Casual Temple Episode 6 - PSYCHIC'S journey from Medium to ANGELIC Channel - Inspiring & EMOTIONAL story with guest Tiffany Reeds


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Welcome to Casual Temple!🌟 In this captivating episode, we have the privilege of hosting Tiffany Reeds, an internationally renowned psychic medium and angelic channel. Join us as we embark on a journey into the mystical world of psychic mediumship and angelic channeling.

🔮 In This Episode:

• Tiffany's remarkable journey and the path that led her to become an internationally renowned psychic medium and angelic channel.

• Gain insights into Tiffany's unique methods for assisting her clients and providing guidance from the spiritual realm.

• Explore the various mediums Tiffany prefers to use when connecting with the other side, offering a multifaceted view of the spiritual world.

• Delve into the intriguing world of the Ouija board as a psychic tool, demystifying its purpose and power.

• Prepare to be astounded as Tiffany shares her extraordinary experience with the angel Lucifer, offering a perspective that you won't want to miss.

This episode is a must-watch for those on a spiritual journey or seeking to understand the enigmatic dimensions of spirituality.

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00:00:02 Merrily

This is the Casual Temple podcast and you are listening to episode #6 and I'm your host, Merrily Duffy. The Casual Temple is a place to discuss the many ways we are connected to the unseen world and how that empowers us to know our true selves on the casual temple. We will hear from everyday people discussing their magical practices, psychic phenomena, energy healing as well as hear about their amazing.

00:00:22 Merrily

Mystical and paranormal experiences this week, my guest is Tiffany Reeds, who joins the podcast to talk about her journey to becoming an internationally renowned psychic medium and.

00:00:32 Merrily

Channel we dive into how her practice assists her clients, who her favorite mediums are. If the whiteboard is a good psychic tool and her experience with the Angel Lucifer, yes, that Lucifer, which you definitely don't want to miss.

00:00:45 Merrily

Well, thank you all for joining us here at Casual Temple. Our guest today is Tiffany Reeds, who is an internationally renowned psychic medium and angelic channel. She is a certified Usai Reiki Master and uses her trance mediumship as a paranormal investigator of haunted locations.

00:01:02 Merrily

Full disclosure, I am a client of Tiffany's and she is a wonderful energy healer and her work has helped me personally in so many ways and physical, emotional, and has also assisted me on the spiritual path I am on now. That's Tiffany. Welcome to the show.

00:01:19 Tiffany

Thank you. Thank you for having me. I'm like melting as yourself. Oh.

00:01:26 Speaker 3

You are the best you.

00:01:27 Merrily

Oh, no, you're the best. Ohh, it's gonna be love fest, I can tell.

00:01:27 Speaker 4

Are the best.

00:01:31 Merrily

Just to kind of jump into it.

00:01:34 Merrily

So what would you say is your earliest memory of a personal spiritual experience that you can recall?

00:01:44 Speaker 4

Probably when I was seven years old and I ended up having a little girl who had like long dark hair.

00:01:55 Speaker 4

And this like white, like horizontal striped T-shirt on and she was at the edge of my bedside. And instead of being startled, I decided to put my hand as if I'm gonna touch her and it goes through her. And then that's when it kind of was like, because then she just disappeared. And immediately, I'm, like, calling my parents. And I'm freaking out.

00:02:18 Speaker 4

Because I'm like, what the heck was that? But the interesting part about that is, is that my so my brother's wife, actually, before she even, you know, had.

00:02:31 Speaker 4

Been with my brother. Even heard this story she had talked about how she had a dream about our house and there was a little girl with long dark hair and like a white striped T-shirt. And I was like, that's really weird. And then Fast forward to my now fiancee who said that he saw.

00:02:51 Speaker 4

A girl very similar when you know we were sleeping side by side with one another and and he was just like and it really spooked me. And I was like, I'm actually honored because she doesn't show herself to everyone. And I really feel that this spirit in particular is not only very picky.

00:03:12 Speaker 4

But I feel.

00:03:12 Speaker 4

Like she's just misunderstood and I feel, you know, it's.

00:03:17 Speaker 4

It's just a.

00:03:17 Speaker 4

Special relationship. I feel like I have with her, so I'm honored that you know she she gives people glimpses of her so.

00:03:28 Speaker 4

So yeah, for sure. That was my very first experience and definitely took me by surprise because, you know, as a child, you're awake. You know, I was fully awake. I wasn't in sleep paralysis or anything. It was just literally. I see this little girl standing by my bed and.

00:03:46 Speaker 5

She wasn't. She wasn't able to.

00:03:50 Speaker 3

Be in.

00:03:51 Speaker 4

That physical form where?

00:03:52 Speaker 3

I could touch her and.

00:03:53 Speaker 5

That that was terrifying. At 7 years old, so.

00:03:57 Speaker 3

Ohh so yeah.

00:03:59 Merrily

For sure. So she is. She like? It sounds like she's a spirit. That's still kind of with you and around.

00:04:04 Speaker 4

Absolutely. I for sure think that she's more so attached to our family home and it's very interesting. I really feel that my room in particular in the House.

00:04:17 Speaker 4

Kind of acts as like a portal. Spirits come in and out. People who have, like, slept over.

00:04:26 Speaker 4

You know, my parents have had experience. Everybody has had an experience in that house. There's just something about it that is.

00:04:35 Speaker 4

I don't know.

00:04:36 Speaker 4

It's it's like a portal. I mean, people have seen stuff in the backyard. People have seen stuff, mainly the the most probably the highest activity that happens in the House is probably in my childhood bedroom. And it's definitely from what I understand, has calmed down over the years, but.

00:04:57 Speaker 4

I would definitely say it still has its own unique mark, and I mean, my dad actually even said too, like he's seen a woman. Same thing, long dark hair, which is interesting because I actually think that it is a woman who appears.

00:05:13 Merrily

As a little.

00:05:14 Speaker 4

Girl, because I think that she appears as a little girl to most people, and particularly to me at that time because I was a child and I and I feel that she didn't want to frighten me. So it was like, what better way to kind of show herself?

00:05:29 Speaker 4

To say, hey, you know, I'm another little girl, but my dad actually saw the same imagery, but it was in a woman form. So I thought that that was really interesting. And he was like he's he said he was downstairs watching TV and literally saw this person, like, looked like they were walking into the closet.

00:05:49 Speaker 4

Door. And he was like, what? And he like?

00:05:51 Speaker 5

Wake up and everything, yeah.

00:05:53 Speaker 4

And he got up and, you know, he he literally had asked my mom and my mom was asleep upstairs. And she was like, just, you know, like didn't even know anything was happening. And but they have heard, like, my parents have had their bed shake.

00:06:09 Speaker 4

And yeah, a lot of things have happened.

00:06:13 Speaker 4

It was really.

00:06:14 Speaker 4

Weird and on my closet door in my bedroom. It would.

00:06:18 Speaker 4

Leak this like.

00:06:19 Speaker 4

Substance and I joke around and I say like what if it was ectoplasm and because it would, it was very strange. There was no water leakage.

00:06:28 Speaker 4

My dad tested it and it had the consistency of like olive oil.

00:06:32 Speaker 4

It was so strange and it.

00:06:34 Speaker 4

Would only leak.

00:06:35 Speaker 4

In like certain spots, it would leave particularly like 3 streaks and it happened. It was happening for like a month. You know what I mean? And I'd go and I'd wipe it and then it was like a little bit more came down, but then nothing ever since, like, I've been back the doors.

00:06:53 Speaker 4

Not oily. Nothing. My dad checked it. He was like, I don't know where this would have even.

00:06:57 Speaker 4

Come from. So I just kind.

00:06:59 Speaker 4

Of wonder what that was.

00:07:02 Speaker 4

So when I tried doing research cause you know it's like even though I'm I'm a very spiritual person, I also want to be very logical and you.

00:07:09 Speaker 5

Know like you know can would do this.

00:07:12 Speaker 5

Like I'm like.

00:07:14 Speaker 4

Looking it up, I'm like trying to figure out, you know, an explanation, but yeah, it was very strange. It didn't happen on any other.

00:07:21 Speaker 4

Doors in the house.

00:07:23 Speaker 4

We've heard, you know, knockings voices. I've done EVP's in the house. My dad has, like, also it has like a little recorder and stuff. And he's caught things. So it's definitely it's very, very active. And I wouldn't say that they're.

00:07:38 Speaker 4

You know, like negative or relevant things. Either. I just think that it's almost just as if it's like a passing. You know what I mean? Or they can't passing and.

00:07:49 Speaker 4

Yeah, and who knows? Maybe that's from me opening the door when I had.

00:07:54 Speaker 4

Played the ouija.

00:07:55 Speaker 4

When I was in middle school because.

00:07:57 Speaker 4

That's when the activity really picked up.


Oh really?

00:08:02 Speaker 4

Yeah, and and it was just that was a whole nother experience on its own. And I really feel like, you know, my dad trying to warn me, it's like, you know.

00:08:12 Speaker 4

That's not a toy and.

00:08:12 Speaker 4

I'm like, but it's from Toys-R-Us.

00:08:14 Merrily

Hello. Yeah, yeah.

00:08:16 Speaker 5

I mean and, but it's like it.

00:08:18 Speaker 4

Probably I mean.

