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🌟 Welcome to Episode 45 with our guest, the captivating, Reda Ruhani!
In this episode of Casual Temple, we are joined by Reda Ruhani, a renowned magician and spiritual guide specializing in Arabic magic. Reda takes us on a profound journey through his personal and professional experiences, offering a glimpse into the intricate world of mystical practices.
From his beginnings as a victim of black magic to transforming his life into one of mastery and healing, Reda shares how his over decades long journey of study, practice, and self-discovery shaped him into the spiritual worker he is today.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
• The foundations of Arabic magic and its connection to history, culture, and spirituality.
• Reda’s transformative experience of turning negative energies into a source of empowerment.
• The practical and spiritual lessons he imparts to his clients and students worldwide.
• Insights into the role of intention, ritual, and self-purification in magical practices.
• Reda’s advice on working with jinn, angels, and divine energies responsibly.
Reda’s approach combines practicality, wisdom, and a deep respect for the sacred, making this episode a treasure trove of knowledge for seekers of all levels.
• The unique structure and power of Arabic magic.
• The importance of personal responsibility and intentionality in spiritual work.
• How Reda’s clients have transformed their lives through his methods.
• Fascinating stories from Reda’s practice and his advice for navigating the spiritual world.
🌟 Whether you're new to mysticism or a seasoned practitioner, this episode is packed with insights that will inspire and deepen your spiritual journey.
Join us on this riveting episode of Casual Temple Podcast!
Learn more about Merrily's energy healing work at Celestial Ring Guidance.
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Shams al-Ma'arif
• Known as "The Book of the Sun of Knowledge," a foundational text in Arabic occultism.
• Authorship: Often attributed to Aḥmad al-Būnī, though some sections were contributed by other Sufi masters.
Kitab al-Fanah fi 'Ilm al-Malakut
• Translation: "The Aid of the Distressed in the Employment of Angels and Jinn."
• A succinct text combining elements of Arabic magic practices.
Shams al-Afaaq wa 'Ilm al-Huruf wa al-Awaq
by Abd al-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad al-Bisṭāmī
• Translation: "The Sun of Horizons and the Science of Letters and Magic Squares."
• Contains advanced insights into magical squares and numerology.
• A widely known text originally written in Arabic as "Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm" (The Aim of the Wise).
• Focuses on celestial and terrestrial correspondences, talismans, and image magic.
• Rediscovered in the West after being translated from Arabic to Latin, and later into English.
Jinn Sorcery by Rain Alim
• A contemporary book showcasing various techniques in Arabic occultism.
• Described as a responsible guide, providing a cultural perspective on Jinn magic.
Magic That Works by Nineveh Shadrach
• A text blending Western occult traditions with elements of Arabic magical practices.
• Includes practical rituals and operations.
(Transcript is auto-generated; errors are unintentional.)
00:00:04 Merrily
Welcome to Casual Temple podcast episode 45, and I'm your host, Merrily Duffy at casual temple
00:00:10 Merrily
Our mission is to discover our connection to the unseen world of spirit and how that empowers us to know our true selves.
00:00:17 Merrily
Once to support our journey, subscribe and leave a star review on your favorite podcast platform. We love hearing from you, so visit casualtemple.com to share your thoughts with us or join our mailing list for a chance to win a free or a reading with me. Nearly.
00:00:29 Merrily
Pick a winner every month in your name. Season until you win.
00:00:32 Merrily
Our fascinating guest today is Reda Ruhani, who is a skilled magician specializing in the ancient and intricate art of Arabic magic as a spiritual guide.
00:00:40 Merrily
Magical counselor and content creator Reda shares his profound understanding of magic, spirituality and practical.
00:00:47 Merrily
We will learn about Reda’s journey which is far from ordinary where he was transformed by his personal experiences.
00:00:53 Merrily
Magic into a path of his own mastery, working closely with the Jinn and Angelic powers, now dedicating himself to helping others and guiding them to embrace their own spiritual power.
00:01:03 Merrily
Got to stick around for this one because on the casual temple, you know, we'll keep it interesting.
00:01:09 Merrily
Welcome to the casual temple.
00:01:11 Merrily
Today, we're thrilled to introduce you to Reda Rouhani, a talented magician who has a specialty in Arabic magic.
00:01:18 Merrily
Reddit is also a spiritual guide on YouTube, where he talks about all things magical and spiritual.
00:01:23 Merrily
Retta shares the many lessons learned on the path to becoming a professional spiritual worker, with hundreds of satisfied clients across the globe. British Channel is a treasure trove of mystical knowledge.
00:01:34 Merrily
Ray shares deep understanding of magic and a spiritual practice that has a pragmatic approach.
00:01:39 Merrily
Filled with a bit of smarts and a lot of heart. Whether you're new to the world of magic or a seasoned practitioner, Retta S teachings are sure to enrich your spiritual journey.
00:01:48 Merrily
Reda, welcome to the casual temple.
00:01:51 Reda
00:01:51 Reda
Thank you, Mary, for your kind words and thank you for having me.
00:01:54 Merrily
Yeah. Thank you so much.
00:01:56 Merrily
I just wanted to kind of talk a little bit about how I kind of found your channel.
00:02:00 Merrily
I think I was looking specifically for. I know another person that practices Arabic magic and I was like, I wonder if there's other practitioners that share.
00:02:09 Merrily
On YouTube and I that's how I found you and your videos are so informative and you're kind of no nonsense in a lot of ways. But in a way that's very personable. And yeah, so I just thought it was just wonderful.
00:02:21 Merrily
I'm so happy that we get to chat.
00:02:23 Merrily
00:02:24 Reda
Thank you.
00:02:25 Reda
I really appreciate that because.
00:02:27 Reda
You know, you kind of honed in on what I'm trying to do here. Like we know in occultism, Missilterism, mysticism field, like, there's a lot of fluff and I try to take all the fluff out and get right down to business, tell people with, you know, how things.
00:02:42 Reda
And hopefully they benefit from it.
00:02:44 Reda
You know, so.
00:02:44 Reda
Glad it struck a chord with you.
00:02:47 Merrily
Oh yes for.
00:02:48 Merrily
It's definitely a breath of fresh air.
00:02:50 Merrily
A lot of ways.
So that.
Oh yeah.
00:02:56 Merrily
Kind of just start at wherever you consider the beginning of your practice or what you can. If you have a spiritual journey or wherever you want to start, we can go from there.
OK. All right.
00:03:09 Reda
Well, I I noticed again, taking the fluff out like I noticed a lot of people in this field.
00:03:13 Reda
Like, well, ever since I was young, I always was spiritual.
00:03:17 Reda
This dimension was very present in my life.
00:03:20 Reda
And you know that is true for me in many ways.
00:03:24 Reda
Was born in north.
00:03:26 Reda
My country is very well known for its spiritual practices.
00:03:31 Reda
Let's just put it that way.
00:03:33 Reda
And there were some people in my family who were involved in this.
00:03:37 Reda
Field. However, I was never disproved.
00:03:40 Reda
Kid, I was never the one.
00:03:41 Reda
Like I see skirts.
00:03:43 Reda
Ghosts are the one who has, you know, imaginary friends or guides or whatever. The case, I was not that person okay and the way that magic kind of imposed itself on my life is that I was targeted by it.
00:03:57 Reda
I was first.
00:03:59 Reda
A victim. OK, and from some very, you know, evil kind of heinous black magic and.
00:04:08 Reda
You know when you.
00:04:11 Reda
Ball target to this kind of.
00:04:14 Reda
It just starts influencing and manipulating your life in many ways that you don't really understand now and you know, with the experience that I have professionally, personally, I do in many ways that most people don't, but.
00:04:26 Reda
It just effects everything from your relationships, including family loved ones.
00:04:30 Reda
Our friends career, academic success, professional success, you name it, it affects it because all of these things have.
00:04:38 Reda
Spiritual dimension so.
00:04:41 Reda
Fast forward a little bit.
00:04:42 Reda
You know, life gets to the gutter and then it gets worse and then worse and then worse, and then worse. And then at some point it kind of had like, a an epiphany. Personal aha moment where I'm like, well, hold on, wait a minute.
00:04:54 Reda
If because first of all this proves that magic words that it exists, that they're.
00:05:01 Reda
Well, if.
00:05:01 Reda
All of these things are true. We can certainly try to hone that.
00:05:05 Reda
To better a life instead of destroying it.
00:05:08 Reda
You know, and that's when my journey started on a personal level, where you're like.
00:05:12 Reda
Well, I'm going to harness this knowledge, this power, this skill, this competence, to make it better.
00:05:21 Reda
And took me more than a decade, approximately 12 years, give or take.
00:05:29 Reda
But that was my personal.
00:05:30 Reda
Where you know this is my path. I'm studying it and I'm practicing and a lot of research, a lot of reading as most people.
00:05:38 Reda
A lot of trial and error experimentation, constantly refining, constantly learning, and then I hold my craft to the point where I'm able.
00:05:46 Reda
You know, I was able.
00:05:47 Reda
Completely transform my life upside down and.
00:05:51 Reda
Now for a few years I've been doing it professionally for other people. OK, so.
00:05:59 Reda
And it's funny to say, but you know, when you look at the grand scheme of things and how things just lined up, I think I'm doing exactly what I was meant.
00:06:07 Reda
Do it.
00:06:08 Merrily
Yeah, it sounds like, yeah, I like.
00:06:09 Reda
In any ways, yeah, yeah.
00:06:14 Merrily
I like that you were saying sort of how you figured.
00:06:17 Merrily
Oh, I can instead of like letting all of like the black magic or whatever was going on with that. Like the negative stuff you're like, I can.
00:06:23 Reda
No, no.
00:06:24 Merrily
Actually, a positive component that you can steer your life toward, you know using.
00:06:29 Merrily
00:06:30 Merrily
Similar methods, so I I haven't heard anybody kind of explain it that way, but it's so simple, yeah.
00:06:37 Merrily
Like that.
00:06:39 Reda
Yeah, yeah. And this is something that.
00:06:43 Reda
I advise everyone to do, you know, because I'm a healer.
00:06:47 Reda
Most people think that I'm the gym guy, but that's not true. Most of my practice is actually helping people, getting rid of negative entities, negative energies and healing from.
00:06:59 Reda
00:07:00 Reda
Lifelong spiritual afflictions and these people, they get.
00:07:03 Reda
They get vengeful because they're like, well, I didn't do anything to deserve this.
00:07:07 Reda
Is this happening to?
00:07:08 Reda
And a lot of times they try to, you know.
00:07:11 Reda
Of persuading me to do some work for them, like kind of like vengeful or bentful man. Like, look, your resources going back to your point, your resources, your time, your energy is best spent on making your life better, no matter how many people you attack, no matter no.
00:07:27 Reda
How much suffering you bring upon them? Any even.
00:07:31 Reda
You're justified.
00:07:33 Reda
Do anything for you.
00:07:34 Reda
It doesn't make your life better.
00:07:36 Reda
So again to your you know listeners and their audience and their viewers.
00:07:41 Reda
Same recommendation and advice that I'm giving all my clients that I give to you. The more you focus on yourself, the better return of investment you will have on your time and energy.
00:07:54 Reda
00:07:54 Reda
And this is true in any field.
00:07:56 Merrily
00:07:57 Reda
You know, not just in magic.
