna make notes, you know. However, you make notes, and that is your three house walk. And that is teaching you how to sense things on the etheric, because everything you had you, you had to filter to any a feeling in the etheric.

01:07:39 Kimberly

OK, so that when you got closer to that house, that was your your plane experience of the house, you know, so you had to make some some notes about how you perceive those house on the astral. But really what you were feeling?

01:07:53 Kimberly

It's while you're standing right by the house or walking right by it. That is those like.

01:07:59 Kimberly

Oh, that's skeevy. I don't like that place. That is 100% etheric. Because can you really explain? Well, the yard was ugly and stuff like that.

01:08:08 Kimberly

You can live with an ugly yard that's not going to be a a complete deal breaker. You're going to be fine. I'm talking about. This is just your first impression, you know? So if you. Ohh. No, you moved into a house where? There. It was kind of ugly and.

01:08:22 Kimberly

You know, all the one thing I I should mention. All the houses have to be livable. You can't be like picking the house.

01:08:29 Kimberly

That's like a.

01:08:30 Kimberly

Total no, it gives me definitely. Of course it does. And you have to pick something where it's.

01:08:35 Kimberly

Presentable enough, but it gives you a bad feeling.

01:08:37 Kimberly

OK, so anyway.

01:08:40 Kimberly

So that is the first exercise I would do. If you want to sensitize yourself besides just thinking everything besides just thinking.

01:08:47 Kimberly

The desk and thinking the bed that you slept in and thinking the door. Besides thinking everything that do.

01:08:52 Kimberly

The three house walk.

01:08:55 Kimberly

There's the clean one corner exercise. So what you're going to do is you're going to take, like, one corner of your house. It kind of looks kind of bad, looks like bomb headed or whatever you're going to take a little snap of it on your device, your phone, or, you know, whatever. Yeah, you're just going to basically take a snapshot.

01:09:13 Kimberly

And you're also going to observe how it feels OK. I mean, like, you're just going to say, yeah, I feel, Nah, when I walk by this, it just. I'm kind of upset when I walk by this or I don't really feel anything. It's kind of neutral. OK, then you're going.

01:09:30 Kimberly

To clean it, OK, you're going to eliminate any of the stuff that you don't like in there. You're going to organize it. You're just going to go to town on it, and then when you finish it, you're going to get like 1 decorative item or two. I don't care. I don't know you again, I don't know business. I know you might decorate the whole thing. I don't know about you, but you're just going to like.

01:09:50 Kimberly

One at least one decorative item that's just surely.

01:09:55 Kimberly

Surely impractical. You're going to put it there and then.

01:09:57 Kimberly

You're going to rephotograph.

01:09:59 Kimberly

It and then you're going to observe your.

01:10:01 Kimberly

Feelings about it.

01:10:03 Kimberly

And I bet you you were going to feel a lot different. It's going to have a different vibe. It's going to have a vastly different vibe and and that is the space, believe or not, that it's talking to you.

01:10:13 Merrily


01:10:13 Kimberly

You know, it doesn't seem like it didn't walk up to me and starts talking me and plain English. Of course it didn't. That's how any human being learns. OK, that's not it's it's just not. That wouldn't help. OK, it would do that if it would help, but it's not going to help you. So that is going to be another way of sensitizing yourself. And then the 3rd way.

01:10:32 Kimberly

Is the the clean toilet challenge.

01:10:36 Kimberly

Where you will religiously clean your toilet every day.

01:10:41 Kimberly

What I do is I take these. I have a bottle of like half vinegar, half water, a little little dash of Florida Water, which is just like.

01:10:49 Kimberly

This cheap Cologne.

01:10:51 Kimberly

That gets used in Hoodoo magic for some reason.

01:10:54 Kimberly

And sometimes I actually just take like.

01:10:55 Kimberly

Whatever perfume I have have leftover from.

01:10:59 Kimberly

You know, whatever from body wash or whatever or perfume and it.

01:11:02 Kimberly

Actually spritz that in there.

01:11:04 Kimberly

Just because I like the smell, I'm not fancy. So that's why I clean my toilet with this kind of vinegar water, with some perfume and a little bit of alcohol in it, essentially.

