EPISODE 33 - Jake Weaver

Casual Temple Episode 33 Sonic Alchemy: Grateful Dead’s Role in SHAPING Psychedelic Traditions and Co-Creating REALITY as Our Human Purpose! with Jake Weaver


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🌟 Welcome to Episode 33 of Casual Temple! In this enlightening episode, Jake Weaver shares his transformative journey from suburban youth to the creator and host of his podcast, "Midnight on Earth." Influenced by the psychedelic counterculture and the music of the Grateful Dead, Jake's experiences at concerts led to profound spiritual awakenings and encounters with psychic presences. 

Jake draws intriguing parallels between jam band culture and mystery schools, both of which facilitate personal transformation through energetic experiences. He reflects on the cultural impact of the Grateful Dead, the spread of psychedelics, and their shamanic elements, while also discussing the future potential of psychedelics in society and their possible legalization. 

Starting as a comedic take on politics, Jake's podcasting journey evolved into a platform for sharing spiritual insights, inspired by Art Bell's "Coast to Coast AM." His experiences with the Harmonic Egg, a healing technology using sound and light, further influenced his spiritual path. 

Jake explores the concept of predictive programming in media, the evolution of humanity towards love and connection, and the importance of daily spiritual practices. He emphasizes the distinction between body and consciousness, advocating for an identity aligned with angelic beings and higher morals. 

The episode concludes with thoughts on co-creating reality and the power of subconscious programming. Jake's narrative weaves together themes of music, mysticism, and metaphysical exploration, highlighting the profound impact of psychedelic experiences on personal growth and spirituality. Tune in to embark on this captivating journey with Jake Weaver.


Ram Dass:

Be Here Now

Timothy Leary:

Amazon author page

Terence McKenna:

Amazon author page


(Transcript is auto-generated; errors are unintentional.)

00:00:02 Merrily

Welcome to Casual Temple Podcast, episode 33, and I'm your host, Merrily Duffy.  At Casual Temple our mission is to discover our connection to the unseen world of spirit, and how that empowers us to know our true selves. But before we start a little favor, please review us on your favorite podcast platform or on YouTube. Today we delve into the transformative.

00:00:22 Merrily

Morning of Jake Weaver, host of The excellent podcast Midnight, On Earth. His metamorphosis, deeply influenced by the psychedelic counterculture and the music of the Grateful Dead, led him to profound spiritual awakenings and encounters with psychic presences. Jake shares thoughts on Co creating reality and the power of subconscious.

00:00:39 Merrily

Finally, we discussed personal growth and metaphysical exploration, highlighting the profound impact of psychedelic experiences on personal growth and spirituality. So stay tuned to the Casual Temple Podcast, a place where ordinary becomes extraordinary. Welcome to the casual temple. Our guest today is Jake Weaver, who is a speaker.

00:00:59 Merrily

Advisor and lifelong student of the other worldly and unknown.

00:01:04 Merrily

It is also the amazing host of the Midnight, On Earth Podcast on behalf of the Universe. Jake has been traveling for over 25 years, searching and piercing together the great puzzle of knowledge to help his fellow humans evolve into a higher state of being. Jake is an engaging podcast host with a gift of gab asking insightful.

00:01:23 Merrily

Questions of the amazing array of guests.

00:01:26 Merrily

Jake is on a mission to activate all beings and help us ascend to the level of success that is our birthright. Thank you.

00:01:35 Jake

Thank you. Wow, I hearing that from another human. It's it's just so beautiful. Yes, thank you. I'm honored to do that work. I feel very special. I feel very humble about doing that work. It's it's a great blessing.

00:01:50 Jake

Thank you for having me on your show.

00:01:50 Merrily

Oh yeah.

00:01:52 Merrily

Oh yeah, absolutely. Yeah. It definitely shows in your podcast. And that's why I'm a big fan myself. So I.

00:01:57 Merrily

Love it. Let's go.

00:01:58 Jake

Alright, well, let's go. I'm by the way. I would just like to say there's no time limit on this unless you have a time limit. I'm open. So if we're going, let's just go. We need to go wherever we wanna go.

00:02:09 Merrily


00:02:11 Merrily

OK, wonderful love.

00:02:13 Merrily

OK. Well, here we kind of start from the beginning of wherever you consider the beginning. So what would you say was either an event or sort of circumstances that shaped the direction of where you are on your current spiritual path?

00:02:28 Jake

Well, here's the thing. I was a suburban kid in South Florida.

00:02:35 Jake

Living a pretty mainstream American life, I moved from Florida to Oregon.

00:02:44 Jake

And eventually down to Eugene, OR where the merry pranksters were all living at the time. Who created the acid test which led to the creation of a lot of things, including the popularity of the Grateful Dead as they were the band that played at that early acid.

00:03:03 Jake

And the Grateful Dead Jan van culture was huge in that area. Now where I lived in South Florida, it was more of like a strip mall type, very generic culture. I'm not going to say there wasn't artistic expression here and there and really cool people. Humans are beautiful.

00:03:23 Jake

But it was not the same frequency and being there with those people.

00:03:28 Jake

People was the first real stepping stone because they showed me a different world that was created by counterculture and the psychedelic counterculture of the 60s. And within that world and and interfacing with it and then going to shows and becoming a part of that community.

00:03:49 Jake

The psychedelic experience is a.

00:03:54 Jake

Ritual experience. It's an initiation experience. So for me to go from a suburban kid in South Florida to being a part of the psychedelic world of the Pranksters and the Grateful Dead, and that whole scene was a pivotal moment in I feel like the defining moment that really started to activate.

00:04:16 Jake

Me as a human being.

00:04:18 Merrily


00:04:19 Merrily

That's cool. I love it. Started with music because you know.

00:04:24 Jake

While music is powerful, I mean it's sound and light healing. It's it's energy. Sound is energy, light is energy. It's a universal healing technology. In fact, all over the universe, people use sound and light to heal thousands upon thousands.

00:04:42 Jake

Probably millions of species around the universe use sound and light to heal in multiple dimensions. It's a universal technology. Sound is just frequency and energy. Light is just frequency and energy. It corrects other energetic situations. So that is why it attracted me so much.

00:05:02 Jake

The sound was healing. It healed me in a way I didn't understand. The biochemistry that was happening within the music, the light, the healing, the the community that love.

00:05:13 Jake

That is really what brought me in, and it's truly a mystery school in itself. I mean, that's a whole different story, you know, that's another. Yeah.

00:05:23 Merrily


00:05:23 Jake

That's really where it all started for me.

00:05:26 Merrily

Oh wow.

00:05:29 Merrily

Did you have any support or guidance with that with kind of the music like you got into the music, was there like folks in the community that kind of pointed you in other directions or?

00:05:39 Jake

Yes, for sure. And it's really about the psychedelic experience itself, which is fused in that world. And then.

00:05:50 Jake

When you have the realizations, when you have the downloads during that time.

00:05:55 Jake

You follow the information and that's guiding you to and that in itself will then connect you with people that are similar in frequency and on a similar path, and you'll find that all these people are like loving light workers. And that's a huge, huge part of it. So yes, I would, I was deeply connected by that.

00:06:16 Merrily

Well, you did drop in mystery schools, so I'd love to know more about that if you're willing to share.

00:06:23 Jake

Well, here's the thing. Sure. Like the psychedelic experience is powerful and.

00:06:30 Jake

Like I said earlier, it's a initiatory and hopefully I can say that right initiatory experience and that experience opens you up connection with the divine, gets you outside of your third dimensional self connects you with your 5th dimensional self. You get to access all this other information that's there that you don't normally get to access.

00:06:51 Jake

And bring that all back into your.

00:06:54 Jake

Self after the experience and when you have those experiences over and over, because that's part of that Grateful Dead Jam Band world is that there's a ritualistic experience behind it where it's very common for people to go to these shows and say, hey, we're going to take two hits of acid, three hits of acid. Wow. If it's a good show, maybe.

00:07:15 Jake

Like some people really like the band fish or Grateful Dead at the time when they were around, they would take a lot and that became very common and that ritual. There's a ritual behind it and the band itself over the decades.

00:07:29 Jake

They were totally immersed in the culture as well as a guiding force, and was were able to design that ritual over time for maximum effects. And then, you know, making sure people were safe as well. So if you go to these shows become a part of that community.

00:07:49 Jake

You have that experience over and over and over, and you keep getting more and more downloads and the downloads and the higher frequency information is the same information that you would receive.

00:07:53 Merrily


00:08:02 Jake

In a mystery school situation, when you go through those rituals and their initiations, which are equally valid but completely different but very similar energetically.

00:08:14 Jake

The jam band kind of psychedelic underworld ritual is more chaotic, and it's more free form, and the mystery school aspect continues when.

00:08:20 Merrily


00:08:25 Jake

And you make the choice to follow the high frequency information to change yourself, to raise your frequency, to do better. If you get information about correcting yourself, you you actually integrate that and correct yourself. If you have epiphanies about what your purpose is, you follow those epiphanies. If you have an experience that.

00:08:46 Jake

Connect you with the person that gives you a book that could change your life. You read that book, you change your life. That's all the mystery school aspect, but it's an ethereal mystery school within this subculture, which was, which is mind-blowing. It was, and it's.

00:09:03 Merrily

Oh wow. Yeah, for sure. It sounds like the way you're describing it definitely sounds like sort of the mystery.

00:09:08 Merrily

Schools that I've.

00:09:09 Merrily

Read into or kind of peered into for sure, especially where you're talking about it, sort of more etheric, right? It's maybe happening on a different plane than it is like the physical plane.

00:09:22 Merrily


00:09:23 Jake

Right, you're getting information from higher sources and it's your higher self that you're connecting with and then you follow that higher information.

00:09:32 Jake

Because with so many people on this planet, there's still very valid mystery schools here all over the world. But with so many people on this planet, and just so much energy out there, the purpose of that specific world of that portal is to activate people in that way to find that ethereal mystery school. I'm not saying that's the only way to connect.