00:08:20 Speaker 4

Ouija boards they're they're not toys number one, but at the same time, you know, knowing what I know now and knowing that you know about medium ship and all that and being a medium myself, I'm like I.

00:08:32 Speaker 5

Probably shouldn't have done that.

00:08:34 Speaker 5

Yeah, that young so.

00:08:38 Speaker 4

Well, yeah, but that's when the activity really ramped up, so.

00:08:42 Merrily

Oh wow, yeah. Ouija boards. Yeah, I was just gonna ask you. About what?

00:08:46 Merrily

Is your current opinion.

00:08:48 Speaker 4

On Ouija boards. Listen, I think that, you know, just like tarot cards, pendulums, dowsing rods, you know, I think it's really important to be discerning and to all for protection and to be ethical, you know, when you're going into a practice like this, it's definitely not a game.

00:09:11 Speaker 4

But will I ever use a Ouija board again? I'm gonna say right now. No, just because I don't. You know, I just, I don't really.

00:09:24 Speaker 4

The thing about it, and I know that you know for the other tools, you can say the same thing about like how it's kind of like a telephone and you don't know what's up. You know what I mean? But there's something about the Ouija board that I just feel is a different form of communication and a bit more powerful and a lot of the times actually a lot of.

00:09:44 Speaker 4

Physical mediums.

00:09:46 Speaker 4

Like like Fiz for physical medium ship. They'll incorporate wigi boards to try to get some form of, you know, like spirit appearing in the physical, having some form of evidence for that matter. So it's very interesting, but I definitely, yeah, I don't. I'm not. I'm not.

00:10:06 Speaker 5

Really fan are.

00:10:07 Speaker 5

You what about you?

00:10:08 Merrily

Oh, no. I mean, I I don't even know. I think we played with the Ouija board when I was like a teenager like we all.

00:10:15 Merrily

Have and you're like, whoa. That was kind of weird, you know, like, you know, like, that was weird, but as an adult and understanding, probably in the same respect that you do like an adult, like, now you're, like, working with spirits. You you find those like Trixie spirits, right. And they're really good at impersonating right.

00:10:34 Merrily

So it's like.

00:10:37 Merrily

No. Yeah, no. Yeah.

00:10:41 Speaker 3

So yeah, OK. Yeah, we yeah. Same vibe with that. Yeah.

00:10:45 Merrily

For an agreement on the Ouija board.

00:10:49 Merrily

Totally. OK. So who would you say so that was kind of like your earliest experience. And can you kind of describe sort of your path into like what you're doing now as far as like your spiritual path or or how does it looked alone?

00:11:06 Speaker 4

So I had suffered from like anxiety and I would get like these panic attacks when I was younger.

00:11:14 Speaker 4

Or from what I thought would more panic attacks I should say and like I would be in school, you know, elementary school, middle school, even all the way up to high school. And I would kind of get very nervous.

00:11:27 Speaker 4

For no reason I would get these feelings. And I like this sense of doom. Something's gonna happen. I would start freaking out. And then every time that would occur, we would either find out that you know somebody that we knew had passed away, or like somebody would, like, have an accident.

00:11:47 Speaker 4

Fall anything like that? And I started to think like, Oh my God.

00:11:51 Speaker 4

Am I cursed?

00:11:52 Tiffany

You know what I mean? Like.

00:11:53 Merrily


00:11:53 Speaker 4

It might make things happen to these.

00:11:55 Speaker 4

People because, like, why?

00:11:56 Speaker 4

Is it associated every time? You know you're young, you don't understand.

00:12:00 Speaker 4

And so I tried later on in my years to really try to to shut that off. And you know, it was just like, you know, the doctors had put me on like medication and such for depression and anxiety and that kind of like, opened the door. I feel like for me to try.

00:12:20 Speaker 4

Like other substances and like just really, you know, I'll be honest. I I didn't want to. I didn't want to live.

00:12:28 Speaker 4

And I think it was because I felt so much and I didn't know how to interpret it. And I hated that. I felt so much and.

00:12:35 Speaker 4

With friends, with the relationships, I would always like have these intense experiences and emotions, and I realize now when I look back of how much of that really wasn't my own, you know what I mean? And.

00:12:51 Speaker 4

It was, it was. It was bad. But basically to make a Long story short, I ended up having seizures from the medications that I was taking, and two of the medications and mixed well. And I also had tried to stop the medications abruptly.

00:13:08 Speaker 4

And I didn't realize that, you know, my body had become physically addicted to it before. My mind was mentally addicted to it. And so I was having these seizures, and it was completely unexpected and terrifying because I was.

00:13:13 Tiffany


00:13:27 Speaker 4

I was fully conscious during the seizure, in the sense of like they weren't like the full blown like grand male seizure. It was more so where literally like my body would kind of contort and I wouldn't be able to speak during it, but it would be like I was physically.

00:13:45 Speaker 4

Aware it's the most terrifying feeling ever, and from what I've experienced and yeah. So it was like I was having these seizures. They were like, well, maybe she has epilepsy and nobody in my family has epilepsy. So it was just kind.

00:14:01 Speaker 4

Of like where?

00:14:02 Speaker 4

Is this coming from and I was like I?

00:14:04 Speaker 4

Just my intuition.

00:14:05 Speaker 4

Is telling me. No, I think it's the medication.

00:14:08 Speaker 4

And I ended up in the time period a little bit before that. But then like occurring during that time I was actually in contact with a psychic medium who later became my mentor on this journey. And she had told me that she didn't see the seizures as like a long term health issue.

00:14:29 Speaker 4

She was like this needed to happen to take you to like the next level.

00:14:34 Speaker 4

And, you know, she had described. And she's like, you know, you are a medium and all that. And I'm like, there's no way like what? But a lot of what she was saying she would say you.

00:14:43 Speaker 4

Know does this.

00:14:43 Speaker 4

Happen does this happen?

00:14:44 Speaker 4

And I'm.

00:14:45 Speaker 4

Like yes, you know and I'm like and that really gets me, you know, and so yeah and basically.

00:14:54 Speaker 4

To make a Long story short, I ended up like having a seizure. They did multiple multitude of tests and I was like training also in in opening and I kind of like you know, just was like trying to take care of my health and my body becoming more conscious.

00:15:09 Speaker 4

And I to hear the doctor in the hospital room say to my parents, you know, like we're afraid that she's going to die. And because I was having so many seizures and they were very active in my sleep. And when you cycle and you have a multiple.

00:15:30 Speaker 4

Amount of seizures in a short period of time there is that chance where you know somebody cannot come back from.

00:15:36 Speaker 4

And it's a very scary feeling and it it was like that moment. I was like, no, I I want to live. You know what I mean? I I want to do this and. And so I I've made a lot of health adjustments and I ended up having like.

00:15:52 Speaker 4

A seizure back in like June, I want to say it was 2016 and it was.

00:15:59 Speaker 4

Like the doctors had told me everything they're like, they couldn't figure it out because the seizures weren't showing up on the scans. They're like doing multiple tests, and they're like, this is strange. They even tried, like, pulling the seizure medication. All that trying to trigger a seizure to happen. No other seizure had happened.

00:16:19 Speaker 4

And the doctor comes back in the room and he looks at me and my mom. And he was like, and I'm like, oh, gosh, like, they're gonna put me on more medication now. Like what's gonna happen. And now he came in and was like.

00:16:32 Speaker 4

I don't know what to say and I'm.

00:16:33 Speaker 4

Like great and.

00:16:35 Speaker 4

He was like, no, your your brain compared to your first brain scan, your brain scan now. He was like seizures tend to leave marks on the brain, like footprints in the snow and he.

00:16:46 Speaker 4

Your brain looks perfectly healthy, as if nothing has ever happened to it and uh it like still gets me emotional.

00:16:55 Speaker 4

And I was just like, remember, like looking at my mom in the hospital room. And I'm like, oh, my God, like what? And he was like, I don't understand. I can't explain it. He was like.

00:17:05 Speaker 4

We tried triggering a.

00:17:06 Speaker 4

Seizure. We tried doing all these.

00:17:08 Speaker 4

Things and like they did like 5 different stroke tests like they were and and nothing was showing up. It was phrased and I was like.

00:17:20 Speaker 4

This is like because I feel like God was on my side. I was like, I want to be able to live and I want to share my story and I really want to utilize.

00:17:30 Speaker 4

My emotions and my feelings and my sensitivities to the my full capacity so that I can be able to.

00:17:37 Speaker 4

Help people and help.

00:17:39 Speaker 4

Others who are struggling as well because I am a full believer now that a lot of people who experience panic attacks.

00:17:50 Speaker 4

Are really picking up, especially when they're like associated with, like something happening, something occurring.

00:17:56 Speaker 4

Because I feel.

00:17:56 Speaker 4

Like doctors these days can be so quick to throw you on medication without really having a kind of like an open mind to what's going on and.

00:18:09 Speaker 4

I feel like.

00:18:10 Speaker 4

To be able to help people kind of like discern the difference and figure out like, hey, you know, I wonder if your experience is similar to mine and if what you're feeling is really spirit and energy trying to come through. Because now I have my whole thing.

00:18:25 Speaker 4

Where I still won't get these episodes. I guess you can call them.

00:18:31 Speaker 4

It I call them the two world feeling and I have done experiments on them with I've had I I worked with someone who had helped me also kind of like every time that it would happen he would go and he would help me kind of discern like, well, what's coming up. So he would do little tests.