01:11:14 Kimberly

And then I just go from basically the top to bottom. I do like the top of the tank and then, you know, I do the tank and then I do the like the outer part including that, that little doohickey on the bottom that.

01:11:24 Kimberly

Always gets all gross.

01:11:26 Kimberly

Yeah, that thing and like the.

01:11:28 Kimberly

And when you first do this, you're gonna have to. You're gonna.

01:11:31 Kimberly

Like so grossed.


Out the 1st.

01:11:32 Kimberly

Time you do it, but actually it's like the second and third time. It's like it's so awesome because you have like this.

01:11:37 Kimberly

Beautiful, Immaculate toilet.

01:11:39 Kimberly

Anyway, and then you're going to clean the seat. And then I always finish with the bowl, like with the brush and the. And then I, you know, I do a like a final wipe and then I flush it a few times.

01:11:48 Kimberly

So we get the gunk. It's disgusting. So, but I feel that it's a. It's a practice from Japan. Well, it's common in Asia, actually. It's like it's it's a super quote, UN quote, superstition in Asia.

01:12:02 Kimberly

The the guy who made, who started Honda out.

01:12:07 Kimberly

Of a shack.

01:12:09 Kimberly

Believed in it so much he believed he basically credited cleaning his own toilet with his incredible success. And he's not the only successful businessman to have made a lot of money. And I I believe it's helped since I started doing it in like 2023. I believe that the toilet challenge has.

01:12:29 Kimberly

I I think that my finances are better.

01:12:31 Kimberly

I've always had.

01:12:32 Kimberly

A kind of bohemian existence, and it hasn't been.

01:12:35 Kimberly

I've been able to afford to eat.

01:12:37 Kimberly

Out lately.

01:12:39 Kimberly

Yeah, I mean and and and not fancier anything. I'm not saying that it isn't. You know, it's Panera still, but that's that's really up.

01:12:46 Kimberly

Step up for me.

01:12:48 Kimberly

Like for me to be able to go out and have like.

01:12:51 Kimberly

A A burger on the town that's.

01:12:53 Kimberly

That's a big deal. That's a big deal. Like it just it's it's, it's very meaningful to.

01:12:58 Kimberly


01:12:59 Kimberly

So I think it's working and and you just do this to your toilet every day.

01:13:05 Kimberly

And I tell.

01:13:05 Kimberly

You your toilet will thank you. You will feel your toilet. Thank you.

01:13:09 Kimberly

And I usually say this rhyme I say.

01:13:12 Kimberly

Toilet toilet handling waste thank.

01:13:14 Kimberly

You for your saving grace. I love it.

01:13:17 Kimberly

Because the toilet does.

01:13:18 Kimberly

The hardest job it does, it's.

01:13:20 Kimberly

Yeah, and and the things I think a lot of the.

01:13:24 Kimberly

The reason why the magic of it works OK. The reason why why is it house cleaning your toilet make you money? How? How does that happen? Well, like more than like, saving money more than I mean, not that those things are bad. You should save money. Yeah, sure if you can. I mean, most of us can't.

01:13:31 Merrily

Thank you.

01:13:42 Kimberly

Like or more than like not going to Starbucks or something, or having sake enjoy your life. Have your Starbucks wherever you to have coffee. Just have it. If life is short. So at any rate, the reason why I believe it works it's it's the attitude. If you have the attitude of no matter how no matter how successful I become.

01:14:03 Kimberly

As you're cleaning your toilet and you're getting in the nooks and.

01:14:06 Kimberly

Crannies. And you're ohh yeah, it's.

01:14:07 Kimberly

Nasty that you you are going to remain humble and you envision yourself. You're like, OK, this could go many ways. This I could go, I could be.

01:14:18 Kimberly

Poor into old age. I'm not poor personally, you know, I consider myself lower.

01:14:22 Kimberly

Middle class but I.

01:14:23 Kimberly

Far from poor.

01:14:26 Kimberly

I could, you know, I could just be.

01:14:27 Kimberly

The same income.

01:14:27 Kimberly

Level or worse, but no or better and you you met yourself. OK, what if you got dramatically better and I've got a lot of money to burn. And if I do, I'm going to be giving a lot more maturity.