00:07:59 Merrily
Yeah, man. So, gosh, that was.
00:08:02 Merrily
I love it.
00:08:04 Merrily
So in you said your kind of studying for like 10 years, did you have any support or guidance in terms of like people that helped you along or was it all self study?
00:08:14 Reda
Well, I did learn from a few people. OK, but you know to be totally.
00:08:21 Reda
Yes, some of them I might consider a teacher, but no one kind of sat down with me like I'm doing now with my students and like.
00:08:29 Reda
A BCDEF like you, you just have to figure it.
00:08:31 Reda
And I think that is the best barrier of entry, because let's not forget this science, this field, this knowledge is millennia old.
00:08:41 Reda
It started with us since the beginning of humanity.
00:08:44 Reda
So you kinda have to be someone who reads between the lines. You kinda have to be someone who has St. smarts, who can put two and two together. If you are the kind of person that you feel that you're always getting the short end of the stick, I.
00:08:57 Reda
Not advise you to get into this field because you will be dealing with invisible entities.
00:09:02 Reda
Who have the jump on you? Who know what you're thinking, what you're feeling?
00:09:06 Reda
So this is not for everyone.
00:09:08 Reda
OK. And I was one of those people that.
00:09:12 Reda
And even now the content that I make is for the same kind of people. People who are able to read between the lines, you know, to to, to see the the, the, the, the blue writing on the wall as we say.
00:09:24 Reda
00:09:26 Reda
Looking back, I do see that I did get some guys because I did seek some guidance from angels, you know.
00:09:32 Reda
For you worried about protection. You're worried about your safety.
00:09:35 Reda
So you know, I did seek some protection from angels and in their very angelic way. They did provide it. I could not see it when I was just putting 1 foot in front of the.
00:09:46 Reda
Taking baby steps.
00:09:48 Reda
But right now where I am in my life, what I was able to accomplish because I'm not some old dude, you know? Like who?
00:09:54 Reda
Seven years old.
00:09:55 Reda
A long beard and like.
00:09:57 Reda
I'm still relatively young or I feel like it at least.
00:10:01 Reda
I do see that my progress was really guided and influenced.
00:10:07 Reda
In in many ways, 1 considered they've been silent ment.
00:10:12 Reda
That they shaped my journey in many ways.
00:10:15 Reda
I can understand at the.
00:10:16 Reda
But and again, I always tell people evaluate backwards.
00:10:22 Reda
You see, you won't see it on the spot.
It is.
00:10:25 Reda
It's, in retrospect, take some time. Every three months, six months, nine months.
00:10:31 Reda
A year two years.
00:10:32 Reda
Down with yourself?
00:10:34 Reda
You're going.
00:10:34 Reda
Be like wow, I could not have done this by myself.
00:10:37 Reda
Is no way.
00:10:39 Reda
Yeah. So that's.
00:10:41 Reda
Again something.
00:10:42 Reda
Share with my people and then you know.
00:10:46 Reda
For the good of others.
00:10:47 Merrily
Yes. And again, such simplicity in like evaluating backwards cause I've been telling some folks recently. It's like you don't know that it's a sign until you like do the review right until the thing happens that you were like.
Oh yeah.
00:11:02 Merrily
Wanting to happen or, you know, putting some energy into happening or whatever, you don't know until you go. Oh, wait, that thing happened. And then that and then all these steps that led to. But at the time you don't think they're a sign you might have noticed it.
00:11:15 Merrily
And been like that was.
00:11:16 Merrily
And then just kept going on your day but.
00:11:18 Reda
00:11:20 Reda
You're absolutely right. You're absolutely.
00:11:23 Reda
And that, you know, shows right there just the fact that you're telling that I'm guessing true friends, someone you care about is it shows up your experience because you cannot see that like the first 3 rituals or the first three months is when you've been doing it for.
00:11:39 Reda
On end that you start to develop.
00:11:41 Reda
Burning muscle.
00:11:43 Merrily
00:11:43 Reda
Now I see these things now. Like this is what I do professionally.
00:11:47 Reda
People come to me like, where this happened?
00:11:48 Reda
What can't you?
00:11:50 Reda
You know, I feel like 3 days.
00:11:51 Merrily
00:11:53 Reda
But it each person is different in that learning curve, but very good point that you touched on absolutely.
00:11:59 Merrily
Oh, yeah, yeah. It's so it's very fun once you're in the group of it.
00:12:03 Merrily
Fun to look back.
00:12:05 Merrily
So in we talk a lot about books, especially in sort of this particular space.
00:12:10 Merrily
00:12:10 Merrily
Specific books that you would recommend or that were helpful on your path.
00:12:17 Reda
00:12:19 Reda
Most of the books in Arabic magic.
00:12:23 Reda
Are under pseudonyms, meaning that Al Buni is not the one who wrote the shamsimatir.
00:12:29 Reda
Wrote a book that was a predecessor. And then there's another.
00:12:34 Reda
Author who contributed to.
00:12:36 Merrily
00:12:36 Reda
He's the magic squares guys because there's a lot of magic squares and jumps in massive and that guy is a Sufi master whose name is Al Bissami.
00:12:46 Reda
OK. And he did a commentary that was integrated into some.
00:12:50 Reda
So just to give you the problem with books in Arabic, magic and most of the books that helped me the most, they have no author. Many times that I have a title they're part of.
00:12:59 Merrily
00:13:01 Reda
Of a collection and like you find like 4 pages that are really.
00:13:04 Reda
It's in the middle of like this 500 page manuscript. So sometimes you could read a whole book just to get.
00:13:09 Reda
One insight.
00:13:10 Reda
To find one good spirit, yeah.
00:13:13 Reda
00:13:14 Reda
But a title like cute.
00:13:16 Reda
That come to mind.
00:13:17 Reda
There's one that I find does a very good job very succinctly, you know, combined many different elements of of of what I do is it has to do a fan fetus, which means.
00:13:31 Reda
The aid of the distress in the employment of angels and gents.
00:13:35 Merrily
00:13:37 Reda
So that's one of them. Like anyone who just wants to get a basic understanding, reads Arabic. This is for our Arabic listeners.
00:13:44 Reda
Then there's also shamsan, alphafia and melro.
00:13:48 Reda
That's the son of Horizons and the science of letters and magic squares.
00:13:53 Reda
But that's bystami the guy who contributed to shamsan matters.
00:13:57 Reda
By the way, there's a third author.
00:13:58 Reda
One knows who he is.
00:14:00 Reda
No one knows.
00:14:01 Reda
And that's why a.
00:14:02 Reda
Of people do like this book seems like it's.
00:14:04 Reda
Written by different individuals.
00:14:06 Reda
Because Albany has his own.
00:14:08 Reda
It's something that is very short, but the one that we see nowadays it's such it's a potluck, a cold potluck for people who don't speak Arabic, someone who is very new and.
00:14:21 Reda
To my.
00:14:22 Reda
I have a lot of respect for him.
00:14:24 Reda
As written and Eileen, he wrote Gin sorcery in that book he gives.
00:14:29 Reda
You read it.
00:14:30 Merrily
00:14:30 Merrily
Yeah, I have that book. Yeah.
00:14:31 Reda
Amazing book, amazing book but.
00:14:33 Reda
What I love about.
00:14:35 Reda
Is that he is very responsible, he says in the book.
00:14:39 Reda
Is not an instruction manual, right?
00:14:41 Reda
Right this.
00:14:42 Reda
A showcase of different techniques within Arabic occultism.
00:14:45 Reda
So if anyone.
00:14:47 Reda
To see like because Arabic is so foreign like there's language barrier, the cultural barrier.
00:14:51 Reda
You want to get in touch.
00:14:54 Reda
With what is gin, sorcery and gin magic and all that stuff he gives you some really a good fundamental review.
00:15:04 Reda
Then there's also a book which is more a little bit like I would say westernly inclined with kind of like a Golden Dawn influence with by Nineveh, Shadrach is called magic that works.
00:15:16 Reda
So again, someone who is interested, he does give some rituals some operations.
00:15:22 Reda
Again, not saying.
00:15:23 Reda
Should practice these. It can be risky.
00:15:25 Reda
All the scary stories are there for a reason, guys.
00:15:29 Reda
Okay. But anyone who wants to get a grasp of what is.
00:15:35 Reda
Arabic Magic Gen. magic all that.
00:15:37 Reda
I think these books are given true for Arabic speakers and for non Arabic speakers.
00:15:41 Reda
Been true. So I think that's yeah, if you can.
00:15:45 Reda
Arabic and English you can have enough.
00:15:48 Merrily
What are? Yeah, a.
00:15:49 Merrily
So an extensive list. It's interesting about sort of the Compendium books that you're kind of mentioning, where there's like all these different authors because in the West, I'm sure you know, it's like.
00:16:01 Merrily
Herniated disk Magistas right is like this.
Yeah, yeah.
00:16:04 Merrily
And there's a lot of, like, silly arguments about, well, who were they and what were they and?
00:16:10 Merrily
It you know who?
00:16:11 Merrily
It's not real if it's not tied to a real person that we can account for in history, you know, and to me, I'm like, these are silly arguments.
Yeah, yeah.
00:16:21 Merrily
If whatever's in the material is functioning and works for folks like calm down.
00:16:26 Merrily
00:16:27 Reda
You're absolutely.
00:16:28 Reda
And a lot of.
00:16:29 Reda
A lot of them more about Hermes comes from the Arabs.
00:16:33 Merrily
I bet, yeah.
00:16:35 Reda
Yeah, because what happened is then, you know, this is my opportunity to clarify this. When Europe was in the dark ages and people were killing people just for nothing, right?
00:16:47 Reda
The Arab culture and the Islamic empire was pinnacle, right?
00:16:53 Reda
They were the most advanced in science.
00:16:56 Reda
They were the most.
00:16:56 Reda
In philosophy, medicine, you name it.
00:17:00 Reda
You know, they were the guys to go to and one of those things was occultism and esotericism and mysticism because there were huge translation efforts.
00:17:10 Reda
From, you know, going hand in hand.
00:17:12 Reda
The conquest of these countries.
00:17:15 Reda
So going back to your point about Hermes in the Sufi order, three Hermes is 1 was before and trace magisis, the thrice greatest is the third one.
00:17:26 Merrily
Interesting, yeah.
00:17:27 Reda
So exactly, see and.
00:17:31 Reda
Basically, there's Hermes before the flood.
00:17:35 Reda
Well, there are two hermesies before the flood, and there's another one after the flood. And one of them, they say that it's profit.
00:17:42 Reda
The inventor of the.
00:17:46 Reda
The geomancy, yeah.
00:17:47 Reda
The science of sands, as we call it, right.
00:17:50 Reda
So tristinagistus it has this and one thought the other, and then the third grade is they say that he was the teacher of Aristotelis, if I'm not mistaken.
00:18:03 Reda
So there's this lineage.
00:18:06 Reda
There's this lineage and we have books that are signed by Hermes pseudo Hermes Arabic manuscripts. So it's worth noting that this lore traveled to Europe.
00:18:17 Reda
There is a gap, yeah.
00:18:19 Reda
You know where Europe was? Not interested in culture.
00:18:24 Reda
And history, there is a gap, right?
00:18:26 Reda
And that gap was filled by.