00:18:51 Speaker 4

Of like, you know, like hold objects in his hand.

00:18:54 Speaker 4

And like hide them and say you know like what, what color is it? What object is it? You know, he would write things down on a piece of paper and not show me the paper. And I would be able to say what you know exactly what I was seeing all of that. And and I've noticed too, spirit tends to come through and the way that I can best describe this two world feeling is that.

00:19:15 Speaker 4

It is. It's as if all timelines are existing.

00:19:19 Speaker 4

At the same time, like past, present, future, it's all in one timeline. And with that being said, it's like you can access a multitude of different information and I feel like by utilizing.

00:19:33 Speaker 4

The two world.

00:19:33 Speaker 4

Feeling and understanding it more, which is what I'm currently studying right now, and you know I'm.

00:19:39 Speaker 4

Talking to different clients of mine and I'm asking them, you know, especially my mentorship clients and I'm like, you know, well, what's it like when you have this, you know, I want you to do this type of test when you do, when you get this episode, you know, like it's it's very.

00:19:54 Speaker 4

It's a very particular subject that I'm very, very passionate about because I feel like it happens to a lot of people. It's just, it's something that needs to be, I guess, like more understood, so that people don't just think like, you know, where is this anxiety coming from? Where is this panic coming from? Because I'm a full blown.

00:20:15 Speaker 4

Believer that when anxiety when you end up feeling anxiety when anxiety is.

00:20:22 Speaker 4

Unknown energy entering your energetic field that the mind has yet to translate, but the body is currently processing, so I really feel that when that energy comes in, it's unknown. It's you know what I mean? It's it's unrecognizable when it's that random anxiety. Ohh why am I feeling this and then somebody will have like.

00:20:42 Speaker 4

Ohh, something happened. You know what I mean? Or they get a phone call and whether it be good news or, you know, bad news because it's like you can be able to kind of discern as well when you get to know your body on how your body processes the information. So like what?

00:20:55 Speaker 4

I've learned is.

00:20:57 Speaker 4

When a when I get that butterfly feeling that goes up into my chest, that's good news coming in and when it sinks down into my stomach, it's not so great news. So I've learned to kind of.

00:21:10 Speaker 4

Work I guess with these energies to better understand them, I feel like it's going to be a continuous learning process. But but yeah, so that was kind of.

00:21:21 Speaker 4

The the experience I know we kind of got sidetracked with that, but but that was the experience was my my seizures and my health and kind of like that near death experience that really had catapulted me to get inspired not only about this work because I was working with the other medium at the time.

00:21:41 Speaker 4

And also to just be inspired to live.

00:21:45 Speaker 4

It's like such a gift. And it's so beautiful and I feel that. And that's one thing that, you know, Spirit really brings forward is to chair.

00:21:55 Speaker 4

Wish everything and all that we have right here, right now. And it's I. I feel like it's easy. It's easy to forget about that. So luckily I was able to be, you know, taken off and weaned off all the medication that I was on. And I can honestly say that like, I'm really happy to be able to be present and like.

00:22:16 Speaker 4

Feel all my emotions and work through them and you know and honor, honor my gifts and my sensitivities and understand when my energy is my own and when it's somebody else's. So.

00:22:31 Merrily

Wow. Yeah, that's amazing.

00:22:34 Tiffany

Thank you.

00:22:34 Merrily

Yeah, yeah. There's so much so much there, but yeah.

00:22:37 Merrily

Such a cool story.

00:22:39 Speaker 4

Thank you. Yeah, it's it's summed up. It's like summed up.


Yeah. Oh, yeah. But but.

00:22:44 Speaker 4

Yeah, as much as.

00:22:46 Speaker 4

I could sum it up but but yeah, it's. I don't know. It's it's definitely shown me to be grateful for everything. You know what I mean? Every day as it comes.

00:22:59 Merrily

Yeah, for sure. Especially when you're like, you know, having to stare at your doctor with, like, some terrible news. You know, you're like.


Is that?

00:23:07 Merrily

Yeah, that's yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:23:12 Tiffany

But it's, you know what, though?



00:23:14 Speaker 4

You know what's interesting is that the side of my brain that the seizures were happening on were. So it's it's so fascinating. So it's that was occurring on like the more logical side. So because it was affecting the right side of my body and you know, like the brain, it's like the opposite.

00:23:34 Speaker 4

And I I say that I really do feel this. I feel that the seizures almost rewired me because I feel like such a completely different person than how I was before because I.

00:23:48 Speaker 4

Couldn't like before. It was like, you know, this obsession with, like, death and wanting to die and being so fearless and just. But in an unhealthy way. Now I feel like I'm like, wow, you know what I mean? Like, I don't even know how I was that person. Ohh. Like, you know what? I.

00:24:07 Speaker 5

Mean I'm just.

00:24:08 Speaker 4

You know? But, but it's it's so different now. So, yeah, it's it's really, it's interesting to say, yeah.

00:24:18 Merrily

I really liked how you articulated.

00:24:21 Merrily

The like how you said that it was like the two worlds feeling that was really cool because.

00:24:25 Merrily

I was like, yeah.

00:24:28 Speaker 4

Thank you. Yeah, I've I've done some interviews as well with my guides to kind of like try to better understand it and it's definitely a learning process, but hopefully my goal is to eventually be able to at least whether I come out with a blog or a book.

00:24:29 Merrily

That was great.

00:24:48 Speaker 4

About it or a video something, but to really be able to to help people become aware of this because it when it happens, I mean.

00:24:56 Speaker 4

It's it's intense and it's I've learned that now too, because sometimes it's like.

00:25:05 Speaker 4

You know I've.

00:25:05 Speaker 4

I've talked to other psychics, other mediums, that this will happen too, and it's like, you know, they'll kind of get stuck in that anxiety part of it, right, that that tends to seem where it's like, you'll get stuck in the anxiety, you get overwhelmed with like that, this energy coming in this overwhelming feeling of.

00:25:22 Speaker 4

Like Doom or, you know, uncertainty.

00:25:26 Speaker 4

And then it's just like that's.

00:25:28 Speaker 4

But my goal is to help people expand beyond that, because through what I've done for myself with this is that I now when I when that.

00:25:40 Speaker 4

Feeling comes along like. I mean, I literally TuneIn. I close my eyes and I go into like full channel mode and I'll pull out like a piece of paper. I will.

00:25:48 Speaker 4

Like it's it's people.

00:25:50 Speaker 4

Have been with me at restaurant when I'm like when when I'll be like in the passenger seat of the car. I've even been in the driver's seat and had to pull over and I'm like, you have to drive. This is happening right now and I need to start going and.

00:25:56 Merrily


00:26:03 Speaker 4

It's really crazy because I'll get, you know, information on people's health. You know what I mean? And I'll be like, I need to call this person because this is this is occurring and this is what I'm seeing and it's it's very, it's so intense, this feeling and the information can be so cut and.

00:26:23 Speaker 4

Like cut clear and concrete where it's.

00:26:25 Speaker 4

Just it's interesting. So when people that you know, especially people, I feel like that know me on a personal level know that like when I'm like I'm having my two warm feeling.

00:26:34 Speaker 5

Everyone just kind of like.

00:26:36 Merrily

Oh no.

00:26:37 Speaker 4

They're like, they're like going and they're, like, making sure that they find like, a pen. Like, I've literally my, my fiancee tells me all the time now he's like, do you keep like a pen and a paper in your car?

00:26:46 Speaker 5

Because you need to.

00:26:47 Merrily

Yeah, it's.

00:26:48 Speaker 4

Because I literally will scramble and and start drawing on like any piece of paper or whatever that I can find. I'm like it's it's crazy, but it's so important that when this happens.

00:26:59 Speaker 4

I the way that I can describe it, it's kind of as if so it's like you know when you sit down in a medium shift session and we we call we invite spirit in. I would like to say the two world feeling is when spirit calls you it's literally when spirit calls you. So I'm really excited to.

00:27:12 Merrily

Hmm yeah.

00:27:19 Speaker 4

Dive more into that and kind of like slowly release more information about that.

00:27:24 Speaker 4

Because it's a very interesting subjects and I feel that a lot of psychics and mediums, definitely.

00:27:33 Speaker 4

They relate on, you know what I mean? It's, it's. It's interesting. What?

00:27:36 Speaker 4

About you have you.

00:27:37 Speaker 4

Had like that two world experience.

00:27:40 Merrily

I would say, well, here's the.

00:27:41 Merrily

Thing parentally I think I have too much protection, personally is what the feedback I've gotten right. So when I reach out right and then it's like.

00:27:49 Tiffany


00:27:53 Merrily

And then I get information right? But then.

00:27:58 Merrily

It will hit me, but it's usually when I'm talking to somebody and then I start getting like information as I'm talking to them, I don't know.

00:28:05 Speaker 4

No, that makes sense.

00:28:06 Merrily

Yeah. And then I'm like, OK, and then I'm like, OK, but I.


Do that.

00:28:13 Merrily

Yeah. What do I wait? What do I do?

00:28:16 Merrily

It's a seasonal, mostly it's around actually. It's usually in situations cause I have social anxiety to an extent, so it's usually in situations where they're telling me like this person's like, this, this person's like that and they're telling me sort of like how they are as a person that way, I.

00:28:29 Merrily

And like.