01:14:42 Kimberly

You imagine yourself in that in that kind of elite tier by like, whoops. You know, I got there. Whoops.

01:14:49 Kimberly

And then if you imagine yourself just as humble and still cleaning your toilet, that is the powerful magic that I believe has suddenly elevated my bank account quite considerably, you know, to the point where I.

01:15:02 Kimberly

Can eat out now. Yeah, yeah.

01:15:05 Kimberly

Yeah, it's. It's because it's magical. Everything is.

01:15:07 Kimberly

Magical is you and I.

01:15:10 Kimberly

Magic is the is the process it it's. I'm sorry it's the common it's the oh.

01:15:17 Kimberly

My gosh, it's the.

01:15:20 Kimberly

Beginning OK process and culmination of intention. So it's it's, it's these three aspects of intention intention being the.

01:15:32 Kimberly

The initial drop that makes the.

01:15:34 Kimberly

Ripple in the pond.

01:15:36 Kimberly

And so these are these three processes that grow.

01:15:39 Kimberly

Every being has intention I have intention you have intention. This error has intention. This pen has intention. We all have a life. We all have an intention.

01:15:50 Kimberly

We all have. We all exist on all of these planes at once. That's why it's so hard to understand.

01:15:57 Kimberly

Very hard. And so with this intention, that particular intention.

01:16:03 Kimberly

If it is formulated right, and if it's not formulated with this like I want unearned wealth almost all.

01:16:10 Kimberly

Of these, these.

01:16:12 Kimberly

People, a lot of a lot of money. Magic tends to be like I want unearned.

01:16:15 Kimberly

Wealth. No, you don't.

01:16:19 Kimberly

Because you will pay for it in your future lifetimes. The problem with unearned wealth, like all these people that you see and you're like they're making the cheddar, guess what that is? They will pay for it. I'm convinced I could be wrong, but I think that you will pay for unearned wealth.

01:16:37 Kimberly

It's just not a matter of now. You're just putting it off till later. I don't. I don't want it because I don't want to to earn it later.

01:16:46 Kimberly

No, I don't. I don't want that. Karma. I don't. I I would rather I would rather be.

01:16:52 Kimberly

Either this or much, much less advantage than this. I mean it's it's not.

01:16:56 Kimberly

The worst thing in the world?

01:16:57 Kimberly

Yeah, it isn't. It isn't. It's it's lower. Middle class is is fine, at least it keeps you more real, you know, like more in touch with.

01:17:07 Kimberly

With the.

01:17:09 Kimberly

Just with the common people, you know, I'd rather just being in touch with like everyday people rather than Richie Rich and yeah, these people are kind of scary, honestly.

01:17:20 Kimberly

They are and.

01:17:21 Merrily

Yeah, yeah.

01:17:21 Kimberly

I think there's all these like rumors about.

01:17:24 Kimberly

Hot girls and.

01:17:27 Kimberly

You know, Dubai Porta potties, OK? And I'm like, wow, really. Like what? Why do you why? Why? Oh, my gosh. I mean, I thought, you know, I thought what all these Internet people gatekeeping is over, right? Turns out it isn't so. So, yeah, I I just.

01:17:46 Kimberly

I don't want to earn wealth. I think that it's it. No matter what form it comes in, it's it's just, it's just not a, a, a karma that I want, but.

01:17:55 Kimberly

Yeah, as far as you were asking.

01:17:58 Kimberly

What are the Orphic counts right?

01:18:00 Merrily

Yeah, like what are, because I definitely want to talk about that because that's how I found you. So if you could explain what they are and then how you kind of got into working with them.

01:18:09 Kimberly

Sure, sure. Well, how did your husband? You said your husband.

01:18:16 Merrily

Yeah. So, well, actually, so I'll just.

01:18:19 Merrily

Very. You know, I do daily planetary rituals to all the planets. I have altars for all seven in in this room. Yeah, it's very.

01:18:24 Kimberly

Oh yeah.

01:18:26 Kimberly

How cool. Ohh, that's amazing.

01:18:28 Merrily

Cool. And so while I was away, I was traveling to Ireland in December, and my husband was doing the rituals for me every day, which?