00:18:30 Reda
So the triad greatest, all these guys you know.
00:18:34 Reda
The the.
00:18:35 Reda
Aristotle's you see him in.
00:18:36 Reda
Code books.
00:18:37 Merrily
00:18:38 Reda
And this is the famous invocation that.
00:18:41 Reda
Used to chase out demons.
00:18:43 Merrily
It works.
00:18:45 Reda
This is the science of the letters and Plato's contribution to this and that.
00:18:50 Reda
Whoa, wait, what?
00:18:52 Reda
And yet, in school, you know, we're taught that these are philosophers.
00:18:52 Merrily
00:18:56 Reda
00:18:58 Reda
Go figure.
00:19:00 Merrily
Yeah. Amazing.
00:19:01 Merrily
Oh my gosh.
00:19:02 Merrily
So I know we had even chatted.
00:19:04 Merrily
Like even something in today's day, like something like the pikatrix.
00:19:11 Merrily
Is something widely used?
00:19:12 Merrily
It's widely.
00:19:13 Merrily
Everybody who studies occultism knows it, but as you know, like it was translated from Arabic to Latin and then only literally in the last 20 years was it translated from Latin to English.
00:19:27 Merrily
By Christopher and John.
00:19:30 Merrily
00:19:31 Merrily
That's the one. I'm an English speaker.
00:19:33 Merrily
The one I go to.
00:19:34 Reda
Of course.
00:19:35 Merrily
So yeah, so it is like this really strong lineage that you know, I think people are sort of aware of, but not not really.
00:19:43 Merrily
So I think it's really cool.
00:19:46 Reda
Well, look, I mean the picketrix is a, which means the aim of the wives, OK?
00:19:51 Reda
We have a different.
00:19:52 Reda
But what's really interesting is that that book, that text, was completely lost.
00:19:57 Reda
From the Arabic occult tapestry.
00:20:00 Reda
So it didn't.
00:20:01 Reda
Basically, no one knew about.
00:20:03 Reda
We rediscovered it through the Latin, so imagine that it was originally translated from Arabic.
Oh wow.
00:20:08 Reda
And then we had.
00:20:09 Reda
Translate it back to Arabic from the Latin.
00:20:09 Merrily
That's amazing.
00:20:12 Reda
Can you imagine that?
00:20:12 Merrily
Love, yeah.
00:20:13 Reda
00:20:15 Reda
You know, when you read the book, there's like some references to the planetary correspondences of the Quran and, like, subversives and this and that. And this usually is the.
00:20:28 Reda
You know the 1st.
00:20:30 Reda
Exposure that people have to Arabic magic. A lot of people who are interested in my work. They're going. Hey, you know, I've been trying this for the big tricks and all that stuff and the big tricks is, you know, notoriously complex magic because.
00:20:42 Reda
There's a lot going on.
00:20:43 Merrily
00:20:44 Reda
You know.
00:20:45 Reda
Like you have to have the terrestrial correspondences to go with the celestial correspondences and then be ready.
00:20:51 Reda
You better be ready at that moment, dressed up in the appropriate attire. You know, knowing your contribution.
00:20:52 Merrily
00:21:00 Reda
So it is a very complex type of work and also a lot of the ingredients unfortunately.
00:21:03 Reda
00:21:06 Reda
It's not impossible to source.
00:21:08 Reda
00:21:09 Reda
You know when you're talking about Wolf brains is gonna be difficult.
00:21:17 Reda
Going back to what you were saying, that lineage is very, very interesting.
00:21:22 Reda
And there it's part of a a grand, you know, evolution in Arabic occultism.
00:21:29 Reda
Was a time where there was a focus on image magic.
00:21:34 Reda
On, you know, making these kinds of.
00:21:38 Reda
Talismans, you know, wings, objects that capture a celestial moment.
00:21:45 Reda
Into a vessel.
00:21:47 Reda
But that is part of a grander.
00:21:50 Reda
So there was a focus on natural sciences, how they call it back in the day.
00:21:54 Reda
So elemental corresponding just, you know, combining all of that in a single object that has metaphysical power.
00:22:03 Reda
That eventually translated into more invocatory summoning practices.
00:22:08 Reda
More like the.
00:22:10 Reda
A lot of the principles that the Solomonic practice employs.
00:22:10 Merrily
00:22:15 Reda
Guess where they got?
00:22:16 Reda
From right.
00:22:17 Reda
You know, from summoning to binding to the, you know, but they did add a lot of the stuff. I mean, the license to depart all these things. But I'm not saying the Arabs are the inventors.
00:22:18 Merrily
00:22:31 Reda
Not what I'm saying.
00:22:31 Reda
What I'm saying is they've been really open.
00:22:36 Reda
And integrative of the practices from China, from Ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon from.
00:22:48 Reda
India as.
00:22:49 Reda
India is a big.
00:22:50 Reda
It's a huge influence and that goes with the central geopolitical situation.
00:22:56 Reda
Know where they were between empire space.
00:23:00 Reda
And then it just kind of like fused together and you know the Europeans took it. And again they developed it.
00:23:07 Reda
Just you know, it just goes on and on and.
00:23:10 Reda
And on and on.
00:23:11 Reda
So never ending cycle of evolution, just like a human voice doesn't make it a little bit special in my.
00:23:18 Reda
00:23:18 Merrily
I like.
00:23:19 Merrily
I like that as that connection there.
00:23:22 Reda
Yeah, yeah.
00:23:23 Merrily
That's really cool to think about.
00:23:25 Merrily
Well, yeah, thanks for that. I feel like you gave a really good description of sort of Arabic magic and kind of.
00:23:31 Merrily
You know where sort of the different tenants of it.
00:23:36 Merrily
Can you explain in your practice?
00:23:40 Merrily
What do?
00:23:41 Merrily
Consider that you do like Arabic magic.
00:23:45 Merrily
Or that you incorporate it and that makes it unique from maybe other types of magic that you practice.
00:23:50 Reda
00:23:52 Reda
Well, I don't practice any other type of medic.
00:23:55 Reda
Yeah, my very.
00:23:56 Reda
Proponent of, you know, one mile deep and an inch wide, meaning like you just when you find something that resonates with you.
00:24:04 Reda
00:24:04 Reda
I'm a Muslim, right?
00:24:06 Reda
Like, I'm not gonna go pick up something else.
00:24:09 Reda
OK, I do rely on the teachings of.
00:24:10 Reda
Abrahamic religions.
00:24:12 Reda
Christianity and Judaism, but I'm not gonna.
00:24:15 Reda
Go pick up voodoo for example.
00:24:17 Reda
00:24:17 Reda
It's it doesn't.
00:24:19 Reda
I'm more inclined.
00:24:21 Reda
00:24:23 Reda
Arabic, everything I do is in Arabic. Every single thing OK from the writings.
00:24:30 Reda
Really. You know, there's the heavy.
00:24:34 Reda
Reliance on magic squares because we use the science letters numbers, the object system to convert them, and then we can make magic squares depending on the intent depending.
00:24:42 Reda
The planetary.
00:24:43 Reda
Correspondence. There is also an elemental.
00:24:46 Reda
So all of this stuff kind of ties in.
00:24:49 Reda
There's also taking into account astrological considerations, and I use.
00:24:54 Reda
Really the, you know, the Abu Mashhad is like the the correspondences which are purely Arabic because.
00:25:01 Reda
Again with the influences I want to keep it because when you find a system you wanna make sure that all these different components kind of.
00:25:10 Reda
Fit together.
00:25:11 Merrily
00:25:11 Reda
It's like you have a software and you're.
00:25:12 Reda
To download another one that is not.
00:25:15 Reda
Right, like.
00:25:16 Reda
The framework is not compatible like why would you go for Chinese astrology and try to incorporate that into Arabic?
00:25:22 Reda
You have all this richness there, so it's.
00:25:27 Reda
Kind of like discrimination of information, because there's just so much information, you know.
00:25:31 Merrily
00:25:32 Reda
You have to be.
00:25:33 Reda
You have to.
00:25:34 Reda
You can't be good at all.
00:25:35 Reda
You know, pick one.
00:25:38 Reda
And and everything that I do when you ask about uniqueness is proprietary.
00:25:42 Reda
So this is this was sets me apart.
00:25:45 Reda
Other people.
00:25:46 Reda
I'm not the guy who's going to read, you know, get a conservation from a book and then just recite it as is. I've never done that.
00:25:53 Reda
OK, so I write my own stuff.
00:25:55 Reda
I write my own prayers.
00:25:57 Reda
I research the divine names of what people call the barberas or names of I research them.
00:26:02 Reda
Know their meaning.
00:26:03 Reda
00:26:03 Reda
They're there so that gives a whole.
00:26:06 Reda
Dimension of belief.
00:26:08 Reda
Conviction and confidence in my work, which is primordial for getting results.
00:26:12 Reda
Right. So that is something I'm very, very proud of.
00:26:18 Reda
But really, the processes everything from scratch.
00:26:21 Reda
Everything is like and people who.
00:26:25 Reda
We understand.
00:26:28 Reda
Can we can really appreciate the depth of the word like I've.
00:26:31 Reda
Seen anything like this in my life?
00:26:33 Reda
Because they've never seen another weather in their.
00:26:36 Reda
00:26:37 Reda
Right, every every person is unique and I think every.
00:26:43 Reda
Path. Every practice should be unique according to each person. I'm sure if we look at your practice, probably you had some teachers, you had some influences, but it's pretty much your own, right?
00:26:54 Merrily
Yeah, yeah, I would say for sure.
00:26:57 Merrily
Thing for me, yeah.
00:26:59 Merrily
I like that you mentioned sort of writing your own sort of.
00:27:03 Merrily
I don't call it script, but how?
00:27:05 Merrily
How you do your rituals or what you recite?
00:27:08 Merrily
Only because I did tip dip my toe into doing a little magic with the gin. And I learned what I did learn from that one.
00:27:13 Reda
00:27:15 Merrily
Probably not for me.
00:27:17 Merrily
That's what I.
00:27:18 Merrily
It's not like magic for me.
00:27:19 Merrily
Two, I learned that what you write in as far as Yakir request or your thing is very important. If they think like.
00:27:27 Merrily
Your request sucks.
00:27:29 Merrily
They're like I'm out of here, lady, which was basically what I learned was like, my request kind of sucked. Like the way I wrote it, that, you know, it needs to be kind of poetic.
00:27:37 Merrily
And I don't think I took enough time for that.
00:27:37 Reda
00:27:39 Merrily
That's what I learned.
00:27:39 Reda
Yes, yes, the last thing you want to do is make a request and then you said I shouldn't have said.
00:27:45 Reda
That way, right?
00:27:47 Reda
Right. So what I'm talking like?
00:27:51 Reda
People like when you're talking, they just get the finished.
00:27:53 Reda
They're like, well, this guy knows what he's talking about, but they.
00:27:56 Reda
They forgot like the 12 years of trial and error. That's what I'm talking about.
00:27:59 Reda
Is not because I learned it in the books because I try.
00:28:02 Reda
I got that lesson.
00:28:03 Reda
And I'm saving you the time and energy.
00:28:03 Merrily
00:28:05 Reda
The last thing you want to do think of it when like, when I tell people these titles, they're not decorative.
00:28:12 Reda
Is a king.