00:28:30 Speaker 4

Good. Yeah, I trust me. I feel like I struggle with that, too. Like social anxiety, like especially for like sensitives and paths. You know, I feel like we we really pick up on information like I do. Like when I go to a place and stuff, especially if I'm a little bit unfamiliar, like I'll come off as really shy.

00:28:51 Speaker 4

And then you'll see me like blossom and open.

00:28:53 Speaker 4

Up and it's become.

00:28:55 Speaker 5

Yeah, I think it's.

00:28:56 Speaker 4

Because we observe the energy first.

00:29:00 Merrily


00:29:01 Speaker 4

Then what's like we find? What? Who or whatever it is that makes us feel comfortable, and then we can open up. Yeah. You know what I mean? So, yeah, I feel like it's a mix of, like, being.

00:29:11 Speaker 4

Sensitive but hashtag like also trauma. Yeah, right.

00:29:15 Merrily

Yeah, a little bit of that, yeah.

00:29:17 Merrily

But so.

00:29:20 Speaker 4

But yeah, no, that's that's really neat though that you kind of like pinpoint as well.

00:29:23 Speaker 3

If you're able.

00:29:26 Merrily

Yeah. So I think the next my next stage in my own development is sort of working on a little bit of the blocks that I have and they're blocks of like protection like there are protections like I had put up like I consciously put up and everybody like all this like like my second friends that read me.

00:29:40 Merrily

They're like you.

00:29:41 Merrily

Have a little too.

00:29:41 Merrily

Much protection up. You're a little.

00:29:43 Merrily

Too grounded and I'm like.

00:29:47 Speaker 4

Like the information that you feel like you've.

00:29:49 Speaker 4

Consumed and kind of like.

00:29:52 Speaker 4

I guess had shielded yourself almost, you know, because I I believe that our guides kind of.

00:29:58 Speaker 4

They restrict us if, if we have fear in a certain area, I feel like they'll have a different way of bringing information forward so that we don't like.

00:30:06 Merrily

Oh yeah, well, I already told them I was like, look, I do not show me anything. Do not show yourself in my physical eyes. I don't want to see that. I'm happy hearing you. Do you not? Do not. I will freak out.

00:30:23 Merrily

So it's kind of that level, but now like recently I've been.

00:30:25 Merrily

Like, OK, look a little.

00:30:27 Merrily

Bit like a little bit here and there. I can handle it so.

00:30:29 Merrily

I'm I'm mainly.

00:30:29 Merrily

Just seeing.

00:30:30 Merrily

Like a lot of lights and stuff.

00:30:32 Merrily

Like that showing up very.

00:30:34 Speaker 4

Cool. Like the orbs and stuff.

00:30:36 Merrily

Yeah, the orbs and like, even like, weirdly shaped lights. I saw, like, a golden flame when I was, like, meditating. Once when I looked over and I went and I was, like, meditating. Right. So I was kind of in a trance. So I was like, ohh, there's just like a golden flame like.

00:30:49 Merrily

Hanging out or whatever, you know.

00:30:51 Speaker 5

Yeah, it's awesome though, because.

00:30:53 Merrily

Pretty yeah, that's pretty cool.

00:30:55 Speaker 4

When they appear, when you're like in that mode and just something appears right in front of your eyes, it's. Yeah. It's like it leaves, like, a very vivid memory.

00:31:05 Speaker 3

Now, yeah, for sure.

00:31:08 Speaker 3

I will not forget.


Time. Nope.

00:31:12 Merrily

Yeah, very cool. So I think we touched a little bit on sort of sort of your role models, at least your psychic. You had a psychic mentor, but if you wanted to talk a little bit about them or any other role models that you may have had on your.

00:31:27 Speaker 4

So she was absolutely incredible and just a beautiful person and signed it out. And I really feel like she believed in me so much and just it was I I really am so grateful for her. And in so many ways, I would say her name, but I don't know if, like, I haven't.

00:31:47 Speaker 4

Ask her about this. So I was like, you know what I mean? But but she is. She's really cool.

00:31:53 Speaker 4

And just an overall beautiful person. And I'm so thankful for her. I mean, she had taught me really to utilize my psychic abilities first and how your psychic abilities then will help you really be able to grasp the art of mediumship. And then she also had told me about.

00:32:14 Speaker 4

Energy work. You know what I mean and kind of led me to the chakras and you know, I had experienced my first sound healing because of her, which is incredible with like the quartz crystal balls and the gongs and.

00:32:27 Speaker 4

It's such a.

00:32:28 Speaker 4

Beautiful experience to see how many different healing modalities.

00:32:31 Speaker 4

That there are.

00:32:33 Speaker 4

So I definitely feel that, yeah, it was. It was incredible. And actually Speaking of working with her every time that we were together, it was so funny because she would always just kind.

00:32:44 Speaker 4

Of like look.

00:32:45 Speaker 4

Over or like make faces because I don't know what it was, but when we would sit down and like, work together.

00:32:53 Speaker 4

And I would, I would go.

00:32:54 Speaker 4

To her house.

00:32:56 Speaker 4

Things would move.


Things would like.

00:33:00 Speaker 5

We remember a book fell off in the book.

00:33:02 Speaker 5

And she was just like.

00:33:07 Speaker 5

Literally it was it.

00:33:08 Speaker 4

Was. I'm like, I don't know, you know, and it was very intense, I would say. And I remember then when we had started working with, like, I was, she had me working with like other women in development circles and stuff. And, like, the stuff that I was able to see.

00:33:25 Speaker 4

And everything like physical like with my physical eyes in the room. And like I started describing and she was describing the same thing. It was just like we really connected because I really do feel that when you're in.

00:33:36 Speaker 4

Group and you're in a room with psychics and mediums and stuff. That energy amplifies, you know, and it's just like one big power cord to the spirit world. And it was just. It's so incredible. So, yeah. So she is absolutely amazing. I will always hold her near and dear to my heart. And I'm so incredibly.

00:33:57 Speaker 4

Thankful and grateful for her just opening this door for me because I can honestly tell you.

00:34:02 Speaker 4

That I couldn't I.

00:34:05 Speaker 4

I you know, it's not like I grew.

00:34:06 Speaker 4

Up it was like I want.

00:34:07 Speaker 5

To be a psychic. Me. I know, right?

00:34:10 Speaker 4

I I no, I mean, I always knew that I wanted to help people.

00:34:16 Speaker 4

But and then like make an impact on their lives in some way. And as weird as it sounds, I used to always tell my mom.

00:34:22 Speaker 4

Like I I feel like I I want to be able to share an important message to people and help them on their journey. And it's so funny because in medium ship is really just that. It's it's sharing messages from the spirit.

00:34:35 Speaker 4

Mentions and being able to help people heal, you know.

00:34:39 Speaker 4

So it's very interesting how like.

00:34:43 Speaker 5

I had one plan, but God had another.

00:34:45 Merrily

Like haha yeah.

00:34:47 Tiffany

So yeah, wow. But then for like my other.

00:34:51 Speaker 4

Models, though I would definitely say.

00:34:52 Speaker 4

Like I know probably people will be like, Oh my God. But I I love the Long Island, medium Theresa Caputo.

00:35:00 Merrily

Oh, OK, cool. Yeah.

00:35:02 Speaker 4

I've seen her live. She's incredible. And so validating she had at the time read the person that I was with and.

00:35:14 Speaker 4

It was, it was so incredible. Just she really is the real deal. I know that, you know, like TV and.

00:35:20 Speaker 4

All that. But she's.

00:35:21 Speaker 4

She's extremely talented and for sure is a real deal medium. I also love like John Holland and Tyler Henry. I I think that they're, you know.

00:35:34 Speaker 4

It's. I have so many.

00:35:35 Merrily

Yeah, I know.

00:35:36 Merrily

Like this one this.

00:35:37 Speaker 4

Yeah, but I just I because I feel like everybody like Cindy causa. I love her as well. I feel like everybody has their own way.

00:35:46 Speaker 4

And Michelle belanger.

00:35:48 Speaker 4

If you don't know.

00:35:49 Merrily

Ohh yes, I yeah yeah, yeah.

00:35:51 Speaker 4

She she, hands down, is probably like, oh, I love Michelle. She is so cool. I'm like, oh, my gosh, I will totally fangirl over every day, literally. Like I I'm like, wow, because the information and the way that she communicates.

00:36:10 Speaker 4

And reads ohh my gosh and and.

00:36:12 Speaker 4

On the show portals.

00:36:13 Speaker 4

To hell. I'm like, wow. Like she's.

00:36:16 Speaker 4

And just incredible and an incredible medium. Seriously, yeah.

00:36:25 Merrily

Now I have some new shows to.

00:36:26 Merrily

Watch because I did definitely watch Tyler Henry Show, which was is pretty amazing. But I will say.

00:36:37 Merrily

What I did find on YouTube IG guess he had like a contest where you could win like a reading with Tyler. But they filmed the whole thing right, which was in.

00:36:46 Merrily

Scene because of course on the TV show, they're going to cut out the parts where you're.

00:36:50 Merrily

Like sitting there waiting like.

00:36:52 Speaker 5

Exactly because that's real medium ship is.


You know.

00:36:55 Merrily

This those awkward you're, like, hold on. Yeah.

00:37:03 Merrily

But it was.

00:37:03 Merrily

Really cool to see. Like they didn't break or anything, they just filmed the whole thing. So he's, like, doing the awkward.