01:18:38 Merrily

Was really cute.

01:18:39 Merrily

Oh, that's amazing. And he was like, oh, I found. And then when I came back, he was like, oh, I found this particular artist who happened to be you. And he will play them. And he's like, she's really great.

01:18:49 Merrily

So playing them every you know, day after I got back, so they're very.

01:18:52 Kimberly

Ohh that's oh nice. Oh my gosh, that's.

01:18:56 Kimberly

That is OK. I better get the fire under my ****. I'm. I did make an Orphic hymn to Pluto, but then I wasn't quite happy with the the way I created it. So I've actually revamped that one. And that one is going to be next. So I'll make sure.

01:19:08 Kimberly

I get that.

01:19:08 Kimberly

Out right away. And then I'll have to, yeah, if I I know that. I think I've got something for every planet.

01:19:15 Kimberly

But I don't.

01:19:16 Kimberly

Pluto and I I'm not even in Neptune, is presided in and I don't know that that one's easily.

01:19:20 Kimberly

Available either, so I'll have to make sure that.

01:19:22 Kimberly

With those. But anyway, with the Orphic hymns I was, you know, into drudgery. So I really wasn't into the Greek pantheon, but I was just kind of sitting in front of my computer in like, 2018 or 19. And I was fiddling with my guitar and not even paying attention. And I came.

01:19:40 Kimberly

Up with the riff for.

01:19:42 Kimberly

Mercury for.

01:19:44 Kimberly

Hermes, I'm like, OK, that sounds like a stolen rough from my husband because he's a musician. He's a much better guitar player than I am. He's also a songwriter. And I'm like, wow, that kind of sounds like a.

01:19:58 Kimberly

Stolen riff and.

01:19:59 Kimberly

I'm like, wow, how appropriate for Hermes, because even I knew.

01:20:01 Kimberly

That I was like, oh, he likes Steves.

01:20:05 Kimberly

So yeah, So what I what I did was I'm like, well, that sounds kind of like being minor. And so I I wrote it in.

01:20:15 Kimberly

And and I was like, it fits the the work again, I'm like, OK, OK, let's do it.

01:20:22 Kimberly

And then I, you know, I have. I'm very, very blessed because I have a full recording studio in my house and so.

01:20:30 Kimberly

I I just went into that room and actually this was actually, this was before this house. That's right. This. No, no, it was it was. Yeah. I think this was. I think he was building at the time. So I might have recorded it in my studio where I used to have a, but I can't remember one or the other. But anyway, it got recorded. And then I was like, wait.

01:20:51 Kimberly

I could write other ones of these cause I write folk music.

01:20:55 Kimberly

And I I know.

01:20:56 Kimberly

Take music. So I'm like, well, and then.

01:20:59 Kimberly

I I would say just they were life changing. They were absolutely. There was a lot of things that that's been that have been changing my life over the years, but they were definitely one of them. I I know that there's a book.

01:21:12 Kimberly

I have by.

01:21:14 Kimberly

Oh gosh, just by Tamara.

01:21:16 Kimberly

Lucid and I think her, her partner and.

01:21:19 Merrily

Oh yeah, I just got that one.

01:21:20 Kimberly

So good. Yeah, isn't it? It's magically Orphic hymns, and. Yeah, and they were so right. And they they report having a lot of synchronicity around the Orphic hymns. They they do as a couple that they said.

01:21:22 Merrily

Yeah, yeah, yeah.



01:21:34 Kimberly

That it, and it's a very good book. The magic of the Orphic hymns, and they talk about the history of them and what what they, what they meant to ancient Greeks and.

01:21:46 Kimberly

You know, there are various translations and so forth, and when they started working with the hymns, you know in their and when they retranslated them, which which was super nice.

01:21:56 Kimberly

They noticed a lot of synchronicities and their lives like I think they said that there's just really odd happenings. I think they said they saw an owl when they were working with Athena like.


Just in the.

01:22:08 Kimberly

Most random spot as far as my own synchronicities.

01:22:15 Kimberly

Well, I can't say they were as literal as that. I would say that. But but I have.

01:22:20 Kimberly

Had plenty of them. I have had them and.