00:09:52 Jake

But that is just one way.

00:09:55 Jake


00:09:56 Jake

It's all over America, like, you know, the band, the Grateful Dead toward for 30 years and went from coast to coast. Coast occasionally went to Europe and other places, but mostly coast to Coast, coast, coast of America. And then the derivative bands. And then the preceding generational bands, the different jam bands.

00:09:58 Merrily




00:10:16 Jake

Continued that legacy.

00:10:18 Jake

So that experience is happening all over the country still now to this day roughly in that same way.

00:10:26 Merrily

Well, I had no idea that that was part of the Grateful Dead culture. Like no clue.

00:10:30 Jake

Well, that's the crux of it. And that's crux of it. And that's the things they discovered in the acid tests in the 60s when LSD was still legal. And Ken Keesey and the Pranksters were experimenting and unlocking these different dimensions. But totally in a way that was just like, well, you know, we're we're, we're just, we don't know what we're doing.

00:10:32 Merrily


00:10:51 Jake

What we're just going for?

00:10:53 Jake

And as the Grateful Dead was part of that legacy and then continued touring around America for 30 years, all of the LSD and those other substances were always there in large quantities. Everybody knows that. And then that would affect every different region, every city, every venue that they played.

00:11:13 Jake

Would then have this kind of localized release of psychedelics, and then that would.

00:11:19 Jake

Enlightened people who opened people's minds. So there was there was kind of this like shaping of consciousness in this way for that time in that little pocket scene. However, that pocket scene affected millions and millions of humans, which is super strange.

00:11:35 Merrily

Wow. Yeah, that also sounds kind of like like a participatory shamanic thing, right? There's like, music and dancing and some, you know, altered substances. But you have to participate in it and maybe even be to an extent, like your own shaman.

00:11:53 Merrily

Would you say like with music?

00:11:54 Jake

Absolutely. That's the thing. The Shaman people would say that Jerry Garcia or Trey on astasio or whoever's leading the band is kind of fulfilling A shamanic role. But the music itself is the shopping because the biggest part of the jam band scene in that world is the improvisational.

00:11:55 Merrily


00:12:06 Merrily


00:12:14 Jake

Music aspect. A lot of their.

00:12:16 Jake

Music. They never play the same shows twice and they play two sets a night, so they're always going into exploratory, improvisational, jazzy type realms and channeling. So they're channeling, inspiration, being amplified. Excuse me by the energy of the Crown, which amplifies that channeling and brings in this really high frequency.

00:12:38 Jake

Energy blows everybody's mind because they're all there, and even if they're not, they're feeling it. And that's why it was such a huge scene for so long. It really was about that sermonic energy.

00:12:51 Jake

And specifically for the Grateful Dead during their second set, they would have a drums sequence, drums space which was just tribal drumming, you know, to bring people back to that original state of consciousness into this really kind of cosmic, jazzy improvisation.

00:13:10 Jake

At every show. So they really did do something huge for consciousness. It was a a ritualistic portal for people that didn't have that in Western.



00:13:21 Jake

Culture, the original festival in India, Kumba Mela. They've had situations like that for, you know, centuries. This is what showed up for us. Be a very strange means in America.

00:13:36 Merrily

Yeah, like rock'n'roll and jazz.

00:13:39 Jake

It was like a rock'n'roll church. Psychedelics powering it and truly connecting you with the divine things would happen. Magic would.

00:13:41 Merrily


00:13:47 Jake

Happened and it continues. I mean the scene is definitely still there, but I don't want to discount things like the Burning Man scene. It's like that. That energy is there as well. There. There's energy like that all over the world now. But that's really where I got my mystery school knowledge. And I know we talked about a lot there, but that's that's really the.

00:14:00 Merrily


00:14:07 Jake

Genesis of it. And that's the truth. Now. I always studied the occults. I always read books as very interested in magic and all these things my life. But then to actually experience it free psychedelics at places all over the country, and especially places like Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Colorado, which is like a super sacs.



00:14:27 Jake

Magical place and places like Sedona. It's like that is unbelievable, right? So like that, that amplified all the knowledge that I had learned via studying and other things.

00:14:33 Merrily


00:14:41 Jake

To actually have the direct experience is really what took me to the next level.

00:14:45 Merrily

Oh, I love it. Yeah, I also enjoyed it. I know.

00:14:47 Jake

Go on about this. Please talk about this. But that is where it all started and I had a lot of really powerful experiences going to these shows in my 20s and even into my 30s.



00:15:03 Jake

And that really showed me that there's a lot of energy out. There's a lot of beings out there and we all have a purpose and we have a.

00:15:12 Jake


00:15:13 Merrily


00:15:15 Merrily

Perfect. I love. I love that. Yeah, because I think we all come to those conclusions at some point in our lives. Yeah.

00:15:23 Jake

Through different means. It's just that's just how I happened to go through and I will say thousands of other people because I have met several other people that.

00:15:31 Jake

Had this type of training and experience, thousands of people have and they talk about it and it still happening, it's still happening, but there is other ways for sure.

00:15:34 Merrily


00:15:41 Merrily

Wow. Amazing. Would you say I know you kind of sort of mentioned about books. We I like to talk. I love.

00:15:47 Merrily


00:15:49 Merrily

So were there sort of books you were reading?

00:15:51 Merrily

Maybe around the time you're going to these Grateful Dead shows that were inspiring for you.

00:15:57 Jake

Really it was be here now and reading the books of the original psychedelic journeyers of the sixth. Now some of them took scientific spiritual approaches like Tim Leary, but Ramdas really took the highest, highest spiritual approach that he could, and the book be here now.

00:16:18 Jake

Was one of the books that really shaped me during that.

00:16:20 Jake

Time because when Ramdas connected with his guru and truly understood that energy, it changed his life. And during my mystery school, Grateful Dead Mystery School training, I was able to connect with my guru and it changed my life forever and that.

00:16:40 Jake

Activated me as well.

00:16:43 Merrily

Wow. Alright. So rondas that's meaning.

00:16:45 Jake

Yeah. Ramdas and all of those guys, they were early journeyers. They were just people like myself. And you just going out there with these substances and exploring the, you know, as far out as you can go with consciousness. Feel like Terence McKenna. They really did a lot of good work.

00:17:00 Merrily


00:17:03 Merrily

What would you so do you have a different?

00:17:07 Merrily

Perspective like your perspective, probably during that time about psychedelics and the spiritual experience is one thing. Do you have is your perspective any different nowadays or how would you define that?

00:17:18 Jake

When I was really experimenting with those things and having my experiences, there was a lot more illegalization. It was very illegal, but now it's not illegal and the energy of it is so different and it's so widespread. I just want to make sure that people.





00:17:36 Jake

Know exactly what they're taking.





00:17:39 Jake

There's so many research chemicals out there, there's so many strange things, including fentanyl. But just strange research chemicals that you don't even know what they are and they have no history. And there haven't been any studies that are legit and you don't even know what the hell they are. So that's what I worry about these days, but.



00:17:58 Jake

Overall, we're about to have a huge psychedelic renaissance. I mean, I know that for me like.

00:18:09 Jake

I had a stage in my life where that was a huge part of.

00:18:12 Jake

Life. And now I'm at a different stage of my life where that's kind of there supplementary, right. So like so I think there is like growth stages around your relationship with psychedelics, but I just know that we're about to have a huge renaissance. The legalization in Colorado mushrooms.



00:18:32 Jake

The decriminalization of things in Oregon and Washington are just the beginning of what's coming, and when you can go to a store.

00:18:42 Jake

And get pharmaceutical grade guaranteed MDMA, DMT, LSD. That's going to be a good day for people that are experimenting with those things because that energy of fear and worry, the effects of the other materials that are in there on their consciousness, that's all going to be gone.

00:19:02 Merrily


00:19:04 Merrily

And I know that it's and you can reach those states in meditation for sure. Right. But it takes a lot of meditation to kind of get that. Yeah.

00:19:14 Jake

It does. And that meditation, that activation where you sync up with that higher energy and some people say you activate the DMT in your brain when you're when you go into the high states meditation whether that's it or not. I I I don't know but.

00:19:23 Merrily


00:19:25 Merrily

That's right.

00:19:29 Jake

For American Western concert, I've heard that we needed that to break through our consciousness like our material kind of consumer consciousness, not us that are listening, right? We're the spiritual light workers, but just in general, like some people said, excuse me. Some people say that the LSD.

00:19:49 Jake

Experience was like the nuclear bomb of conscious we created this nuclear bomb, so we needed something to just nuclear bomb our consciousness straight to God, right. So all of a sudden these substances showed up. So it's like.

00:19:59 Merrily


00:20:03 Jake

That's what they're there for, and they can really, really help us, for sure. Absolutely. And we have, and it's the Renaissance is here. And what's coming is mind blowing.

00:20:14 Merrily

Wow. Oh, I'm so excited to see it. That's amazing.

00:20:19 Jake

Well, it's gonna affect people's frequency and it affects how they relate to each other. It gets them back to the center, connects them with source in some situations and they'll learn more and they'll expand more. They'll raise their vibration and we all start doing that. That's when the magic happens.

00:20:37 Merrily

That's right.

00:20:39 Merrily

Amazing. So would you. Yeah. So you mentioned that you've had some experiences. Are you comfortable sharing an experience kind of describing what happened with us?

00:20:53 Jake

Related to bigger psychedelic experiences.

00:20:57 Merrily

Yeah, like one that you're like this that you're comfortable sharing and then that that was like, whoa, that kind of opened it up for me.

00:21:05 Jake

Well, I'll tell you my most powerful experience I've ever had in my life. How about?

00:21:10 Jake


00:21:10 Merrily

Wow. Yes, please.

00:21:13 Jake

So this was thankfully to the.

00:21:18 Jake

Jam band Mystery school that whole Grateful Dead Mystery school world. There's a long story behind it, so I'll give you the condensed version and hopefully the magic gets across. So I was with some friends down in San Francisco and we had an incredible experience.