00:37:08 Merrily

Pauses. He's like kind of like trying to, like, gather. He's like, I gotta gather the information. He's right, you know, trying to he's like, oh, hold on. Like, I I just got a bucket of information I gotta like.

00:37:18 Merrily

So it was kind of cool. Just.

00:37:19 Merrily

Seeing that process, yeah.

00:37:21 Speaker 4

Absolutely. Yeah, he's incredible. He's really incredible. I'll have to see. Is that that you said?

00:37:27 Speaker 4

That's on YouTube or.

00:37:28 Merrily

It's on YouTube. Yeah, it was something where a lady had won a they were doing, like, a contest for a reading. And it's like an hour long because he does like, an hour. But it was pretty good and.


Then you.

00:37:37 Merrily

Could kind of tell you know, because sometimes you get the information.

00:37:40 Merrily

And it's not.

00:37:41 Merrily

Hitting right like it's not hitting. And then she was like, no, no, he's. But he's like, no, this is for you or somebody.

00:37:48 Merrily

I hear you.

00:37:48 Merrily

Cause it's.

00:37:49 Speaker 4

Yeah. And that's the thing that.

00:37:51 Speaker 4

I always tell people like.



00:37:53 Speaker 4

I I tell my students, I tell even people that are like sitting in front of me during the sessions. I'm like, I'm not afraid of. No. You know what I mean? Like I'm not afraid of hearing. No or I can't think of this. You know, I'm. I'm not afraid.

00:38:07 Speaker 4

Of that because.

00:38:09 Speaker 4

The majority of the time, it's either like I'm translating it wrong.

00:38:14 Speaker 4

Right, Amy? Or it's not clicking with.

00:38:16 Speaker 4

Them just yet, because I I can't tell you how many times too. I've had people be like.

00:38:21 Speaker 4

No, you know it's this is just not resonating. I'm not, I'm not sure. And then literally I'll get an e-mail. I spoke to this person and they said, well, you know what I mean? And it's just like there it is. They're literally like in during the session as the session goes on because I'm very. I'm very much like, I don't like to get stuck on it. We're gonna move. And so I let spirit.

00:38:41 Speaker 4

You know, I let the person know, like we're gonna move on to the next thing and then all of a sudden there it is again. Spirit will bring through something else.

00:38:48 Speaker 4

That links to that and then boom, it clicks with them, right?

00:38:51 Speaker 5

There and they're like.

00:38:51 Tiffany

Oh my God.

00:38:53 Speaker 4

You know, and and I really think like John Edward talks about this, how people kind of get this like almost like it's like a spirit brain where they kind of blank out during sessions.

00:39:04 Speaker 3

Like they're like.

00:39:05 Speaker 5

Wait and then it'll be like the most obvious thing. And they're like, I don't know why. Oh my God. I just thought of this right now. Like, it clicks. But I think it's just because.

00:39:13 Speaker 4

It's like I don't know if it's like the haze of the energy that comes over, but and the how the frequency is so high when you're in that state that maybe like and it's also I mean it's like also probably like overwhelming and like a little bit of like anxiety inducing for.

00:39:29 Merrily

Them yeah, so.

00:39:31 Speaker 3

You know, but.

00:39:34 Speaker 4

But yeah, I'll definitely I'll have to have to check out Tylers cause.

00:39:39 Speaker 4

I I love him. I think he's incredible. And the way that he just channels information and he's so intelligent and articulate with the way he describes mediumship. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Really incredible. So both both him and Michelle, I'm telling you, they're like, I don't the way that they.

00:39:55 Speaker 4

Are able to just put it into.

00:39:58 Speaker 5

That like like.

00:39:59 Speaker 4

Terms actual terms that that are understandable are incredible. They just end up finding the words for it. So I love that.


That's so cool. Yeah.

00:40:08 Merrily

Yeah, well, yeah. Now I have to. Yeah. Check out some more Michelle Ballinger.

00:40:16 Speaker 4

Now and now I need to.

00:40:17 Speaker 4

Check out.

00:40:21 Merrily

Oh man. So I so my next question was how did you learn to be a psychic medium? But I think we pretty much covered that with your mentor. But I am curious about like the and how you came to do.

00:40:35 Merrily

Angelic channeling and how that came about.

00:40:39 Speaker 4

Oh, that yeah, that definitely took me my surprise as well. Ohh I've had. I used to get this visual like early on in my journey of like whenever I would get upset or feel scared I would like get this visual of big beautiful wings.

00:40:58 Speaker 4

Wrapping me and kind of like covering me and.

00:41:02 Speaker 4

It was just.

00:41:03 Speaker 4

Like such a particular visual.

00:41:06 Speaker 4

You know, time went on and I didn't really think anything of it. And then I started to have, like, experiences where like I had, like, an Archangel Michael card in my mirror when I was, you know, first working with my very first mentor. And like it had fallen off.

00:41:22 Speaker 4

And hit me in the face.

00:41:24 Speaker 5

Was like.

00:41:26 Speaker 4

What I'm like, what's that? And I'm like, oh, but then it was strange because then later that day I ended up going to see my mentor. And then she gave me an Archangel Michael Oracle deck.

00:41:36 Speaker 4

And then I'm like, OK, I see you, Michael. I see you. So. So he was probably one of the first archangels that I ended up working with. And then like later on, so during my healing sessions, I realized that, like, very clearly because angels communicate differently than, like human spirits.

00:41:57 Speaker 4

They're very clear with the communication. It can be literal full sentences. You know what I mean? They're easy to give out their name as well. I've noticed. So I started getting a bunch of different like names and, like, the connections of, like, you know.

00:42:16 Speaker 4

Whatever, like whatever person was going through, I would like get this like this is an Archangel blah blah blah. You know what I mean? And then I would literally.

00:42:26 Speaker 4

Go in and give a message to a person and later on I'm like, you know, I'm gonna do more research and then realize that a lot of people would wrote about the archangels and like the different ones and stuff.

00:42:40 Speaker 4

That they correlated with the same healing messages that I would give people. So I'm like.

00:42:44 Speaker 4

Oh my gosh.

00:42:45 Speaker 4

Interesting. Yeah, but my first. I think experience with actually seeing an Angel was I was praying the rosary. And you know, I'm just like.

00:42:59 Speaker 4

In bed and in that deep meditation. And I don't know, there's something about like the rosary that really kind of puts me in a trance state and all of a sudden I see this six winged being right in front of me with like, it was like layers of golden and.

00:43:15 Speaker 4

Late and I just remember it having six wings and I'm.

00:43:19 Speaker 4

Like what is?

00:43:20 Speaker 4

That, like you know, I'm trying to articulate that. I had no idea because I had no prior information other than like, you know, like, you know, like Archangel Michael. I think that was the only Angel that I was really familiar with. And maybe Gabriel.

00:43:35 Speaker 4

But other than that, I was like I I wasn't really familiar with like the Angelics and the work that they do. But I had seen this being.

00:43:44 Speaker 4

So the person that I was with at the time was telling me they're like, oh, that's the seraphim. And I was like.


What's the?

00:43:52 Speaker 4

Seraphim and they're like, ohh, it's the highest form of Angel. And so we had, like, looked up pictures and all that. And I'm like, this is actually really crazy because they're like, the highest I I guess you could say.

00:44:05 Speaker 4

Like of the hierarchy of angels, or like the highest level of Angel, that's the closest in God. And what I found was very interesting was how it coincided with like I was also praying the rosary and like dedicating that time to, you know, prayer and to meditation and such.

00:44:20 Speaker 4

And I was like, wow, that's really incredible. So. So yeah. So that had happened and then it was just like, you know, during my healing sessions, I would like bring forth an Angel. And then my clients would say like, Oh my God, this is so crazy. This Angel came.

00:44:37 Speaker 4

Through it.

00:44:39 Merrily

Yep, that's right.

00:44:41 Speaker 5

And and I mean, you know from that from first hand.

00:44:45 Speaker 4

So it's yeah and it's, you know, and it's crazy when that happens because it's just like when you go and you're putting those intentions out there, you're asking or the Angel for assistance you're working with that Angel. And then for that Angel to come through, I feel like is like.

00:45:01 Speaker 4

It's really mind blowing, definitely. So then, yeah, I was like, all right, we're gonna do this. And interestingly enough, I feel that.

00:45:11 Speaker 4

In my healing sessions, my energy healing sessions, I feel like they're very like they they keep and continue to evolve over time, you know, with the more experience and such that I get. And I definitely feel that when the angelics come in for a healing, it is so intense I.

00:45:31 Speaker 4

Feel like I receive.

00:45:32 Speaker 4

Give a healing. Also myself a very intense version of the healing because it's like, you know, when you when every time like you do a healing session. I do believe that the practitioner also receives a healing. You know what I mean? Because really what you're doing is you're help facilitating the other person to kind of help heal their own energy. But the angelics take.

00:45:53 Speaker 4

That to a whole nother level where I feel like they come in just like extraterrestrials. Also. ETS are really beautiful beings to work with and they perform profound healings as well and have them come into my sessions. And it's just like.

00:46:08 Speaker 4

The the different.

00:46:11 Speaker 4

Energies and levels of healing that they bring forward and the feelings like where I mean, you know, when people who aren't even that spiritual are opening their eyes during the session because they feel the presence of somebody else in the room. That's, you know, like well.