00:28:13 Reda
Think of it like you're actually going to see a king. You know, in the movies, when you're in the throne room and you're going to make your case to the king.
00:28:17 Merrily
00:28:20 Reda
Of it that way.
00:28:21 Reda
Not going to.
00:28:21 Reda
In like.
00:28:22 Reda
I don't know a great king.
00:28:24 Reda
You should.
00:28:25 Reda
Well, it would be nice if I could have this and it's like what?
00:28:28 Reda
Yeah, 3 words. 4 words.
00:28:31 Reda
00:28:31 Reda
Yeah. And I always encourage people sleep on it.
00:28:34 Reda
Sometimes you want something you think you wanted something.
00:28:38 Reda
But when you think about it, you take a step back.
00:28:40 Reda
Actually want something deeper?
00:28:43 Reda
You know, or sometimes you desire something, but there's something underlying when people ask me.
00:28:48 Reda
Like, well, what is that gonna do for you?
00:28:51 Reda
You know, they they say I want financial abundance, for example.
00:28:54 Reda
Is that gonna do for?
00:28:54 Reda
It's gonna give me a sense of financial security.
00:28:57 Reda
It's gonna give me stability.
00:28:59 Reda
Let's wish for Dad.
00:29:00 Merrily
00:29:01 Reda
Because you can de abundant but not have the security.
00:29:04 Reda
Let's wish for that.
00:29:06 Reda
Ah, you see what I mean.
00:29:07 Merrily
Oh yeah, for sure.
00:29:08 Reda
So you always have to go 3-4 layers down.
00:29:11 Merrily
00:29:12 Reda
Right. But I totally again goes to speak about your.
00:29:16 Reda
Last thing you want to do is just and. If I tell you, well, you know you call somebody you don't.
00:29:21 Reda
You're asking them for a favor, but.
00:29:24 Reda
You know you have to persuade them.
00:29:26 Reda
Do you persuade a kid?
00:29:27 Reda
How do you get a kid's?
00:29:29 Reda
You know.
00:29:30 Reda
They're being called. People underestimated the amount of requests, the amount of demand there is for this spirits. I'm telling you, people underestimate it.
00:29:40 Reda
So you need to.
00:29:42 Reda
Have different ways.
00:29:44 Reda
Stand out.
00:29:44 Merrily
Yeah. Get their attention. Yeah.
00:29:48 Merrily
That's so cool.
00:29:50 Merrily
Makes a lot of sense to me.
Of course.
00:29:53 Merrily
For sure, and definitely the thing you said about layers deep, I think that has to come with experience because of course the when I first started out.
00:30:01 Merrily
In my own practice, and I would ask for the first thing that came to mind that I wanted to happen, but after it failed or didn't go the way I thought it should, it was like, oh, I actually wanted this thing. The thing underneath it, which is exactly.
00:30:12 Reda
Yes, yes, yes.
00:30:14 Merrily
You described so.
00:30:16 Reda
And one one little thing I want to touch.
00:30:19 Reda
00:30:19 Reda
Know when they say that gins are tricksters.
00:30:21 Merrily
00:30:22 Reda
Well, every time you've been tricked, you can look back at your petition and that was the issue.
00:30:29 Reda
That was the issue. 100% of like when you say it didn't happen exactly.
00:30:33 Reda
Wanted when you review.
00:30:34 Reda
And that's where it comes in handy to write it down.
00:30:38 Merrily
Yes. Yeah.
00:30:39 Reda
You know.
00:30:40 Reda
The the last thing you wanna do is.
00:30:43 Reda
I forgot this word like you see it on.
00:30:44 Reda
Internet all the time.
00:30:45 Reda
You were like, Oh my God, I messed up my petition.
00:30:48 Reda
I do.
00:30:48 Reda
Yes you should.
00:30:49 Reda
It all over, you know, and you know.
00:30:51 Reda
Practice it in the mirror until you can read it in Arabic. Occultism. There's a huge emphasis on that they tell you.
00:30:57 Reda
The conjuration.
00:30:59 Reda
Until you know it on.
00:31:00 Reda
Back of your hand.
00:31:03 Reda
And this is something I heard from.
00:31:04 Reda
I have the utmost respect for who's the doctor, Steven Skinner.
00:31:08 Merrily
Oh yeah.
00:31:09 Reda
Doctor Steven Schnee, prolific writer, but Whitney speaks.
00:31:12 Reda
You know that this man knows.
00:31:14 Reda
You know that he's a practitioner and those are the people that I have the.
00:31:17 Reda
Respect for.
00:31:18 Reda
It's not that they.
00:31:19 Reda
Talk to.
00:31:20 Reda
Or write the writing, but they actually walk the proverbial walk.
00:31:24 Reda
You know, and he says.
00:31:25 Reda
You practice the conjuration until you know it. You can recite it blindly, you know, but me I go even deeper and say, you know what?
00:31:30 Merrily
00:31:34 Reda
Your petition as well.
00:31:35 Merrily
Yeah, yeah.
00:31:38 Merrily
That's important too.
00:31:40 Reda
Security is a presentation.
00:31:42 Merrily
You need the confidence right to do it.
00:31:47 Merrily
So that makes perfect sense.
00:31:49 Reda
Yeah, yeah.
00:31:51 Merrily
Oh, that's so good.
00:31:52 Merrily
So what does your you know, what would you like to share?
00:31:55 Merrily
It's for sort of walking us through what your daily practice looks like, whether it is involving working with clients or just, you know, your daily sort of magical practice.
00:32:06 Reda
00:32:08 Reda
A lot of the days like.
00:32:11 Reda
There's a lot of client.
00:32:13 Reda
00:32:13 Reda
00:32:14 Reda
A lot of client work.
00:32:16 Reda
And I try to be strategic.
00:32:17 Reda
Try to be.
00:32:20 Reda
I would say efficient as it can be because it takes a toll. Like you know if it takes a if it takes just the ceremony is going to be three to six hours to make a pact.
00:32:29 Reda
You got to find a way to be.
00:32:30 Reda
00:32:31 Reda
The contracts are going to take longer.
00:32:33 Reda
It take up to 12.
00:32:35 Reda
Is just like work on my side.
00:32:38 Reda
So but with or without client work, daily prayers to God, the Almighty creator, whatever name you have for him, he is the source of all, I mean nothing.
00:32:49 Reda
Never going to get a result without his will and permission, even for bad stuff.
00:32:53 Merrily
00:32:54 Reda
OK. So that we know.
00:32:55 Reda
So the spirits you're going to call them by God's names, the blessing you're going to get, you're going to call them God's names.
00:33:03 Reda
But you know the problems you avoid.
00:33:05 Reda
Eight, you're gonna.
00:33:07 Reda
You're gonna avoid them by God willing permission.
00:33:09 Reda
God front left and center.
00:33:13 Reda
Prayers for protection, blessings, guidance. You know, all that stuff.
00:33:17 Reda
I do have a daily practice of evocation.
00:33:21 Reda
I call it the daily meeting, OK? And I do it in the morning and at night because there are two cycles.
00:33:28 Reda
There's the nightly cycle in the morning cycle.
00:33:30 Reda
Very important.
00:33:33 Reda
And basically that's like just strip you know.
00:33:36 Reda
Connection. Think of it like if you're having a work meeting and like your boss is checking in regularly to make sure that you know.
00:33:43 Reda
Push you a little.
00:33:44 Reda
Yeah, but it also maintains the connection and you know, because you have friends that you talk to every single day and then you have friends that you talk.
00:33:52 Reda
Every six months, right?
00:33:54 Reda
So 1 is going to take you to the airport at 4:00 AM and 1:00 is going to say I have to.
00:34:00 Reda
Tomorrow I have work right.
00:34:02 Merrily
00:34:02 Reda
So that you want to you want to have the 4:00 AM kind of guy, you know, your your go to your day one as we call them.
00:34:10 Reda
And a lot of now this is the thing that I want to clarify is that there's a lot of personal sacrifice that goes.
00:34:19 Reda
A abstinence meditation is not because I I enjoy sitting there and like you know, it's because when you're going to work for three, six hours, you need to have that concentration muscle that is trained, you know, at a level where you're like, you're not thinking about.
00:34:37 Reda
This issue that person and this this stuff, you know, worldly life.
00:34:42 Reda
Ritual purity is the worst.
00:34:45 Reda
Because I'm telling you guys, no one enjoys taking 3-4 showers a day, OK?
00:34:51 Merrily
Yeah, we're starting.
00:34:52 Reda
00:34:52 Reda
Yeah, your skin is not gonna, you know, and and and these are these.
00:34:58 Reda
I told you these.
00:34:59 Reda
Not a lot of the stuff, people.
00:35:02 Reda
They kinda impose it on themselves.
00:35:03 Reda
I would do without it, but the way that I work.
00:35:07 Reda
It has to do a lot with hygiene.
00:35:11 Reda
You have to be completely pure, completely. And I'm not talking about the. I'm not talking about like, you know, we Muslims, we do abolitions and we wash our hands and face.
00:35:19 Reda
00:35:19 Reda
I'm talking about full shower every single time.
00:35:22 Reda
Single time you're going to do this.
00:35:24 Reda
So if I sit down to write the pact, I I need to be showered and then.
00:35:28 Reda
Conjuration. I need to be showering and then if I something happens and I need to go do something.
00:35:35 Reda
Well, I'll have to.
00:35:36 Reda
Go take a shower and come back immediately.
00:35:39 Reda
I cannot keep going.
00:35:40 Reda
And I have to stop before.
00:35:41 Reda
Yeah, it is.
00:35:42 Merrily
Well, this is.
00:35:43 Reda
This is the less glamorous part.
00:35:46 Reda
Yes, people are like, oh, you know, you're getting results.
00:35:49 Reda
That's amazing.
To do that.
00:35:50 Reda
Yeah, but a lot goes on into it. You know, it's like an athlete, the.
00:35:54 Reda
Dietary restrictions. The training at 6:00 AM, eight hours a day.
00:36:01 Reda
But they're.
00:36:02 Reda
They're getting paid to do it, you know.
00:36:04 Reda
And that's again.
00:36:05 Reda
Always tell people this is not for everyone.
This is not for everyone.
00:36:09 Reda
If you get a heart issue, you don't become a cardiologist.
00:36:14 Merrily
Right, that's true.
00:36:15 Reda
So it's.
00:36:17 Reda
It's not for everyone.
It's not for everyone.
00:36:19 Reda
But this is a huge thing, and anyone watching if you incorporate more hygiene in your practice, it will change your life so.
00:36:28 Reda
00:36:29 Merrily
Oh yes, for sure.
00:36:31 Merrily
Oh yeah, that's how making me think about how to incorporate that in my practice, more for sure.
00:36:35 Reda
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:36:38 Reda
They called it being.
00:36:39 Reda
That's what they called. They called it being pure. That's what they call it.
00:36:41 Merrily
00:36:44 Reda
Purity for me, but a lot of people.
00:36:46 Reda
In in the Islamic.
00:36:48 Reda
Background is like the evolution.
00:36:50 Reda
Not enough.
00:36:51 Reda
It's a full shower. Yes, this microparticles right.
00:36:58 Merrily
Ah, fascinating.
00:37:00 Merrily
So how you know, we kind of touched on sort of the gin, but how would you describe the gin to those not familiar with what that is?