00:21:37 Jake

With this band, Phil Lesh and Friends, which is the bass player from the Grateful Dead and this other band.

00:21:44 Jake

Umphrey's McGee, which is a fantastic jam band. They're like jazz metal, so they're every they're incredible and they're Rd. earth as well. They're more of a bluegrass jam bands. So my friends and I went down to this show in 2005 and we had an incredible experience. You know, we.

00:22:01 Jake

Took psychedelics together. You know, we were all cannabis growers at the time, and it was just like we were. We were sitting on top of the world, as they say, and we we had. We were just loving life at that point and we were having some really high frequency.



00:22:17 Jake

Conversations and a friend of mine was actually going down to Mexico to go see some of the mine pyramids. Now this was back in 2005 when all the 2012 talk was just beginning.

00:22:31 Merrily


00:22:32 Jake

Ramped up, I don't know if you remember how much people were talking about that between 2005 and 2012. The guy stopped after 2012, but you know, it was really starting to ramp up. So we you know that that energy.

00:22:34 Merrily




00:22:47 Jake

Was there and.

00:22:49 Jake

We were really feeling it.

00:22:51 Jake

And you know, we got a lot of downloads and a lot of interesting things happen. So flash forward to two months later.



00:23:02 Jake

Excuse me, flash forward to about.

00:23:07 Jake

Yes, two months later I went to see this band. One of the bands that had played at that show called Umphrey's McGee a place called Cervantes in Denver.

00:23:18 Jake

Ever. And I had never seen their full 2 cent show because the jam vans loved to play two cents because there's a psychedelic.

00:23:27 Jake

Energy kind of ritual behind it. You know, they they play a set. You're like, really, really high. You get to take a break for a minute, meet your neighbor for 1/2 hour and then the next show half. Anyway. So I had never seen, Umm, Frisbee play a full show and I went there with some friends and a lot of the friends that I had.

00:23:47 Jake

Gone to that.

00:23:48 Jake

San Francisco Phil Lesh show with.

00:23:51 Jake


00:23:53 Jake

You know, we took some psychedelics and the show was absolutely amazing, absolutely amazing. And at the time I was a cannabis grower and so were the friends that I was with and we were just smoking these huge just banana sized.

00:24:14 Jake

Going to this homegrown we that was so powerful. So.

00:24:19 Jake

And and it was like so stinky that the band during the show, they're like, oh, my God, they're like, where's the weed at? They were like calling out because it was rare back then. People don't realize how rare it was prior to, like, 2015. It was a scarce commodity. You couldn't find it at certain points. Now in Oregon, you could get an ounce.

00:24:39 Jake

To $30, you know. So anyways, so they were calling out for it and.

00:24:46 Jake

I was enjoying the show and I was really kind of getting some downloads as I was there because I was remembering things that had happened.

00:24:55 Jake

During that time and recently, I had actually read be here. Now let's go back to be here now. I had recently read be here now and really resonated with it. And I was thinking about.

00:25:08 Jake

That as well.

00:25:13 Jake

Now I went back to that show. I was at that show and I was thinking about this.

00:25:20 Jake

And I noticed these two people that were kind of behind the gates, like in this upper area by the soundboard. And I was sitting there smoking my joy. And I looked at the woman and the woman looked at me, and I felt like, I bet I bet she wants.



00:25:36 Jake

To smoke some of this.

00:25:38 Jake

And I walked over to her.

00:25:41 Jake

And I said, do you want to hit this? You know, just trying to be generous, nice hippie. And plus, they were asking the band themselves. We're asking.

00:25:49 Jake

For a weed.

00:25:51 Jake

And she's like, wow, you're psychic. And then I looked at her, and she looked at me. And the craziest thing happened this.

00:25:59 Jake

Energy that's frequency picked up and this woman started telling me things about my life that she couldn't have possibly know. Now I will admit I was definitely under the influence of psychedelics and also smoking cannabis, however.

00:26:17 Jake

When somebody's like, like you can with.

00:26:21 Jake

High quality LSD you can have.

00:26:24 Jake

Engaging conversations. It's not like you're melting into the universe. I don't know what type of acid that was. I have tried acid like that in the past, but that's very rare. This was incredible as it, but it was not that anyways. So I'm having a conversation and she starts telling me.

00:26:40 Jake

With this, and then she starts telling me about things that happened in the hotel room in San Francisco with my friends and the things that we had talked about. And I was like, Oh my God. And I just had an experience like, I've never had my life, my brain.

00:26:56 Merrily


00:27:02 Jake

Felt like he was on fire like this. Spiritual energy.

00:27:06 Merrily


00:27:06 Jake

And she told me more. She said some really strange things, like I've only ever talked to six people in my life and things like or I've only ever talked to six people. It was just really strange. In addition to telling me all this stuff. So I knew there was some kind of high frequency thing happening, some some being was there.



00:27:25 Jake

What I realized in the moment is that I was having the same experience that Rondos was when he interacted with his guru and his guru told him about some ailment that his mother had a stomach issue.

00:27:41 Jake

And like, somehow the guy knew that and somehow this lady knew that and it was like like I was mentally preparing myself for the experience that was about to happen with my guru. Now I've told this story to other people, but not in this way. But when I've talked to really spiritual people about this, they just.

00:28:00 Jake

Tell me that it was my guru's messing showing me that it's there that that guru is there. That guru energy which is you and it's just the divine as well.

00:28:10 Jake

But it's a very rare occurrence that you can actually get to meet your guru or interface with your guru. So there. Yeah, that experience changed my life. After that, I had changed my frequency permanently. Yeah.

00:28:23 Jake

It caused me to stop doing things that were destructive and really just focus on personal development and and growth. So there.

00:28:30 Merrily

You go. Wow. So was it that the woman that you were conversing with, she was like a conduit for your guru or there was just, like, was that oh.

00:28:41 Jake

Exactly. It must have been that.

00:28:44 Jake

But because the woman was there, it's not like she like, pooped. My other friend there, he saw me. You know, he witnessed it happened, my friend Rich. He witnessed it happened and.

00:28:55 Jake

The lady was still there so.

00:28:58 Jake

Something was happening. Was she psychic? Was it the guru? It felt like the guru energy. That's what it felt like. And that's what other people have said. That and that really shaped me. It made me more of a spiritual person. When you have direct experience.

00:29:13 Jake

With something higher like that, a higher being. Now I've had experiences with angels, but in that way that directly where you're just kind of gets smacked across the face. That'll change you. You know, you you don't go back from that.

00:29:26 Merrily

No, she can't deny, you know, all what's in front of you and like, yeah.

00:29:32 Jake

And I like to say I'm not the only one that's ever had an experience like this at this type of scenario with this, with this kind of underground psychedelic musical mystery school that was is very real.

00:29:41 Merrily

Right here.

00:29:45 Jake

Like that, there's thousands of people that have activated themselves and learned these higher things and interacted with beings, those through that place.

00:29:56 Merrily

That's amazing. Yeah. I had no idea that was what was going on at those shows, so that's amazing.

00:30:02 Jake

Well, here's the interesting thing. A lot of those people and I've interfaced with that community for almost 30 years now. Yeah, they're not new age thinkers. Some of them are. And you'll meet those people. But overall.

00:30:16 Jake

There isn't really a bridge outside of people like Ramdas. There isn't really a bridge to the other spiritual information like what it all means. The Angels, the galactics, the new Earth. Like there's the mission. Like there isn't really anyone like connecting those that much.

00:30:37 Jake

It's kind of like its own little thing. It's really interesting.



00:30:41 Merrily

Oh. Oh my goodness.

00:30:43 Merrily

So, well, you didn't mention angels, so would you? I have two questions around that.

00:30:52 Merrily

One, if you could, if you are OK, sharing and Angel experience and then two, what do you think that they are?


So 2 questions.

00:31:01 Jake

Well, I'll start with what I think they are. I think they are.

00:31:03 Merrily


00:31:08 Jake

People saying they're created being so they're just like kind of a few steps down from source. I don't want to even quantify that. I'd like to put these.

00:31:16 Jake

Boxes. In that way I I shouldn't. But The thing is, it's like we're trying to understand. So it's like it's a couple steps down from source.

00:31:24 Jake

Just like these created beings, they potentially are assigned to you and you have a guardian Angel. I don't know for sure, but I have felt my own personal angelic energy following me my whole life. So I felt that guardian Angel energy, but in different psychedelic experiences.

00:31:47 Jake

At places like Red Rock specifically, you can go out there and you can interact and you can feel their presence and you can see their light if you go out far enough. You know, with these substances. Now I'm. I'm not advocating or recommending this like that. You get your own path. I can't do that. But for me.

00:32:07 Jake

Like I probably experiment more than the average person, I really pushed the.

00:32:14 Jake

Andre is because I really felt like I was connecting with something bigger than myself. Through those experiences, some of which are angels. Now there's galactics and other beings there as well, but the angels are always there. At these events you can feel them because the love that's expressed when.



00:32:34 Jake

That many people are together, you know, resonating, connecting, letting go of negativity and engaging with the shamanic music. They can feel that they're attracted to it energetically, so they show up to amplify it.

00:32:50 Merrily

Yeah. Amazing.

00:32:52 Jake

Yeah, it's it's really powerful. And then they're there. I mean, they're always there. I I don't know what they are.

00:32:57 Jake

Specific I don't know because The thing is is that I hear from Christians that they're and and Jews that there are angels that could fall and and that choices.

00:32:58 Jake


00:33:11 Jake

And so I'm like, OK, so then and they're actually a whole slew of angels can make bad choices. Supposedly I don't. So then I'm like, what does that mean? So I'm.

00:33:19 Merrily


00:33:22 Merrily


00:33:23 Jake

Like beings that vibrate higher in a different dimension that have certain qualities but aren't necessarily.

00:33:34 Jake

Equal or not equal, you know what I mean? Like it's like they're just there because I just. There's so many legends and there's so much information about this. I just. I just really don't know.