00:46:31 Speaker 4

There's a lot of energy that's happening because I I have had, especially my in person sessions. My clients will tell me.

00:46:39 Speaker 4

Like they'll be like, you know, I I I felt you on my right side. But then when I opened my eyes, you were all the way up here on by my shoulder on my left side. And it was like, but I I could have sworn you were touching my right thigh. And that's when I tell them cause they're like, you know, and some of them are even afraid.

00:46:56 Speaker 4

To tell.

00:46:56 Speaker 4

Me because I feel.

00:46:57 Speaker 4

Like I'm crazy and they're like.

00:46:59 Speaker 4

I'm gonna sound really crazy right now and I'm like.

00:47:01 Speaker 5

Can I just tell you?

00:47:02 Speaker 4

That this is not crazy and this.

00:47:04 Speaker 5

Happens so often.

00:47:06 Speaker 4

I'm like a lot of people experience this and I really feel that it's their guides. It's the Spirit team, it's the angelics, it's the ET's.

00:47:14 Speaker 4

Who come in and really help facilitate that healing as well and help channel the energy and with the angelics I have learned and ET.

00:47:23 Speaker 4

'S different like I have like my own symbols that I've gotten from the angelics that I've created that like you know, I'll know which direction to put them in what they mean.

00:47:34 Speaker 4

It's it's very different.

00:47:37 Speaker 4

So it's yeah, it's a very different way of healing and definitely has opened my eyes to how I guess these beings work essentially. But yeah, it's, I would definitely say that with their help in channeling energy in general, it just takes the healings to a more profound level.

00:47:57 Speaker 4

So yeah.

00:48:00 Merrily

Yeah, angels, I think. I think we talked about angels in the session, but or my approach to angels cause I was like.

00:48:07 Merrily

You know, because they start this practice, my practices and I was like, I don't know about angels. They sound a little bit fluffy and it's kind of lame. And then, you know, start and then you just.



00:48:20 Merrily

I don't know at least the practices that I do on my own, my own spiritual practices. They start coming in.

00:48:25 Merrily

And then I'm like, what is?

00:48:27 Merrily

That right, like what is that?

00:48:30 Speaker 4

And they all feel different. Like now, you know, it's like when you familiarize yourself with the energies of the different angels. It's like I it's. I conducted a workshop, you know the other day and so strongly. Immediately, right before it started it was like 20 minutes before the workshop started.

00:48:49 Speaker 4

Boom. There he was. Archangel Gabriel. You know what I mean? To help facilitate this healing. Wow. And I feel like when you when you begin working with them.

00:49:00 Speaker 4

You kind of build your own perception of how they appear to you, which I think is like very important. So I feel that you know each Angel and each type of Angel because I've have different angels like the opium have also appeared. That's when I get a lot as well, where it's literally like with the.

00:49:20 Speaker 4

A wheel. That's fine.

00:49:22 Speaker 4

Bunch of eyes. I have that drawn so many times in my notebook, but they're they're really powerful messenger as as well. So and they usually intervene. Ironically, I actually see them quite frequently in the two world feeling. That's when I see that particular Angel come through those in the Seraphim.

00:49:42 Speaker 4

Come through very strongly during those feelings, but yeah, it's the angels.

00:49:48 Speaker 5

Definitely. I know I I felt the same way.

00:49:52 Speaker 5

I don't know, I'm just like.

00:49:53 Tiffany

I don't know.

00:49:54 Merrily

Ohh yeah same.


Like know.

00:49:56 Speaker 4

You don't? Nope. I literally have encountered fairies with people. They're guides, you know, and fairies are also very like they'll give the name fairies very much. Or like they'll tell.

00:50:09 Speaker 3

You their name?

00:50:10 Speaker 4

You know what I mean? And.

00:50:11 Speaker 4

What was? I will never forget.

00:50:13 Speaker 4

One session in particular where a fairy had given her name to this client and it was actually, oddly enough, it was a name that came through and in another language it means it.

00:50:29 Speaker 5

And little winged spirit.

00:50:34 Speaker 4

And I was like.

00:50:34 Merrily

No way I.

00:50:36 Speaker 5

Swear we we were going.

00:50:39 Speaker 4

Crazy. I was like, I was like, wait a second. I was like, you know, because I I get a lot of names and I get a lot of, I don't know about you, but I get stuff in like different languages. You know what I mean? Like, I've gotten stuff in Arabic, Latin, Hebrew.

00:50:54 Speaker 4

Sanskrit, where I just like, will be like words or phrases that will literally even names that will come through. And I'm like, whoa. Like, that really resonates that makes.

00:51:04 Speaker 4

So when we had got that, I remember it was just it was so crazy, especially because the way that it came off was actually this is good because I have like 2 stories with this and it was just like the way that this being came off was like I started like seeing this little fairy.

00:51:24 Speaker 4

Around her and all that. And I'm like, oh, my gosh, I'm like, she was very connected with the fairy realm. You know, when she was little. And I remember kind of like being a little bit skeptical myself. But when the name came forward and I was like, I'm like, alright, yeah.

00:51:40 Speaker 4

And I thought that I knew I don't. Right. So. And and it was actually it was very interesting too, because this is going to take another turn on.

00:51:51 Speaker 4

Angels as well.

00:51:56 Speaker 4

So OK, so we all know Lucifer.

00:52:00 Speaker 4

And I feel that the energy of Lucifer is highly misunderstood. I know a lot of people are probably.

00:52:06 Speaker 4

Gonna like, come at.

00:52:07 Speaker 4

Me with but like hear me out. So she had connected with Lucifer. But I you know.

00:52:18 Speaker 4

You know, because you've you've had my distance sessions, you know.

00:52:21 Speaker 4

We don't we we talked for.

00:52:22 Speaker 4

A brief moment and then I do my thing, and then I come back and we kind of.

00:52:27 Speaker 4

Like debrief? Yeah.

00:52:29 Speaker 4

Oh, I kept getting the Angel come in and.

00:52:36 Speaker 4

Wanted to be called Lucy and I'm like Lucy and I'm like, oh, my gosh. And then I was, like, short for Lucifer. And then I was like, definitely Lucifer. And that at this point, I'm, like, calling on Michael and.

00:52:47 Speaker 5

I'm like is.

00:52:47 Speaker 5

This all right, like.


I'm like.

00:52:50 Speaker 4

What's happening, and it was so interesting because.

00:52:55 Speaker 4

So when I ended up to you briefing with the client, turns out that she would nickname she connected with him and she would nickname him Lucy, which is why he came through as Lucy. Interesting though is that then she was like, is it safe, you know, to work? I know there's like a lot of, you know.

00:53:07 Merrily


00:53:15 Speaker 4

Kind of like. It's like taboo basically to really be able to. And there's controversy around, you know.

00:53:21 Speaker 4

The Angel Lucifer Michael came in with a very strong message about how Lucifer is essentially like transcending into back to being a light being because Lucifer is originally an Archangel, right? He's a light being and it was very interesting.

00:53:41 Speaker 4

The way that Michael had come in with his message about how, like, no, it's safe now, does that mean that Lucifer gets along with?

00:53:48 Speaker 4

All the archangels.

00:53:50 Speaker 4

But the fact that Michael was coming through and kind of like letting it know that like it's OK, you know what I mean? And it's OK for her to not feel shame for wanting to work with him or working with him in the past. And he really brought a greater understanding and to which, you know, it's like.

00:54:11 Speaker 4

There is so much misconception about like Lucifer and like Lucifer is different than Satan different energy. And I feel like sometimes people can mix the two but so far is actually has done so much work. You know what I mean throughout the years.

00:54:31 Speaker 4

And also time and spirit, which is, you know, just infinite and to where he has really been able to redeem himself and kind of like come back into the angelic Kingdom. So you can say. And I found that that was very interesting.

00:54:48 Speaker 4

And what's interesting even more interesting about that is that you can also utilize use of Lucifer in exorcisms to help you understand.

00:55:00 Speaker 4

Lower level beings, which is very powerful. That was another message that Michael had brought through and I was like.

00:55:07 Speaker 4

Very interesting. Because of the depths that Lucifer can understand, the duality between both. It was very fascinating to say the least so.


Right. So.

00:55:20 Merrily

That's so cool. Oh, my gosh, that's so cool.

00:55:24 Speaker 4

So the angelics are something else. They are really something else.

00:55:29 Speaker 4

So yeah, it's incredible. I I love working with them. I think that their their presence in general. You know what I mean? It's it's so different and it's so it feels like a warm hug.

00:55:40 Speaker 4

You know they'll.

00:55:41 Speaker 4

Send you goosebumps. You know, you'll get those those spirituals, and it's so different and.

00:55:47 Speaker 4

I feel like it's.

00:55:48 Speaker 4

Healing on, like so many different levels, I feel like when the angels come through, when they channel and they speak.

00:55:54 Speaker 4

And when they work on a person.

00:55:56 Speaker 4

Is like literally as if the different layers of the energy body are being, you know, simultaneously healed at once, you know it's not just the emotional body or mental. It's like it's all of it. And to be like transformed into the the next level essentially. So I don't know, that's.

00:56:13 Speaker 4

What I've learned.

00:56:16 Merrily

Oh my gosh.