00:37:15 Reda
Everyone's familiar with digits.
00:37:18 Reda
That's the first name because we all have a Ginny double.
00:37:24 Reda
OK, we have a.
00:37:25 Reda
Angel and we have a Ginny double, just like the Walt Disney movies.
00:37:29 Reda
There's like a little Angel and.
00:37:30 Reda
Little devil here. Well.
00:37:32 Reda
We know that guy was big time occultist, right? So.
00:37:36 Merrily
00:37:37 Reda
I mean, it goes without saying, so that little double there is your Ginny double. OK they're made.
00:37:43 Reda
Know they're made.
00:37:44 Reda
Smokeless fire, but they're different genes.
00:37:48 Reda
Different types of races.
00:37:51 Reda
There's Elgin Walgreen, Walgreens in the kora.
00:37:56 Reda
I'm not making this.
00:37:57 Reda
This is not just for magical books.
00:37:59 Reda
The Jin.
00:38:01 Reda
God told us that they were created.
00:38:06 Reda
I don't.
00:38:07 Reda
Wanna mix them?
00:38:08 Reda
Smoke a fire and then the other ones were.
00:38:10 Reda
From scorching wind.
00:38:13 Reda
So smoke is is really like managing me, not is like, you know, the the flame there's like the.
00:38:18 Reda
Part and the.
00:38:19 Reda
Part and where they connect.
00:38:21 Reda
So that's what they were created.
00:38:22 Reda
And he said that he created them from before and we believe that Allah God the Creator when he's using these names, when he's changing a name, he says before.
00:38:31 Reda
Is that?
00:38:31 Reda
00:38:31 Reda
That's for a reason.
00:38:32 Reda
Not like a.
00:38:33 Reda
00:38:34 Reda
Everything has its has a reason and then with the.
00:38:38 Reda
Marbuta DN is just basically.
00:38:42 Reda
All the Gen. World because God tells us and I create which you don't know so.
00:38:47 Reda
It's an umbrella term.
00:38:49 Reda
And there are so many sub races. It's like seeing Jen is like human. But you know you have Asian, African, you have Caucasian, you have all these things.
00:39:01 Reda
So they have that as well.
00:39:04 Reda
There are different classes.
00:39:07 Reda
Something that I want to set the record straight about is the meta in the. If I eat OK because I'm getting a lot of.
00:39:15 Reda
Having a lot of issues explaining that and This is why you can't listen to people who don't know what they're talking about.
00:39:21 Reda
OK, the MADD for.
00:39:23 Reda
There are some people on the Internet that they're circulating the information that those are nicer.
00:39:29 Reda
And that they're.
00:39:29 Reda
To us and that they're benevolent.
00:39:31 Reda
Madd comes from the word Mucha merid.
00:39:34 Reda
Which is rebellious.
00:39:37 Reda
It literally says that and then God says we have protected the heavens from every satanic merit.
00:39:45 Reda
The words go together, right?
00:39:48 Reda
OK, so I know I messed up a lot of people's businesses here, but please like, stop listening to these people who have no clue what they're talking about and just open.
00:39:56 Reda
Quran, word the word.
00:39:59 Reda
In marine it goes hand in hand.
00:40:02 Reda
A Satan, a demonic spirit, an evil entity is emitted.
00:40:07 Reda
A fridge on the other hand served.
00:40:09 Reda
He's the one who proposed to teleport the throne of Shiba, the throne of the Queen of Sheba.
00:40:16 Reda
Right. And that Ephrit is a higher power Gen. a lot of Jin kings are athlet.
00:40:24 Reda
IC OK. And they make up like the elite of their world.
00:40:27 Reda
Like the.
00:40:28 Reda
They're usually chiefs.
00:40:30 Reda
They have, you know, lesser spirits under them.
00:40:33 Reda
You know, chiefs of tribes, whatever the case may be and.
00:40:37 Reda
It's really.
00:40:38 Reda
Important for people to be careful about the information that is being circulated.
00:40:44 Reda
You know.
00:40:44 Merrily
00:40:45 Reda
Discriminate really, like, discriminate of what these people are saying.
00:40:51 Reda
And always like I know, like no one wants to open their religious books. But you. There's a whole chapter about the jinns in the Quran. You want to learn. And that chapter says say, oh, Mohammed and I heard a guy from the Jin.
00:41:05 Reda
The whole Surah, the whole chapter.
Is a Jin talking?
00:41:09 Reda
Uh, it's the relation of a conversation with Jim.
00:41:12 Reda
You wanna see what the gin are?
00:41:13 Reda
Go see what the gins are saying above themselves.
00:41:18 Reda
And that is something that is important.
00:41:20 Reda
People on the they're outright dangerous.
00:41:24 Reda
Go, let's.
00:41:25 Reda
Go get you a nice married gin queen.
00:41:28 Reda
Married Gin girlfriend.
00:41:29 Reda
00:41:32 Reda
See, I'm serious. So.
00:41:33 Merrily
00:41:33 Reda
I'm getting a little bit emotional here because I see it all over and you know, and many times I have to pick up the pieces.
00:41:41 Merrily
00:41:43 Reda
And it's not because you know every look.
00:41:46 Reda
Is just trying to make a living.
00:41:47 Reda
Not knocking.
00:41:48 Reda
That, but people just take the time.
00:41:50 Reda
Educate yourself.
00:41:52 Merrily
00:41:52 Reda
You know.
00:41:53 Reda
So the I thought it can be any religion.
00:41:54 Reda
Jinn can be any.
00:41:56 Reda
They can be good or bad just like us.
00:41:59 Reda
And they have free will, but because of their fiery nature, they're more inclined to mischief.
00:42:04 Reda
Give me like a little bit little bit of.
00:42:07 Reda
They like a little bit of trickery like.
00:42:08 Merrily
00:42:09 Reda
And the gin.
00:42:10 Reda
Is is also it has those fiery qualities.
00:42:13 Reda
Very concessive, very egotistical. It's very.
00:42:18 Reda
Very proud as well, right?
00:42:20 Reda
And the the end.
00:42:23 Reda
And often justifies the means.
00:42:27 Reda
So people who are doing divination with gens they're like, well, if I tell him this, which is the truth, it's not gonna give me an offering.
00:42:33 Reda
If I tell him that which?
00:42:35 Reda
You know, rubs him the right way, right?
00:42:38 Reda
Gonna get an offer, right?
00:42:39 Reda
Guess what, Shorty, right?
00:42:39 Merrily
00:42:42 Reda
00:42:43 Reda
Prime with gin. But that's the gist of it really. You know, treat them as human beings and I I find it humorously funny, like, incredibly funny when people are like, these are benevolent.
00:42:57 Reda
Have you ever met a benevolent human being?
00:43:01 Reda
Have you ever met one?
00:43:02 Reda
Mean Mother Teresa?
00:43:04 Merrily
Right, right. Rare.
00:43:07 Reda
You can.
00:43:08 Reda
No. Yeah, she is ruthless.
00:43:11 Reda
Oh, for the children, she is ruthless.
00:43:14 Reda
She is.
00:43:15 Reda
And I'm telling you, she is hard as nails.
00:43:20 Reda
Because the like. So I'm a.
00:43:22 Reda
I'm a neutral.
00:43:23 Reda
I'm a benevolent kind of guy, but if you do something bad to me, I'm sure merely like some people, if they cross you the wrong way, they're gonna see a different face of you.
00:43:31 Reda
I don't understand. Like you don't become a Jenny Kane because you're so nice.
00:43:35 Merrily
00:43:36 Reda
Think about what you have to do to get up this spiritual journey.
00:43:40 Reda
How many people you had to kill and to eliminate and come on guys. So benevolent gins.
00:43:49 Merrily
Not a thing.
00:43:49 Reda
00:43:50 Reda
Not a thing.
00:43:50 Merrily
All right.
00:43:51 Merrily
Yeah, that's a good.
00:43:53 Merrily
Yeah, always thinking about I like how you're tying it into human nature because they are related, right?
00:44:00 Reda
Yeah, 100 percent 100% yeah.
00:44:00 Merrily
Part of our ecosystem, yeah.
00:44:03 Merrily
And so treat them that way.
00:44:05 Merrily
00:44:07 Merrily
00:44:07 Merrily
So I did want to ask because I have heard this since sort of like my occult readings and then and the folks I work with and talk with, they do talk about sort of the two sides like the angelic and either they either call it the evil spirit.
00:44:09 Reda
00:44:13 Reda
00:44:21 Merrily
The evil Gen. side.
00:44:24 Merrily
So would you say that the how would you describe the gin side versus the angelic?
00:44:31 Merrily
Why do those exist within?
00:44:33 Merrily
And like, why do you have those two?
00:44:36 Merrily
As a person.
00:44:38 Reda
Yeah, well, that is that is a very.
00:44:40 Reda
00:44:40 Reda
Now first of all I cannot answer it fully because that's the creator's best.
00:44:44 Merrily
That's true.
00:44:46 Reda
Based on my knowledge, in my experience, first of all God tells us and I love to refer to the Quran because it is a revelation.
00:44:55 Reda
It's a Book of Revelation.
00:44:56 Reda
It was revealed verbatim, right?
00:45:00 Reda
So he tells us that when they ask you about the spirit or the soul, this is a verse in the Quran. They tell them the soul is of the order of Allah.
00:45:12 Reda
Of my Lord, which means he is the sole proprietor of our soul.
00:45:17 Merrily
00:45:17 Reda
That's his.
00:45:18 Reda
And then he says that for every soul he has appointed a guardian and the Guardian Angel.
00:45:24 Reda
If you have a property.
00:45:26 Reda
That you care about and that is valuable. Whoa.
00:45:30 Reda
You can appoint someone to guard it for you.
00:45:33 Reda
So that is the guardian Angel.
00:45:35 Merrily
00:45:36 Reda
00:45:37 Reda
And then there's the verse also about the Kareem that I had a Kareem and like basically at the day of judgment, the person, the human being is kind of getting in an argument like you tempted me. And I'm like, no, I had no.
00:45:49 Reda
Over you you had.
00:45:50 Reda
Will and you.
00:45:52 Merrily
00:45:53 Reda
You and and where does that come in, Sophie? Lore. Now, when I'm when I when I say the word Lord, this means that there's no basis in reality.
00:46:00 Reda
Cannot be verified. They say that.
00:46:04 Reda
When God decided to create Adam, he sent the Angels to gather dust right the clay, the dust from all over the earth. Right. OK, all over the earth.
00:46:14 Merrily
Yeah, right.
00:46:15 Reda
That's why they say we made a Stardust.
00:46:18 Reda
OK. And when they gathered it well, there was some dust that was gathered under the footprints of the blaze.
00:46:28 Reda
The shaitaan, the devil, the Lord of Darkness.
00:46:30 Merrily
00:46:33 Reda
00:46:33 Reda
Right. So that that does is basically what made this satanic kind of gene?
00:46:43 Reda
Can we know for sure? Absolutely not.
00:46:45 Reda
Why I refer to?
00:46:46 Reda
00:46:47 Merrily
00:46:49 Reda
But why it?
00:46:50 Reda
I mean black and white, you know, good and.
00:46:53 Reda
The good can only be good because there is bad too, yeah.
00:46:56 Reda
It with its contrast.