00:33:46 Merrily

That's amazing. I will share that I did when I started like working with angels, which I thought initially I was like angels. I don't know. Sounds kind of lame. Like I don't know about these angels, but they started showing up when I'm meditating, right?

00:34:06 Merrily

And during a concert, I actually I would call Archangel Michael, right to protect everybody in the building. And you know, that kind of stuff.

00:34:16 Merrily

But at that particular show, the artist that was there, he he never has a he is very emotional. He's always kind of, like, very intense. But he and he never talks during the show. But he was like, wow, I'm really feeling like this powerful connection. And da da, da, da, da and I was like, oh, maybe it's because Archangel Michael.

00:34:35 Jake

You are calling that in. That's the interesting part there. There's a quantum experience related to these angels. They're outside of time and space. You can call them in. I can call them in at the exact same time. People all over the world can all call on this because it's everywhere at once.

00:34:38 Merrily


00:34:50 Merrily

That's right.

00:34:53 Jake

And it's there to help us. It's there to guide us. I I'm, I'm interested to understand the fallen Angel thing. I'm still trying to wrap my head around that personally as a person to really study this stuff. I still don't get it because it doesn't jive with me. It's just little. I'm like fallen Angel like.

00:35:01 Merrily


00:35:07 Merrily


00:35:09 Merrily


00:35:13 Jake

Fallen angels supposed to not fall, right? So like, maybe there's some other entities, maybe, miss prescribed, as they said.

00:35:16 Merrily




00:35:22 Merrily

Ohh, that's an interesting theory. Ohh now I have to like contemplate that myself. My goodness.

00:35:29 Merrily


00:35:29 Jake

But it's a beautiful energy and it's a powerful energy. And and in those experiences where I really push the boundaries.

00:35:31 Merrily


00:35:36 Jake

That energy is so potent, you feel like very unworthy. Like all your sins, all your mistakes, all your your transgressions kind of come to your your karma, all your karma. Karma comes to the service and you're like, Oh my God, I'm just. I'm unworthy to even be in the same energy field as this being.

00:35:42 Merrily


00:35:45 Merrily




00:35:56 Jake

What are you feeling?

00:35:57 Jake

But but part of development is is recognizing that recognize the divinity within everything.

00:36:04 Jake

And and standing in your own sovereignty as a human being and standing up and and resonating in a way that's almost equal to these angels. Because I feel like we want to. If anything, use these angels as a role model to help us evolve like this is where we want to evolve into, like, higher frequency, being as close to that.



00:36:25 Jake

If we can.

00:36:25 Jake

And as human beings.

00:36:27 Merrily

Right. Yeah. Because they're emanating all of that love at you and you're just like, I don't know what, at least for real.

00:36:33 Merrily

Like I don't know what to do with this.

00:36:35 Jake

It's a lot. It's it can be very powerful, especially if you have felt that like, Oh my God. Like, I can't believe I've, you know, you hurt somebody's feeling just part of life. Things happen and that.

00:36:38 Merrily


00:36:44 Merrily


00:36:47 Jake

Comes to the surface when you're around these beings because honestly, their their frequency is so pure and it's so light. Like that's there has to because it like it can't exist around these.



00:36:59 Jake


00:37:00 Merrily

Right. Yeah. Amazing. Well, I love. Yeah. I love your concept around around angels. It's really beautiful.

00:37:06 Jake

I mean, you know, I've had guests that have talked about them.

00:37:10 Jake

Even one time I had a guest on who channeled angels and she she made a book and the Angels in her book it was almost like a like a coloring book. It was like I can't remember her name right now, but she drew the angels as little blobs with capes on, right.

00:37:30 Jake

I'm interviewing this woman who talked to angels and I'm looking at my monitor.

00:37:36 Jake

And around her? Are these like weird blobs I'm like. And I'm like, tapping my monitor. I'm like, what the hell is going on? Like, what is wrong with my stuff? Like, I've never seen this before and I could see these blobs. And, you know, I just went on with the interview.



00:37:52 Merrily


00:37:53 Jake

And as we got through the interview, she said well.

00:37:58 Jake

You know, I just put the capes on to distinguish each one. They when I see them, they don't actually have the capes on. They're just the blocks. That is what I saw. So and and she was calling that angels. So I'm just, I just keep an open mind. And I know that they're there. That energy exists. I know that there's.

00:38:18 Jake

Different kinds of angels, and that you can call them in by name, and that frequency will resonate with you and guide you if you ask for.



00:38:28 Merrily

Yeah. Yeah, that's The thing is asking.

00:38:30 Merrily

For it for sure.

00:38:32 Merrily

Oh, well, we're kind of, you know, we'll speed up to sort of your, you know, your podcast and like, what inspired you to start midnight on Earth and like, what was that story?

00:38:42 Jake

Well, I was a listener for a very long time to the Art Bell version of Coast to Coast AM, and if you're familiar, it was a radio show.

00:38:53 Jake

That was on late at night from 10:00 PM to 2:00 AM six nights a week, sometimes 7 broadcast on AM stations all over the country, including shortwave radio.

00:39:05 Jake

You know, all pre Internet roughly now. Excuse me. Let me take that back. Not pre Internet but pre Internet in the way that we use it now like pre social media pre all of that like right you're thinking late 90s and I got turned on to his show from a job that I had taken.

00:39:26 Jake

And the bakers I worked with, I worked in a bakery at.

00:39:28 Jake


00:39:28 Jake

Night and they listened to it and I listened to it in the very first episode.

00:39:34 Jake

Did Art Bell had major and Danes on and they were remote viewing the devil and I was like, Oh my God, I was like, I was hooked instantly and they had live callers and they had no screening on the callers. So the wildest people would come in the most synchronistic people would come in and.

00:39:54 Jake

He did this six nights a week for years and his show was 4 hours long, so he would do the equivalent of two hour and a half podcasts every night.

00:40:06 Jake

For years, live flawless, sly and to me, he's like the king. Truly, the king of all podcasts, because he was doing the podcast format way back then. But just calling it talk radio and the information that I was exposed to.

00:40:10 Merrily


00:40:28 Jake

Was all the esoteric all the magical spiritual, metaphysical information that I talked about and that you talk about and others talk about. They talked about it back then and back then it.

00:40:40 Jake

It was very revolutionary because it was kind of hard to find that information on the Internet. MP3 files were still hard to trade, bandwidth speeds were slow, like it was still kind of an early time. So that was this huge conduit for millions of people, especially night owls.



00:41:00 Jake

Millions of people to interface with some really high frequency.

00:41:05 Jake

Extraterrestrials channelers, I mean, he did it all, and then he even had people like Michio Kaku on way back then he was the first person that had Michio Kaku on. Like for, like best friends. And he had Terence McKenna on way back. And all of these people and I learned so much from that show that during.



00:41:24 Jake


00:41:26 Jake

I really wanted to get back to podcasting because in 2015.

00:41:32 Jake

I started a podcast that I tried to do like funny, psychedelic spin on politics, and that lasted about 6 episodes and I couldn't. It was like energetically. It wasn't me like I I thought I could do it for fun.

00:41:49 Merrily


00:41:51 Jake

And it would be interesting. And I was intelligent enough to do it, but it was like, no, I I don't feel like.

00:41:56 Jake

I need to.

00:41:58 Jake

I stopped, but I went on as a guest on a jam band podcast called No Simple Rd. from the Best Jam Band podcast out there. Credible.

00:42:10 Jake

And I went on because I met the hosts at a show and I just kind of said, hey, I have all these incredible stories from being at the scene for so long. I'd love to come on your show.

00:42:21 Jake

And coincidentally it was Umphrey's McGee show we met at and I went on their show and kind of told my story through that filter. Not my whole story, but my kind of mystery school jam, not everything that I told you today, but.

00:42:34 Merrily


00:42:39 Jake

And it turned out to be this huge episode for them. Like after they released it.



00:42:44 Jake


00:42:46 Jake

I was like, wow, like people really love what I have to say. They really want to hear the spiritual stuff. That's what people were resonating with like it was been bigger than some of the members of Den and Company, which is the current iteration of the Grateful Dead scene. Like, there's they were, they had big guests on.

00:43:06 Jake

And somehow, me, Jake Weaver just happened to dominate their ratings and they were blown away about.

00:43:13 Jake

So that was a reminder that people do wanted, did want to hear what I.

00:43:18 Jake

Had to say.

00:43:19 Merrily


00:43:20 Jake

I did have something important to say and during COVID when we were locked down and we were just like, stuck I was.

00:43:27 Jake


00:43:28 Jake

I just had an epiphany that.

00:43:30 Jake

Had to get back to podcasting and people wanted to hear this information. Yeah. And then I asked myself, I said, what kind of podcast?

00:43:40 Jake

Is me. What? What? What can I do the best with? And I prayed about it. And then I thought about Art Bell and coast to coast. And of course, the work of George Nori and the other hosts art Bell was really the king of that whole scene.

00:43:52 Merrily


00:43:56 Jake

And I thought about that and I was like, you know, I could do that. I could do that in a podcast format with updated information and my own.

00:44:06 Jake

In on it. So the last show that art Bell did he left coast to coast and had a couple other shows on the Internet, and the last show that he did was called midnight in the desert. And as a tribute to the Great Art Bell, who helped to shape my life in ways I can't even.



00:44:26 Jake

Comprehend. I called my show mid.

00:44:29 Jake

Night on Earth now the comma magically appeared one day, and like it just I looked over. I didn't type it. I wrote out midnight on Earth and I turned around and there was a comment there and I was like, Oh my God, that's beautiful. That's like the book. It's like midnight on Earth. And it gives you that cosmic.

00:44:50 Jake

Presence. Feeling. Yeah. And I was like, yes, yes. The coma stays and that's how it all started. And I got out there because I knew I had a talent. I discovered my talent, and I knew I could be out there serving. And then I realized that that was my purpose. So I'm out here doing this.

00:45:10 Merrily

I love that you explained the importance of the comma.

00:45:15 Merrily

Because I agree.