00:56:18 Merrily

That's so cool. Thank you for sharing the the Lucifer story because like, it's kind of like in a way, right? Like he's kind of human and like, or at least he kind of understands human stuff, right, if he's.

00:56:32 Speaker 4

It's he's able to kind of.

00:56:35 Speaker 4

Be like you said, I mean, be more relatable.

00:56:38 Speaker 4

You know what?

00:56:39 Speaker 4

I mean because essentially like when you go into the subject of like demons and you know the the lower level energies, they kind of work more on the materialistic realm. And I feel like they understand the material realm.

00:56:50 Merrily


00:56:55 Speaker 4

A bit more, yeah.

00:56:57 Speaker 4

So, but it's it's fascinating too, because they themselves can also be great teachers, you know of, you know, of literally anything. You know what I mean from.

00:57:11 Speaker 4

Something like, you know, wanting to die. You know what? I.

00:57:13 Speaker 4

Mean or?



00:57:15 Speaker 4

Or anything like that where you experience those deep pains? Because I will say, you know, like I definitely had my moments when I was being completely reckless and and doing, you know, just not taking care of my body.

00:57:29 Speaker 4

Where I know for a fact like I have seen things that were, you know, not so pretty. And when you feel and you get a sense of those energies around, you're like ohh, you know what I mean? And I definitely feel that.

00:57:45 Speaker 4

You know.

00:57:46 Speaker 4

Anything that is.

00:57:49 Speaker 4

I hate the term like high vibe, low vibe. You know what I mean? And I'm.

00:57:54 Speaker 4

To put it together, but I feel like anything like that that's kind of like lower vibrational is is like doorways, you know, for them to kind of.

00:58:03 Speaker 4

Come in like you open.

00:58:05 Speaker 4

And so it's just but, but at the same time, I do feel that, you know, they they're able to kind of understand us on a a more human level. It's just.

00:58:19 Speaker 4

Comes with a price.

00:58:21 Merrily

Oh my God, such good insight on that. I love it. So cool. I can't remember. Oh, not I can't remember if I shared my. I know we talked about Archangel, Metatron in my in our sessions together because he's kind of always around me. But I don't know if I told you about the feather.

00:58:40 Merrily

Story I just want to tell it real quick.

00:58:43 Speaker 4

Yeah, tell it.

00:58:44 Merrily

It's so good. OK, so I was, you know, I've been working with our change and been trying for a while and I was at the gym and I was like on the elliptical. And I was like, listening to a.

00:58:53 Merrily

Podcast right and.

00:58:54 Merrily

It was like 1 where.

00:58:56 Merrily

It was a medium and she was.

00:58:58 Merrily

Talking about how she'll like, ask for an Angel feather right to appear and she had the like amazing story of like she was like. Why telling her daughter? Like I can ask angels to send me a feather and they'll send it. And she's like whatever mom and she's like watch and she slams her hand on the table and there's she lifts it up.

00:59:15 Merrily

There's a feather on.

00:59:16 Merrily

The table right?

00:59:17 Merrily

And I was like.

00:59:19 Merrily

Oh, cool. And I was like, you know, and I'm like on the elliptical Archangel. Metatron. You know, we've been working together for quite a.

00:59:25 Merrily

While I was.

00:59:26 Merrily

Like I never got a feather from you. Like.

00:59:29 Merrily

Can I have a feather, you know?

00:59:31 Merrily

I was like elliptical.

00:59:33 Merrily

Anyway, yeah. And so I you know, I'm done with the gym and I'm getting into my car.

00:59:40 Merrily

But I you know, and I had to back out of the space I was in. And so I look into my rear view mirror and tucked in. No kidding. Between cause my I there's like a little tiny windshield wiper in the back of my car tucked between the windshield wiper. And the glass was a white feather. No joke.

00:59:59 Tiffany

There's your feather girl.

01:00:00 Merrily

He's like, there's your father. And I was like what?

01:00:03 Merrily

It's like freaking out, like 20 minutes later.

01:00:07 Speaker 5

Yeah. God, I can't believe I.

01:00:11 Speaker 5

I would love to see your face like.

01:00:13 Speaker 5

Just like.

01:00:14 Merrily

What you have and I was like for 5 minutes. I was like and I didn't even think to take a picture. Not that that would make a difference because somebody be.

01:00:21 Merrily

Like you just took the feather.

01:00:23 Merrily

And put it there and I was.

01:00:24 Merrily

Like look girl memory though I.

01:00:26 Speaker 4

Feel like it would have.

01:00:28 Speaker 4

You know.

01:00:29 Speaker 4

I'm crazy like that. I've I've. I'll keep the feathers. I.

01:00:33 Speaker 4

Actually I actually.

01:00:34 Merrily

Like the feathers.

01:00:35 Speaker 4

Speaking of Lucifer, the day that that happened, I had went outside. I took my dogs on a walk and I found.

01:00:41 Speaker 4

A big black.

01:00:42 Speaker 4

Feather and I was almost as if.

01:00:46 Speaker 4

Like a thank you. Yeah, like acknowledging him and also honoring that he's not some like.

01:00:53 Speaker 4

Demonized type of being that I feel like, you know, people will tend to associate him with. So you know it's it's interesting like.

01:01:01 Speaker 4

The way that like.

01:01:02 Speaker 4

The Angels work and they'll just gift you things. It's.

01:01:05 Speaker 4

Crazy. It's literally like.

01:01:08 Speaker 5

Asking you shots.

01:01:12 Speaker 5

That's incredible, though. Yeah. Wow.

01:01:14 Speaker 4

You'll have to send me that, that podcast that you're listening to.

01:01:18 Merrily

Oh yeah, I'll have to find it.

01:01:22 Merrily

Oh man, so I know we're sort of.

01:01:24 Merrily

Wrapping up to an extent.

01:01:27 Merrily

Here, but what do you want to share about?

01:01:30 Merrily

How you enjoy working up or working up working with your clients the most like what do you like doing the most? What do you you know?

01:01:38 Speaker 4

Ohh my goodness.

01:01:41 Speaker 4

I don't know. I probably favor medium ship a lot. I love when Spirit comes in and I love being able to be a channel.

01:01:50 Speaker 4

But yeah, I think that just it's like the experiences that people have. So I wouldn't even say like it's like necessarily what I do, but more So what spirit does that kind of like blows my mind a bit. I know we were talking about prior before about like, having certain instances that come up.

01:02:09 Speaker 4

And and medium ship especially, there's these just unexplainable occurrences. So it was just like for example I.

01:02:21 Speaker 4

I was sitting down with a woman and like towards the end of the session, I'm like asking her. I'm like, OK, you know, do you have any other questions? And she wanted to ask her husband something and literally the. OK. So I have like a speaker that plugs into the wall, you know what I mean? It's kind of like old school. But then I was using my phone.

01:02:40 Speaker 4

To, you know, put the Bluetooth with Spotify and the music gets interrupted. Now there were two other women with, you know, sitting down in this.

01:02:48 Speaker 4

Medium shift session.


The music gets.

01:02:51 Speaker 4

Interrupted. And she's like hello.

01:02:55 Speaker 3

And we just were like.

01:02:57 Speaker 5

Oh my God. And and they were like does.


This normally.

01:03:02 Speaker 5

I was like.

01:03:03 Speaker 5

We're all, like, so surprised, shocked, spooked.

01:03:07 Speaker 4

And she was like, I really.

01:03:09 Speaker 5

Thought that somebody was gonna come.

01:03:10 Speaker 5

Through that speaker and just start.

01:03:12 Speaker 3

Speaking and it's so incredible.

01:03:14 Speaker 4

Because you have to think too like spirit boxes. But it's like I don't know how it was able to manipulate something like Spotify. You know what I mean? And all it was, it wasn't. I wasn't. Didn't have music on with words. It was meditation. Music. So it was.

01:03:25 Speaker 4

It's like, you know, birds and like nature sound stuff and like nothing. And no people, no person talking, nothing. And then I had another instance then recently where I had given a mediumship reading.

01:03:38 Speaker 4

And it was kind of like an unexpected one. And, you know, we were sitting down at the table and, you know, the spear was coming through the the messages, all that and.

01:03:49 Speaker 4

I had brought up this woman like her birthday and I was like, I don't know why I was like, I keep hearing happy birthday over and over and over again. And I said, were you alone on your birthday and, you know, and and and she was saying yes. And I was like, because, like, spirit shows me this symbolism.

01:04:09 Speaker 4

And I was like and. And your mother really wants to come forward and just acknowledge, you know, that she was with you during this time and basically just wanted to, to really give her that, like, happy birthday, right.

01:04:25 Speaker 4

And I kid you not.

01:04:27 Speaker 4

I mean, literally we were all shocked because it's because it was like, you know, we we we were in like a little bit of an.

01:04:33 Speaker 4

Outing and everything. So there were people.

01:04:38 Speaker 4

About 20 minutes later, no, not even 20 minutes, I would say 10 minutes later, all of a sudden, the people behind us start singing Happy Birthday.

01:04:48 Speaker 5

What she was like.

01:04:51 Speaker 4

And everyone just stopped at the table and they were like, do you hear this right now? And the table behind us was singing Happy Birthday.

01:05:01 Speaker 4

It was crazy crazy because it you know what I mean? It's like #1. Nobody nobody heard or knew that it was somebody's birthday. So it was so random. And then it was just like it was such a crazy experience.