01:22:23 Kimberly

Yeah, I've written. I think about now, about 22 of them, but there's 87.

01:22:30 Kimberly

In all so I've got a long ways to go. Yeah, yeah, I I've got. I've got.

01:22:35 Kimberly

A lot of work to do.

01:22:37 Kimberly

But yeah, and I live streamed them on my my channel on my clean music channel. So if you ever want to see me sing them.

01:22:44 Kimberly

I have usually on Sundays, just whenever I get a chance, but once every week, once every two weeks, it's on the it's on the, not on the white. Which of the Prairie, but it's on the Queen of music channel or cleaning songs. That's right, queen songs so.

01:23:01 Kimberly

As far as.

01:23:04 Kimberly

Orphic hymns I would like to see other musicians cover them. I have released some lead sheets, some sheet music, and so forth. My I I just want to keep them alive. I feel like catchy little tunes is the probably the best way of of making them last because they're way easier to memorize when they're catching little like folk songs.

01:23:25 Kimberly

Right, they are like.

01:23:27 Kimberly

I I find them ways. Remember is that way, especially Apollo. Holy crap that they are Apollo. I mean it's it's a very complex words.

01:23:38 Kimberly

I'm just like, really with these words and come propitious to my prayer. Lustrous power. It was like, whoa, you know, so I would have not a chance of learning that him unless it had been with.

01:23:50 Kimberly

Music to it cuz.

01:23:51 Merrily


01:23:52 Kimberly

Ah, yeah, it's it's, it's really it's really.

01:23:54 Kimberly

Tough you were asking also.

01:23:58 Kimberly

About music that I listen to.

01:24:02 Merrily

Yeah, like sort of like musicians or songwriters that you and I, oh, gosh, well, I normally just say I like post punk music.

01:24:04 Kimberly

What music are you into?

01:24:09 Merrily

Which is basically music from the British Isles from the 80s, yeah.

01:24:14 Kimberly

Oh yes, kind of like. Oh, cool. Yeah, this stuff is really cool, like.

01:24:19 Merrily

Like new order, new order, Joy Division. Yeah.

01:24:25 Kimberly

Ohh my gosh, I've got some.

01:24:26 Kimberly

Like high school friends that would be.

01:24:30 Kimberly

They they would be like so happy.

01:24:32 Merrily

Yeah, yeah.

01:24:34 Kimberly

Yeah. So like old high school friends where I feel like, right, right up your alley. Yeah. Yes. I probably know quite a few of those similar type of friends.


I don't.

01:24:44 Kimberly

That's awesome. Yeah, that was definitely my era. Yeah, everyone was into that back then. So back when the cure was actually still touring. Yes, yes. Yeah. And still good. Yes, I I mean, right now, I really just. I'm a piano player. So I I'm kind of obsessed with Terence. Terence Schneider.

01:24:46 Merrily

It's my favorite.

01:25:04 Kimberly

Who? He's an autistic piano player. Who who does mostly like jazz and Blues standards, but he always puts these, like, really unique spins on them.

01:25:12 Kimberly

And another one of my favorite jazz piano players is Brad Mildot Brad Mehldau. I think that's he he my favorite album of his is one of his older ones called Ode and he usually has a trio and I really like the. I like the trio because I mean it. It has a he has a drummer and a bassist and he plays piano.

01:25:32 Kimberly

It's really pretty. Yeah. Wow.

01:25:34 Kimberly

Yeah. No, he's wonderful. And and I discovered.

01:25:37 Kimberly

Him through just.

01:25:37 Kimberly

Like a CD I got through the library. I never would have like found him otherwise he.

01:25:42 Kimberly

Yeah. Yeah, but yeah, his my favorite album again is ode. Just ode. It's it's a beautiful album.

01:25:49 Kimberly

And then on the folk music front, my favorite folk musician is probably Lorena Mckennitt, but maybe I hope I've seen her name right. Is it Moira Brennan or Myra Brennan?

01:26:04 Kimberly

Like the sister of Enya.

01:26:06 Merrily

Oh, didn't know that.

01:26:09 Kimberly

Yeah, she's a she's like a Christian songwriter.