00:46:58 Reda
God is.
00:46:59 Reda
Good. But he did create a devil.
00:47:02 Reda
You know.
00:47:04 Reda
And and I mean it's to test people.
00:47:06 Reda
I could go on and on.
00:47:08 Reda
00:47:08 Reda
Very loaded question and I don't want to bore people.
It is.
00:47:12 Reda
Yeah, but we have we're constantly in.
00:47:19 Reda
A state of tension being pulled both ways.
00:47:22 Reda
And it's.
00:47:23 Reda
It kind of like cancelled itself out and the only thing that makes.
00:47:28 Reda
Difference is how you are in.
00:47:29 Reda
Heart of hearts.
00:47:32 Reda
And I can speak that from.
00:47:35 Reda
Hundreds of people have been in contact with.
00:47:37 Reda
I see how some people they give in and some people resist.
00:47:43 Merrily
Yeah. Yeah, that's such a great explanation of sort of that. Those two energies constantly at play.
00:47:50 Merrily
Yeah, very cool.
00:47:52 Merrily
Thank you for that.
00:47:55 Merrily
And how would you?
00:47:57 Merrily
So I'm sure in your practice you do work with the.
00:48:01 Merrily
Like, in what ways do you decide to incorporate their assistance when you're helping your client?
00:48:06 Reda
00:48:08 Reda
How did they get the job done?
00:48:11 Reda
Makes sense, but it depends.
00:48:12 Reda
It really depends. In my personal practice is like.
00:48:16 Reda
Like it's an even 3rd for like God, Angels and agents. I for my personal taste and practice, I'd like to have that balance again.
00:48:26 Reda
Not one overtakes the other, but my clients.
00:48:29 Reda
Gems are like edgier, I don't know.
00:48:32 Reda
People liked, yeah.
00:48:33 Reda
So it's like it's a huge chunk is the majority of my practices with gyms, and also because it's more suitable for the wishes they're making.
00:48:42 Reda
00:48:42 Reda
Looking for.
00:48:44 Reda
Earthly desires, ambitions, that kind of stuff and gens are more suitable for that.
00:48:49 Merrily
00:48:50 Reda
How I incorporate them is basically by calling on them and.
00:48:56 Reda
Them a task.
00:48:57 Reda
But my practice is very formal, so it's a pack.
00:49:02 Reda
And it's not a petition, it's a mandate.
00:49:06 Merrily
Right, yeah.
00:49:06 Reda
You see, and it's it's very, very, very formal.
00:49:11 Reda
It's not like some pretty please. No, no. You are hereby mandated to do this and this for so and so.
00:49:20 Reda
Right. And do it without, you know.
00:49:24 Reda
As soon as possible.
00:49:25 Reda
OK, as soon as possible and.
00:49:29 Reda
It sounds like simple, but took me years.
00:49:34 Reda
Yeah, just constantly refining.
00:49:38 Reda
And they're the ones doing the.
00:49:39 Reda
And then after that, what they do, what I have noticed is first of all they need to find the person they need to take inventory of their current situation.
00:49:45 Reda
They need to connect to their.
00:49:46 Reda
Then they need to look what kind of revenues they have for manifestation, and they do that at a very, very rapid pace, like you would not believe like I like efficiency. We have nothing on them.
00:49:56 Reda
Intelligent nothing.
Not right.
00:50:00 Reda
And then after that things just start to click from influencing people's circumstances.
00:50:04 Reda
Like that. And then. Oh, but.
00:50:09 Reda
You know, the thing that amazes me about the gyms?
00:50:12 Reda
All this time is.
00:50:17 Reda
How dependable they are.
00:50:20 Reda
You know you have a friend and like, you know that when you ask them for something, even they say don't worry, they comes, they're nowhere to be found.
00:50:27 Reda
The gym.
00:50:29 Reda
Has never failed to try.
00:50:31 Reda
They've never just.
00:50:32 Reda
Yeah, yeah, I'm going to do it and they.
00:50:33 Reda
Done anything ever.
00:50:36 Reda
And that is incredible.
00:50:37 Merrily
00:50:38 Reda
You know.
00:50:39 Reda
And then I have the contract part which is basically everything in writing.
00:50:42 Reda
So, you know, I don't make tales means that I have my own qualms with Talisman, but it's like if you have a house, you're not walking around with the mortgage and the title in your in your head, you know, in your back pocket, in case someone asks you.
00:50:54 Merrily
00:50:57 Reda
And make contracts for people and then it's in writing and they appreciate it.
00:51:02 Reda
You know, they appreciate it because they see that you, you you want to be taken seriously.
00:51:06 Reda
You have to be serious.
00:51:08 Merrily
00:51:09 Merrily
Yeah, it's contract.
00:51:12 Reda
Yes, ma'am.
00:51:15 Merrily
So is there can you describe?
00:51:17 Merrily
00:51:18 Merrily
Either like a favorite client story or.
00:51:23 Merrily
Sort of like the process of how you would.
00:51:25 Merrily
00:51:26 Merrily
Just to kind of walk us.
00:51:27 Merrily
I know you talked about the contracts, but if somebody were to come to you like, how does that?
00:51:31 Merrily
So sure.
00:51:32 Merrily
Workout less of time, yeah.
00:51:34 Reda
Well, a client's story.
00:51:36 Reda
I have many like you really get to build relationships with people because you see also their, you know their like their hidden side or cultural.
00:51:44 Reda
Mean they're making you know they're they're imparting their hearts.
00:51:47 Reda
On you.
00:51:48 Reda
There's some people that.
00:51:50 Reda
But you don't resonate and connect with everyone the same, but.
00:51:54 Reda
It's funny because my favorite story, the first one that comes to mind. She a young girl in her 20s.
00:52:00 Reda
And if someone is interested, the latest interview just released is actually her telling her story. But.
00:52:06 Reda
Gist of it is.
00:52:08 Reda
That there are some updates since then because that interview was recorded a year.
00:52:13 Reda
1/2 ago.
00:52:13 Reda
Anyway, she comes. She's fully possessed.
00:52:17 Reda
Fully possess and I mean demonic possession, not a spiritual attachment. Not some kind of black man. Not something that is out there.
00:52:23 Reda
Is in there.
00:52:24 Reda
And then we did a spiritual purge for her.
00:52:29 Reda
Was healed.
00:52:30 Reda
And then after that we started collaborating like usually people like they're like, OK.
00:52:35 Reda
You help?
00:52:35 Reda
I know your stuff works.
00:52:36 Reda
Know you.
00:52:37 Reda
You know what you're doing?
00:52:39 Reda
Help me do this.
00:52:40 Reda
Me do that.
00:52:41 Reda
And we started collaborating.
00:52:45 Reda
One thing leads to a next one pack 2.
00:52:48 Reda
3 packs, 4 packs at the time of the interview she was at 7-8.
00:52:52 Reda
She's at 20.
00:52:54 Reda
She just looked at 1 yesterday.
00:52:55 Reda
7 packs.
00:52:57 Reda
00:52:57 Reda
So imagine if you had like again, if you have 27 Talisman, yeah, or 27 rings, 27 pendants.
00:53:03 Reda
Not going to work right, but because you're not.
00:53:08 Reda
You know, I just give you the document anyways. And by the way, no one buys the same product 27 times if it. If it's maybe or maybe not working, you know.
00:53:17 Merrily
So true. Yeah.
00:53:19 Reda
Right, because trust in this field is very hard game, very easily lost.
00:53:23 Reda
If she does, 2-3 packs.
00:53:24 Reda
00:53:25 Reda
She's not getting any results. Well, she's not going to.
00:53:28 Reda
Not going to be a client anymore.
00:53:30 Reda
Why she?
00:53:31 Reda
My favorite is because she.
00:53:33 Reda
Got the most expensive, most powerful ones?
00:53:35 Reda
Always got the entry level ones.
00:53:37 Reda
Which is very powerful, very effective.
00:53:41 Reda
And she was very, very intentional with her approach, meaning one pact stacked on the other, stacked on the other, like one wish led to another.
00:53:51 Reda
And also the fact that she's she was.
00:53:55 Reda
It was before and like she she's aware of this.
00:53:58 Reda
She has very good capacity for discernment, like she sees the results, you know, but not only the results, but she follows the guidance on the back of that she also.
00:54:10 Reda
I'm telling you why this is my.
00:54:11 Reda
She also understood very much the reciprocal dimension of the work.
00:54:16 Reda
For Jim's is quid pro quo.
00:54:20 Reda
Quid pro like you, you scratch my back.
00:54:22 Reda
00:54:23 Reda
You forget about me.
00:54:23 Reda
Forget about you.
00:54:25 Reda
And she really honed in on that.
00:54:29 Reda
The other thing is that she.
00:54:30 Reda
The instructions so.
00:54:31 Reda
And this is this is what's crazy, because I give the same instructions to every single client.
00:54:36 Reda
I give a guide.
00:54:37 Reda
Comprehensive, very detailed.
00:54:40 Reda
00:54:41 Reda
And she managed to get the result every single time, you know.
00:54:44 Merrily
00:54:47 Reda
Why? Because she took consistent action.
00:54:51 Reda
Congruently. So you're not just gonna wait on the postman to drop a blessing in your in your box?
00:54:56 Reda
You gotta go out there and get it and then it will miraculously, or should I say magically, land on your lap.
00:55:06 Reda
So she did that.
00:55:08 Reda
And you know, to this day her.
00:55:11 Reda
Just the other day, like she made the wish like.
00:55:13 Reda
Is a wise.
00:55:14 Reda
It translates into so many.
00:55:15 Reda
Of your life. And like I see, not only the person's situation, but how they grow mentally, emotionally, how they mature.
00:55:23 Reda
And like.
00:55:24 Reda
Told you she's like in her 20s.
00:55:25 Reda
Like wow, you know?
00:55:27 Reda
And it like, you know, some and once.
00:55:30 Reda
Like I still have like pinch me moments.
00:55:32 Reda
You know, and that just just makes me so fuzzy.
00:55:38 Reda
You know like.
00:55:39 Reda
It's just, she said.
00:55:40 Reda
It's just a matter of getting in my.
00:55:42 Reda
Way and you already know the result.
00:55:44 Reda
I just need to.
00:55:45 Reda
Get out of the.
00:55:47 Reda
00:55:47 Reda
And why I'm telling you this is applicable to everyone, because everyone gets the same work.
00:55:54 Reda
Everyone gets the same spirits.
00:55:57 Reda
You see what I mean? Yeah.
00:55:58 Reda
So these points that are really important.
00:56:01 Reda
But yeah, I mean.
00:56:02 Reda
It's she is the record.
00:56:04 Reda
But that's not it. Like there are a lot of people who spend way much more money than me.
00:56:09 Reda
Then her with.
00:56:09 Reda
But that's not it's not the money.
00:56:12 Reda
How you see the person getting the results every.
00:56:15 Reda
Time and.
00:56:16 Reda
Changing their life in a way, in a trajectory.
00:56:21 Reda
It's incredible when you see it unfolded right in front, like you can see right now getting passionate because that is the fire in my furnace, you know, is helping people change their lives, especially when they were afflicted.
00:56:25 Merrily
Yeah, yeah.
00:56:33 Reda
Have a soft spot for.
00:56:34 Reda
Who've been affected?