00:45:16 Jake

Magically, like it was so strange. It was it it. I did not choose that. It just showed up there. But then I instantly fell in love with it. And I was like, yes, of course. Like. But Art Bell again for.

00:45:19 Merrily


00:45:28 Jake


00:45:28 Merrily


00:45:29 Jake

Investors out there, you're a podcaster. I'm a podcaster.

00:45:32 Jake

He was the king of that. Can you imagine doing 2 hour and a half shows nights a week? He did do one open line show every week where he would have people just call in and talk about the shows of the week or recently. But Can you imagine the works like wow, he was a workhorse. He was a.

00:45:36 Merrily


00:45:47 Merrily


00:45:50 Merrily

Yeah, he's a.

00:45:51 Merrily


00:45:52 Jake

Yeah, it's on every possible level, and unfortunately he died too soon, but his legacy is huge.



00:46:00 Merrily

Love it. Wow. Yeah, I love that. That was your inspiration. And I love that you followed it, because clearly you have such a great presence and energy on your show. And it's just. Yeah, I'm so glad that you listened.

00:46:10 Jake

And the thank you and the show took on a life of its own. Instantly I had listeners. Instantly. I was attracting guests. Everyone I asked to be on the show said yes. It was. I could see it all coming together and I got better overtime as I developed myself. I had more interviews, I talked more. But.



00:46:31 Jake

The show itself took on a life of its own, and really, as we went into the world of star seeds.

00:46:38 Jake

The Pleiadian consciousness, new earth. It's places where other shows, even coast to coast, haven't gone. I've gone out to the fringes and just like really dug deep with these people that are there to get that information and that's something I think is super, super unique to midnight on Earth like.

00:46:58 Merrily


00:46:58 Jake

No one can go that far out with these people. It's a strange role that I'm in, but I'm embracing it. It's fine. I I'm I can do it because people need this information.

00:47:11 Merrily

Yeah. Amazing. So what would be?

00:47:15 Merrily

The what is the thing that you learned the most about hosting your podcast? Like what was?

00:47:21 Merrily

A good either lesson or something that epiphany that you had just.

00:47:25 Jake

There's two things I love this interview, by the way. You're so good. I'm just having the best time. You're amazing. Thank you so much for this. Here's the thing. This is 2 very important.





00:47:33 Merrily


00:47:37 Jake

Things the first thing is, is that everyone has a role. No one, no persons role is more important than another person's role. Even if you see someone that's working, what you would consider a low level job, perhaps pumping gas or something in Western culture, we would view as like, wow.

00:47:58 Merrily


00:47:59 Jake

Like all of those people are fulfilling a role and they're all life beings and their.

00:48:04 Jake

All just serving in their own way, right? So that's huge. So when I started to really interact with some really powerful people from all over the world and and they would reach out to me and I started to build this network that was just unbelievable. It helped me realize.

00:48:23 Jake


00:48:25 Jake

We're all just doing our thing and we all have a role B. If you're out there and you're a love based.

00:48:33 Jake

Being you're connected to a network that you wouldn't even you can't even comprehend it. It's so powerful that love network and we're all connected. There would be connective information that would go from guest to guest to guest. And I connected guests with guests and people like yourself, connecting with me. All of that energy. We're all one.

00:48:53 Jake

It really is one kind of force that's really activating to move humanity forward right now.

00:49:01 Jake

So that's, that's the first thing.

00:49:04 Jake

Wow, small, small and then Part 2 and this is really important and I think I don't think I've ever heard anyone say this, and this might even be the first time I'm saying this now.

00:49:17 Jake

We can't put anything on a pedestal except for God, like period and God, whatever God means to you, God is the the the source like source is what I'm talking about. I just like to call it God, but.

00:49:27 Jake


00:49:27 Jake

Really, source that the all.

00:49:30 Jake

Well, whatever that great mystery of the the everything, that's the only thing that you really want to put on a pedestal. Humans have a tendency to put people on a pedestal when they're able to disseminate spiritual information. OK, that's part one or like.

00:49:50 Jake

Oh my God. This person learned something. Their messenger for this, this energy that's activating me. They put him on a.

00:49:56 Jake


00:49:57 Jake

Humans tend to do that a lot, especially look at celebrities. It's like, you know, if if they're giving them some sort of energy exchange, they put them on a pedestal.

00:50:07 Jake

Angelic beings.

00:50:09 Jake

Galactic things plant spirits.

00:50:12 Jake

We're putting all these beings and they're all there on pedestals. They're saying, Oh my God, this planet spirit is omnipresent and and all over the universe.

00:50:24 Jake

The angels that are there, the beautiful service that they do, they're all over the universe. They have this power, the galactics, they're they're able to become light beings and transcend matter. And in a way, are on on the present as well. So we a lot of spiritual people put the galactics on a pedestal at the end of the day.



00:50:45 Jake

Really what we should be doing is recognizing these beings, understanding the power of the work that they're doing, understanding their role and their place in the web of everything but not.

00:51:01 Jake

Exalting them or putting them on a pen.

00:51:05 Jake

All of that energy, all of that energy, should be going to the divine just straight to God's source. And as humans, I'm noticing that people are really trusting these plant spirits. They're just blanket Lily turning themselves over to what they feel like are angels. They're blankets.

00:51:25 Jake

Be channeling these galactic thing.

00:51:29 Jake

And I.

00:51:30 Jake

Want people personally to just recognize, to stop and recognize? Hey, are we interfacing with these beings or are we putting them on a pedestal because we're putting them on a pedestal? That's not the right energy. The only thing we should be salting and putting on a pedestal is the all.

00:51:41 Merrily


00:51:50 Jake

So those are the two things I really learned.

00:51:53 Merrily

Oh, those are really huge lessons. My goodness. Wow. It's amazing. Three years. Oh my God.



00:52:00 Jake

It well, this is actually going into year four now. It's like mind blowing. It's it's really mind blowing. And like I said, the energy, the people, it's now in 185 countries total, but about 100 and something countries come every single week. So. So my voice is getting out there somewhere that information.

00:52:03 Merrily

You're poor. Ah, alright.

00:52:17 Merrily


00:52:21 Jake

Helping people understand that we don't need to choose doom and gloom.

00:52:25 Merrily


00:52:26 Jake

We can choose heaven on earth. It's our choice. We're Co creating reality. We're creating our own reality. But our subconscious is mapping the matrix in real time. So if we can get control of that creative ability and together get a hold of our Co creative ability, we can create.

00:52:37 Merrily


00:52:46 Jake

Any reality that we choose, we can map the matrix any way that we choose, so we can choose to make heaven on earth, where every single human being, every single living creature, no matter where they are or where they show up on the.

00:53:00 Jake

Earth is going to have the best possible experience. We have that power. I'm trying to help people understand that.

00:53:08 Merrily

Yeah. So we can all be NEO. There isn't one, neo.

00:53:11 Jake

Exactly. We're programming the matrix, and we're look how we're programming it right now. Yeah, like we're programming it to have a lot of ****** things.

00:53:18 Jake

That could happen.

00:53:19 Merrily


00:53:19 Jake

True, there's a lot of ****** things on this planet, so it's like, why are we programming? That we can take ahold of that now. There's people that are benefiting on US programming. The reality that we live in that way, but we can get a hold of that power.

00:53:21 Merrily




00:53:31 Merrily

Yeah. Amazing love it.

00:53:35 Merrily

Oh wow.

00:53:37 Merrily

So, so here's a question, because you had a guest on your show, and I know who this guest is, so you might have to explain it. What I asked the question for our audience, but you had Jim Shooter, Jim Shooter on your show.

00:53:47 Jake


00:53:53 Jake

Ohh what a blessing here.

00:53:54 Merrily

What a blessing. I'm so curious. Yeah. Why? Like I understand how Jim Shooter fits into sort of the spiritual realm. But how, like, why did you want to reach out?

00:53:57 Jake

My lives.

00:54:06 Merrily

To Jim shooter.

00:54:08 Jake

I love gym shooter comic books. Prior to having my psychedelic expert.

00:54:12 Jake

Instances were ways that I was able to engage with interesting concepts in a lot of ways, spiritual concepts, a lot of the writers of those comic books of the 80s. I'm 45 now, so a lot of the comics in the 80s that I.

00:54:27 Jake

Read in the.

00:54:27 Jake

90s. Excuse me, were written by.

00:54:31 Jake

You know people that were into things and were trying to be creative, especially the Vertigo comics of DC.

00:54:38 Jake

And Jim Shooters Comics in the 90s, he had his own companies which were Valiant Comics, defiant comics and Broadway comics. So I just always loved his work. But his company, Defiant Comics, was a pivotal life changing company for me because the.



00:54:57 Jake

Books that I read from that company really affected my spiritual development.

00:55:06 Jake

There were books about.

00:55:08 Jake

You know Aztec shamans going through multiple dimensions, manifesting things in this dream world, this plasm world, and how people manifest things. It was really powerful stuff, and one of the characters in this book called Dark Dominion. He was an older gentleman, Michael Alexander and his.

00:55:21 Merrily


00:55:28 Jake

Only quote UN quote superpower was getting over fear.

00:55:34 Jake

And by getting over fear, he was able to access this other dimension called the substratum, and in that other dimension he could see these energy beings. These like truly beings like feeding on people that have like drug addiction or anxiety. You know, he would like rip the.

00:55:34 Merrily


00:55:54 Jake

Things off and and and he would fight these forces within that dimension and that book like blew my mind because it helped me.

00:56:01 Merrily


00:56:04 Jake

Analyze and try to understand like what is fear and how does fear affect me and what do I gain by letting go of of fear? Am I gonna go travel through it into another dimension?

00:56:17 Jake

I don't know. And as a kid I wanted to be a comic book writer early on with jeans, and Jim Shooter was one of the best and that company and those books just radically shaped my life. And early on in my this is like age, you know, 14131415.

00:56:21 Merrily


00:56:36 Jake

And so I reached out to him and he wanted to be on the show, and since then we've become really good friends and it's pretty mind blowing for me.