01:26:13 Kimberly

But she's written all sorts of, you know, non personal music, but I like, I like both of her compositions. She's just really a great composer. And then Lorena McKenna is just so.

01:26:22 Kimberly

True, she's just a.

01:26:23 Kimberly

Brilliant on like.

01:26:24 Kimberly

Every single she. She's just every level of brilliance.

01:26:28 Merrily

Like I was trying, I was when we were in Ireland, I was threatening my.

01:26:33 Merrily

My two friends, like we're going to be listening to Mummers Dance. Just so you know, in the car. Miranda McKenna.

01:26:40 Merrily

You know.

01:26:41 Kimberly

And she's just so just quality. She's just so quality every song she writes, she she does not write that songs she wrote. Oh, God. She's got one about that. She's got a lot about like old fairy tales. There's one about. Ohh man.

01:27:00 Merrily

Oh my gosh.

01:27:00 Kimberly

I'll have to look. I'll have.

01:27:01 Kimberly

To look up it's it's.

01:27:03 Kimberly

It's about like the one of the classic tales about these two sisters and the one sister kills the other one. Yeah. So it's like, super dark and she's just awesome. She's amazing.

01:27:16 Kimberly

Is she unfortunately, like I just have never gotten to see her live. I I missed my chance this this summer. I just was too busy and I should have gone. I just I hopefully she'll. She'll make her way back. But she's Canadian. So. Yeah. So it's not super far away, but hopefully she'll tour next year. But but yeah.

01:27:36 Kimberly

Other than that. Uh.

01:27:40 Kimberly

I I'm you're welcome to ask me any questions that you have. But yeah, I think it was slowing down finally.

01:27:46 Merrily

Yeah. And finally, yeah, I think so. You covered pretty much all the questions.

01:27:52 Kimberly

Feel free to like.

01:27:53 Kimberly

Cut out any chunks you need to.

01:27:55 Merrily

Oh no.

01:27:55 Kimberly

You're probably going to have to edit this.

01:27:57 Merrily

Edit This now this is great.

01:28:00 Merrily

I so I think sort of the the wrapping up questions I have what you kind of covered sort of projects you work on but there are things you want to talk about that you have going on or?

01:28:13 Kimberly

Well, right now.

01:28:15 Kimberly

I write a sub stack and which is the same as my blog. It's just a reprint of my blog.

01:28:20 Kimberly


01:28:24 Kimberly

It's basically my blog but without the own ratings every week. So without the the divinations every week and they're both free on the subject is just mainly because I would, I am never going to like harvest your e-mail address and like have time to mail you like people like people. I like to get notified via e-mail when my when, when writers.

01:28:44 Kimberly

Or like putting something new.

01:28:47 Kimberly

Yeah, but I myself am not the kind of writer where I'm ever going to be organized enough to like, oh, a newsletter.

01:28:53 Kimberly

No, no, no, I.

01:28:55 Kimberly

I I'm just not going to happen.

01:28:57 Kimberly

I'm just up to my ears already so great, but yeah. So the subject is mainly it's the same stuff, but it just it's it'll notify you when I write something new, which is I usually write something every week. Usually I drop it on Tuesday or Wednesday.

01:29:13 Kimberly

Yeah, every now and then I'll drop it on a Monday. But really, that's very rare. Usually. Usually drop a new blog every Tuesday or Wednesday I take like.

01:29:22 Kimberly

Like one or two weeks off of that year, you know, and then I I hope to complete sacred home, sacred homemaking and get it, you know, placed to the publisher at.

01:29:34 Kimberly

Some point but.

01:29:35 Kimberly

I'm a very slow worker, so I'm I'm going to I'm not going to, you know, promise any dates on that. I know there's a lot of people that tell me they're looking forward to it.

01:29:42 Kimberly

Yeah, but you know, I'm working on it. I I think it's going to end up being about like, right.

01:29:49 Kimberly

Now it's at.

01:29:51 Kimberly

Is it like 46,000 words? So it's probably going to end up being more around 56, you know, probably about ten, 10,000 words is not hard for me.

01:30:02 Kimberly

But I probably put about 10,000 more words in it and then then I'm going to try to get. I'm going to try to proofread it as much as I can before I before I get it. Proofread professionally, and then I'm going to.