00:56:36 Reda
On account of what I've been through and that's many times like.
00:56:36 Merrily
Right, yeah.
00:56:39 Reda
00:56:39 Reda
You just understand this or so many different you can't read it.
00:56:42 Reda
Wonder you have to experience it.
00:56:44 Reda
Don't wish it.
00:56:45 Reda
My worst enemy, but that's it comes from.
00:56:49 Merrily
Yeah, I know. That's very cool.
00:56:50 Merrily
Sounds like also that.
00:56:53 Merrily
What I'm hearing is she put a lot of effort, her own effort into what you guys were doing together really right.
00:56:59 Reda
00:57:00 Merrily
And so that's it. Sounds like that's where a lot of this result and a lot of integration for her was coming from was the the effort she was putting in.
I mean.
00:57:09 Reda
The the effort gets magnified.
00:57:11 Reda
So let's say something was.
00:57:12 Reda
Take you 2.
00:57:13 Reda
It might take you a year.
00:57:14 Reda
Six months or even 3, depending on the.
00:57:16 Merrily
00:57:17 Reda
I was, as I was saying before.
00:57:19 Merrily
00:57:19 Reda
Depending how much work.
00:57:20 Reda
Like your result is there.
00:57:23 Reda
00:57:23 Reda
Fast. Are you moving towards?
00:57:25 Reda
Are you?
00:57:26 Reda
In a straight line, or are you going through?
00:57:28 Reda
Know what I mean?
00:57:28 Merrily
00:57:29 Reda
So it's not.
00:57:31 Reda
She would have put the effort, but the.
00:57:32 Reda
That she has to put.
00:57:34 Reda
Is much, much much lower, much much much less.
00:57:38 Merrily
00:57:38 Reda
To clarify that.
00:57:39 Merrily
Oh yeah, very cool.
00:57:43 Merrily
So on the whole, so kinda trying to. This is a tough I am giving you so many like.
00:57:50 Merrily
Questions, but like.
00:57:52 Merrily
How would you?
00:57:53 Merrily
Or how do you view like magic?
00:57:57 Merrily
As a.
00:57:58 Merrily
And how do you describe it to people who are not?
00:58:00 Merrily
Like if you were having a drink at a bar and you strap a conversation with a stranger and they ask you what you do.
00:58:07 Merrily
And it involves magic.
00:58:08 Merrily
Like, how would you describe it to somebody?
00:58:12 Merrily
You know.
00:58:15 Reda
Well, no one apart from the people who live under my roof publicly know that.
00:58:18 Reda
Do magic. Now. Now, right now I'm.
00:58:20 Reda
My face and all.
00:58:21 Reda
So occultism, I think that word. Seriously.
00:58:24 Merrily
00:58:25 Reda
00:58:26 Reda
So I would never be in a cafe or in a restaurant.
00:58:29 Reda
Strikes up a conversation. I'm like. Yeah, I'm.
00:58:31 Reda
Spiritual worker.
00:58:31 Merrily
00:58:32 Reda
I cheated demons for.
00:58:34 Reda
Living OK, like that's a freaking point. Yeah. Being taken seriously.
00:58:39 Reda
Of the window, but also people get paranoid.
00:58:42 Merrily
Yeah. So.
00:58:42 Reda
Because if something happens in their life, the first thing they're gonna think.
00:58:44 Merrily
That guy.
00:58:46 Reda
Like, oh, maybe rather than some, yeah.
00:58:47 Merrily
00:58:47 Reda
Or like you get into an argument and then they have an argument with their wife or their loved ones or whatever.
00:58:51 Reda
Start having a little bit of bad luck.
00:58:53 Reda
You didn't do anything.
00:58:54 Reda
Braids. So these are two very good.
00:58:56 Merrily
00:58:58 Reda
Reasons why no one knows when people ask me. I'm a you know, I'm a business owner and entrepreneur.
00:59:03 Reda
Of your business.
00:59:04 Reda
OK. And if I really respect the person, I tell them, you know what?
00:59:08 Reda
I can't tell you because if I would tell you something, would.
00:59:10 Reda
A lot, OK.
00:59:12 Reda
These are like my really close friends like Loretta.
00:59:14 Reda
Do you? Do you know?
00:59:16 Reda
What do you do on a living like anyways?
00:59:18 Merrily
00:59:18 Reda
So to explain magic magic.
00:59:23 Reda
In Arabic, they might call it Seth. OK, which has a negative connotation, but I personally don't think so as any good Arabic word has many, many definitions.
00:59:35 Reda
Someone can have. It's like bewitching a bewitching gaze or a bewitching voice.
00:59:40 Reda
Or a bewitching manner of talking and speaking and expressing themselves. Or just sometimes, like people could have a bewitching walk.
00:59:50 Reda
You know, some people just found this.
00:59:52 Reda
You like woo, you know.
00:59:54 Reda
So that's bewitching. But, you know then after that, women put pickup on, right?
01:00:00 Reda
So you're doing something that seems silly on the outside with an ulterior motive, because it brings out your eyes or brings out your lips, or so that is in my opinion.
01:00:13 Reda
A form of and then when you look at a ritual, you're getting there at a certain time, you're facing a certain direction. You're seeing specific words, maybe using specific hand gestures and postures.
01:00:25 Reda
Isn't that what the Muslims are doing 5?
01:00:26 Merrily
Times a day. That's true.
01:00:28 Reda
Isn't that what the people are doing on on Sunday Mass?
01:00:33 Reda
Isn't that what the people?
01:00:34 Reda
Doing in the synagogue.
01:00:37 Merrily
Hey. Hi.
01:00:37 Reda
Right, because they're burning incense. They were doing all these things, reciting these horrific and then praying. And it's 8 ritual.
01:00:47 Reda
Right. So for me Magic takes a very large sense, which is doing anything.
01:00:55 Reda
Apparent with an alter your intangible effect.
01:01:01 Reda
You know, for me, at a larger sense, yeah.
01:01:05 Reda
If that makes.
01:01:06 Merrily
Oh yeah.
01:01:07 Reda
01:01:07 Reda
But this is how I see it.
01:01:09 Reda
Is how I see it.
01:01:10 Reda
Because, yeah, I mean some.
01:01:12 Reda
Just the way they look at you.
01:01:13 Reda
Know you can see I don't have it, but just the way.
01:01:15 Merrily
01:01:16 Reda
Look at.
01:01:16 Reda
Like, oh, you know, yeah.
01:01:18 Reda
Kind of like she casted a spell on.
01:01:21 Merrily
01:01:21 Reda
Casted a spell on me.
01:01:23 Reda
I'm under his spell.
01:01:25 Reda
Where does that come from?
01:01:27 Reda
I wonder, right? Yeah.
01:01:28 Reda
01:01:31 Merrily
Yeah, I definitely think that that's sort of when I've asked folks that either practice occultism or magic or anything, that's pretty much it.
01:01:39 Merrily
Just like you're influencing certain outcomes and that you're aiming for absolutely.
01:01:43 Reda
01:01:46 Reda
If you if you walk.
01:01:47 Reda
On me, I'm either talking to a.
01:01:48 Reda
Of paper or.
01:01:50 Reda
A wall for three six hours.
01:01:52 Reda
In any in any.
01:01:54 Reda
Scenario, whoever the observer is, I am officially cuckoo.
01:01:59 Merrily
01:02:00 Reda
Right. Yeah. But if you ask the the, the, the client who got the result well.
01:02:04 Reda
Reddit can talk to all the walls he wants.
01:02:07 Merrily
All day long, yeah.
01:02:08 Reda
All day long. I'm OK with that, you know? But yeah, I mean again. Apparently, it seems you don't understand, but there is an ulterior motive.
01:02:18 Merrily
Yes, wow. Wonderfully explained. OK.
01:02:23 Merrily
Kind of.
01:02:23 Merrily
Last question regarding all the things we talked about.
It was a video.
01:02:28 Merrily
I think it was a recent video that you put together.
01:02:30 Merrily
About repeating words and how bats in itself is sort of magical.
01:02:36 Merrily
Can you talk a little bit about that?
01:02:39 Reda
That is a very low. I think that if that is not the most slowed the the the notice of the Lotus.
01:02:42 Merrily
The Lotus.
01:02:45 Merrily
The Lord.
01:02:47 Reda
The Lotus temple.
01:02:49 Merrily
01:02:50 Reda
So basically.
01:02:54 Reda
OK so.
01:02:57 Reda
To go back to the origin of the cosmos God created.
01:03:02 Reda
The Cosmos and, he said, be so in Arabic like we have the confederacon, which means that when God creates something, he says confront mean be it is so, he says, be and it is. And if you go to.
01:03:15 Reda
The Book of Genesis right about the formation of the world in the beginning was the word and the word.
01:03:20 Reda
01:03:21 Reda
So the word is sound and I was reading an article the other day.
01:03:27 Reda
Maybe I can send you the link.
01:03:28 Reda
You want to reference it for your for your audience.
01:03:32 Reda
And it was scientifically proven that.
01:03:38 Reda
The whole Cosmos was created through sound.
01:03:42 Reda
So it has this creative power because with the ancient Taoists discovered is that the Qi?
01:03:51 Reda
The ether follow sound.
01:03:55 Reda
So that is one dimension of it is. If you're trying to create a.
01:04:01 Reda
Change in the outside world.
01:04:04 Reda
Spiritually, you sound as a very way to do it.
01:04:06 Reda
When you look at the power.
01:04:07 Reda
The word.
01:04:08 Reda
I mean, I have people who have generational curses because their grandmother.
01:04:15 Reda
First, their other grandmother, just by saying just by saying I called you and your whole family gets dismantled or destroyed, or just by saying.
01:04:16 Merrily
Well, no.
01:04:19 Merrily
01:04:24 Merrily
01:04:26 Reda
OK. Just by saying, I'm telling.
01:04:28 Reda
Guys this is not.
01:04:29 Reda
I have seen it and not once, not twice from telling you this. Not like something out of the ordinary, OK?
01:04:35 Reda
So that is the creative and destructive power of sound because.
01:04:39 Merrily
01:04:40 Reda
Maybe you heard that they're working on sound weapons now, right? So exactly.
01:04:43 Merrily
Yes, that's right.
01:04:45 Reda
So that's very dangerous.
01:04:48 Reda
Then you also have the mantras you know in the Indian culture and that we have but.
01:04:57 Reda
The vicar is really just a mantra as a way of, but God does not perand if you Remember Me.
01:05:02 Reda
I remember you.
01:05:04 Merrily
01:05:05 Reda
01:05:07 Reda
The Vicodin is.
01:05:08 Reda
So you're just, but vicariously? Oh, merely. I just.
01:05:13 Reda
I just remembered you.
01:05:15 Reda
I just quoted you.
01:05:16 Reda
So that's **** like, oh, someone is there.
01:05:19 Reda
Remember when he was there?
01:05:21 Reda
You know, so this is what we do to God. But The thing is, because God is the creator.
01:05:29 Reda
If we and this is like the ultimate Sufi or all mystical practices, basically self annihilation in the divine.
01:05:38 Reda
So where you take on those?
01:05:43 Reda
Aspects of God. You know what.
01:05:45 Reda
01:05:45 Reda
You're referring to the video, and I'm talking like the divine names and you say, yeah. Yeah, basically.