01:05:18 Speaker 4

It really it was mind blowing so she. So she then had got up and she had asked the first. She was like, whose birthday was it? And he was like it's mine and she's like, I hope you had a very happy birthday and she was like I did, but it was just like because spirit tends to do that, they'll piggyback things. But I just thought about how incredible it was that.

01:05:38 Speaker 4

Her mother was coming forward to acknowledge her birthday, to acknowledge that she felt alone, but then also to have that Happy Birthday song that was like, I keep hearing the Happy Birthday song literally come forward. It was it was. Wow. Like I mean spirit.

01:05:57 Speaker 4

I mean it just it never seems to amaze me. So I would say things like that where people actually have legitimate encounters.

01:06:07 Speaker 4

Where it's just like that was really weird and like, you can really feel like it's almost as if those type of sessions really help.

01:06:17 Speaker 4

You like, really bring you closer.

01:06:19 Speaker 4

To the spirit world in more ways, and I think that that in.

01:06:23 Speaker 4

General is just.

01:06:25 Speaker 4

It's profound. You know what I mean? It's huge, and especially too, when there's, like, weird light situations that happen.

01:06:32 Speaker 4

I mean like.

01:06:33 Speaker 5

I've my poor clients have definitely experienced quite a.

01:06:39 Speaker 4

Bit so, but yeah, it's, but it's it's really beautiful. So that's probably my favorite part. My favorite part is seeing them transform and just be able to to heal and and get it out and be heard.

01:06:53 Speaker 4

And scene and just to feel that profound love from the spirit world and from me as well and from our hearts to kind of connect. That's my biggest just.

01:07:03 Speaker 4

Part of about being on this journey as a healer and a medium, so yeah.

01:07:09 Merrily

I love.

01:07:10 Merrily

Great stories. Oh my gosh. I'm sure you have, like so many.

01:07:14 Speaker 4

Oh my gosh, I know we didn't even get to cover the paranormal. Investigate.

01:07:18 Merrily

I know, yeah.


I'm like well.

01:07:20 Speaker 4

Man, because that that's a story for sure.

01:07:22 Speaker 3

Yeah, I bet.

01:07:24 Merrily

You know, maybe next time, if you know you're you're wanting to talk about that.

01:07:28 Merrily

That'd be cool.

01:07:32 Merrily

So I know like recently I saw on your Instagram which I follow that you have some workshops that have come out. I was very I was really like wanting to take the divine feminine one. But I was like Dang it, like I just my schedule right now. I couldn't work it out so.

01:07:47 Merrily

I hope you do it again. Maybe.

01:07:49 Speaker 4

Oh, you know, it's got really positive feedback, so there's definitely a chance I'm doing one person that's coming up on August 26, which I'm really excited about and, but yeah, it was so incredible. And what was interesting was that this workshop had a theme going.

01:08:10 Speaker 4

And the theme was for sexual assault and rape victims and or what I like to call even survivors and.

01:08:20 Speaker 4

And it was.

01:08:21 Speaker 4

Such a profound healing space I feel for these women to be able, like I, I really didn't do much talking. I kind of let them just speak with each other, share with each other.

01:08:35 Speaker 4

Just to be able to.

01:08:37 Speaker 4

Have them feel a sense of.

01:08:40 Speaker 4

You know, feeling seen, feeling heard, feeling validated and loved and just the warmth of that like sisterhood, I feel like it's so important because it's very rare that that you can encounter that. And so it was just, it was such a beautiful experience. And I definitely feel like this other one coming up is going to have a different theme.

01:09:01 Speaker 4

To it as well, and it's just.

01:09:06 Speaker 4

It's so different. So yeah. So the workshops have definitely been a very exciting subject for me. I'm currently in the works of hopefully launching A psychic ability one.

01:09:19 Speaker 4

And in fall. So. So yeah. So I'm excited for that and I'll probably do both the in person and distance depending on like.

01:09:28 Speaker 4

I guess like how I feel that it should be done. I mean, it probably could even be done over a distance, like all of it, but but yeah, but this was it was it was wonderful. And then like the woman at at the very end of the workshop, I did like a Reiki energetic healing. I also called in a lot of the angels. And that's what I what I was saying too was like I even.

01:09:47 Speaker 4

Experienced A profound healing myself that day and it was just and to hear their messages and like to.

01:09:55 Speaker 5

Hear everybody. How they?

01:09:56 Speaker 4

Felt afterwards and like I feel tingly, I feel a little.

01:09:59 Speaker 4

Bit like hi.

01:10:01 Speaker 4

Like, yeah, that's that's the high vibrational energies that are like coming in and assisting you. And so yeah, it was it was really beautiful. So I hope next time definitely I can have you at one of my workshops. This is fun.

01:10:16 Merrily

That'd be cool. Yes, I was really regretful that I couldn't make that one.

01:10:22 Merrily

So is there so we're just kind of, you know again?

01:10:24 Merrily

Sort of. Now wrapping up again, but is there any sort of, I say mantra or motto, words of wisdom that you kind of go by that kind of you think about often or gets you through the day that you like to share?



01:10:41 Speaker 4

I would probably, I mean the one that sticks out the most is probably the one that's like literally on my website. That's the brighter the light, the darker the shadow. And I do feel that people that have this, you know, they have such dark shadow parts of them that are like waiting to be acknowledged, I feel like.

01:11:01 Speaker 4

Are literally just these beings a beautiful bright light and I really feel.

01:11:12 Speaker 4

When you acknowledge those parts of you and you shine the light and you do the work like you, you can just shine so incredibly bright. So yeah, so it's just I I feel like that itself has been like the one that really stuck with me because it's just it's it's so true. I feel like the most beautiful.

01:11:33 Speaker 4

Profound healers, medium psychic sensitives, people in general that I've met have gone through and have had like a lot of trauma, a lot of dark past, you know, and.

01:11:46 Speaker 4

Able to come out of that and to shine and and then also to see that darkness with others and to be able to see their capacity of the light. I think that's really important too. So. So yeah. So that's what I would say it's.

01:11:59 Merrily

My mantra? Great one for sure.

01:12:04 Merrily

So what is? I know we talked about your workshops, but is there anything else that you wanted to share about the work you're doing?

01:12:13 Speaker 4

Other than like I would say, delving more into like the two world feeling, I really kind of I kind of let spirit drive me wherever I need to go. But I I feel that channeling and mediumship is definitely has been like very big on the on the scene for me.

01:12:32 Speaker 4

And then I guess just like working.

01:12:35 Speaker 4

To build my business up more like in person.

01:12:39 Speaker 4

Is a really big thing that I'm working on right now, but other than that I would say just learning, learning, learning from spirit, learning from all of that, from just being able to.

01:12:53 Speaker 4

Because I feel like every client, every person that you connect with, just like every being is different and they have.

01:13:00 Speaker 4

Lessons, energy, anything like that to offer?

01:13:04 Speaker 4

I feel like actually speaking.

01:13:05 Speaker 4

On that, I feel like.

01:13:09 Speaker 4

Probably opening up more and like literally like actually speaking more and really getting the message out there, unapologetic, unapologetically, and also like expressing my vulnerability more so. Maybe that's even why my throat was like going.

01:13:23 Speaker 4

Out a little bit other than it being like.

01:13:26 Speaker 5

What a what? A perfect time.

01:13:30 Speaker 4

But yeah, so I would definitely say like, you know, putting putting myself.

01:13:34 Speaker 4

Out there and just.

01:13:36 Speaker 4

Being me. Yeah. Cool.

01:13:38 Merrily

All good things to do for sure. So what kind? What contact information you would like to share with the audience?

01:13:47 Speaker 4

So definitely my Instagram, which is at TIFF reads or my website which is in our workings of the soul.com and that's where you.

01:13:57 Speaker 4

You know, contact me. You can get my e-mail if you want to book a session I got.

01:14:02 Speaker 5

Blogs on there.

01:14:03 Merrily

They're really good. That's how I found you, actually.

01:14:07 Tiffany

Thank you.

01:14:09 Speaker 4

Yeah, it was. I know I need to get back on my blog game. I feel like I've been slacking, but.

01:14:16 Merrily

It's hard writing. That's all I'll say that.

01:14:18 Speaker 4

It is. It is. I just feel like it's just trying to. I I feel like I get overwhelmed cause I feel like I'll start writing about one thing and then spirit will bring in a new information and then I'm like, ah, you know.

01:14:29 Speaker 5

I mean, I get distracted with that. I'm like.

01:14:32 Merrily

Yeah, yeah, totally.

01:14:34 Speaker 5

You're ADHD.

01:14:35 Merrily

Especially, yeah.

01:14:39 Speaker 3

So but yeah.

01:14:41 Merrily

Well, thank you so much, Tiffany. It's always fun. Always a pleasure when I get to sit down with you and any, any form. It's wonderful. So thank you. So.

01:14:50 Merrily

Much for being.

01:14:52 Speaker 3

Likewise, thank you so much.

01:14:56 Merrily

That was an interview with Tiffany Reeds, where we learned about her journey to becoming a psychic medium and angelic channel. Please see the show notes on how to find Tiffany's website and Instagram to learn more about the wonderful ways she helps her clients and any future workshops she will put together. To learn more about the Casual Temple podcast. Please visit casualtemple.com, there's Casual Temple.

01:15:15 Merrily

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01:15:31 Merrily

much for listening.


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