00:56:49 Merrily

Well, that is so cool and so special. I'm glad that that that that happened for you.

00:56:54 Jake

It's really strange because I'm an intersection point of all these different scenes. Yeah, even Jim Shooter had a merry prankster story and the Grateful Dead Energy is just kind of everywhere. So everything's connected in its own strange way.



00:57:07 Jake


00:57:11 Jake

OK, but really it was cool for me to do that, and I've had him on twice and it was like, you know, that inner teenager that just literally thought he was the greatest writer ever and his stories were so impactful, like it was just like a dream come true for me. And he's a super cool guy, super cool guy. Huge force.

00:57:31 Jake

Now when you think about how the Marvel Cinematic Universe is, just like been this huge thing in in, in American culture and culture around the world like he, he wrote a lot of the stuff that they base that.



00:57:43 Merrily

Wow. Yeah, I just had a guest on the other day. She was telling me about how.

00:57:48 Merrily

She I like when Doctor Strange came out. She was like the film, right? Because she's marked from familiar with the films. She was like that thing that was my life story. Right on.

00:57:58 Merrily

The screen Doctor Strange, yeah.

00:58:01 Jake

You know, it's really interesting how they captured the quantum realm with their stuff. Thanks. It's really powerful stuff. I mean, like I said, it's all connected. What they're learning, they reveal through media that in the collective consciousness, there's of course.




Hey Cortana.

00:58:21 Jake

Predictive programming, which is about putting things in movies to shape consciousness and kind of tell the collective consciousness what's coming in some ritualistic way, but in other ways, Hollywood and the media and the forces behind that use.

00:58:31 Merrily


00:58:40 Jake

Like the idea, implantation and and when they discover things, they inject it into fiction to that interface with the collective consciousness, and were able to process that information for.

00:58:52 Jake

First, before they go public with the information. So we we kind of have it pre digested if that makes.

00:58:59 Jake


00:58:59 Merrily

Oh yeah, I think I've learned about that. That was something that talked. They talked in you, you followed you quite a lot, right? About all the movies about aliens like, they were kind of preparing the public for for that.

00:59:11 Jake

And they do that with all the quantum information and.

00:59:14 Jake

The different information about time travel and the different things that they've learned scientifically and the things that they want. You'll see movies where people have these Med beds and they they go in the bed and it like cures their cancer or pulls the alien out or something. And then somehow the Med bed will show up in like 3 or 4 different movies.

00:59:34 Jake

And you're like, hey, wait a second, why is this happening? Because they want humanity to have that awareness that that could be.

00:59:41 Jake

Possible. Then collectively we manifest that that's happened so many times.

00:59:47 Merrily

I love that idea, especially if that's something that's like positive, you know.

00:59:52 Jake

Have to tell you percent of the time they're using that to keep us debilitated and to hold us down as.

00:59:58 Jake


01:00:00 Jake

It's dark energy. It's just, you know, we're it's an interesting planet. There's something that wants to stifle our development and feed off that tension, energy, that friction of holding us in this lower state.

01:00:15 Jake

But the Earth's evolving were all evolving eventually, that's just going.



01:00:19 Jake

Push regard of how much they try to hold back the dam. They can't hold back the dam of human consciousness expansion. That's it's unstoppable. But but it's interesting to see them.

01:00:27 Merrily


01:00:30 Jake

Try yeah.

01:00:33 Merrily

Oh gosh, yeah, I love it. Yeah, we'll we'll keep the message. You know about, like, let's look at more of the positive things that they're trying to feed them. Yeah.

01:00:40 Jake

There's a lot of look, there's a lot of great things happening and people are evolving in ways.

01:00:43 Merrily


01:00:46 Jake

Is that used to be ridiculed? People are erasing this, the love.


That's true.

01:00:52 Jake

The how we see each other, we're connected so intimately now. The world is so much smaller than it used to be.

01:01:00 Jake

And that's huge. So, like, that's really huge. And if you look at Humanities development currently, even though we're going through some hard times.

01:01:08 Jake

Overall, we're in a new place. We're in a post eclipse world. I was.

01:01:11 Merrily


01:01:14 Merrily

I've been. Ohh gosh yeah, that eclipse was something else for sure.

01:01:20 Jake

It was powerful. I wasn't down in Texas, but I I did see it here in Oregon A.



01:01:24 Merrily

Little bit. Oh, cool. Yeah, I'm glad you got to see that. We didn't see anything.

01:01:28 Merrily

Here in Washington so.

01:01:32 Merrily

So, Patrick. Oh, go ahead.

01:01:32 Jake

Hope I have hope. I've been answering your questions and the way I've been having such a great time with you. We're just hanging out people. This is casual, right?


Ohh yeah.



01:01:40 Merrily

It's it is casual. That's how we like. Oh, yeah, for sure. So one of the things, one of the sort of recent videos that you put up on YouTube was your harmony harmonic egg experience.

01:01:54 Jake


01:01:55 Merrily

And yeah, which was pretty amazing. I highly suggest everybody watch Jeff's video on the harmonic egg and the interview that you did with, oh, gosh, I'm forgetting the creator of.

01:02:07 Jake

GAIL Lynn. Her name is GAIL Lynn.

01:02:08 Merrily

Yeah, that was an amazing interview.

01:02:11 Merrily

But I also because you went to the harmonica. We have like 3 here in this Seattle area. And so I went to the harmonic egg. And so it was like, obviously, great. The guy I went to. Everybody. It's Michael who's in Kirkland, WA.

01:02:19 Jake

Oh my God. Tell me what happened early. Tell me what happened.

01:02:31 Merrily

I can't remember the name of the, you know, the place, but it's Michael's in Kirkland. He's amazing. Great energy and yeah, it was. I didn't know what to expect. Looked at. It was obviously very relaxing.

01:02:49 Merrily

And yeah, I could. I didn't like I had the sense it that there were like beans, right? Like these two. And I see the OR I sense those two beings a lot that are like near me. And they're very, very tall. And so I kind of was like, oh, and you're kind of in a trippy.

01:03:08 Merrily

Dates. Right. You're like lean back and attributes to.

01:03:11 Jake

This is awesome, people. I can't believe I did this. I helped you inspire to be inspired. This is incredible.

01:03:16 Merrily


01:03:18 Merrily

Yeah. And so it was like trippy beings. And then I saw, like, the weirdest, the weirdest thing that I saw.



01:03:25 Merrily

Which you know that there's like a portal. I say portal, but it's like a circle. The black circle. And I could see these, like, little like hands doing like this around the portal.

01:03:30 Jake

Black circle.

01:03:37 Merrily

Like gripping the portal and they look like little child hands.

01:03:38 Jake


01:03:42 Merrily

And it was maybe like four or five pairs of them, and but I was like, I was fully expecting something to like, you know, like pop their head out. Didn't happen, did not happen. But yeah, I was like, what am I seeing?



01:03:58 Merrily

He's hands gripping the portal or whatever, you know, because you're in like a weird state.

01:04:05 Jake

Wow. And let me tell you, GAIL told me. I I had the honor of talking with GAIL Lynn after I had my harmonic egg. It was amazing to be able to call the person who invented it and, like, share their story. She told me it's meant to symbolize an eclipse like an eclipse.

01:04:12 Merrily


01:04:16 Merrily


01:04:21 Merrily

Oh, that's so cool.

01:04:25 Jake

It shows up for different ways and different people like like, yeah, that's incredible. And isn't that interesting that that your brain was triggered in that way by?

01:04:34 Jake

The sound of like.

01:04:35 Merrily

Yeah, it was weird, strange and very weird. And I kept seeing things floating across the the black hole. The portal like certain shapes and spirit energy floating back and forth. But yeah, it was just very like I highly recommend folks to try it out for sure, because it's like you get into a trippy.

01:04:56 Merrily

Stay with, you know, with some energy. Drink. I think that you take but it's.

01:05:02 Merrily

Yeah, it's very cool. I can say about it, but yeah, thank you for inspiring me to go check it out.


That's all.

01:05:08 Jake

I'm just blown away right now because honestly, it gets back to what I was saying earlier. Yeah. And I was gonna mention the egg. I didn't know you had this experience. So that egg is channeled Syrian technology, right? So if you listen to that, I did with Gale. She isn't an engineer. She didn't have that type of skill set yet. She was able to channel this information to create.

01:05:18 Merrily


01:05:22 Merrily

That's right.

01:05:30 Jake

Thing, and they did some really revolutionary things to create this. All the music is intentional and channeled, and it's all meant to help people heal. It has a purpose, right? Right, that that energy is a galactic, archetypal healing technology. So for us, it showed up through Gale.

01:05:51 Jake

And we get this Syrian download and she gets to create this egg. But for other places for other beings all throughout the universe.

01:05:59 Jake

They probably have their own mechanisms, but the same mode. Is this. The mode is the same like sound and getting.

01:06:02 Merrily


01:06:05 Merrily


01:06:07 Jake


01:06:08 Jake

This is so funny. Getting back to the Grateful Dead scene, right, they created the modern concert experience. They their sound technicians invented the modern PA they invented.

01:06:20 Jake

The light show of concerts. They were the first ones to do that in that way that they're they're their crew, are all legends for those things. And they in their psychedelic experiences during their.

01:06:33 Jake

Experimentation with the substances they channeled that same healing information in that same way. So what they stumbled on through their psychedelic trips at these acid tests and the Grateful Dead shows and these concerts is that when you put people together and you have this healing.

01:06:53 Jake

Music in this kind of space and you allow the light frequencies to come in, that it creates a true healing experience, and that's what people were experiencing.

01:07:04 Jake

And those psychedelics, of course, amplify that. So see how it all kind of ties that.

01:07:08 Merrily

Oh my gosh.

01:07:10 Merrily

Who knew you giving me such a good education on, like, like what? The Grateful Dead? Yeah.

01:07:15 Jake

Fire blowing. And here's the thing, the modern concert experience now uses LED lights where in the past they use halogen. Kind of. You know, the old school lights and those LED lights.