01:30:16 Kimberly

I have it then submitted to a.

01:30:19 Merrily

Yeah, I am also one of those people looking.

01:30:21 Kimberly

Forward to thank you, thank you. And then yeah, once it's published, I'll make sure I I I will come up with an audio book.

01:30:29 Kimberly

Because I know some people.

01:30:30 Kimberly

Prefer that you know I I I myself. I. I'm. I'm Luke warm on.

01:30:36 Kimberly

It I, but I do like audio books, but I will.

01:30:38 Kimberly

I will make sure that there's an audiobook version most likely read by me, most likely by me, but other than that, I mean, I really my uh, the easiest way to find me is to look at dream with. I do have a post where it just it's like a link tree.

01:30:57 Kimberly

So what I'll do is I'll put A tag in my dream with that says link tree on it and then I'll link to my link tree on it. So if anybody's like I need to find all those links that you.

01:31:09 Kimberly

Dropped. Then just go to that one. Just go to that master link and then yeah, it's already that that link tree thing is already up. I just don't.

01:31:16 Kimberly

Use actual link tree. I just I just made a tree.

01:31:19 Kimberly

Of links and then post.

01:31:22 Merrily

Yeah. OK, cool. Yeah. And I'll definitely put everything in the show notes to connect people with you. So the final question that we have I have is what are some words of wisdom that you would like to leave us with today? Question.

01:31:26 Kimberly

Nice. OK.

01:31:40 Kimberly

What's interesting, OK, so this is.

01:31:43 Kimberly

Post atheism. Obviously for me, so I'm standing around at my piano one day and I probably should have been practicing, but was.

01:31:50 Kimberly

And I just had been deep in thought about demonic possession. You know, being a an edge Lord, as I am, I like to. I love to watch documentaries about.

01:32:03 Kimberly

Ghosts, paranormal possession. So it just. It's always fascinated me because, you know, I just have my own theories about it. My own hypothesis or whatever.

01:32:15 Kimberly

So I was.

01:32:16 Kimberly

Asking in my mind you know what? When kids get possessed by demons, you know what's going on there and a wandering entity who I think may have been a God.

01:32:28 Kimberly

Was it Jesus? Perhaps. I don't know.

01:32:33 Kimberly

He it, he said.

01:32:36 Kimberly

If you want an exorcism to be successful, you have got to love the boy more than you hate the demon inside him.

01:32:45 Kimberly

And on the surface this this looks like one of those like false transcendence, new age. Let's have everybody sort of think. No, no, actually what it was saying was that.

01:32:53 Merrily


01:33:00 Kimberly

It's OK to hate. It's OK, it's OK.

01:33:03 Kimberly

To to hate a demon, to hate things that are antagonizing you. OK, it's it's. Of course we're gonna hate the demon because it's making the poor kid vomit pea soup and that he didn't even eat and he's scratching up his back and leaving him see messages. So, yeah, it's OK to hate that thing. It is. It's all right. But.

01:33:23 Kimberly

The secret he he said to to expelling that demon, to getting it to leave or demons, getting them to leave. Is that you have.

01:33:31 Kimberly

To build up.

01:33:33 Kimberly

The love for him, you have to, to and pollyanna him. You have to look at that bright side and you have to.

01:33:41 Kimberly

Magnify that bright side.

01:33:44 Kimberly

And then the demons will run because they can't withstand it. They it's too complex for them, and it shoves them out.

01:33:53 Kimberly

So it's Dion Fortune's concept from the concept, from from the.

01:33:57 Kimberly

Cosmic doctrine, where she says that if you want to.

01:34:02 Kimberly

If you want to defeat evil, you you don't fight it.

01:34:07 Kimberly

It's that's like basically throwing a punch into.

01:34:13 Kimberly

It's throwing a punch into a brick wall. It's.

01:34:15 Kimberly

It's it's going to assist you.

01:34:16 Kimberly

OK, you just or if that if that brick is flying at you, it's like getting in its way instead stand to the side.

01:34:27 Kimberly

And find find the good and amplify that and when you have amplified that good within you or that poor child, then that will overcome what you are opposing.