01:05:51 Reda
So by doing that and there are also other studies that found out that just repeating any name.
01:05:59 Reda
It will.
01:06:01 Reda
Simulate the growth of.
01:06:03 Reda
Congruent cells in your brain, like if you say abundance, it will grow.
01:06:08 Reda
Cells that will manifest.
01:06:09 Reda
So there's the outside effect about the ether, the energy, the chi.
01:06:15 Reda
There's also the inside effect, which is subconscious reprogramming.
01:06:18 Merrily
That's right.
01:06:19 Reda
And these two together converge to create.
01:06:24 Reda
You know, so a lot of people, my students, when they come to me, I'm going to give them a specific verse or a specific thing to recite. And then I tell them you don't do it for three days.
01:06:33 Reda
Do it for.
01:06:34 Reda
You do it forever.
01:06:37 Reda
Like how many?
01:06:38 Reda
01:06:38 Reda
I'm like unlimited, you know? Just go for it.
01:06:41 Reda
And after a while they really start to see a change in themselves. And then from then on it just spirals out to circumstances and things gets, you know, they get smoothed over and.
01:06:45 Merrily
01:06:55 Reda
Their relationships are doing better and.
01:06:57 Reda
And that is magic.
01:06:59 Reda
Yeah, you know, that is magic.
01:07:01 Reda
But that's how I consider repeating words, as one would say, magical, and we have the the practice of affirmations. You know, everyday you should repeat affirmations.
01:07:12 Reda
That's that's how I see it, yeah.
01:07:13 Merrily
01:07:15 Merrily
Oh, it's yeah.
01:07:16 Merrily
So so explain. So simply this concept.
01:07:20 Merrily
So I appreciate that and it's making me think also of my kind of my journey and my own practice where.
01:07:26 Merrily
I realized like, yeah, I can write things down.
01:07:29 Merrily
Was like, like beefed up, right?
01:07:31 Merrily
Can think the intention.
01:07:33 Merrily
I write it down that beef sit up another level, but when I say it out loud, that's like totally different. I noticed immediately when I say things out loud, there's.
01:07:38 Reda
01:07:43 Merrily
Either the alignment happens quicker or like I realize you know things are connecting faster.
01:07:49 Merrily
It's an instant connection, so it's like.
01:07:52 Merrily
01:07:52 Reda
Thank you.
01:07:53 Reda
This is really important because when you're doing something, your intention basically what you're doing is like that thing. If it's your imagination, it exists in another dimension, and all you're trying to do is just pull it here.
01:08:03 Merrily
Yes, exactly.
01:08:04 Reda
So everything you.
01:08:05 Reda
You make the intention and the intention is where people go wrong.
01:08:08 Reda
01:08:08 Reda
They don't even know what exactly what they want. You need to have a focused intention and then if you write it down well, it became physical.
01:08:11 Merrily
Yeah, yeah.
01:08:13 Merrily
01:08:17 Reda
And you know.
01:08:17 Merrily
That's right.
01:08:18 Reda
I'm I'm sure you heard about it.
01:08:19 Reda
Has a divine pen.
01:08:21 Reda
So many things.
01:08:22 Reda
That we do and I don't like to go into.
01:08:24 Reda
Because a lot of people who are ignorant.
01:08:26 Reda
They don't know what we're doing. They they like to vilify the Arabic occultism practice, but what we're doing is using the creative power of God because we are vice regions on this earth.
01:08:33 Merrily
01:08:41 Reda
Vice Region, you know what the role is.
01:08:43 Reda
It's to represent the king, mind the King's honor. I'm giving this decree.
01:08:47 Merrily
01:08:48 Reda
By the King's honor, I'm giving this mandate rights, the innovations, Roy.
01:08:52 Merrily
It's horrible.
01:08:53 Reda
So all this to say, God has a pen. He tells us that he has a pen.
01:08:58 Reda
And he has a tablet.
01:09:01 Reda
Yeah. So we know that the written the power of the written word and then you said you repeat it. You repeated once and you already see the difference.
01:09:08 Reda
Imagine you repeat 3 * 300 times.
01:09:08 Merrily
01:09:13 Reda
3000 times.
01:09:15 Merrily
01:09:16 Reda
And when people, they say, oh, gins, work fast, Arabic magic is so powerful, that's not it.
01:09:22 Reda
Because you put more gas in the tank.
01:09:23 Merrily
01:09:25 Reda
You know, so you have to drive through magic where you just open in a book saying if you divide names.
01:09:29 Reda
He ha ha.
01:09:30 Reda
And then maybe you're.
01:09:32 Reda
Get a a warm burger, right?
01:09:34 Reda
You know or you can go to the Michelin star restaurant and then they put you in in, in the back, you know, in the back area. And you're like looking at the ingredients being put together and.
01:09:46 Reda
So which one do you want?
01:09:47 Reda
Which one do you want?
01:09:48 Reda
Sometimes you want a quick burger and sometimes you want the full on five star meal, you know.
01:09:54 Merrily
01:09:55 Reda
But again, everything has a price.
01:09:57 Reda
Are you gonna sit there and wait six hours for this one to be made?
01:10:01 Reda
You know, are you gonna put in?
01:10:02 Reda
01:10:03 Reda
The effort most people don't want to or can't, or they can't be bothered.
01:10:09 Reda
Look, it's.
01:10:10 Reda
It's not everything for everyone, but what you're saying is you're following that exact procedure intention and writing it down and then and that is the same exact thing that I do.
01:10:20 Reda
And repeating.
01:10:21 Reda
01:10:23 Merrily
Yes, I was.
01:10:24 Reda
Like I'm sometimes I'm brainwashing myself. Sometimes I.
01:10:26 Reda
Finish the.
01:10:27 Reda
It's still repeating in my mind. Oh God.
01:10:29 Merrily
You're like, Oh yeah.
01:10:31 Reda
What should I do, you know?
01:10:35 Merrily
Oh my gosh.
01:10:36 Merrily
01:10:36 Merrily
Oh, that was so.
01:10:37 Merrily
I'm learning so much already, like just in our conversation.
01:10:40 Merrily
So many cool things.
01:10:41 Merrily
So excited.
Thank you.
01:10:42 Reda
I appreciate it.
01:10:43 Merrily
Yeah. So we're kind of wrapping up, but are there any sort of upcoming events or projects that you wanna let our audience know about?
01:10:54 Reda
So I learned the hard way.
01:10:56 Reda
And not speak about anything before it's done.
01:10:59 Merrily
That's a good point.
01:11:01 Reda
Yeah, there's something that Prophet Muhammad told us.
01:11:03 Reda
I ignored it to my own dismay, so I don't announce anything.
01:11:05 Merrily
That's fair.
01:11:07 Reda
If you look at my like, it's always a surprise.
01:11:10 Reda
My question like I'm going to work on.
01:11:10 Merrily
01:11:11 Reda
Packing. It's going to get fulfilled and.
01:11:14 Reda
You know, take them by surprise.
01:11:16 Merrily
01:11:16 Reda
So if I do something is gonna be by surprise what you can expect is more of the same. More interviews with people who are sharing their inspiring stories.
01:11:26 Reda
You know more tips. Sometimes I do have time to go.
01:11:28 Reda
01:11:29 Reda
And share some tips, some insights, some advice.
01:11:34 Reda
More of the.
01:11:34 Reda
For sure I mean, but I do have.
01:11:37 Reda
01:11:37 Reda
Store and I would rather keep it under wraps until it's ready to unveil.
01:11:42 Merrily
Oh, yes, again wise words.
01:11:44 Merrily
Appreciate that mentality.
01:11:45 Reda
01:11:46 Merrily
So where can folks find more about you? Find, learn what you do.
01:11:52 Reda
Well, I have an official.
01:11:55 Reda
Like very short to the point.
01:11:56 Reda
01:11:59 Reda
I do have an Etsy store.
01:12:00 Reda
It's called Arabic high.
01:12:02 Reda
And then you have YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook. You find me either as Regal Rouhani or Arabic high magic.
01:12:12 Merrily
And so we always kind of.
01:12:15 Merrily
I know again, you've given us so many words of wisdom today, but what words of wisdom would you?
01:12:20 Merrily
To leave us with today.
I said.
01:12:26 Reda
Last but not least kind of thing you know.
Oh, look, yeah.
01:12:30 Reda
I would say.
01:12:35 Reda
Seek God.
01:12:38 Reda
In all things in all things like I know a lot of people don't believe in God.
01:12:42 Reda
Know a lot of people don't share the same beliefs as me.
01:12:45 Reda
I know a lot of people have. That's OK.
01:12:47 Reda
Fine. Just.
01:12:49 Reda
Think about it. How? Like every single person I've met, they believe that there's like a source of creation that created everything. I like to refer to him as the incomprehensible 1.
01:12:59 Reda
Like we don't understand, seek that source.
01:13:03 Reda
Is your point in common with?
01:13:06 Reda
Me with Marilee, with all, with all human beings, with the spirits, with the angels, with the stars. That is the common denominator stick that source, connect to it, and whatever she we or form that you do.
01:13:19 Reda
But seek it.
01:13:21 Reda
It will protect.
01:13:22 Reda
It will bless you. It will guide you.
01:13:24 Reda
01:13:25 Reda
It's already been doing that.
01:13:26 Reda
Your whole entire.
01:13:26 Reda
It's just a matter of seeing it again by seeking it.
01:13:30 Reda
Seek God in all things and let practice.
01:13:33 Reda
Keep your path, you know, not other people.
01:13:37 Reda
Social media? Not.
01:13:39 Reda
This person or that person, not me. You let.
01:13:43 Reda
Shape your path.
01:13:44 Reda
Do it your way.
I bet.
01:13:46 Merrily
Hit right in the in the heart chakra. It was beautiful.
01:13:49 Merrily
My gosh.
01:13:51 Merrily
Oh, well, thank you, Rena.
01:13:51 Reda
Well, it came from there.
01:13:54 Merrily
To tell. That's why I.
01:13:55 Merrily
Like, oh, I'm feeling it right in there.
01:13:58 Merrily
Yeah. Thank you so much. And I'm so glad we got connected and you're.
01:14:01 Merrily
And yeah, I can't wait to see all anything that you're you put out 'cause. It's really wonderful.
01:14:07 Reda
I mean, I'm very grateful to you, Marilee.
01:14:10 Reda
Reached out, you know.
01:14:13 Reda
The whole.
01:14:14 Reda
He made it seamless and I couldn't be happier.
01:14:18 Reda
Yeah. Thank you for having.
01:14:19 Reda
Thank you for anyone who tuned in, stayed with us until the end.
01:14:22 Reda
I really appreciate.
01:14:23 Reda
And yeah, maybe we do another one in the future if you have some other.
01:14:26 Merrily
I love it.
01:14:27 Reda
A whole other layer, you know, I don't know.
01:14:30 Reda
We could do it.
01:14:32 Merrily
I would love that for sure.
01:14:36 Merrily
Retta is so knowledgeable and passionate about the work he does for his.
01:14:40 Merrily
He is a gem of a human being and I learned so much from our conversation.
01:14:44 Merrily
Check out Reddit's offerings via the links in the show notes.
01:14:46 Merrily
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01:14:50 Merrily
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01:14:51 Merrily
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