01:07:25 Merrily


01:07:28 Jake

Are digitally controlled and they emit perfect frequency spectrums, right? So back in the day, you'd have these colors and they would. It would work. Now you go to these.

01:07:37 Merrily


01:07:39 Jake


01:07:40 Jake

And the lights are so specific that frequency it gives you pure Blues, pure greens, pure Reds that that.

01:07:48 Jake

Hit your energy body and do that healing work. It's it's.

01:07:53 Merrily


01:07:55 Jake

This is so I've never told anybody this. I've only told one other people, one other person this because these are some recent downloads that I've had. I'm connecting the harmonic egg and all of these things. That's cool.

01:07:55 Merrily

That's central.

01:07:59 Merrily


01:08:05 Merrily

Ohh wait.

01:08:09 Jake

The Blessed One I love. Oh, I love your energy and your persistence. I I hope I could just keep dropping these.

01:08:10 Merrily


01:08:15 Jake

Things on you.

01:08:16 Merrily

Oh yeah, you dropped so many things that I'm going to.

01:08:18 Merrily

Like take a nap afterwards.

01:08:22 Jake

I just do a lot of caffeine. I do a lot of yerba.

01:08:24 Jake

Matte and I just keep going.

01:08:26 Merrily

That urban out there, I like that urban mante for sure.

01:08:30 Jake

Yes. So let's talk more if you have time. We've been going for a minute. We got more time. Let's go.

01:08:36 Merrily

Oh, yeah. Well, let's see it. Look. Oh, gosh, there's now. There's so many questions. Oh, gosh.

01:08:44 Merrily

Yeah. Is, have you noticed like any sort of recent concerts that you've been to have you noticed any sort of with like the new light technology and the things that you've mentioned, have you noticed any sort of energy shifts or I don't know?

01:08:59 Jake

I've noticed with certain bands, especially bands like of Frisbee, where they write songs that are like positive and love based. They do improvisation and the energy is really.

01:09:01 Merrily




01:09:11 Jake

When you go to those shows with that experience with the lights, it feels like the harmonic gang.

01:09:18 Jake

Way now I don't know if I would feel that way at a metal show where I go to a metal show. This guy scrap. I love metal and if I went to a metal show the guy and he's like fights. When my wife feel like I was in the egg. Like I don't know. But something shows. You do feel that way.





01:09:28 Merrily




01:09:36 Jake

And it's a lot of the jam bands that are out there doing this. They're the ones exploring consciousness. They're the ones creating a safe space for people to take psychedelics. That's kind of part of the reason why the shows are so long. People took about a jam band. Yeah, they play these long shows, but they want to give people like.






Ohh yeah.

01:09:56 Jake

Five hours, you know, to like, take some acid, like leave their body, come back into their body and figure out how to get home.

01:10:04 Merrily


01:10:04 Jake

So that's part of it too.

01:10:06 Merrily


01:10:08 Jake

And they're really pushing the boundaries. They're, you know, it's really just what's happening right now because the energy of the galactics is coming through more powerfully than ever, and they're assisting all these people in the same way that the angels are. If you tune into that, you can it it. You can benefit from it. You can get that type of information.



01:10:30 Jake

Is there's so much help. There's so much presence right now that they're they're guiding these experiences.



01:10:39 Merrily

For maximum. Yeah, Max. That's what we need. Maximum potency because I know, you know, we chatted about, like, sort of, you know, the dark things that are, you know, the dark forces that are sort of making our choices for us. How would you if let me try to phrase this question?

01:10:43 Jake

We did.

01:11:00 Merrily

So how would you like to a listener? Or somebody? How would you help them?

01:11:05 Merrily

Like point them in the right like not the right direction. I want to say it that way, but like not to not like fall into sort of the dark stories that we're being told. Like, what would you suggest for somebody to do?

01:11:19 Jake

Well, are you talking about like when they interface with that information, that kind of not like and then not get pulled down by it? OK, look, there's a lot of different ways to approach this. First of all, everything's in the.

01:11:23 Merrily


01:11:25 Merrily

Yes, perfect.

01:11:32 Jake

Vision. So after you leave this life, you'll realize that some aspect of it was created entirely for you specifically to learn your lessons. But that's just one layer. That's not every layer. The layer is like that. So the things that are happening.

01:11:40 Merrily




01:11:51 Jake

Is it all an illusion? It's hard to say. The other aspect is we all are one Organism. Truly, the human being is 1.

01:11:59 Jake

And collective consciousness. So if we imagine the human consciousness as one human body and over time through the centuries we inflict these atrocities on ourselves. But it's kind of.



01:12:11 Jake

Like a person.

01:12:12 Jake

Like cutting their arm over here, or they're burning themselves over here to learn to not cut themselves, to learn to not burn themselves. And eventually we evolve.

01:12:21 Jake

That could be part of it as well, because everything's so transitory.

01:12:26 Jake

But ultimately, everything's working out for everyone's highest good. Is it cause and effect? People like Rudolf Steiner talk about how it's cause and effect, and it's these people's karma in their previous lives that led them to have a life where the atrocities that they inflicted on someone were inflicted on them like and that's a whole different.

01:12:46 Jake


01:12:46 Merrily


01:12:47 Jake

You know, but ultimately.

01:12:50 Jake

We just have to realize that the light being inside each person is eternal. If something happens and the physical body dies, that light being is going to come back and eventually we're all going to leave this specific vehicle and keep coming back until we get to that place so we can take a little fallis.



01:13:10 Jake

In times of darkness, knowing that there's only one movement and that's forward lighter expansion and fuller expression ever for retraction, it's always for growth. It's always for.

01:13:22 Jake

Mansion. So even though there is darkness, it's part of the growth process. It's part of the birthing of this new Earth. And when we get there, we'll look back and it will make more sense.

01:13:35 Merrily

Uh, that's a beautiful image. I like the forward momentum of that. That's very cool.

01:13:40 Jake

It's unstoppable and it's harnessed spiritual people, especially when you take psychedelics and you think about these kids that are suffering and you're like you're having, like, my God, why isn't every human taken care of? Like, why is this happening? Like, why is there so much darkness? What is going on? Why do these humans behave this way? Why are there lower astral entities infecting?



01:13:43 Merrily


01:13:46 Merrily


01:14:01 Jake


01:14:02 Jake

I don't know. There's some story. There's some.

01:14:07 Jake


01:14:08 Jake


01:14:09 Jake

Propelling all this forward in the way that it's showing up and just like rondas's guru Neem Karoli would always say everything's perfect. It's all perfect and it will make sense. And to me, the only way that it would make sense is if it truly was an illusion. If you truly step over on the other side and go.

01:14:27 Merrily


01:14:29 Jake

Oh my God.

01:14:31 Jake

That wasn't real, but look at the things I did. Ohh, what if that was real? Does that make sense? But then worried. Yeah. And it's real to us.


How are you?

01:14:40 Merrily

Yeah. Yeah. Cause we're in it.

01:14:42 Jake

Divine paradox. You know, her menaces talk about that the vine paradox. How could it be real and unreal at the same time? I.

01:14:47 Jake

Don't know, it just is.

01:14:48 Merrily

It just is. Yeah. Yeah. I work with that.

01:14:53 Merrily

So do you have any sort of daily? I kind of asked this of folks who do like a spiritual practice, do you have?

01:14:59 Merrily

Like what is?

01:14:59 Merrily

Your sort of daily routine, if you have one or weekly routine look like to kind of serve your spiritual self.

01:15:06 Jake

Well, I do a lot of studying. I try to study these an hour a day. I listen to audiobooks. I try to read books. I try to just get good information as much as I can. For me musics, my meditation. So like, I'll go listen to a Miles Davis record your or, you know, something really high.

01:15:08 Merrily




01:15:26 Jake

Frequency high.

01:15:27 Jake

Quality and just get into that and that will create a biochemical situation which will help me engage with divinity a little bit more. So that's what I use for my meditation. It gives me something to focus on. So that's really where it's at because I work a lot, I work a lot on this show because people.



01:15:45 Merrily


01:15:47 Jake

Love it? They actually are engaging with it. They send me letters telling me how much it affects them and it literally all started with just like nothing an idea. Like, I just need to.

01:15:57 Jake

Do this.

01:15:58 Merrily


01:15:59 Jake

And again, it took on a life of its own.

01:16:02 Merrily


01:16:04 Merrily

So my last question, because I have two cats and I love cats and I know you.

01:16:09 Merrily


01:16:10 Merrily

A cat? Is it Amadeus?

01:16:12 Jake


01:16:13 Jake

Today is it's like that. I wish he was here with me. Right now. He's one of the sweetest, cutest cats. He's very intelligent, we communicate. I'm. I'm trying to learn the blinking language. Like cracked that. Yet I kind of get it. And yes, I feel like cats are like living crystals. There's really kind of like, that's the energy. I love dogs.

01:16:15 Merrily


01:16:16 Merrily






01:16:34 Merrily


01:16:35 Jake

They're great, but I love cats. They're very high, they're low maintenance and they're very cool to be around. And again, it feels like they're living crystal. I don't wanna knock dogs off like.



01:16:45 Jake

Like there's something energetically different about cats. They're very healing.

01:16:52 Merrily

Yeah, they. Yeah, they are. They're very. Yeah. And they're very energetically sensitive. I think dogs are emotionally like.

01:16:59 Merrily

They can sense your emotions very well, but like cats, like, yeah, they can sense your energy. I don't know. It's very strange.

01:17:05 Jake

It's true, it's true. And you know, if I'm feeling exuberant in a really good mood, my cat's really responsive. But, you know, he's a murderer. I have to tell people all around the world are listening to this. My cat. On the days he's a murderer. He's killed bunnies, birds. I can't. I put bells on his neck like things.

01:17:24 Merrily

I know.