01:34:42 Kimberly

So it it to me.

01:34:47 Kimberly

It felt it felt.

01:34:49 Kimberly

Different that that entity and it was after a lot of talking to different entities, sure, but.

01:34:57 Kimberly

It felt it felt definitely in a different level, you know what I'm talking about. When things feel that? Ohh, something's very, very odd right now.

01:35:08 Kimberly

Yeah. And for a former atheist, I'm like, Ohh, so that's what that's all about. OK. And nothing exciting happens. That's the thing there is, right? That's what all the atheists are like. Well, you can't prove it because it isn't a big plantation like it's like you're so primitive, though. That's very primitive.

01:35:26 Kimberly

Your higher self meat world is an.

01:35:29 Kimberly

It's all fake. It's like the matrix. It's not really.

01:35:33 Kimberly

It's it is happening, but it's not, but it is, but it's not and I don't truly understand that because but but what another entity told me I it said meet world is illusion and then that agrees with a lot of occultists, right?

01:35:45 Kimberly

A lot of cults.

01:35:46 Kimberly

And what old religions? You know, very old religions say, meet well, this illusion, they're like, yeah, it's illusion. So.

01:35:52 Kimberly

Don't fall for it.

01:35:55 Kimberly

It's it's not. It doesn't happen that way.

01:35:58 Kimberly

And it's never going to be like Captain obvious. Here's here's a A Marvel explosion.

01:36:04 Kimberly

You know, here's a you know, DC Universe explosion so that I can prove to you I exist. That's no, it's it's subtle. It's exactly what it says. It's subtle. Plain stone.

01:36:16 Kimberly

You know those, if you're willing to develop your brain, if you're willing to to understand that the planes are discrete, they are not continuous.

01:36:26 Kimberly

That yes, it can be kind of an explosion on the mental plane or on the astral plane. But just because you you you see the see the pink elephant or the sorry, it was brown. The brown elephant doesn't mean you literally see it stupid. It doesn't mean.

01:36:45 Kimberly

Freaking see it. No, no, no. It's subtle it. And it takes some getting used to. Yeah. Honest. It takes getting used to, especially for a former atheist. Right. But it's. Yeah, I wish I, and I hope that I can dispel all of this, you know, to to people who are looking into the call. I hope somebody looking into.

01:37:06 Kimberly

Listen to this park. It's not like, oh, I'm not supposed to see anything.

01:37:10 Kimberly

I don't really.

01:37:11 Kimberly

Really. Hear anything? Yeah. Nope. But you certainly have just plant your **** in the meditation chair and every single little hint they give you, you better plunk your **** down and and contemplate that.


But they didn't.

01:37:27 Kimberly

Put it there for you not to contemplate it.

01:37:29 Kimberly

You know, instead of sitting down in front of.

01:37:34 Kimberly

You know TikTok and like, letting the jewel come out of your mouth, why don't you, you know, put the phone aside and then contemplate what some spirit tried to tell you?

01:37:44 Kimberly

And then make a.

01:37:45 Kimberly

Tick talk about it, of course. Right. Why not?

01:37:51 Merrily

Oh, beautifully, I love it. Thanks for like wrapping like the the image of the loving something more is beautiful and then.

01:38:01 Kimberly

Ah, you're welcome.

01:38:03 Merrily

Yeah, spelling things about the occult.

01:38:05 Merrily

Big thing that I'm very much all about, so I love that.

01:38:10 Merrily

Ohh, so thank you, Kimberly. You're so great.

01:38:11 Kimberly

Thank you so.

01:38:13 Merrily

Thank you for being on.

01:38:14 Kimberly

Much you are too. I appreciate you. Thank you.

01:38:19 Merrily

I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with Kimberly Steele on the show today to learn more about Kimberly, her musical work, including the.

01:38:25 Merrily

Work at Kim.

01:38:25 Merrily

'S. Please check out the show notes. Do remember to like follow on, subscribe on YouTube or your favorite podcast.

01:38:31 Merrily

Platform. It really helps us grow.

01:38:33 Merrily

Thank you for listening and being an important part.

01:38:36 Merrily

Of Casual Temple.

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