01:17:25 Jake


01:17:25 Jake

So that's kind of interesting to like be a part of that, be like, OK, like you just brought me a dead Bunny. And yeah, I love you, but what the **** just happened, right? So I'm hoping I can cuss on your shot. Sorry. I like what just happened. This catch is, like, destroyed Bugs Bunny. Like cat kinda. Whoops like Bugs Bunny. But that's also part of the strange.



01:17:41 Merrily

Right, right.

01:17:45 Jake

Situation of this planet is this planet? Why do these beings act this way each other? Why do we need to eat them in some cases to survive like some people actually need to eat for whatever reason like they can't, you know? So it's like why? Why is this like this? Why is matter like?

01:17:47 Merrily


01:17:52 Merrily


01:17:55 Merrily


01:17:59 Merrily


01:18:03 Jake

This. Wow. So transitory. Why is this so strange? That's things I try to think. It's so weird. It's weirder that we could even possibly imagine. Yeah.

01:18:14 Merrily

Yeah. So would you say that sort of the the lesson that Amadeus has taught you is about like his murder tendencies?

01:18:26 Jake

You taught me that nature has no morals. You know, it's actually true. Nature does not have any morals, and that's where humans are above nature. That's why when people say humans are animals, Mm-hmm. No, humans are not animals. Maybe our vehicle is an animal. Perhaps is mammalia.

01:18:43 Jake

And the the light being within that and we're sharing the space with this, this conscious being. And if we weren't in it, perhaps eat the neighbors like we don't know what would happen, but it's our moral and ethical standards that allow us to take control of the.

01:19:03 Jake

Animal and guide it in a way that's more In Sync with our spirit.

01:19:07 Merrily

Oh, I've never heard somebody put it like that. And that's really cool.

01:19:13 Jake

Well, it's like we're in it, right? And it has its own demands. It has its own needs. It's like a little beautiful cat. Like, I love cats, OK?

01:19:14 Merrily


01:19:20 Jake

So, and if you're a furry, maybe you're already there, but let's imagine we're in a cat body like so. Right. So like, like, if we're in this body, it's like you're the light being in the body. And and that's it. You're just in a vehicle. The vehicle has its own tendencies. It has its own needs, its own.

01:19:38 Jake

And it's up to you to create that balance between the cat, your body, the that cat that you're in, whatever that is, you have to give it what it wants without giving it everything that it desires, if that makes sense.

01:19:51 Merrily

Oh, totally.

01:19:52 Jake

You're in a symbiotic relationship with it and you have to understand that because let me tell you.

01:19:57 Jake

Its mind is more animalistic. It's an that is a more of an animal consciousness and it can intensely and severely influence your spiritual mind. If you're not conscious of it.

01:20:11 Jake

If you start.

01:20:11 Merrily


01:20:12 Jake

To get lazy and like kind of just like you know, some humans really like.

01:20:17 Jake

Zone out on, you know, junk television and things like that. And then the animal consciousness starts to take over and it's like, ohh, let's eat some sugar.

01:20:26 Jake

Let's eat. Let's go. Let's have alcohol. It releases dopamine. Let's do all the things that give me dopamine and serotonin and endorphins. Come on. Come on. Let's. Then you're like I wanna watch movies, drink beer and do all this stuff. It's like, whoa. Was that you, or was that your body wanting all of these things? And this is what we have to get in control of as well. We just talked about that.



01:20:47 Jake

In our last midnight on Earth episode.

01:20:50 Merrily

Ohh nice yeah.

01:20:52 Merrily

Awesome. Yeah, I like the distinguishing between the body and sort of like you're observing of.

01:20:57 Merrily

The body. Cool look. Yeah.

01:20:59 Jake

We're like beats period, and if that's one thing I'm trying to get across on my show more than anything else and leaving it through all of the things is that we are light beings do not identify with the body, the bodies of vehicle. It is that consciousness, that creature that was issued.

01:21:19 Jake

To you at birth that you have it, but you, you you are the light being so then you gotta stop and be like wait.

01:21:26 Jake

Hey, I'm actually just this like living light. Like what? Like I I don't die. I I just. I'm not created or destroyed. I'm just this living light. I'm almost angelic myself. But in this third dimensional experience I gotta dial in my morals and ethics. I have to dial in my behavior so I can.

01:21:47 Jake

Emulate those angelic things while I'm here and try to send that love and life.



01:21:52 Merrily

Wow, good, good, good stuff.

01:21:56 Jake

What an episode.

01:21:57 Merrily

Ohh I know so many good things so.

01:22:01 Jake

See, I never get to do this. I'm sorry too. Merely, but I never get to do this. Like I never get to just go. I'm listening with guests when I'm with Brent Anderson and Vinyl 4 serves like we talk about things beyond the news episodes. Whoa. Like the things we cover are incredible, but I never just.

01:22:03 Merrily

Please please please.

01:22:16 Jake

Get to rip.

01:22:18 Jake

On my own spiritual thoughts in this way, this is amazing. Thank you for allowing me.



01:22:21 Jake

To do this.

01:22:22 Merrily

Oh gosh, my pleasure. It's been so fun and I get to, like, pick your brain and ask you all these questions I've been.

01:22:27 Merrily

Dying to ask you for months, so that's awesome.

01:22:28 Jake

Dude, keep asking if you have any four on here. If not, we could do this again. Do. You can think just bring me back.

01:22:32 Merrily


01:22:34 Merrily

Oh yeah, for sure. I definitely, yeah, I have to listen to more episodes like your more recent episodes and, like, get on that and, like, get all my questions down for sure my.

01:22:42 Jake

Gosh, I'll come on your show anytime. I love your energy. I love what you're doing. And you're allowing me to express myself and share with your audience. And I just appreciate that so much. So I'm always here for you.

01:22:53 Merrily


01:22:54 Merrily

Jake, you're so great.

01:22:56 Merrily

Ohh my gosh, so can you tell everybody? I know I will put these in the show notes of course. But where folks can find you and all that good stuff.

01:23:05 Jake

OK, website midnight on Earth, www.midnightmid and I GHT midnight on earth.com.

01:23:16 Jake

And that has all the information. Now you just want to check out the podcast. It's on every platform you can imagine. Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google podcast. All the ones that interface with RSS feeds. They all do. So it's all out there. I do have a YouTube channel. I get annoyed with YouTube because my videos get pulled.

01:23:36 Jake

By their algorithms, they they don't understand context. The AI doesn't understand context, yet YouTube channel is not as up to date as it could be. However, there's some great information.

01:23:47 Jake




01:23:48 Jake

Including my life being video and also the video about the harmonic egg. So are you going?

01:23:53 Jake


01:23:55 Merrily

Yes, I am going to go back for sure. I there's a lot of integration. I think that happens after the harmonic age. So yeah, I went like January 8th, I think somewhere around there like early this year. Yeah, it's kind of.

01:24:01 Jake

So so I I I just real quick, when did you go?

01:24:13 Jake

It's just such a powerful experience. It's it's like a psychedelic experience when you try to explain it, but you can't put it into words and you probably felt that seven day integration as well.

01:24:17 Merrily




01:24:24 Merrily

Yeah, for sure. It's like a lot of.

01:24:25 Merrily

Water. A lot of thinking.


About all the things.

01:24:28 Merrily

That happened and what that meant for me so.

01:24:31 Jake

Well, I have a friend down in California and she and her partner went one time recently and they're going back three times in three weeks.

01:24:38 Jake

Wow. It's like, man, she's gonna come back. I don't know. With another type of consciousness.


Well, yeah.

01:24:45 Merrily

I think so.

01:24:47 Jake

Even when I talked to GAIL Lynch, she said that she kind of tries things out on herself, and sometimes she has multiple sessions in the same day and and she forgets and has to, like, stop and be like, Oh my God, I mean, that's that. We'll save that for next episode next time I'm on your show.

01:24:53 Merrily


01:25:02 Merrily

Ohh no, that's amazing that.

01:25:04 Merrily

Oh, my gosh. Yeah. She's such a fascinating person. Yeah, again.

01:25:08 Jake

Hey people, harmonic.com.

01:25:09 Merrily

Yes, harmonic a. You got to check it out and definitely the interview that you did with her because I was like, boom my mind.

01:25:16 Merrily

Was blown.

01:25:19 Jake

Is incredible as well. Look, I just. I just want to thank you again. Thank you for letting me be on your show. I just really appreciate this. Like I said, man, I'm back anytime.

01:25:23 Merrily

Yeah. Thank you.

01:25:28 Merrily

Ohh thanks Jake. Yes. So you've already dropped so much wisdom. Is there any final words of wisdom that you would like to leave us with today?

01:25:29 Jake


01:25:41 Jake

I just want to reiterate not just that, of course your life thing we talked about that, but think about this people, OK, your subconscious programs.

01:25:51 Jake

Reality IT programs the energy that makes the matter in real time. How that works, I'm not sure, but I know that that's happening and collectively as humans, we're.

01:26:03 Jake

Creating this reality where we're mapping the beings and this animal spirits and the planet spirits, they're all Co creating this as well.

01:26:12 Jake

We have the.



01:26:13 Jake

Power to create any world that we want that code. Writing the matrix code writing. We can start to generate our own code, and when we realize that that's truly when we can build the new earth that we're all working towards, we're all working towards this United Earth.

01:26:33 Jake

But we have to get a hold of that Co creative ability and understand that we're doing this and if we program our subconscious.

01:26:44 Jake

With our conscious mind, with our study, what we implant with repetition, then that energy moves outwards. That's how we write the code we get in there when we program our subconscious. So there you go.

01:26:57 Merrily

I love.

01:26:58 Merrily


01:26:59 Merrily

Reprogram everybody.

01:27:03 Merrily

Yes, thanks, steak. It's been so great.

01:27:08 Merrily

Is such an energizing guest as well as a high vibration podcast host. It was such a fun time, so do check out Jake's podcast Midnight, On Earth and do see the show notes and where to find out more about Jake and all the cool things is up to do you remember to like, follow, subscribe, and review us on YouTube or your favorite podcast platform? It really helps us grow. Thank you for listening.

01:27:27 Merrily

Would be an awesome part of the Casual Temple.


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